Have you lost close to or over 100lbs?



  • fdny9943
    fdny9943 Posts: 65 Member
    I'm down to 300 from 449. I have not been eating as good as I should or it would be more but I'm sticking with it. I know too many people who have had the surgery and had problems plus I see them now and they are back to where they were. I know some people have had great success but the simple thing is calories expended have to be greater than calories in. Eat less and exercise more. I want to for for another 60 pounds and I WILL do it this year! Would be glad to add anyone as a friend on MFP.
  • willow3eb
    willow3eb Posts: 161 Member
    I've lost around 90 the good ole fashioned way. It may seem daunting, but it is doable.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Am 40 months into this journey and have lost 311 lbs. on my own and am 14 weeks Post Op from have 17 lbs. of loose skin removed. (Circumferential Body Lift) I have not stepped back on the scale since my surgery day (am waiting til the new year to weigh in) but with my logging I should have put back on 10 lbs. (was eating alittle above maintenance to promote good healing) so my total weight loss to date should be 318 lbs. My goal when I start at 560 lbs. in May of 2009 was to get to the weight I was when I weighed in before leaving for Boot camp (US. Army) in 1988 which was 242 lbs. I too was of the mindset that surgery was Not an option (to each their own) for me because if I could not fix what was broken in my head, nothing would work long term so I committed to therapy and stopped saying No to everything and started saying Yes, even when it was most uncomfortable... Just taking it one day at a time and striving to achieve all the goals I had set out in front of me is how I managed to take control over my life.... Best of Luck.......
  • GrannySparkle
    GrannySparkle Posts: 225 Member
    Because I tired of people's attitudes towards WLS. Do you know how many times I have heard people talk badly about what I have done? or tell me I took the 'easy way out'? Thursday I had a procedure on my back. The nurse asked me how I managed to loss 10 pounds since my last procedure (Dec 3). When I told her I had gastric bypass, she said well that's the easy way. What? So yea I do have an attitude when people put down what I have done. I have been heavy my entire life. I am now off diabetic and high blood pressure meds. Ain't nothing easy nor wrong with what I have done. And I do take offense to the original post.

    I heartily understand. But each of us has to go our own route. I believe in what I have done as you do in your choices... And some people choose differently.

    Cpmgratulations n your success! It is amazing. And congratulations of yoru courage to do something for yourself. You deserve it. :flowerforyou: However we get there... we need to celebrate our accomplishments! No way is easy.... and every bit of progress is worthy of praise. :laugh: YOU GO GIRL!

    Thanks. After all the negative stuff I have heard lately about my decision to have surgery, this is greatly appreicated.

    WLS is just a tool to use.....we all choose our own tools. The surgery will NOT work if you aren't willing to change your habits. While for me it would have been the easy way out (and probably why others say that, for them it's the easy way out) we choose our own way. Your way was surgery, my way isn't. In the end it's all about YOU and what YOU want and need. I thought of havinging surgery a few years ago and even went for the initial tests and counseltation, now I'm so glad my insurance said no. I'm more than thrilled with what I've done on my own with hard work and determination, but that in no way takes away from from what you've done with hard work and determination.

    EASY way out!! That is what makes me so dang mad. There is NOTHING easy about WLS. First there is all the risks that go with any surgery. Then there is the time heeling from surgery. Eating the right amount...cause if you have even a spoonful to much, you get sick. Sometimes that is just feeling like you need to throw up while other times it is throwing up. Then you have dumping syndrome...eating more then 10 g of sugar (or there abouts as everyone is different) and being instantly sick. You have to learn how many carbs are to much and how many aren't enough. Whle maybe you can cheat a little once and a while and have a piece of cake, I can't.

    I have done a lot to get where I am at. There is NOTHING easy about what I have done. Would I change it...yea I would. I would have done it years ago. Attitudes like your's is what sets me off.
  • GrannySparkle
    GrannySparkle Posts: 225 Member
    I am walking away from this thread. If you have something to say to me...message me.
  • StacyPhillipsTSFLcoach
    I lost 140 pounds 6 years ago, gained it ALL back, and then 2 years ago got the courage to do it again. Now I'm maintaining for over a year. I love to help other people do what I have done. Both times I used the same program, NO surgery, NO pills, NO medication, you can exercise if you want but it isn't mandatory, and the second time I did the head work that the program recommends in order to keep it off.
  • sweetpea129
    sweetpea129 Posts: 755 Member
    Almost! I weighed 277 lbs when i started this in February of this year. Now i weigh 178. My goal is to lose another 20 lbs. All natural, no surgery, just cutting out processed and junk food (with occasional treats of course) and walking. Very proud of myself!
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    Because I tired of people's attitudes towards WLS. Do you know how many times I have heard people talk badly about what I have done? or tell me I took the 'easy way out'? Thursday I had a procedure on my back. The nurse asked me how I managed to loss 10 pounds since my last procedure (Dec 3). When I told her I had gastric bypass, she said well that's the easy way. What? So yea I do have an attitude when people put down what I have done. I have been heavy my entire life. I am now off diabetic and high blood pressure meds. Ain't nothing easy nor wrong with what I have done. And I do take offense to the original post.

    I heartily understand. But each of us has to go our own route. I believe in what I have done as you do in your choices... And some people choose differently.

    Cpmgratulations n your success! It is amazing. And congratulations of yoru courage to do something for yourself. You deserve it. :flowerforyou: However we get there... we need to celebrate our accomplishments! No way is easy.... and every bit of progress is worthy of praise. :laugh: YOU GO GIRL!

