"Cut and Paste" experts on this forum



  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    ...it's kind of funny... I can always pick the posts that I know they will pop up in "spreading their knowledge"... :laugh:

    Whenever I read this from people, I always think people are talking about me. Makes me want to just not post. :-(

    Well, I dont think its you. I think she is referring to those that talk AT you rather than TO you. These are the people that are full of themselves and like to PROVE they KNOW more than YOU...that energy jumps off the screen and it makes people tune out.

    But you, dear, I think you are just fine....

    Yes, and EVERYTHING turns into an arguement with them... GEEEZZZZ... seriously!!! I people who are that uptight and into themselves just really annoy me.

    The thing is, their "knowledge" goes against everything that most of us believe, so they feel the need to convert us to their way of thinking.
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    ...it's kind of funny... I can always pick the posts that I know they will pop up in "spreading their knowledge"... :laugh:

    Whenever I read this from people, I always think people are talking about me. Makes me want to just not post. :-(

    Well, I dont think its you. I think she is referring to those that talk AT you rather than TO you. These are the people that are full of themselves and like to PROVE they KNOW more than YOU...that energy jumps off the screen and it makes people tune out.

    But you, dear, I think you are just fine....

    Yes, and EVERYTHING turns into an arguement with them... GEEEZZZZ... seriously!!! I people who are that uptight and into themselves just really annoy me.

    You mean like the ones who think that every post is aimed at their specific belief and feel the need to come out with blazing guns to defend that belief??? Lol. It helps not to take every post as a personal attack :laugh: I'm just sayin'. . .
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    and just to prove my point.... the muscle vs. fat post is out of control... go read it!!! LOL>......It's really funny that something so simple is being debated so "heatedly"... Good grief! But, I guess it gives them something to talk about..... :laugh:
  • red01angel
    red01angel Posts: 806 Member
    I wish this was one of those boards where I could give "karma points" to some of you...
  • mvl1014
    mvl1014 Posts: 531
    lol i wasn't asking for your opinion, i was just saying how i felt. but I'm glad most of you said i was okay. i did get one "sort of". i'll try harder!
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Ok..... they just need to get some... yes, I'm talking about sex... all that pent up tension.... NOT GOOD, folks.... You need some good, teeth grindin' luvin' to get relieve that tension..... I bet the MFP threads would be much, much more mellow :smile:
  • melissaovadare
    melissaovadare Posts: 191 Member
    ...it's kind of funny... I can always pick the posts that I know they will pop up in "spreading their knowledge"... :laugh:

    Whenever I read this from people, I always think people are talking about me. Makes me want to just not post. :-(

    Well, I dont think its you. I think she is referring to those that talk AT you rather than TO you. These are the people that are full of themselves and like to PROVE they KNOW more than YOU...that energy jumps off the screen and it makes people tune out.

    But you, dear, I think you are just fine....

    LOL See, the HEALTHY debate here hehehehe....

    Yes, that is why I started this post in the first place..........I agree that there are some people looking to boast intelligence...yeah, I get it: you are smart! Woo hoo! I entitled this "Cut and Paste" because you know there are people going to google and finding the first article that is biased towards them and say, "Here, look at all this proof that I am SUPER awesome and smart; here is a Dr. and expert that backs me up"
  • deedeehawaii
    deedeehawaii Posts: 279 Member
    Yes, that is why I started this post in the first place..........I agree that there are some people looking to boast intelligence...yeah, I get it: you are smart! Woo hoo! I entitled this "Cut and Paste" because you know there are people going to google and finding the first article that is biased towards them and say, "Here, look at all this proof that I am SUPER awesome and smart; here is a Dr. and expert that backs me up"

    I'll attempt to not "be mean" here, and not call anyone out, [whew, this is a land-mine filled topic] but now I'm confused about the adversion to research .... or perhaps I've interperted this thread incorrectly. Because now I'm thinking, Oh oh, we shouldn't google for information nor look for studies to help us along? Yikes. Well, I'll give fair warning, I look up tons of stuff on the internet, and try to find evidence based in science (while trying to not fall for some hidden advertising or biased website). So, if you don't like internet research, you might as well skip over many of my posts. [I am a little perplexed about how those who post to an internet website can be against doing internet research.]

