Booze or No Booze??



  • melissakolek
    melissakolek Posts: 3 Member
    There is nothing wrong with drinking except for it all turns to sugar. If you are going to drink, go for the hard stuff rather than mixed drinks and beer. Less calories. The name of the game is high protein and low calories to reach your goal.
  • mllst18
    mllst18 Posts: 188 Member
    No, never works for me. Here is a site that I found helpful--

    Puts alcohol in list based on ABV and calories. Cheers!
  • Kev_witchcity
    Very occasional, almost never to excess...I hate hangovers!
  • gettinthere
    gettinthere Posts: 529 Member
    I am also trying a dry January to see if I can actually do it! I drink way too much wine!! I have never worried about it affecting my weight loss, I just always counted it into my calories for the day!
  • LifeIsNotADressRehearsal
    molson 67 is my friend :)

    Canadian, eh? :). It's not bad for 67 cals!!!
  • tabbyavalon
    i usually drink wine im gonna cut down but not stop with the booze it wouldnt work for me so gonna atempt 2 swap some wine with bacardi i hear thats low in calories
  • levstein
    I gave up alcohol in June 2012 then started mfp on 5th July 2012 I have lost 53 lbs in weight and am almost at my goal weight. I haven't missed alcohol at all which surprises me as I was drinking an awful lot of wine. Drinking alcohol is empty calories and encourages you to eat the wrong types of food. I see no reason to start drinking alcohol again as I want to be healthy.
  • Sirref0275
    Sirref0275 Posts: 31 Member
    No drinking for me starting yesterday! should be easy enough.
  • 1stday13
    1stday13 Posts: 433 Member
    wow sounds like me. No Booze for me. most of my extra 100# came from booze. Of course I drank a lot more than one or two on weekends. If you only want a couple on weekends, go ahead, you don't want to feel deprived it makes it harder to stick to goals. Just add into your food diary just like regular food. Eat accordingly.
  • Sirref0275
    Sirref0275 Posts: 31 Member
    Good for you Girl keep it up!:smooched:
  • UtahWalker
    UtahWalker Posts: 29 Member
    I was an alcoholic for 15 years and kept eating and let my health go to rot. I have been alcohol free for 670 days. Having 1 drink a month is not a good way to kick it. Drinking is an obsession. I replaced it with another obsession. Loosing weight and getting healthy. I hit 268 lbs 2 months ago. Now, thanks to my support team I am now down to 246 lbs and I have gone from not being able to stand without a cane to being able to walk 3 miles a day without pain. I still have a long road to go, but the key is your determination and a strong support. Some days I wake up and say I don't think I can do this today and then I log on to MFP and see all these people praising my efforts and congratulating me and I just can't let them down. I then push myself to get through the day. I look back on the day and I am proud of my efforts and I know on my down days my support team will lift me up. Get yourself a strong support team and GO !
  • terrygran
    If, in making your point, you need to point out you are a grown up- you are not.
  • Sherbog
    Sherbog Posts: 1,072 Member
    It is my intent to allow alcohol but only if I include it in my calorie count for the day. That sure limits it and I find myself wanting to eat rather than have that dark micro brew

    Shirley in Oregon
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    Bah. After reading all this, I really don't believe any of it. Wine is widely drunk as a complement to dinner in many European countries and they are thinner than us. We just don't move enough, eat too much fake food, and lack moderation.
  • rugbyphreak
    rugbyphreak Posts: 509 Member
    Yep, No booze January started yesterday!!!

    Living in WI, alot of social situations revolve around drinking... it will be a challenge for sure!

    I live right outside of Milwaukee and I tried giving up alcohol last year... I lasted a month, then we went bowling and it all went to hell...
  • archie1964
    archie1964 Posts: 34 Member
    I think alcohol is fine, as long as you stay under or within your daily calorie limit and ensure that you count it correctly
  • Melo1966
    Melo1966 Posts: 881 Member
    I stopped drinking when I started my diet as my diet doesn't permit alcohol. I do miss my glass of nightly wine, and the occasional Jack and Coke on the weekends, but at this point losing weight is more important to me.

    I do applaud you but I couldn't help think about your screen name sadkitty. Well this is sad that you can not make Jack and Diet Coke work, poor Jack. Are you in the 1,200 club? On days I don't drink I eat extra chocolate and cookies because I have more calories I can consume and have hit my protein over 100 and fiber at over 30. Why not have a drink? I also then take less ibruprofen for pain.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Booze is a downer.
  • VicNeumann
    32 lbs lost in about 13 weeks without ever quitting drinking. I like a glass of wine or a nice scotch before dinner. I Just limited to 1-2 drinks per night a couple of times per week and tracked the calories. Key for me was High Intensity Interval training (HIIT) and weight training which cranked my metabolism up like a blast furnace. I always had plenty of calories to spare at the end of the day and the weight just flew off of me.
  • MissCarter79
    MissCarter79 Posts: 227 Member
    Meh, there's nothing wrong with MODERATE alcohol consumption. In fact, it has health benefits (and I don't just mean polyphenols in red wine.)

    Interestingly enough, people who consume 1-2 drinks per night tend to weigh less than people who don't drink at all.

    You said it so it must be true! I like your way of thinking!:wink: