

  • TwistedFun
    i thought this would be a more equalized comparison



    vs skinny


    i prefer the skinny one. she is skinny with curves, while kim is curvy but mushy looking.
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    i thought this would be a more equalized comparison



    vs skinny


    i prefer the skinny one. she is skinny with curves, while kim is curvy but mushy looking.

    Finally! More pics
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    To the OP- 'Curvy' has no universal definition, so the whole premise here is pretty invalid. To some people, curvy means that a woman has ample hips and breasts, but there's really no inherent meaning to the rest of her shape. She can be skinny and curvy, overweight and curvy, fit and curvy, whatever. To some people, it's (in their minds) a more polite way of calling a woman fat. Because there are enough people that use the term 'curvy' to disguise an insult to make it commonplace, it would be better to use different vocabulary next time you pose this question.
  • DiaryOfaThickFitWoman
    i thought this would be a more equalized comparison



    vs skinny


    i prefer the skinny one. she is skinny with curves, while kim is curvy but mushy looking.

    Both are curvy, good comparison to add to the mix though. It's clear everyone has there on definition on what curvy is, and what it should look like.

    Personally I prefer a thicker curve for myself. If that's makes sense.
  • MemphisKitten
    MemphisKitten Posts: 878 Member
  • DiaryOfaThickFitWoman
    @twistedfun, what is mushy curvy? I personally think Kim has a desirable body, fake/altered or not. I would take it, if it was given to me, not a first choice, but it's nice.
  • Shaydayglam
    Shaydayglam Posts: 45 Member
    Curvy is what I am so that what I choose Vice versus
  • TwistedFun
    @twistedfun, what is mushy curvy? I personally think Kim has a desirable body, fake/altered or not. I would take it, if it was given to me, not a first choice, but it's nice.

    it looks like if you poked her belly, it would kind of sink in, whereas with the leaner girl, it wouldn't be rock hard, but firm
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    This gets my nomination for dumbest thread of 2012.

    Not even close.
  • bettacheckyoself
    They are both attractive, but I would prefer this look....


    To anyone who thinks that this lady is unattractive and should gain more curves/ weight,....I would like to say that I believe this lady intentionally worked hard to look the way she hard did you work to look the way you do?
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Fit people on this site are either made-up profiles, or just looking to feel better about themselves among us that are overweight...

    This is the biggest load of crap I've ever read on this site. What a pathetic attitude. :sick:
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    I also take it that that are not your own abs in your profile pic; because if you are in that good of shape do not need to be here.

    It's MyFITNESSPal, not MyWeightLossPal. There are plenty of people who are fit and have goals for themselves that have every right to be here just the same as you.
    ps: the woman on the right will be a "tub of lard" in about 10-years.

    Totally unnecessary and untrue.

    This is a very poor "fitness app" ...and a most-excellent "weight-loss app". People have every right to be anywhere they want on the internet, including here. So far be it from me to have given you the impression that I am not an equal-rights person. However, if you are looking to get "toned", I can recommend several other sites that have fitness as a focus, and will be far more beneficial. Fit people on this site are either made-up profiles, or just people looking to feel better about themselves among us that are overweight, and serious about trying to do something about it. What do you want them to call the app ...""? it is called 'marketing', and it a first-semester course at any college or university. So when "pregosaurus rex" delivers and comes to more-closely resemble the "barney" she watches on the tele; because there is not enough time in the day to be a mom, work in the home, and work out of the home will more-better understand and appreciate my comments ...and this site.

    pps: Sorry about the "do" comment and it's lack of class ...but obviously you do not understand sarcasm. It seems like today, an emoticon smiley has taken the place of prose. Also, just because I am realistic about my (and other people's) looks, does not mean I do not appreciate a nice body. The one on the right is completely fake. That back-side is as large as mine without the surgery and weight-lifting. She has not truly-used a soccer field since she had those implants. So all of you ladies that are upset and posting because of another shallow-male thread are right ...but perhaps the initial-poster is more honest, and you are the ones that are "shallow"?

    I'm sorry, but my jaw absolutely dropped when I read your comments.

    Who are you to sit in judgement of other people? Does it bother you that other people have already been successful in their endeavors? Does it bother you when people don't conform to your specific preferences? Why do you feel that you have a place to judge the ladies in the pics, the gentleman with abs, or my pregnant (and completely awesome!) friend?