    Thanks. After all the negative stuff I have heard lately about my decision to have surgery, this is greatly appreicated.

    WLS is just a tool to use.....we all choose our own tools. The surgery will NOT work if you aren't willing to change your habits. While for me it would have been the easy way out (and probably why others say that, for them it's the easy way out) we choose our own way. Your way was surgery, my way isn't. In the end it's all about YOU and what YOU want and need. I thought of havinging surgery a few years ago and even went for the initial tests and counseltation, now I'm so glad my insurance said no. I'm more than thrilled with what I've done on my own with hard work and determination, but that in no way takes away from from what you've done with hard work and determination.

    EASY way out!! That is what makes me so dang mad. There is NOTHING easy about WLS. First there is all the risks that go with any surgery. Then there is the time heeling from surgery. Eating the right amount...cause if you have even a spoonful to much, you get sick. Sometimes that is just feeling like you need to throw up while other times it is throwing up. Then you have dumping syndrome...eating more then 10 g of sugar (or there abouts as everyone is different) and being instantly sick. You have to learn how many carbs are to much and how many aren't enough. Whle maybe you can cheat a little once and a while and have a piece of cake, I can't.

    I have done a lot to get where I am at. There is NOTHING easy about what I have done. Would I change it...yea I would. I would have done it years ago. Attitudes like your's is what sets me off.

    sheeesh seriously? I'm not the one with the attitude. My comment was to let others know we all choose our own tool our own way of doing it. I said FOR ME IT WOULD HAVE BEEN THE EASY WAY OUT BECAUSE FOR ME IT WOULD HAVE BEEN......BUT FOR YOU IT WAS WHAT WORKED FOR YOU. YOU NEED TO CHILL OUT. I defend my diet every day, I am no different than you
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    I'm almost there.

    Anyone can do it.

    Also, holy awesome tmauck4472, you're amazing! 150+lbs lost! Animal! :)

    Thank you Sean :) I appreciate it.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    Was interested in the thread. Key word is was...I have had gastric bypass. No complications, no troubles, best decision I ever made. Sorry you see it otherwise. :(

    I'm puzzled by this post. The thread has made no negative comments abut your choices. It simply acknowledges they aren't choices everyone wishes to make. Why the glum face and rather negative air?

    Because I tired of people's attitudes towards WLS. Do you know how many times I have heard people talk badly about what I have done? or tell me I took the 'easy way out'? Thursday I had a procedure on my back. The nurse asked me how I managed to loss 10 pounds since my last procedure (Dec 3). When I told her I had gastric bypass, she said well that's the easy way. What? So yea I do have an attitude when people put down what I have done. I have been heavy my entire life. I am now off diabetic and high blood pressure meds. Ain't nothing easy nor wrong with what I have done. And I do take offense to the original post.

    But this thread wasn't about weightloss surgery. Why is it now *about* wls surgery.

    I'm glad you're happy but perhaps respecting others' choice not to do as you have is reasonable too?
  • you can do it. IT IS HARD. you will lose your mind at times, but just remember start slow. 10lbs at a time. looking at the big picture of 100 plus will be like yeah that will never happen. but just saying 10lbs, yeah I can lose 10lbs. then once you hit. buy yourself a shirt.
    then go again. ok just 10 more lbs. once you hit it buy a smaller pair of pants. aim for it and you will and can do it.

    also everyday is a new day. there is no bad week. it is a bad day. just cause you mess up today, doesnt mean tomorrow has to be same. this is a life style change, always always keep trying.
  • HotDolphinMama
    HotDolphinMama Posts: 82 Member
    II have finally found my new "normal." This is what i wanted. I wanted a means to carry on a life that I could live with. I wanted freedom. And not the kind of freedom you might imagine. I have this freedom now. Not the freedom to eat anything and everything I want... No. Now I have the freedom FROM HAVING TO EAT everything and anything. When someone asked me recently about my addiction to food, I replied that I had fallen out of love with food and back in love with my husband.

    For me, surgery was the perfect solution. I am happier, healthier and well on my way back to a life I deserve. If you or anyone has the chance, I would heartily recommend it. It is not something to be feared... it is a gift.

    So happy that WLS worked for you. You are a success story and we don't hear enough of those when it comes to this option. For myself, the cons outweighed the pro's but that in no way hinders my ability to be happy for anyone that it works for. It is so nice to hear a straight up success story - usually even the success stories have some defensive, antagonistic tone to them - which is offputting to those of us that just want to support anyone who is doing the work to get to a healthier lifestyle. And I know that anyone who is successful at WLS has to have had a lifestyle change also. Congratulations!
  • mtcHavingItAll
    mtcHavingItAll Posts: 69 Member
  • luvs2read1979
    luvs2read1979 Posts: 113 Member
    Lots of inspiration on this thread. Thanks for sharing your stories...I pray that I will be a success story also.
  • mrk34
    mrk34 Posts: 227 Member
    It can be done. I lost 91 pounds. If you can change what you eat and how you eat, you will be able to lose weight, too.
  • mltdown
    mltdown Posts: 311 Member
    I have lost 174 pounds in under two years using Mfp and exercise, you can do it nothing's impossible :)
  • sweetpea129
    sweetpea129 Posts: 755 Member
    I have lost 174 pounds in under two years using Mfp and exercise, you can do it nothing's impossible :)

    You, my dear, ROCK!
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    I have lost 174 pounds in under two years using Mfp and exercise, you can do it nothing's impossible :)

    Amazing :flowerforyou: