Any Chunky Runners Out There?



  • h20lillys
    Chunky runner!
    I have ran over 5 half marathons and recently finished my first full marathon. I love running and I also LOVE to eat and drink.
    I think i got into the mentality that since i was running so much, i could eat and drink what i wanted... however that is not the case!! AND since i stoped my training I wasn't logging as many miles, but still eatting the same...
  • amytag
    amytag Posts: 206 Member
    Ha, I love this. I am a C25K graduate, and did 3 5k's in 2012. My goal is to do 5 more in 2013 along with a mud run, and work up to a 10k by the end of the year. Running is helping me shed the chunkiness though so I also hope to be an unchunky runner this year too. Love new friends who are active with logging and support!
    MRSCHAZZY Posts: 42 Member
    DOES INDOOR COUNT? ive tried a couple times to run and felt it wasnt for me due a knee issue and asthma(cold weather).
    i tried again on my tready at a slow pace...3mph. personal best so far is 21min. and im stoked! i couldnt even do 3 2mos ago. :bigsmile:
  • Fluffywhip
    Trying to do C25k right now. Feel free to add me. :)
  • cynthiatwayne
    Head down, raises hand! And at 250 lbs, but I refuse to stop. I will complete a 5K this year!

    You go girl!!!!! I finished third from last at my first marathon but I too refuse to stop! You've so got this!
  • curt40
    curt40 Posts: 137 Member
    Nothing burns fat faster for me than running. But at my current weight, that sure is tough on the joints! Any tips is really appreciated! Feel free to add me, the more the merrier!
  • GdeVries
    GdeVries Posts: 235 Member
    Chunky runner here. Just finished C25K today and weigh 220.

    Feel free to add me.
  • runningforfuture
    Maybe not chunky, but runner.

    All runners unite!!!!
  • TreeHugger2013
    TreeHugger2013 Posts: 65 Member
    How about a chunky soon to be runner??? I have always wanted to be a runner and 2013 is the year I do it!!!
  • terra32903
    terra32903 Posts: 185 Member
    Chunky runner here! Although, I refer to it as a 'fatty shuffle' and its definitely more of a jog HA! Half way through C25K with my first 5K in three years (The Color Run) scheduled for next weekend. Feel free to add me!
  • kriskibbe
    kriskibbe Posts: 17 Member
    I certainly qualify! Did C25k class last fall and was able to finish 2 5k's before the Holidays and ready to get back into it next week. I could certainly use some motivation and accountability as well. Add me.
  • mjs3974
    mjs3974 Posts: 21 Member
    I am def a wanna be chunky runner. I wan to try and be a chunky mud runner this year and do one of those 5k obstacle runs.
  • bhopejones
    I feel like a chunky runner! I consider myself chunky..mostly because of my hips/stomach/thighs area. I definitely have those "Child bearing" hips and I swear to you, they are just not built for running, but I love it!! I feel like I'm carrying a literal tire around my midsection when I run. or bags filled with sand. I hate it.
  • brookrd1
    brookrd1 Posts: 34 Member

    I am a chunky runner as well, started last March, did my first 5k in May and set a goal at that time to run a 5k every month. I am slow but i'm moving and it makes me feel good. I found it helpful to find a group of people that like to jog/run as well, it is helpful to have that support! Also, as a result of my running I discovered I had a slight heart problem that was diagnosed and fixed so I am greatful for running.

    Go gettum:smile:
  • treenzdreamz
    treenzdreamz Posts: 301 Member
    I've just started on week 2 C25k and consider myself chunky i'll add yah :) and if anyone wants too add me go for it :)
  • gillybeanz74
    gillybeanz74 Posts: 34 Member
    Chunky Runner here!! Add me!! This Chunky Runner is doing the Princess Half in 3 1/2 weeks at Disney!! OMG I am freaking out already!!
  • CovaJoser
    Another chunky runner here, sort of. I started to run just a few weeks ago. While I have plenty of lungs, my feet can't keep up. They hurt so bad! I could barely finish 1 mile. It was a slow mile too, at only 11:38. I really wish I could go for longer.

    One thing I've noticed is that if my shoes are too tight the pain is more severe than if I were to leave them loose. Anyone have suggestions?
  • aimeev2
    aimeev2 Posts: 49 Member
    Heck, yeah. Feel free to add me. I'm recovering from an injury so living vicariously right now, but itching to get back into the swing of things soon!:happy:
  • lolwutshannon
    I'm a chunky runner! Well, I don't know if I could consider myself a runner yet since I want to drop dead only after a mile! But feel free to add me!
  • Kilika735
    Kilika735 Posts: 63 Member
    I love that there are others out there that run regardless of the jiggling and some bouncing and rubbing! I love running and I've done 2 half marathons and numerous 5K's and other middle distance racing. Although when I tell people that I run long distances, I can tell they think I'm lying! I have a deceiving athletic ability. I like to use it to my advantage during a race. The skinny ones look at me thinking I'll be winded ten minutes in. Then when I pass them at mile three I nearly have to pick up their jaws off the pavement! ;)

    I have taken some time off recently after a foot injury. I'm getting back into it and I hope this time it will help me finally get to my weight loss goal. My eating is my Achilles heel! Keep on running my friends it so good for your endurance and its such a good stress reducer!