Booze or No Booze??



  • RushBabe214
    RushBabe214 Posts: 469 Member
    Booze is a downer.

    With an attitude like that, I'm afraid we'll never be friends...
  • Rogiefreida
    Rogiefreida Posts: 567 Member
    I cut waaay back on drinking in December and it wasn't really that easy, but it did great things for my waistline. I can't say that I would give it up entirely, but cutting back was a great decision and I will go back to that here after my cruise, which leaves Monday. But on the cruise...I will drink. And drink. And then probably drink some more. :drinker:
  • Denjo060
    Denjo060 Posts: 1,008
    Im giving up the hard liquor but am allowing myself an occasional glass of red wine doing it for my health and my weight loss and my sanity lol
  • kyricus
    kyricus Posts: 69 Member
    I intend to cut back as I'm sure that's been part of my downfall the past few years (in addition to really slacking on hitting the gym.) As a home brewer though, it's going to be a tough slog. I always have good home brew sitting around the house. If I'm lucky, maybe I'll be able to build up a backlog though and let it age longer. Have to look at all the positives!
  • j75j75
    j75j75 Posts: 854 Member
    While I have cut back on my drinking pretty significantly since my party days I cannot give it up entirely. I LOVE beer. Been making my own for awhile now. Fun hobby, and tastes sooo good. Just got to remember to keep it in moderation, and count the calories.
  • kilo666
    I Choose not to drink..I was born with only 1 kidney, and I'm try to keep it safe and healthy for as long as possible, not to mention how stupid it makes people.
  • trchristy
    trchristy Posts: 155 Member
    Yep... I am trying it, as well. We will see how it goes.... I am allowing two nights where I have post Christmas parties to indulge. But other than than, I am going to give it up. I averaged about two to three glasses of wine most evenings.... so I am really hoping by giving it up I will fall off of the plateau I am on! Feel free to friend me!

    yeah I have a " christmas party" in January to go to next weekend. I have one bottle of wine left I think I will take it with me and polish it off for the good of the holiday of course, then I will give it up till spring/ summer maybe ummmm or maybe not... ;) love my wine...
  • trchristy
    trchristy Posts: 155 Member
    I was an alcoholic for 15 years and kept eating and let my health go to rot. I have been alcohol free for 670 days. Having 1 drink a month is not a good way to kick it. Drinking is an obsession. I replaced it with another obsession. Loosing weight and getting healthy. I hit 268 lbs 2 months ago. Now, thanks to my support team I am now down to 246 lbs and I have gone from not being able to stand without a cane to being able to walk 3 miles a day without pain. I still have a long road to go, but the key is your determination and a strong support. Some days I wake up and say I don't think I can do this today and then I log on to MFP and see all these people praising my efforts and congratulating me and I just can't let them down. I then push myself to get through the day. I look back on the day and I am proud of my efforts and I know on my down days my support team will lift me up. Get yourself a strong support team and GO !

    Congrats to you, your a inspiration :) thank you for sharing
  • trchristy
    trchristy Posts: 155 Member
    I've gained and lost lots of times (looking for the path of moderation here) and have never seen any impact from booze or not. That's just me. There are some studies out there that say that those who drink moderately, regularly may process alcohol calories slightly differently. I've never counted my alcohol calories either. I feel like I know where my problem areas are weight-wise and that's not one of them. If you need a reference re studies, I can go find one.

    I think the big thing for me is not to get drunk. Enjoy alcohol that tastes good a little bit at a time. A craft beer or glass or wine or two is fine. But if I get completely sauced, I can't work out the next day and I want to eat everything in the world that is bad for me.

    Do what works best for you! If you think you will feel healthier, do it.

    I find if I get sauced, I want to eat a lot while I am drinking all common sense gos right out the window, and the amount of calories I consume is crazy...
  • aakokopelli7
    aakokopelli7 Posts: 196 Member
    I found out tonight that the one drink with dinner I was having was 400 calories.... needless today I think I am going to have to kick that habit.
    My fiancee is a beer drinker, he gets a big old beer gut and everything, but within a couple of weeks of cold turkey without a beer, he shrank. It was literally like magic. I say that it is worth it to stop drinking altogether or perhaps limit it to one to two per week. I will be doing it that way from now on.
  • LetsMakeupXtina
    LetsMakeupXtina Posts: 627 Member
    I am on the road to sobriety... not only for health and diet reasons but for my own personal reasons and because it has gotten way out of line. However, if you are someone who can indulge in a drink or two only once a month then I dont see the harm in it.
  • jrobins1969
    Just started this today! My downfall will be beer! I like to have 4 or 5 when I get home from work. I am going to try and only drink beer one day a week. I am guessing that I will by far drink more then the normal 4 or 5 then! Good luck to you!
  • Lconsla
    Lconsla Posts: 226 Member
    hell no. im not giving up booze. Im a grownup!
  • FitSlimHappy
    I'm having a booze free January!
    1. Because it'll definitely help kick start this years weight loss and
    2. There is a Cancer Research fundraising event called the 'Dryathalon' basically you are not allowed to drink for the whole of Jan in aid of cancer research. Will definitely be less inclined to have a sneaky glass of wine knowing I've got a bigger reason behind doing it! As for giving up altogether I don't think I could but ill definitely keep it as an occasional treat!
  • Sonriendo
    :`( No Booze... but only until March 8th....
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    I practice Intermittent Drinking...My booze free break started at approx 10pm last night and goes till aboooout 6:30pm tonight....then repeats.

  • Ebcanada
    Ebcanada Posts: 133 Member
    I went booze free for the 30 days before Thanksgiving. My results were awesome. I had been sticking to low carb high protien diet for sometime with 2 hrs a day 5 days a week workouts. I felt like I had plateaued and realized the obvious answer was the 3-4 glasses of wine most nights of the week. I lost 10 lbs and went from size 32 to size 30 in 30 days. Its not just the loss of weight but I felt so much better, and honestly I never thought I felt bad till then. I too am back to no drinking for Jan.
  • NachoAverageGal
    I am quitting the booze for a while too. I hope it helps. My husband and I almost always quit for several months after new years. It usually helps, but the weight comes back at the end of the year when we start eating and drinking what we want again. It's a vicious battle. I am back on the wagon for now :-)
  • leslierow
    The thing about drinking is that it lowers your inhibitions! Including lowering your resolve to avoid bad foods! Moderation is the key to happiness! The last time I had a few too many, I thought I needed cheeseburgers to make my night complete...never a good decision!
  • nicehormones
    nicehormones Posts: 503 Member
    Often, I have a few drinks at least once per week. It does not seem to affect my weight loss as long as it fits in with my calories. I know it's not good for me though and makes it harder for the body to absorb nutrients. I should probably stop altogether, but then again, I too really do need the mental break sometimes.