Booze or No Booze??



  • tracymat
    tracymat Posts: 296 Member
    Yep, No booze January started yesterday!!!

    Living in WI, alot of social situations revolve around drinking... it will be a challenge for sure!
  • felice03
    felice03 Posts: 2,732 Member
    I practice Intermittent Drinking...My booze free break started at approx 10pm last night and goes till aboooout 6:30pm tonight....then repeats.
  • tabbyavalon
    as of January 1st this yeear im on mfp losing weight and not drinking for a month!!!! its gonna be so hard i love red wine an drink a glass everynight (or more) ive started by removing all the wine glasses and started on the peppermint tea which helps
  • Vansy
    Vansy Posts: 419 Member
    I'm cutting out drinking until my trip in March. I'll probably have one or two weekends between now and then that I'll indulge and have a few drinks, but I know I need to not drink to really drop the weight I want to lose between now and then.
  • missmegan831
    missmegan831 Posts: 824 Member
    I stopped all alcohol in October too many empty calories.. I would rather have a steak, plus being low carb I hear alcohol hits u alot harder than normal and I was already a light weight to begin with
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    I cut way back from August through October but never stopped completely. I'm still keeping it moderate but to cut it out entirely would take more will power than I currently possess. I don't like completely cutting things out that I like. Just cut back.
  • questhaven
    questhaven Posts: 109 Member
    Just waiting for the booze from NYE to leave my body then I will decide.

    ^^ Hilarious (and so true!) - I haven't given it up but I have definitely cut WAY back. I think you can lose weight and still have a beer or two every few days~
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    I've gained and lost lots of times (looking for the path of moderation here) and have never seen any impact from booze or not. That's just me. There are some studies out there that say that those who drink moderately, regularly may process alcohol calories slightly differently. I've never counted my alcohol calories either. I feel like I know where my problem areas are weight-wise and that's not one of them. If you need a reference re studies, I can go find one.

    I think the big thing for me is not to get drunk. Enjoy alcohol that tastes good a little bit at a time. A craft beer or glass or wine or two is fine. But if I get completely sauced, I can't work out the next day and I want to eat everything in the world that is bad for me.

    Do what works best for you! If you think you will feel healthier, do it.
  • SadKitty27
    SadKitty27 Posts: 416 Member
    I stopped drinking when I started my diet as my diet doesn't permit alcohol. I do miss my glass of nightly wine, and the occasional Jack and Coke on the weekends, but at this point losing weight is more important to me.
  • Mama_Mila
    Mama_Mila Posts: 511 Member
    BOOZE :drinker:
  • leannems
    leannems Posts: 516 Member
    I am giving it up after a bad liver test.

    I didn't drink that much before except when I did (so no drinks most of the time, and then binge drinking when I partied - maybe every other month).

    I blame getting a bit older, and of course, being overweight.

    It's pretty easy to give up when your doc says you could lose your liver over it! (that's an exaggeration of course).
  • JingleMuffin
    JingleMuffin Posts: 543 Member
    i dont drink very often at all.. im not trying not to really it just dosent really happen. I run alot and train hard so if i were to party then it would be a detriment to my running.
  • Gremlinz
    Gremlinz Posts: 3,259 Member
    I play around a little, and do weeks with drinking, weeks without, just to see what will happen, and I don't see a difference on the scale. That being said, I cut beer out completely due to the cals, carbs, etc, and concentrate purely on vodka and scotch now.....
  • _Peacebone_
    _Peacebone_ Posts: 229 Member
    Booze every once in a while will keep you sane :drinker:
  • mcanavan05
    mcanavan05 Posts: 210 Member
    Nothing but a glass of red (1 glass) 1 or 2 nights during the week/weekend. Beer/vodka on hold for now. Feel free to add me..I joined in 2011..224.5.. dropped to 206.. drinking..back to 215 and going to make 2013 my target year 188

    How did I drink on weekends when the eagles werent even interesting to watch entire game...
  • RushBabe214
    RushBabe214 Posts: 469 Member
    Booze every once in a while will keep you sane :drinker:

    I'll drink to that! :drinker:
  • SarahofTwins
    SarahofTwins Posts: 1,169 Member
    I tried having a few drinks every now and again, but it would end up wanting to eat after I've taken a few drinks and it wouldn't help. So I've given up drinking these past few days but its been tough. Just gotta make it happen :ohwell:
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Meh, there's nothing wrong with MODERATE alcohol consumption. In fact, it has health benefits (and I don't just mean polyphenols in red wine.)

    Interestingly enough, people who consume 1-2 drinks per night tend to weigh less than people who don't drink at all.
  • trobbin88
    trobbin88 Posts: 38 Member
    molson 67 is my friend :)
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Not cutting it out completely...I just know I could not nor would I want to do that. I am reducing my consumption though. I cut back the craft beer consumption significantly back in October and only indulge in a few weekly. I've taken to red wine and vodka & diet tonics in place of that beer. It really hasn't had an impact at all on my weight loss goals and I account for those calories. I'm taking it down a notch primarily because I want to. I will still have a glass or two of red-wine nightly though.