Nervous about going to the gym...



  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    I am in my own little world at the gym and focused on my own goals, as I believe that most people are. When I see somebody that is obviously out of shape and struggling, I don't think anything beyond "good for you!"

    I've heard a few horror stories about gym snobs looking down on everybody else, even making remarks, but people like that are so low as to be beneath my concern. Keep that in mind for yourself.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Please go! My biggest regrets in life are that I allowed fear to keep me from doing the things I loved when I was a teen. Dance, swim, laugh. Be strong you can do this. It's for you and no one else.
  • PrincessNikkiBoo
    PrincessNikkiBoo Posts: 330 Member
    I was the same when I first started going swimming... wearing a LOT less than what I would have done in the gym.

    It didn't take me long to realise that nobody else cared what I looked like, they have their own insecurities that they are also trying to fix. :smile:
  • The_Invisible_Boy
    The_Invisible_Boy Posts: 568 Member
    Most people at the gym are not judging you even though you think they will/are. Believe it or not they are happy that you are taking your life back and trying to get healthier. Most will even try to help or offer advice. Some good some bad, lol. It's about the same as going out to eat and thinking the skinny folks are watching us overweight folks eat uttering mean things about us under their breath. They're usually not. :happy: Go workout and have fun doing it. Your body, spirit and mind will love you for it.
  • mommyof3j
    mommyof3j Posts: 26 Member
    I too am extremely self conscious even after a 30+ weight loss. Try not to be, you are there for a purpose and trust me the people that are there feel exactly the same way even the skinny skinny ones. lol. Just go there do your thing and when you get home pat yourself on the back. Just making the effort of going to the gym and doing something about your weight takes courage in itself, be proud of yourself and give yourself more credit for trying. It does get easier trust me. I've been there!!!

    Enjoy your workout and remember you are doing it for you and no one else. :-)
  • themutineer
    themutineer Posts: 117 Member
    Don't let those Planet Fitness commercials get to you. Nobody cares what you weight or how you look at the gym. People are focused on their workouts.

    THIS. Hate Planet Fitness.

    Go the gym, kick some *kitten*, and take some names.
    We all started somewhere.
  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    Most people are self-absorbed and will not pay attention to you.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    first of all
    NO ONE IS GOING TO JUDGE YOU! I went to gyms when I was 300lbs. Trst me when I say everyone is worried about their own self. I have gone to gyms at all sizes. No one will judge!!!! DO not let that stop you from being fit. You deserve to be there like anyone else.
    If anyone did judge you, which I doubt they would, assume they are no one who is worthy of your attention anyway..

    BUT SERIOUSLY- why would anyone judge you?: Do you go to a gym and sit around and judge others? No- you go to get YOURSELF in shape!

    Also, you are going with a group of friends who, although they may be smaller sizes, assumedly care about you and are supporting you and your goal to get healthy...spend your energy focusing on your own workout and supporting those friends, and don't worry about what other people in the gym think, do, or say.

    Good luck!
  • rachelleahsmom
    rachelleahsmom Posts: 442 Member
    I always judge chubby people at the gym - I think GOOD FOR THEM! I'm so impressed with anyone who is willing to get out there and move! We have some ladies at our gym that are in their 90s and I am always awestruck by their dedication! I'm proud of you!
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    There are different "groups" of people at the gym. The majority of them are there to better themselves and pay no attention to what others are doing. You may think that everyone is looking at you and that may be the case, but what you don't know is what they're thinking.

    There are a few obese people at my Gym (Lifetime) and when I see them, I'm proud and happy they've made the decision to come into the gym and better themselves. In some ways I want to go up to them and applaud them but I know they probably don't want the attention.

    It's a fear you will have to overcome but worth it in the end.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    Also...just getting into better shape isn't going to automatically make you feel less self-conscious--I have lost about 60 pounds from my heaviest weight and I am STILL self-conscious when I'm out running at the park or lifting weights at the gym. I just try to focus on what I'm doing and tune the rest of the world out.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    i felt the same when i first started going to the gym at almost 250 pounds... i went for a few days, and then realized, no one is even looking at me, laughing at me, making wierd faces at me... they are doing thier own thing!!! and you know what, after that, i was fine, and now, i see others that are in the same exact position i was in, walk through the door as im walking out, and i think... good for them! each time i walk out of the gym, i pat myself on the back, because i could have easily sat home and munched on a bag of chips instead... dont worry about it, go to the gym, enjoy yourself!!!
  • drp121274
    drp121274 Posts: 34 Member
    I am not going to say don't worry people won't judge you - because people will. HOWEVER, they will see that you are trying. I worry more about going out to eat. In my mind, everyone at the restaurant is saying "damn, don't you think you should put the fork down and hit the gym?!?!".... My point, you can't let the fear of what YOU think others will think about you keep you from living your life. If that were the case, I would never leave my house.

    As it is, I go to the gym, and I get on that treadmill and set my pace at a low 2.0 for 30 minutes. All the people around me are jogging and running. I am the largest person there, and I can only go 2.0. And the sad thing is - the machine tells me to slow down because my heart rate is too high. I feel like everyone around me is thinking that I am not working out as hard as I should. But I can't let that get to me... they don't know that I am restricted by my heart rate. Yes, I am over weight, and I did this to myself. But I am at the gym to correct that. And I will not let other people's judgement of me defer me from hitting my goal, and neither should you!

  • WrenStory
    WrenStory Posts: 103
    first of all

    That's simply not true, unfortunately. People can and will be cruel. Going anyway is having courage. Glad to read that you went and are feeling good about it :) Congrats, and keep it up!
  • gr14
    gr14 Posts: 19 Member
    going is the biggest step you can make!! who cares what other people thing. They don't know if you are going for the first time or if you have already lost 100lbs!!

    You can do it!!! :)
  • PhearlessPhreaks
    PhearlessPhreaks Posts: 890 Member

    ^ LOVE that! So true.

    OP- I can't really say anything that someone else hasn't already said… Your apprehension is completely normal, and the only remedy is to confront that fear by going to the gym and working your *kitten* off! You can do it!
  • R0asted
    R0asted Posts: 83 Member
    The only way that most people will judge you is they'll think to themselves. "Look at that girl putting in effort trying to get in better shape, good for her!". Honestly, no one cares what you look like at the gym. I barely even look at other people when I work out.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    you will be fine. nobody is there looking at you, they're all looking at themselves. And if they're anything like me, I applaud your determination (I am also very overweight but I still love going to the gym). I admit that sometimes I get a little down on myself because I'm still sportin' the XL t-shirts and joggers, and when the little girls in their lululemon come trotting out I get a little nervous, but honestly use those girls as motivation. You're going to look hot in nothing but bike shorts and a sports bra too! I lift heavy with the men, they don't even notice me, they're to busy watching themselves in the mirror to get perfect form. Nobody is there judging you, and if they are, consider the source.
  • _reno_
    _reno_ Posts: 87 Member
    People are going to judge you, it is just a fact.

    However, if you learn proper form and gym etiquette, WORK HARD while you are there, and show up consistently for a long period of time, people will judge you based on these positive attributes. You will earn respect! It is very motivating to see people who are willing to put in the work to get themselves fit.
  • Lynn1957
    Lynn1957 Posts: 3 Member
    Everybody, and I mean EVERBODY that has the motivation and guts to pull up their boot straps and go to the gym deserves a giant pat on the back. And no matter what you do at the gym, even just walking at a moderate pace, is doing something. One of my favorite sayings, "No matter what you do, you're still lapping those people on the couch!". So good for you for going!