Over 200 Club New Year New Body-Part 7



  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    mstahl- thanks for the extra calories!:wink::laugh: I am SO proud of you for skipping the wine, I can imagine that was hard!

    jlb- congrats on being able to have so much energy to do your job! But sorry about the hives!

    I went to the gym for about 45 mins before I had to leave for the day. I still dont feel like I did nearly enough to counteract my stupidness from last night. I might try to go back, but I dont want to over do it. I have c25k w4d1 tomorrow and I am already freaking out about the 5 mins. I have accepted the fact that I will probably have to re-do this week, maybe in 2 weeks I will be able to run for 5 mins straight!

    I'll be back later to check in, going to a bday party right now (dont worry there is no way in hell i am eating anything bad after last night)

  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Hey gals, my little girl (16yo:laugh: ) is in flight on her way home. I am glad ! We are still dealing with the issues but I know that there will be a resolution soon. I will check in later.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    CHECKING IN 2/28/10:
    Calories- under by 240
    water- yes, and more
    excercise- made it to the gym for about 45 mins, 20 mins walking/running and 25 mins bike
    sodium- 1535, happy with that
    proud- that I didnt let my splurge last night derail me, instead worked out some and watched what i ate today extra carefully

    gotta give the baby a bath! bye!


    ps- I only drank water at the bday party :)

    pps- momma its good to hear from you! glad ur back!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    check in for 2/28
    Calories - right on
    exercise - 30 day shred, I ate all of my calories as I was famished
    water - 7
    proud that I was sore today but did the workout again anyway. I HATE exercising...:grumble:

    Madgoth, have you got any other challenges up your sleeve, I don't drink any of those liquids now anyway :wink:
    if not I'll just keep doing stairs from last week.

    have a great week everyone!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    I am getting so much exercise from my Wii and I love it because it doesn't feel like a workout.I have been on it for like an hour today and I ave worked up a big sweat [playing tennis on Wii Sports.Anyone else love there Wii workouts?I also have Ea Active and I have been running the track on it and I love it as well.I do lunges,stretches,running,kicks,squats,bicep curls,shoulder presses and whole bunch more.I LOVE IT!!

    Are you telling me that purchasing a Wii is just an investment in my health? LOL I should tell this to my Fiancee, it'll justify the expence! I'd LOVE to get something that doesn't feel like a workout, but also is something I can do with him, and doesn't require taking the baby out of the apartment in bad weather, like walks in the park (the baby gets real fussy if we're outside for more than like 15 minutes, 'cause it's cold & that doesn't leave too much time to walk anything off!)
    Absolutely I believe the Wii can be an investment in your health it is for me.I am losing major inches right now and not so many pounds but some are coming off.I get to play games with my children while I am also getting a workout the same way I would if I would play sports or run outside.I love it and I am going to continue to use it forever.I danced for 2 hours today and although I don't know how many calories I burnt I do know I was sweating and my heart rate was up so I know I burnt a ton of calories today.I LOVE MY Wii!!!!!!!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    I am getting so much exercise from my Wii and I love it because it doesn't feel like a workout.I have been on it for like an hour today and I ave worked up a big sweat [playing tennis on Wii Sports.Anyone else love there Wii workouts?I also have Ea Active and I have been running the track on it and I love it as well.I do lunges,stretches,running,kicks,squats,bicep curls,shoulder presses and whole bunch more.I LOVE IT!!

    Are you telling me that purchasing a Wii is just an investment in my health? LOL I should tell this to my Fiancee, it'll justify the expence! I'd LOVE to get something that doesn't feel like a workout, but also is something I can do with him, and doesn't require taking the baby out of the apartment in bad weather, like walks in the park (the baby gets real fussy if we're outside for more than like 15 minutes, 'cause it's cold & that doesn't leave too much time to walk anything off!)

    There are several great games you can buy for the Wii that offer a good workout. I have Wii fit and Jillian Michaels Fitness Revolution 2010...something like that. And I plan to buy the Biggest Loser Game. I also have the Jillian Michaels 20 Day Shred and Biggest Loser Last Chance Workout and both are working good for me and showing results.
    I plan on getting the Wii Fit Plus and the Biggest Loser Game as well.I have sports games that I can play with my children that require alot of movement and I also have the EA Active Sport and I LOVE IT!! I get a workout everyday and I am teaching my children that exercise can be fun although they already knew that and they tell me everyday "Mom you need to exercise so you can get skinny and I can buy you new clothes" this being said by a 5 year old LOL!!Got to love being a mom though best feeling in the world.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Hey Girls,

    I have not been around, just not feeling like posting but I did not want you all to forget about me. I am dealing with something that is quite unexpected and it has thrown me for a loop. :sad: One good thing in all this is it has brought my husband and I even closer than we already were. He is a wonderful man, I am a lucky girl:heart:
    I am here for you whatever you need.Even if its just to talk and of course none of us would ever forget you.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    New thread girls!! Sorry I messed up on the challenge so far I had a glass of tea this evening but that was before I knew what the challenge was.Madgoth I will do better I promise.I didn't check in yesterday because we went to my neices birthday party at the movie theater and saw Percy Jackson and The Lightning Thief.Awesome movie and I didn't pig out.I had a cupcake with now icing and a handful of popcorn with a small sprite.I think I did well.