Over 200 Club New Year New Body-Part 7



  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Tiger12gal: -3.8... 1.86%
    lildebbie: 0%
    jlb123: -1........ .47%
    solandra: -.4 ... .16%
    Awestfall:-2........ .85%
    Jess41684: -3...... .76%
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    I lost 6 pounds this week. I know it is because I have been sick, so I am preparing myself for the gain next week. But I'm happy and I'll take it for now! Lifts my strep throat spirits! :tongue:

    Tiger12gal: -3.8... 1.86%
    lildebbie: 0%
    jlb123: -1........ .47%
    solandra: -.4 ... .16%
    Awestfall:-2........ .85%
    madgoth: -9......3.46%
    bluenote: -6......1.37%
    Jess41684: -3...... .76%
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Help please?!?!
    Anyone else get multiple readings from their electronic scales?
    I got 202.2, 202.6 and 203.4 this morning, multiple times each.
    How do I know which one is correct???
    I have not noticed this before but weighed myself over and over this morning as I didn't feel like I was down to 202.2
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Good morning!!

    I am dreading my run today (c25k w3d3) dunno why I guess mentally I am not prepared for it today. But I'll give myself a pep talk during the day and hopefully by the time I gotta run I'll be all kinds of pumped up! :tongue:

    This weekend is going to be another hard one for me, we are taking BF's friends out , they are from out of town and we are supposed to show them a 'good time'. Nothing on the agenda is particualrly healthy. Lots of drinking and eating planned :grumble: :explode:

    On happy news, inspite of TOM and my panera dinner I still showed a signifcant loss this week! It wasnt in the 220's (boo!) but I'll take it!!:

    LW weigh in 2/19/10- 232.2lbs
    CW weigh in 2/26/10- 230.0lbs
    Lost 2.2lbs :love:

    Tiger12gal: -3.8.......... 1.86%
    jlb123: -1....................... 0.47%
    solandra: -.4 ............... 0.16%
    Awestfall:-2.................. 0.85%
    madgoth: -9..................3.46%
    bluenote: -6..................1.37%
    Jess41684: -3............... 0.76%
    Cris20056: -2.2............0.95%

    Tiger congrats on the 199! I am so jealous!!! (in a good way)
    Awestfall- Congrats on those inches! Thats so awesome!
    jlb- apparently I am a fast oxidizer, eh whatever that means, I read the article pretty quickly have to go back and find out what that means for me
    bluenote- 6lbs! Great job, a loss is a loss, hehe!

    Hope everyone has a great day!

  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Tiger12gal: -3.8.......... 1.86%
    jlb123: -1....................... 0.47%
    solandra: -.4 ............... 0.16%
    Awestfall:-2.................. 0.85%
    madgoth: -9..................3.46%
    bluenote: -6..................1.37%
    Jess41684: -3............... 0.76%
    Cris20056: -2.2............0.95%
    mstahl -3.0..................1.56%

    Way to go Tiger!!! :drinker:

    BlueNote - so happy about your megga loss!!!:smooched:

    Madgoth - WOW!!! :flowerforyou:

    I'm pretty happy that I managed a 3 lb drop this week!!! I had my highest calorie day EVER last Friday and I've not done all that well since then. I'm hoping its all the stairs Chris has us climb this week :wink:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Good Morning gals:

    check-in 2/26
    calories: over my regular calories but under my exercise calories...i can't eat 2100 calories (maybe before this journey but not now), i think i got as close as 1600 calories
    exercise: 60 minutes on the elliptical...burnt 610 calories + up and down our home stairs...basement, first to second floor ( not much but went up and down 5 times)
    proud: I did 60 minutes on the elliptical and still had energy..yay!

    Tiger12gal: -3.8.......... 1.86%
    jlb123: -1....................... 0.47%
    solandra: -.4 ............... 0.16%
    Awestfall:-2.................. 0.85%
    madgoth: -9..................3.46%
    bluenote: -6..................1.37%
    Jess41684: -3............... 0.76%
    Cris20056: -2.2............0.95%
    mstahl -3.0..................1.56%
    Pos_me 0.....................0%

    the weight is not budging...i have been 212 for the last 2 weeks...i read the link that Jib (thanks Jib) attached and it says i am Balanced Oxidized: 40 carbs, 30 fat, 30 protien...i changed my food to represent that (hopefully that will help me lose weight)

    Good luck girls..and Have an amazing day:)
  • madgoth
    is there a contest for the most lost in a week? Did I win? How exciting!! congrats to everyone!

    mstahl , thanks for the flower and kind words! :bigsmile:
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    madgoth - you are likely the winner! But more will weigh in throughout the day - so we might not know for sure till tomorrow :wink: Who ever wins gets to pick our challenge for the week!

    Positively_Me- I had my homemade organic 1% fat, Greek Yogurt for breakfast with a Tbsp of organic honey stired in - YUM YUM YUM!!! We also ate it on top of our chili last night instead of sour cream! Delish! THANKS SO MUCH FOR SHARING WITH US HOW TO DO THIS!!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Madgoth- somehow I missed your post! 9lbs! AWESOME!!! :drinker:

    I forgot something else that I wanted to share (I know Im so post happy on here)- last night BF sang "pants on the ground" and it reminded me of a post I read on here about someone else's hubby or bf singing it to them. It made me smile, he got a big kiss

    my size 20's are def falling off but I dont have a size 18 in the closet only 16 and down so I am going to have to wait to fit into the 16s because I REFUSE to buy any clothes until I can fit into my old stuff. Once I dont fit into my old stuff cause they are too big THEN I will allow myself a nice shopping spree!:love::blushing:

  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    madgoth - you are likely the winner! But more will weigh in throughout the day - so we might not know for sure till tomorrow :wink: Who ever wins gets to pick our challenge for the week!

    Positively_Me- I had my homemade organic 1% fat, Greek Yogurt for breakfast with a Tbsp of organic honey stired in - YUM YUM YUM!!! We also ate it on top of our chili last night instead of sour cream! Delish! THANKS SO MUCH FOR SHARING WITH US HOW TO DO THIS!!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I am so happy to hear that...enjoy it :)

    Today for breakfast i had some yogurt with (sliced) 2 large strawberries, 1/2 small banana, and 25 blueberries, with 1/4 cupquacker granola oat and honey...YUM YUM!

    Have a great day!:)
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Tiger12gal: -3.8.......... 1.86%
    jlb123: -1....................... 0.47%
    solandra: -.4 ............... 0.16%
    Awestfall:-2.................. 0.85%
    madgoth: -9..................3.46%
    bluenote: -6..................1.37%
    Jess41684: -3............... 0.76%
    Cris20056: -2.2............0.95%
    mstahl -3.0..................1.56%
    Pos_me 0.....................0%
    Meokk -1.4 .......................0.68%

    Great week everyone!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I got 202.2, 202.6 and 203.4 this morning, multiple times each.
    How do I know which one is correct???

    Mine normally spits out pretty consistent numbers but this morning was a weird one for me as well. I got 214.0 twice and then 213.2 a couple times and then 213.8 so I left & packed my lunch & came back and got 214.0 3 times in a row so I went with that.
    Normally if it bounces around, it'll eventually pick a number and stick with it 3 times. When this happens, I go with whatever number that is.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    I got 202.2, 202.6 and 203.4 this morning, multiple times each.
    How do I know which one is correct???

    Mine normally spits out pretty consistent numbers but this morning was a weird one for me as well. I got 214.0 twice and then 213.2 a couple times and then 213.8 so I left & packed my lunch & came back and got 214.0 3 times in a row so I went with that.
    Normally if it bounces around, it'll eventually pick a number and stick with it 3 times. When this happens, I go with whatever number that is.

