Things That Annoy Me!



  • FitJoani
    FitJoani Posts: 2,173 Member
    1. Fat friends who try to break ur healthy habits
    2. Girls who follow thier boyfriends EVERYWHERE(Spoken like a single lady)
    3. Stupid People
    4. Jersey Shore(and its new following)
    5. All these restaurants jumping on the healthy bandwagon(we KNOW its still processed junk)(
  • leavinglasvegas
    1. Fat friends who try to break ur healthy habits
    2. Girls who follow thier boyfriends EVERYWHERE(Spoken like a single lady)
    3. Stupid People
    4. Jersey Shore(and its new following)
    5. All these restaurants jumping on the healthy bandwagon(we KNOW its still processed junk)(

    Preach on girl! I totally agree with all, especially #2! :drinker:
  • amillward27
    When I tell people my husband serves in the military and he is overseas and they go "Oh I heard it's really bad over there, people get hurt all the time". REALLY? You really think that comments like those are needed? I just want to take their "sympathy" and shove it up their @$$! Ok, i'm done now :-) thank you for that opportunity to vent!
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    When I tell people my husband serves in the military and he is overseas and they go "Oh I heard it's really bad over there, people get hurt all the time". REALLY? You really think that comments like those are needed? I just want to take their "sympathy" and shove it up their @$$! Ok, i'm done now :-) thank you for that opportunity to vent!

    Wow. I can't believe people are so thoughtless! Thank you for what you and your hubby do for our country!! :heart: :heart:
  • Kristen81
    Kristen81 Posts: 342 Member
    The way the UPS man always has to knock as if he is trying to beat my door down and scare the living daylights out of me!!!

    Also, the way plastic wrap always sticks to itself when Im pulling it off the roll.
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    Customers that come into the bank & say things like "y'know its too perty to be inside doncha?" :angry: :grumble: Yes, it's pretty out there but I'd also like to pay my mortgage next month, thanks. Not to mention, WHO would you say stupid things to if I weren't in here to do your banking for you??
  • leavinglasvegas
    When you are talking to someone who keeps telling you how much their stuff costs.

    "I got a new $400 camera." "I bought my son $100 Nikes." "I spilled coffee on my $90 tank top."

    SHUT UP! Grrr! Nobody cares how much it cost and you are not any cooler for telling me. O and BTW, if you have so much money, why are you living in the ghetto?

    I'm just sayin............
  • Breckgirl
    Breckgirl Posts: 606 Member
    1. when you are talking to someone face to face and they are texting someone else
    2. other moms that assume because i am a stay at home mom that i will watch their kid when they have to work
    3. family members that think I am their maid
    4. my husband stepping on the same squeaky board outside his closet every morning when getting dressed for work and waking me up
    5. people that dont use dorr handles and let the door slam
    6. the servers at Dunkin Donuts that ALWAYS get my order wrong
    7. laundry
    8. dust
    9 cleaning the bathrooms
    10. my kids not taking my threats seriously :-)
    wow -- I needed that this morning...thanks!

    Number 4...the first thing you'd miss if he died tomorrow. Enjoy that squeek honey!
  • Breckgirl
    Breckgirl Posts: 606 Member
    I work at a call center and I can't stand when people call in and use the phrase "You People" as if you collectively do everything as one.
  • beevee84
    beevee84 Posts: 9
    I also hate it when people don't watch their kids in public! Rolling on the floor, screaming, licking random items. Ugg.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    One of my co-workers trys to solicit simpathy for giving up bread while he is eating fried chicken and drinking a full surgar fruit punch.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I annoys me to the nth degree that every year when the charities are looking for clothing, toys, etc., they don't want you to bring in your used items. They want you to go out and buy brand new items.

    Then, you take your used items to the Goodwill and they sell them to those in need.

    This year when winter hits, I am going to throw my extra coats in the back seat and hand them out at freeway off-ramps.

    I've done that before!! I worked in downtown Los Angeles, and I would gather up used clothing, and put them in a bag right off the 110 freeway...they'd be gone within minutes! And I did it because if people can't afford food, they certainly aren't going to go out and hit Goodwill! I'm glad someone else has that idea too. :flowerforyou:
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    1. Text speak... U and UR and IDK. It just makes you look silly and uneducated and lazy.
    2. When people are barefoot in the gym locker room. :sick:
    3. When people don't wash their hands after using the restroom...happens alllll the time at the gym! :sick: :sick:
    4. People on cell phones at the gym.
    5. People who drive below the speed limit.
    6. That someone is going to post on this thread saying that we're all negative people and should just overlook these annoying things and get a life.
  • leavinglasvegas
    When people post to a topic just to say they don't know the answer.
  • LAgal
    LAgal Posts: 671 Member
    When people post to a topic just to say they don't know the answer.

    Or when someone asks how the can lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks.... I mean seriously?????
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    6. That someone is going to post on this thread saying that we're all negative people and should just overlook these annoying things and get a life.
    Hey, that was me, 5 weeks ago!
    People who are giant huge gaping black holes of negativity who suck any happy thought you ever had down into the depths of their insanity and kill it with their petty, pointless, stupid little annoyances. :smile: :wink: :laugh: :happy: :tongue: :ohwell:
    People who don't read threads ,,, Hehehe.. :laugh:
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Plastic wrap on toys, twisty ties on toys, rubber bands on toys.

    Inuendos instead of just coming out and speaking your mind. Say what you mean, don't hint at it. I don't have time to guess.

    The fact that I am now waking up at 3am when my husband gets up. Yes I fall back asleep but I want to not wake up at all.

    The fact that "I don't know honey" isn't working when my 3.5 year old daughter asks me Why Why Why Why Why all the time. I have to laugh and she makes me think which is good, but still. LOL

    The fact that our Starbucks that one of us girls drove to every single morning at 9 to get us all coffee screwed up so many orders we are boycotting the place.

    Oh Oh...and the fact that this morning I found the perfect pair of black pointy toe flats with gems on top that I thought I could walk around in for a long period of time while visitng customers only came in a size 6 and I wear an 8. I mean I had my credit card out and everything.
  • immacookie
    immacookie Posts: 7,424 Member
    The FedEx guy stopping me on my way to the bathroom to ask me where "suite 301" is (as he's currently on the 1st/ground floor).... I say "probably on the 3rd floor" he continues to stare at me and finally asks "how do I get to the 3rd" floor. Look Einstein - see those 2 big grey doors in the wall (less than 10 ft to your right) with the arrows on them... push the damned button and get in and push 3....

    :laugh: :mad: :explode:
  • DawnOf1969
    DawnOf1969 Posts: 726 Member
    People who:
    1. Crunch Ice
    2. Slurp cereal (your spoon WILL make it to your mouth, you dont have to start vacuuming your cereal off of it before it gets there)
    2b. don't let the liquid drip off the bottom of spoon before raising it to their mouth
    3. Talk with a mouth full of food or ice
    4. Chew food with their mouth open
    5. Chew their gum with their front teeth
    6. Smack with their mouth

    I guess all mouth noises in general. hah!
  • immacookie
    immacookie Posts: 7,424 Member
    5. Chew their gum with their front teeth

    Chewing my gum extra hard, just for you! :flowerforyou: :laugh: