Things That Annoy Me!



  • NykkieC
    NykkieC Posts: 622 Member
    1. People who call in at work and yell at me because someone else didn't call them back, or if I can't transfer them to someone because everyone is on the phone already. I can't control what other people do!
    2. Two faced people that twist around EVERYTHING that you say.
    3. I second Wal-Mart...they never have more than like 3 lanes open and it drives me nuts! I have to go there tonight, ugh.
    4. Winter. I'm ready for spring lol!
  • amboardman
    amboardman Posts: 144 Member
    My job!!!!!
  • epoeraven
    epoeraven Posts: 458 Member
    1. People who lie.
    2. People who when caught in a lie don't just fess up but continue to lie to get out of the original lie.
    3. People who decide not to take a call on their cell phone but then I have to sit and listen to the "missed call" reminder beep.
    4. People who can't just say they are sorry but feel the need to explain why what they did wrong is not really their fault.
    5. People who ask me out for lunch but spend the entire time texting someone instead of talking to me.
    6. Dusting - I would rather scrub toilets all day than dust for an hour.
    7. People who send me an e-mail or a text and tell me they have something important to tell me "later" - Just tell me now!!!
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    People who are giant huge gaping black holes of negativity who suck any happy thought you ever had down into the depths of their insanity and kill it with their petty, pointless, stupid little annoyances. :smile: :wink: :laugh: :happy: :tongue: :ohwell:
  • Nicmc8
    Nicmc8 Posts: 178 Member
    Don't get me started! I work in a grocery store... things annoy me ALL DAY LONG! Don't get me wrong, I love my job... but really everyone should be required to work in a grocery store... there is a lot more that goes on then you think.

    1. Customers that tell me the price of produce.... so when I start to punch in the 4 digit produce code... or if I have to look it up... they are like, "those are .99/lb".... thanks, I am glad you know the price, but we don't use that info at the checkstand.

    2. The lady that peeled all the produce stickers off her apples, because she did not need them..... um ok... but I do! And besides what did she do with all the stickers? Leave them on the apple display for someone else to clean up?

    3. The customer who allowed her two year old to naw on a 2lb brick of Tillamook cheese all through the store (the toddler never broke thru the plastic, but there were teeth marks) then she gets to the check out and asks me to get her a new one! ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I so badly wanted to be like "you break it, you buy it"... but of course I got her a new one with a smile:)

    4. People who pay for junk food, wedding cakes and other luxury items with food stamps.

    5. Check writers who stand in line, wait until everything is rung up and then get out their checkbook.

    6. Customers that come in at 8am, select that they want $100 cashback without asking and then get annoyed because they have to get their change in $5's.

    7. Customers that leave trash in their shopping cart, like the ads... they clip out the coupons they are going to use and then just leave the ad in the cart.

    8. Children that are allowed to just run around the store.

    9. Parents that let their kids play with toys all through the store and then take them away at the checkstand. Really can you not just tell your child NO?

    10. When it snows, people call in sick to work, close down schools... but they still can make it to the grocery store... good thing I didn't call in sick, huh?

    LOL these are all in good fun and of course do not happen with every customer. As I said before I love my job, been doing it for 14yrs, and if I didn't like it I wouldn't waste the 40+ hrs a week I work doing something I hated.

    Thanks for letting me vent!
  • immacookie
    immacookie Posts: 7,424 Member
    People with REALLY LOUD ring tones..... and to piggyback on that, people that have REALLY LOUD personal conversations on their cell phone.
  • gummibaehr
    When people say, "I'm sorry, BUT..."

    When people don't watch their children.

    Also, raisins.

    And the color purple.
  • Kristen81
    Kristen81 Posts: 342 Member
    When people say, "I'm sorry, BUT..."

    This bother me too! Especially when they are going to say something positive after! My Stepdad does this ALL the time.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    I'm a motorcycle instructor. Here's my all time favorite - maybe some of you have heard it. When some wobbler has a crash and says ""I had to lay 'er down"".

    Here's a clarification. "I had to lay 'er down" is actually not english, it's Gibberish. I'll translate:

    Gibberish - "And he pulled out in front'a me,,, and I couldn't stop,,, and I had to lay 'er down".

    English - "I don't know how to ride very well. When the car pulled out in front of me, I paniced and used way too much back brake and fell down. Then my tumbling motorcycle and I crashed again when we slid into the back of her car. Now that it's all over with, I'm going to lie and say that I meant to do it".
  • SageGoddess320
    SageGoddess320 Posts: 2,589 Member
    People that constantly interrupt conversations drive me nuts:explode: Seriously.....grow some respect already!
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    People who are giant huge gaping black holes of negativity who suck any happy thought you ever had down into the depths of their insanity and kill it with their petty, pointless, stupid little annoyances. :smile: :wink: :laugh: :happy: :tongue: :ohwell:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    People who bend the binding on books...and you know who you are. It drives me up the wall to see people damage books.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    People who are giant huge gaping black holes of negativity who suck any happy thought you ever had down into the depths of their insanity and kill it with their petty, pointless, stupid little annoyances. :smile: :wink: :laugh: :happy: :tongue: :ohwell:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    People who bend the binding on books...and you know who you are. It drives me up the wall to see people damage books.
    Thank you Maid Marian, I was wondering if anybody would catch that. :happy:
  • SageGoddess320
    SageGoddess320 Posts: 2,589 Member
    The word "journey"
  • leavinglasvegas
    Reality shows about pregnant teens.
  • smae1980
    smae1980 Posts: 794 Member
    my neighbor's girlfriend signs her texts "(his name)'s bb gurl:tongue:
  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    People who don't use the turn lane, but rather just turn right from the main lane! I mean, isn't that the purpose of a "turn" lane! :explode:
    OMG I thought I was the only one who noticed when people do this!!!!! Thanks!
  • PanicAtTheBuffet
    The word "journey"

    The band "Journey." (Doonn't ssstopp beeelievvving!) I'm gagging..
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    People who don't use the turn lane, but rather just turn right from the main lane! I mean, isn't that the purpose of a "turn" lane! :explode:
    OMG I thought I was the only one who noticed when people do this!!!!! Thanks!
    Ya',,, and to make that super extra special, many of them have to nearly stop before they make the turn. Maybe they're taking that "Explorer rollover" thing way too seriously,,, or they're heading to a wedding reception and hauling an open bowl of punch.

    Many times they don't use the turn signal either,,, :explode:
  • McFatterton
    McFatterton Posts: 1,358 Member
    1. People that decide the smack-dab middle of the aisle in the grocery store is the PERFECT place to catch up with that old co-worker/friend/ex-whatever that they haven't seen in years. Um, hello - YOU'RE IN MY FREAKING WAY!!!!!!

    2. Cold toilet seats. Brrrrr!

    3. People that think all "reality" shows are actually real :huh:

    4. Gum smackers

    5. Pulpy OJ

    6. Chicken :sick:

    7. People that complain about how unhealthy they are and and don't understand why they have to take so many medications. Well, *maybe* if you didn't rely on fast food, processed crap and junk food to fuel your body you wouldn't have those problems. Just a thought. :explode:
  • ♥Faerie♥
    ♥Faerie♥ Posts: 14,053 Member
    People always telling me to "smile, its not so bad", really??? Must I walk around with a stupid grin on my face constantly just to prove to you that everything is ok in my life???? Just because I don't smile at everything does not mean that I am not happy in my own world!!! :happy: