Over 200 Club New Year New Body-Part 7



  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    mstahl: Your scale sounds neat. Where did you get it? I'm thinking I want one like that!! I have to laugh about using chopsticks because I'm exactly the same way. I'm pretty good with them, too. It's funny how we adapt so quickly to feed ourselves faster, isn't it?

    I'm a sucker for asian food, particularly Chinese. I just order what I'm really craving or I'll end up going hog wild later down the road from depriving myself. Last night, though, I ended up throwing half of it away. Maybe my stomach is shrinking and can't hold all of that deliciousness anymore. I just stopped when I wasn't hungry anymore. I probably logged more calories than I actually ate because of it, but I'll take it! Better than eating more and not logging them!
  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    MFP wont let me make a post! i'm trying an edit.. I guess all I was trying to say is the place I'm going has a combonation of things. I'll take your advice (thanks meokk, jlb and mstahl) and see what I can do. I also forgot to check in so heres that... I lost 2.4 for a total of 0.98% loss. I dont know why but when i paste my post it doesnt go through at all.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    MFP wont let me make a post! i'm trying an edit.. I guess all I was trying to say is the place I'm going has a combonation of things. I'll take your advice (thanks meokk, jlb and mstahl) and see what I can do. I also forgot to check in so heres that... I lost 2.4 for a total of 0.98% loss. I dont know why but when i paste my post it doesnt go through at all.
    MFP let Mari POST already!

    Tiger12gal: -3.8.......... 1.86%
    jlb123: -1....................... 0.47%
    solandra: -.4 ............... 0.16%
    Awestfall:-2.................. 0.85%
    madgoth: -9..................3.46%
    bluenote: -6..................1.37%
    Jess41684: -3............... 0.76%
    Cris20056: -2.2............0.95%
    mstahl -3.0..................1.56%
    Pos_me 0.....................0%
    Meokk -1.4 .......................0.68%
    hajohnson24 -2...........1.03%
    Mari -2.4.........................0.98%

    Edited to add this link for my fancy smancy new scale!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    My digital scale is old and it is annoying. It gives me number all over the place...i have to move it around the room sometimes...I think i need a new one (but don't want to get one and it tells me i weigh more )..I know though it is a few lbs less than the dr scale. Last time i went to the doctor it said like 287 at the dr..and at home was like 284...but it jumps all around...sometimes i fell like the scale on biggest looser, well it goes way hight then way low then in the middle :)

    But it is frustrating, i get on and it is one thing, and don't change anything get back on and it is over a lb difference...i usally get on like 5 or 6 times.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    totally random post - I'm working from home today (snow storm here in NE Ohio). Our mastiff has been waking up around 2 am all week and crying- if we let her out to go potty and bring her back in she starts crying again in a few minutes. No idea but sometimes she gets bladder infections so I'm trying to assume she has a reason. Last night we left her outside till midnight then brought her in. She slept through the night fine and I got her out of her crate around 10:30 this morning and fed her because she didn't want to go outside. Every time I've gone to the door to let her out she just lays down on the floor and looks away.

    She's sound asleep on her dog bed by the fires- snorring away. It's like she knew it would only be warm for a few days and she wanted all the yard time she could get and now that its a snow storm she can magically hold it for 14 hours and counting! WTH?

    The beagle didn't want out till late but she's been out and back and is soundly sleeping in her crate - the setter is out in the snow bouncing around like a crazy dog with the least amont of fat and fur of the three he's happiest out back. He does have his choice of three insilated dog houses and if he comes to the door he's let inside... The cats have clamed chair seats by the fire, and the horses are hanging out by the round bale- all is cozy and quiet except for the crazy English setter!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    My digital scale is old and it is annoying. It gives me number all over the place...i have to move it around the room sometimes...I think i need a new one (but don't want to get one and it tells me i weigh more )..I know though it is a few lbs less than the dr scale. Last time i went to the doctor it said like 287 at the dr..and at home was like 284...but it jumps all around...sometimes i fell like the scale on biggest looser, well it goes way hight then way low then in the middle :)

    But it is frustrating, i get on and it is one thing, and don't change anything get back on and it is over a lb difference...i usally get on like 5 or 6 times.

    that's funny lildebbie i have the same problem with my digital scale. I usually weigh myself in the kitchen..and i have to move the scale around to find an acurate (sp) reading.
  • tiger12gal
    tiger12gal Posts: 68 Member
    Thanks everyone! What quiz are yall talking about? I must have missed that post..
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    I got a $50 one for xmas two years ago (I had to beg for it because no one wanted to buy me a scale and I didnt want to spend the $ myself). Anyways, I got it at walmart and it gives you your weight, water %, body fat%, bmi, and bone density too? Something like that. And you can save it- there are 5 spaces to save. So lets say I put in my age and height then I weigh myself -I can save my initial weight and put in my goal weight and everytime I get on the scale it tells me all of the above plus how far I am from my goal. Its pretty cool but I am not sure how accurate the numbers are. I have 2 scales. One is a cheap WW one and the "high tech" $50. I leave the $20 in the boys's bathroom because they jump on it like its a trampoline and Im pretty sure its damaged due to all their jumping on it. But I weigh myself on both every morning and the WW cheapie is always like 2lbs lower but I always put in my 'heavier' scale read just to be on the safe side. I dont want to be all proud that I am 220 only to find out Im still in the 230's you know what I mean?
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    mstahl: That is one fancy, awesome looking scale! Now I want one!! I'll have to do some shopping around, though, because I need to pull together $600 for a class by the middle of April and another $400 for the hotel room for the class by the end of May. Grr. I hate being on a budget!

    I have a cheap ($30) WW scale that seems to be really accurate. We have two different models of WW scales in the house and both give the same readings on the same day. One is upstairs in the hall and the other is downstairs in the bathroom. My boyfriend's scale also gives the same reading on the same day and his is some other random brand. I think digital scales have gotten more accurate in the past few years overall. I know Biggest Loser also has a scale out now that's about $40 at Walmart.

    There isn't anything wrong with my scale but it sure would be fun to have one with lots of extra functions!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    I'm so happy! I just did research on the Olive Garden website and found that whomever put the nutritional information into MFP was wrong. The Chicken Parmesan has half the calories that were entered!! If I cut out half of the alcohol I was planning to consume, I might be able to stay within my calories!!
  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    Asian Food update: Seems like my restaurant, Mei Wei, is a copy cat of Pei Wei that has calorie information here on MFP! Woo! So now I can figure up what the heck i'm eating! I compared their menus and its almost identical. So I'm just going to go with it. Hooray!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Heather! YAY on Olive Garden options! Always SO nice to find those things out! :drinker: (not sure about the drink less idea HAHA)

    I just set up the new scale. I have to say I'm a geek when it comes to these things but it was a little more difficult to set up than I expected. It's like the owners manual describes "What to do" then "how to do it" when you're kind of expecting to read "how to do it" and it won't work... I took my readings and our housemate took hers - my husband's wearing lace up army boots and not interested... (he'll be fiddling with it tonight when no one is around.

    I'm not as interested in what the numbers mean as I am in tracking how the numbers move!

    One thing that's nice is that it's super easy to use as a basic scale:tongue:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Yay on the lower cal for Olive garden...Just curious how many cals is it...I had that the other week and curious.

    my hubby says we don't need a new scale ..i still think it is cooky.

    I forgot today was alredy the 26th ..being toward the end of the month...i usally get TOM towards the end of the month..so i was caught by suprise today :sad:

    oh well...
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Asian Food update: Seems like my restaurant, Mei Wei, is a copy cat of Pei Wei that has calorie information here on MFP! Woo! So now I can figure up what the heck i'm eating! I compared their menus and its almost identical. So I'm just going to go with it. Hooray!

    Hi Mari,
    Don't be afraid to ask them to make something the way you want it too.
    Often the chef can steam a piece of fish even if the menu says pan fried or something.
    I second Mstahl with the 1/2 cup of brown rice. I always do that and it helps to fill me up.
    Steamed veggies are great too and any grilled protein. Sometimes they grill things and put a sweet sauce on top. They'll leave off the sauce if you ask.
    Have fun!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    I'm so happy! I just did research on the Olive Garden website and found that whomever put the nutritional information into MFP was wrong. The Chicken Parmesan has half the calories that were entered!! If I cut out half of the alcohol I was planning to consume, I might be able to stay within my calories!!

    Hi Hajohnson,
    Don't want to be a downer but thought it would help you to know that a recent study ( reported in the NY Times, link: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/01/12/health/12calo.html ) found that nutrition facts in chain restaurants are not often accurate. It's because in places like Olive Garden there is still a human chef in the back deciding how many sticks of butter and cups of cream he will add to the pot. On top of that the portion they serve is almost always larger than the portion they stats in their nutrition chart.
    If you know what your portions should be and check to see if the servings match up, you should be able to avoid this to a certain extent.
    The study, at the worst, showed served portions that had more than double the calories than were stated.
    Beware the nutrition chart!!! :frown: but have fun anyway :bigsmile:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Checking in for 2/26/10
    Calories: OVER! BOO!!! Stupid Taco Bueno for lunch!
    Water: 12 Glasses by the end of the day...already at 8
    Exercise: nope...maybe I can squeeze in a workout tonight after my date..

    Proud: Inspite of caving in and going to taco bueno for lunch I made myself drink lots of water to hopefully flush out all the sodium.

    Hope everyone has a fantastic Friday!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    check in for today
    Calories - under (I ate about 1/2 my exercise cals)
    Exercise - good, 40 mins walking/hiking in deep snow, 15 mins snow shoveling
    Water - about 6-7
    office closed today so proud that I got out in the snow rather than stay at home and watch TV
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Tiger12gal: -3.8.......... 1.86%
    jlb123: -1....................... 0.47%
    solandra: -.4 ............... 0.16%
    Awestfall:-2.................. 0.85%
    madgoth: -9..................3.46%
    bluenote: -6..................1.37%
    Jess41684: -3............... 0.76%
    Cris20056: -2.2............0.95%
    mstahl -3.0..................1.56%
    Pos_me 0.....................0%
    Meokk -1.4 .......................0.68%
    hajohnson24 -2...........1.03%
    Mari -2.4.........................0.98%
    snowflakes -.8..............0.35%

    I am now half way to my goal! By August I would love to be to my goal weight. More amazing losers this week. Pat yourselves on the back for all your hard work. Thank you ladies for your support from the beginning. Our group has sure grown, look at the list! Wow, great life changing goals to live healthier lives, thank you each for sharing.

    meokk: way to get out and enjoy the snow!

    lildebbie: did I miss an update on the appointment for your three year old? Did the Dr. support you not giving your oldest meds.? You are being a good mommy. Keep it up.

    Saw a friend that I haven't seen since October and she said "Wow, look at your cheek bones." I still don't see much of a difference in myself and those that see me all the time don't say anything. It will be interesting to see some of my family in April that I haven't seen for awhile.

    Have a great weekend!
  • tiger12gal
    tiger12gal Posts: 68 Member
    Good evening all! My mom found the dress we needed for one of my brides maids! Call me cheap if you want but I dont see a point in making someone pay 150 bucks for a dress they are more likely going to wear one time... When I was looking for a dress to wear when we were just going to elope I found this really pretty dark pink dress that is calf length. They didnt have my size but just about every other size so I didnt get it... Well when we decided to do a real wedding I decided to use those dresses for the bridesmaids! They didnt have the largest size we needed.. a 14... which I knew they had bc I was wishing it was one size bigger. Well my mom had to go out of town for her job and stopped in at the same store in that city and they had it! :drinker: Mind you I did call and ask if they had one and they told me no.. :grumble: These dressed we normally 50 dollars but were on sale for 20! Yay for an awesome deal! I am very excited bc that was one thing I was really stressing about! and now I dont have to!

    Tomorrow we are meeting up with the caterer and then going to look at dresses for me. Im a little nervous about trying on dresses... :ohwell: Then we are going to look at decorations! Busy busy busy!

    Check in 2/26
    cals: under by a lil
    water: only half way there
    exercise: none
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    It looks like so far no gains this week from our group. Woohoo! :drinker: Keep it up, ladies! BTW - I feel MUCH better today once the antibiotics kicked in! Thank you for your get well wishes!

    Oops - forgot to check in:
    cals: under but plan on eating popcorn to make up for it
    water: 64+
    exercise: 40 mins bike, 10 mins fast bike, + arms
    proud: That when I go back for multiple trips to my car for groceries I am no longer out of breath!