Sickest you've ever been



  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    I had 6 weeks in Hospital when I was pregnant with my Son, I almost died three times apparently, so I am figuring then lol
  • the_journeyman
    the_journeyman Posts: 1,877 Member
    Horrible stomach virus. Spewing at both ends so violently that I forced a liter+ of Gatorade out my nose. Add to that a fever that had me feeling so cold, I told my wife I thought I knew what it was like to freeze to death. I was sore for days.

  • megalin9
    megalin9 Posts: 771 Member
    The "sickest" I've ever been was when I had surgery to repair a left ankle break. It was supposed to be out-patient surgery. I ended up having a negative reaction to the anesthesia (sp?) and also overdosing on morphine. I had to stay in the hospital two nights because I couldn't stand up without puking.

    The "longest" I've ever been sick is RIGHT FRIGGIN' NOW! I developed some kind of virus (fever, aches) on October 27th that lasted for 2 days. That turned into a cold/cough, which turned into bronchitis and low oxygen saturation levels. I had a breathing treatment and was prescribed an inhaler and cough medicine. No help. That turned into a sinus infection, and I was finally prescribed some antibiotics. That helped, but then I started suffering from allergies. This all lasted at least 30 days. I stopped counting after 30. I was better for a WEEK! Then I developed another cold, which I've STILL got. I'm going to try to get an appointment with a doctor today because, while I just seem to have normal cold symptoms (runny nose, hacking cough), I don't think it should last this long. This is ridiculous. This is over two months of a full-blown cold.
  • threeonethree
    threeonethree Posts: 182 Member
    I had pneumonia and went to a concert.

    It was 100+ degrees in Detroit that day and I was up in the balcony of the theater. You could feel the heat smack you in the face as you walked up the stairs.... hundreds of sweaty people + no fans + being sick = bad. It was really dumb. If I hadnt bought 6 $5 bottles of water,.... who knows what would have happened to me. I spent the last 4 songs of the show trying not to die in the lobby.
  • Julyfly70
    Julyfly70 Posts: 59 Member
    Just had the flu. It's been 3 weeks and just now I feel normal again. Being sick with the flu and a single mom of 4 year old twin boys is a bad combination.