What Makes You Nervous About Losing Weight?



  • MarkKnoxx
    MarkKnoxx Posts: 22 Member
    im nervous of what i will look like. i started out at 355 pounds and i have been huge my whole adult like i dont actually remember what i was like slim because i was convinced i was fat even though i was not! so i panic that the damage is already done and i will just look a saggy mess x

    Exactly what you said, Joey. I've only been significantly overweight for about 6 or 7 years but I'm older than you and so I'm also afraid the damage is done. I want to look good, not just thinner.
    That said, you are only 27 and you will be amazed how quickly your body snaps back- not all at once but over a reasonable amount of time. My cousin was at about 255 at 5' 9", and then took up biking when he was 31. Within a year he was down to 155 and was in really sick shape! For a little while, at least, he did look like someone who had lost a lot of weight, but now you can't even tell he ever WAS overweight. You are young and you are pretty and even if you don't look exactly how you want to right at the end of your weight loss journey, you're going to look just fine given a couple of extra months for your body to catch up.

    Blessing for the rest of your journey- take care!
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    I'm nervous about the possibility of unwanted male attention again. I lost enough weight once before to be deemed "conventionally attractive" I suppose, and I couldn't believe how often I got hit on, checked out, or straight up harassed. It made me extremely uncomfortable, and I didn't really know how to deal with it at the time, and didn't really have the confidence to do so. That was when I was 18/19, in my first year of university, and still occasionally went to bars/parties/social situations full of young drunk people so I'm hoping now that I'm a bit older and don't really do that I won't be in those situations as often. Although I still ran into uncomfortable situations plenty in everyday life too...people yelling at me from their cars when I went for runs, male friends trying to get into my pants, etc.

    Other than that I'm a little worried about loose skin, but I'm hoping I'm still young enough for it to bounce back easily.
    Looking back, I've surmised that the sudden positive male attention did it to me. I have lived my life trying to be as physically inconspicuous as possible and when I lose weight, I seem to garner more attention. It scares the crap out of me!

    Also, to mirror what some others have said here, once the weight is gone...what do I blame for my failures? It's so easy to blame the weight. Once that's peeled back and gone, I will have only the stripped down me to take responsibility for things I want to do, should be ABLE to do...but somehow, don't get done. What an amazing growth process it will be.

    And yes, I too worry about saggy skin, looking older, and being physically unappealing naked. I'm single now and struggle to imagine dating and becoming intimate and having to explain why my body looks like a 90 year old when naked. UGH! I mean is that the conversation you have before or after the "condom" conversation? lol Jus' sayin'!

    I worry about not knowing how to be "thin."

    But the thing is...I can get over it! lol I will count it as growth and welcome each challenge with the assurance that through crisis comes growth and when we stop growing, we die. So bring it on!

    Wow, I could have written these, but you've both summed it up for me! It's a strange fear to have from an outsider's perspective, but it's nice to know others think about this too.
  • Aquarii
    Aquarii Posts: 71 Member
    > Loose skin. My skin at the moment is fine everywhere except for my abdomen. Maybe once I bulk/cut for a few years it'll look better, but I think I may eventually need surgery to get rid of it because the damage has already been done.
  • dachic4
    dachic4 Posts: 19 Member
    I am scared I will not be satisfied once I lose the weight and maintain it. Like I will find out weight was not the problem to begin with.
  • Cass0422
    Cass0422 Posts: 26 Member
    The thing that makes me the most nervous is failing. I haven't really told anyone I'm going to seriously attempt this cause I don't want anyone to know if I fail.
  • lina011
    lina011 Posts: 427 Member
    what makes me nervous is my partner thinking i may leave him, silly i know i got no reasons tooo.
  • Freidon
    Freidon Posts: 169 Member
    I've never been thin before. Ever. I've been overweight since I was a kid. I could always blame unattractiveness my weight.

    My stomach is shrinking slower than the rest of me, to boot. Everything's really disproportionate. Hoping my stomach shrinks, arms get less flabby, and breasts stay the same size. I can dream, can't I?

    Not to mention maintenance. Maintenance scares the huey out of me. I'm about halfway to my goal, and nearing the "thinnest I've ever been post-puberty" mark. I've realized that I can never go back to eating the way I used to. I'm not so sure friends and relatives will understand that. Right now they leave me be, since I've actually lost weight. But the closer I look to being "done", the more I get teased for watching what I eat.
  • fun_b
    fun_b Posts: 199 Member
    I have never been thin so it feels almost dreamlike to me. Depite being overweight, I have always been treated as though I was invisible and ignored. I think I am scared of suddenly being under a spotlight.
  • fun_b
    fun_b Posts: 199 Member
    I'm nervous about how I will look, because I've been overweight my whole life so I don't have any idea what skinny me even remotely looks like. I'm also nervous about people treating me differently. I'm not saying I'll suddenly turn into Beyonce and everyone will love me, but I'm used to getting zero attention from people- most girls ignore me, most guys don't seem to notice I even exist. I guess just fear of the unknown in general. I'm heading into uncharted territory here, and I don't know how it will affect my life, if things will get better or worse.

    This :smile:
  • cupboard_stalker
    cupboard_stalker Posts: 62 Member
    I'm scared of never reaching my goal, to never achieve that healthy lean body i want so much. But mostly i'm nervous of the effort it will take to reach it, and i worry that even if/when i do, that everyday will be a battle with food. I'm scared that i will always want sugary fatty foods every second of every waking hour, and that i will not be strong enough to lose it or maintain it.
  • EmmarrD
    EmmarrD Posts: 69
    I'm scared that I may have loose skin D:
  • dontdomornings92
    dontdomornings92 Posts: 47 Member
    This is exactly how I feel. I want to lose weight and look better, but I don't want my friends and family noticing or commenting. Weird huh?
  • wertgirlfor
    wertgirlfor Posts: 161 Member
    I've always been a bit chubby, and now I'm worried I'll still look chubby even after I lose 25 pounds. Despite being normal BMI and all.
  • caffeinekandie
    That I'll trigger myself back into disordered eating habits. That has caused me to stop the last 3 times I tried. After talking it over with family they are supportive of me doing this-but are on the lookout for me, so I feel much better about it. I was scared to admit I was scared.
  • ponycyndi
    ponycyndi Posts: 858 Member
    Let's get it out in the open and say what makes you nervous about losing weight (at least for me, I find putting this in the open makes me feel better about it and getting past it doesn't seem so hard).

    What makes me nervous: negative attention (not from guys, my husband, or anything like that) I mean from the other women I work with. They've noticed I'm shrinking and now suddenly everyone just wants to monitor what I eat, what I drink, etc.

    Example- another shrinking gal brought some hummus for us to try as her recipe "guinea pigs" and suddenly women who aren't even in my dept are like, "Oh you can eat that?! Well at the rate you seem to be losing we didn't think you ate ANYTHING" (the only thing that made me keep my cool is the fact that these broads, who can't keep their obnoxious words to themselves, believe that by pumping diet pills, skipping meals, and taking the stairs once a day, they will lose weight and keep it off...)

    If someone says to me, "are you allowed to eat that" I open my eyes wide and bore a hole in their head with them. Then I open my mouth as wide as I can, take the biggest bite possible, then chew slowly, still starting them down, and never say a word.

    If any words are necessary, I say "thanks, MOM".
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Nothing! It's super amazing to get leaner, feel stronger, sleep better, get attention, be healthier. I can't think of one thing that I am nervous about when it comes to weight loss. It's fantastic and exciting.