    You are out of line and your comments and attitude are uncalled for. Also, this is a fine fitness app - and there are a lot of people who use this app in conjunction with other sources to improve their abilities and well being. Just because you haven't mastered that area of your life yet, doesn't mean they need to make a mass exodus out of MFP so you can feel better about yourself.
  • Maaarkk
    Maaarkk Posts: 93 Member
    i thought this would be a more equalized comparison



    vs skinny


    i prefer the skinny one. she is skinny with curves, while kim is curvy but mushy looking.

  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    I also take it that that are not your own abs in your profile pic; because if you are in that good of shape do not need to be here.

    It's MyFITNESSPal, not MyWeightLossPal. There are plenty of people who are fit and have goals for themselves that have every right to be here just the same as you.
    ps: the woman on the right will be a "tub of lard" in about 10-years.

    Totally unnecessary and untrue.

    This is a very poor "fitness app" ...and a most-excellent "weight-loss app". People have every right to be anywhere they want on the internet, including here. So far be it from me to have given you the impression that I am not an equal-rights person. However, if you are looking to get "toned", I can recommend several other sites that have fitness as a focus, and will be far more beneficial. Fit people on this site are either made-up profiles, or just people looking to feel better about themselves among us that are overweight, and serious about trying to do something about it. What do you want them to call the app ...""? it is called 'marketing', and it a first-semester course at any college or university. So when "pregosaurus rex" delivers and comes to more-closely resemble the "barney" she watches on the tele; because there is not enough time in the day to be a mom, work in the home, and work out of the home will more-better understand and appreciate my comments ...and this site.

    pps: Sorry about the "do" comment and it's lack of class ...but obviously you do not understand sarcasm. It seems like today, an emoticon smiley has taken the place of prose. Also, just because I am realistic about my (and other people's) looks, does not mean I do not appreciate a nice body. The one on the right is completely fake. That back-side is as large as mine without the surgery and weight-lifting. She has not truly-used a soccer field since she had those implants. So all of you ladies that are upset and posting because of another shallow-male thread are right ...but perhaps the initial-poster is more honest, and you are the ones that are "shallow"?

    I'm sorry, but my jaw absolutely dropped when I read your comments.

    Who are you to sit in judgement of other people? Does it bother you that other people have already been successful in their endeavors? Does it bother you when people don't conform to your specific preferences? Why do you feel that you have a place to judge the ladies in the pics, the gentleman with abs, or my pregnant (and completely awesome!) friend?

    You are out of line and your comments and attitude are uncalled for. Also, this is a fine fitness app - and there are a lot of people who use this app in conjunction with other sources to improve their abilities and well being. Just because you haven't mastered that area of your life yet, doesn't mean they need to make a mass exodus out of MFP so you can feel better about yourself.

    well said.

    i am still smh.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    They are both attractive, but I would prefer this look....


    To anyone who thinks that this lady is unattractive and should gain more curves/ weight,....I would like to say that I believe this lady intentionally worked hard to look the way she hard did you work to look the way you do?

    She is incredibly strict and disciplined with her exercise and diet. Her body is her job, which is not the case for the majority of people.
  • Maaarkk
    Maaarkk Posts: 93 Member
    My favourite


  • DiaryOfaThickFitWoman
    @twistedfun, what is mushy curvy? I personally think Kim has a desirable body, fake/altered or not. I would take it, if it was given to me, not a first choice, but it's nice.

    it looks like if you poked her belly, it would kind of sink in, whereas with the leaner girl, it wouldn't be rock hard, but firm

    Oh ok, everyone is different, she looks soft to me rather than "mushy" some people like that soft look...... I think there are sexy/ attractive aspects to every body type, to somebody :]
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    I also take it that that are not your own abs in your profile pic; because if you are in that good of shape do not need to be here.
    it is called 'marketing', and it a first-semester course at any college or university. So when "pregosaurus rex" delivers and comes to more-closely resemble the "barney" she watches on the tele; because there is not enough time in the day to be a mom, work in the home, and work out of the home will more-better understand and appreciate my comments ...and this site.

    Excuse me, sir, your insecurity is showing. Might want to hike up your inferiority complex a bit over your *kitten* - cuz that's showing, too.

    Pssst - no one is appreciating your comments. Take your ball, go create a thread about how mean and deluded we are, and we'll all feel better.
  • Louisianababy93
    Louisianababy93 Posts: 1,709 Member
    Curves are pretty hott..
    if i liked like curves.. hello *kitten* and titties. LMAO