    Thanks JLB,
    I picked the middle number today.
    Do you think my scale is busted or they are all a bit quirky?
  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    checking in for yesterday

    Calories: Over by a bit.
    Water: Great
    exercise: none

    Proud: uhh...i cooked dinner?

    I was making those tuna boats I think mstahl was talking about earlier. Of course I added a few things. They were good but after I cut up the red pepper something happened and i ended up accidentaly cutting my right wrist open! :noway: Now I look like a teenager who is desparate from attention :laugh: its okay, I'm fine. It was just hard to cook with a duct tape/toilet paper bandage strapped to my wrist. IT TURNED OUT SO DELICIOUS THOUGH. I want to make that stuffed pepper soup next. Fabulous. I did have a snack attack later, which wasnt good. but stocking my house with low calorie foods is helping me not hurt myself so bad when I have cravings. By the time I'm full I've only eaten like 200 calories rather than 1000.

    Thanks for the oxidation quiz, jlb, took that and I'm a balanced oxidizer, spot on. :smile: That explains why I keep going over in protien according to MFP..I have to have protien in atleast two meals a day. But i"m not eating any red meat anymore and I'm watching that my protien portions are between 4 and 6 oz at the most. lots of veggies, etc.

    Today is gym day and my pecs still hurt so bad! (armpit muscles). I wish I could make it stop before I go but I want to see if I can just stress a different muscle group today.

    Question for all you ladies! I dont eat asian food or not but my friend and I are going out to get some after gym. I'll probably have alot of calories for it, but I was wondering..whats the most sensible choice? They hae brown rice here, and all fresh ingredients, and they dont use alot of grease, its fresh cooking. So I'm not too worried about fat, but like..my favorite is shrimp fried rice with brown rice. That? or should I get a curry? or some type of noodle dish? I'm just not sure what would be healthiest. Any help would be awesome. =) All I know is I'm definently NOT getting a spring roll!

    Edit: Adding to the convo about scales...mine never strays when I weigh. It gives me an accurate number every time I step on, unless I remove an article of clothing or drink a glass of water or something between weighs. I've never seen it fluctuate. Even though I do have those days when I'm down so much I cant believe it...so I keep getting on :laugh:
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Question for all you ladies! I dont eat asian food or not but my friend and I are going out to get some after gym. I'll probably have alot of calories for it, but I was wondering..whats the most sensible choice? They hae brown rice here, and all fresh ingredients, and they dont use alot of grease, its fresh cooking. So I'm not too worried about fat, but like..my favorite is shrimp fried rice with brown rice. That? or should I get a curry? or some type of noodle dish? I'm just not sure what would be healthiest. Any help would be awesome. =) All I know is I'm definently NOT getting a spring roll!

    Hi Mari,
    I eat Asian food 4-5 times per week. Do you know if it's a particular cuisine, Thai, Chinese, Japanese or a place that just does all sorts of Asian foods?
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Thanks JLB,
    I picked the middle number today.
    Do you think my scale is busted or they are all a bit quirky?

    I would imagine the cheaper ones are all a little off. But I'm not going to pay more than $20 or $30 for a scale because it's just not worth it to me, personally.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I eat a good bit of asian food, too. Pretty much regardless of what it is, there will almost always be a steamed chicken & veggies option with sauce on the side (and if it's not on the menu you can probably just ask for it). And that's probably always going to be the healthiest option. But it's also pretty boring.

    At Thai restaurants I LOVE curry. Coconut milk is a very healthy food, but it's also calorie laden so you have to really watch your portion sizes.

    AI don't know about the restaurant you're going to, but at a normal (american) asian food place, I would think fried rice and/or noodles would be something you want to avoid since they're fried starchy sugary carbs without a lot of other nutrition. In my experience they're very saturated with oil (and not a good for you oil, either :laugh:).
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning, ladies!

    tiger: Congrats on being under 200! That's a huge accomplishment.

    lildebbie: You're so close to your 280 mark. You'll do it next week, I just know it!

    awestfall: Congrats on the huge loss in inches!

    madgoth: Way to rock the weigh-in this week with the HUGE 9 lb. loss!

    Cris: Gotta love it when "pants on the ground" refers to you because you're losing so much weight!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: 400 over because of the delicious Chinese food for dinner last night.
    Sodium: 2062 over...again, blame the Chinese food.
    Water: 8 oz. (I get a failing grade)
    Exercise: None
    Proud: That I'm melting! I thought my weigh in this morning would be hideous because of the sodium in the Chinese, but it showed me another loss bringing me to 192.6! Woo hoo!

    Tomorrow's peek at the scale will probably be bad because we're going to Olive Garden tonight for my boyfriend's sister's birthday, but I've logged what I want to eat, so at least I won't have any surprises. If I can avoid some of the alcohol, it will be even better. Guess I'll just have to get a good workout done tomorrow to fix the naughty eating!

    Tiger12gal: -3.8.......... 1.86%
    jlb123: -1....................... 0.47%
    solandra: -.4 ............... 0.16%
    Awestfall:-2.................. 0.85%
    madgoth: -9..................3.46%
    bluenote: -6..................1.37%
    Jess41684: -3............... 0.76%
    Cris20056: -2.2............0.95%
    mstahl -3.0..................1.56%
    Pos_me 0.....................0%
    Meokk -1.4 .......................0.68%
    hajohnson24 -2...........1.03%
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    I LOVE Asian foods but they can be horrible in calories (Look up PF Chang's foods- they give most of the nutritional information as if each plate is a serving for two!).

    I get brown rice but try to hold myself to only half a cup. I also try for peanut or coconut milk/ type curry sauces because so many of the other sauces are syrup:grumble: ! OMG SO GOOD that I totally think they're worth the calories!

    If you don't get your nutritional info right from the restaurant or their web site be really careful about what you chose here from the lists. I choose two or three that fit the description of what I ate and pick the one that is either on the high or mid range. Some people have entered stuff into the database that is extremely "optimistic" on calories!:noway:

    I also ALWAYS use the chopsticks to slow me down when I eat! I use them on the rice and all - helps me pace myself. Unfortunately my love of food and the instant gratification for doing it right has made me an expert with chopsticks in the last six months LOL!:laugh:

    JLB123 - that's funny because we JUST purchased a scale for around $80. Our last scale (analog) is at least 25 years old and I am hoping this new one will last for the next ten years. Since I weigh myself daily I wanted something that would be consistent and this one also has the hand grips so you can get the body fat impedance check. I'm just trying to justify it to myself of course!

    Next paycheck I'm going to get running shoes! All my spending money has been going into food, exercise or health monitoring stuff - what a change!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    JLB123 - that's funny because we JUST purchased a scale for around $80. Our last scale (analog) is at least 25 years old and I am hoping this new one will last for the next ten years. Since I weigh myself daily I wanted something that would be consistent and this one also has the hand grips so you can get the body fat impedance check. I'm just trying to justify it to myself of course!

    Of course you don't have to justify yourself! Something to know about me is that... Well, I think I'm kind of cheap. :laugh: (and I'm also kind of poor) And since I don't (*ahem* - I TRY not to) put a lot of emphasis on my weight and try to focus on my size and health instead, I don't feel a burning need for a fancy scale. :wink: HOWEVER, I did purchase a digital scale when I started here for $20. My dial scale has apparently always been horribly inaccurate (but pretty consistent) and I just wanted an objective number instead of having to make a judgment call about where the dial was lined up. According to my dial scale, I actually weigh 197 now! But I know for a fact it doles out weights that are at least 10 pounds less than any doctor's scale I've ever stepped on. My cheapo digital scale is consistent 90% of the time. I guess I just have days (like today) where I stand differently on it each time I get on or something. It always settles on a number eventually when I finally pay attention to how I'm standing. :laugh:

    Edit - if only I could type