    Heck, I even look for jokes on the internet and paste them on MFP, to add some humor to the reading. comp04.gif

    IMHO, I welcome all researched, insightful, and alternative bits of information, that I can then use to help me decide what I want to believe or follow. For my tastes, please bring on the information!! But, to each their own. Here is to everyone finding the source of information that works well for them, and having it lead them to success in the pursuit of fitness and healthy eating.

    And if someone dislikes internet research, skip over my stuff. I will not be offended at all. Happy Education, all.
  • deedeehawaii
    deedeehawaii Posts: 279 Member

    Whenever I read this from people, I always think people are talking about me. Makes me want to just not post. :-(

    Hahaha, they cannot be talking about YOU, because now I'm convienced they are talking about ME! :laugh:
  • melissaovadare
    melissaovadare Posts: 191 Member

    Whenever I read this from people, I always think people are talking about me. Makes me want to just not post. :-(

    Hahaha, they cannot be talking about YOU, because now I'm convienced they are talking about ME! :laugh:

    I am not talking about you at all...I like what you post......It's not the articles and bits of info from the net, it's the approach that some people take, and there are many people who just like to toot their own horn, while being extremely condesending and rude. This whole thread was about combative people who act superior.......
  • melissaovadare
    melissaovadare Posts: 191 Member
    [I am a little perplexed about how those who post to an internet website can be against doing internet research.]

    Please don't misread me here......so many topics posted turn into long debates....I am not against informative research. I am not against expert info. I don't skip over threads because someone posts an internet article.

    I was seeing some common users on this site who are very rude and "hey look at me" and attack people! Just a little rant on my part, not trying to hurt feelings
  • melissaovadare
    melissaovadare Posts: 191 Member
    Im spent.
  • BamaRose0107
    I have actually stopped posting as much on some of the more serious issues because of the very issue the OP is talking about. I was actually argued with for a couple of days that I should not listen to my doctor and try this members way of weightloss because they knew what was true and had all the research to back it up. After that I really did not care what they had to say.

    Respect goes a long way. I really hope I have not offended anyone, I try my best to be respectful.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    [I am a little perplexed about how those who post to an internet website can be against doing internet research.]

    Please don't misread me here......so many topics posted turn into long debates....I am not against informative research. I am not against expert info. I don't skip over threads because someone posts an internet article.

    I was seeing some common users on this site who are very rude and "hey look at me" and attack people! Just a little rant on my part, not trying to hurt feelings

    I think we all know, too, that one study proves nothing, because for every study that proves a point, there's one to disprove it. :)
  • melissaovadare
    melissaovadare Posts: 191 Member
    I have actually stopped posting as much on some of the more serious issues because of the very issue the OP is talking about. I was actually argued with for a couple of days that I should not listen to my doctor and try this members way of weightloss because they knew what was true and had all the research to back it up. After that I really did not care what they had to say.

    Respect goes a long way. I really hope I have not offended anyone, I try my best to be respectful.

    I agree with you 100%....the forums have taken a very defensive, dark turn........
  • deedeehawaii
    deedeehawaii Posts: 279 Member
    Whew, I feel better. I will go with the idea that maybe I was just misunderstanding what had been posted. I'm gona' go find a joke now and post it, just for some reading pleasure. :bigsmile:
  • melissaovadare
    melissaovadare Posts: 191 Member
    Whew, I feel better. I will go with the idea that maybe I was just misunderstanding what had been posted. I'm gona' go find a joke now and post it, just for some reading pleasure. :bigsmile:

  • deedeehawaii
    deedeehawaii Posts: 279 Member
    Whew, I feel better. I will go with the idea that maybe I was just misunderstanding what had been posted. I'm gona' go find a joke now and post it, just for some reading pleasure. :bigsmile:


    [I'll post the joke here, as well as on a new thread.]

    Did you know:
    STRESSED is just DESSERTS spelled backward.
  • melissaovadare
    melissaovadare Posts: 191 Member
    Evian is Naive:bigsmile:
  • BamaRose0107
    Whew, I feel better. I will go with the idea that maybe I was just misunderstanding what had been posted. I'm gona' go find a joke now and post it, just for some reading pleasure. :bigsmile:


    [I'll post the joke here, as well as on a new thread.]

    Did you know:
    STRESSED is just DESSERTS spelled backward.

    That is pretty good and just explains so much!LOL