Females in their 20's...Over 200lbs...wanting motivation!



  • Hey! I am 25 and I have been slowly gaining weight the last 5-6 years. I finally tipped the scales over 200 lbs 4 years ago, right before I got married. Since then I have put on even more weight! I tipped the scales last month at 265. :sad: I've lost 2 lbs so far and want to get down to 150-135. I also have PCOS which affects the way I lose weight! Always looking for motivation if anyone wants to add me! :smile:
  • talialeilani79
    talialeilani79 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi Pressing_On11, I've also got PCOS, and got some bad news this morning regarding the PCOS. I definitely need motivation!
    I've been going to a gym for over 6 months and have completed 3 months of personal training and in the whole time I have gained 2kgs! Definitely add me!
  • I am 23 and at 200-205 it changes from one or the other. It gets kind of annoying i mean i love to work out and exercise i just dont know what im doing wrong. Can I get any suggestions? by the way add me:)
  • mommyred35
    mommyred35 Posts: 275 Member
    I'm 28
    Sw 253
    Cw 222
    Current goal 215
    Ultimate goal 150

    We will all get there we just have to stick with it. Don't over think it. Just make better food choices and exercise.
  • leighdiane91
    leighdiane91 Posts: 225 Member
    I'm 21, live in Minnesota, and started out at 207. Currently at 194.8. Feel free to add me! I eat tdee -20 percent. And work out almost every day doing cardio and strength training.
  • Hi I'm Kelsey, I'm almost 23. I started MFP last March at 233. I'm currently 195, looking to reach my goal of 160! It's been a slow process, but I'm motivated get to 183 by March so I will officially have lost 50 pounds in a year! :)
  • LikeNoOneElse84
    LikeNoOneElse84 Posts: 475 Member
    I'm 28 and am now 189lbs but started my journey at 220lbs a couple of years ago. My goal is 130-135. Somewhere along those lines. lol.
  • ziboum
    ziboum Posts: 1
    Hi , I turned 20 on the 28 and just joined at 202. I have a hard time getting to the gym and exercise . I need motivation !!!
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    Just wanted to stop by and hopefully add some motivation for you ladies.
    I started out 217 pounds in 2010 at 25 years old. I'm now down to 163. It is possible to lose the weight, sometimes it takes time.
  • jordanhuber
    jordanhuber Posts: 12 Member
    I'm Jordan im 21 and 267.8 as of this morning! I started MFP probable a year ago but was never serious about until a couple months ago when I reached my highest weight of 280 ;/..I have since joined a gym broke up with my boyfriend of 3 years and hired a trainer. I soo glad you came up with this group! It's so motivating to she ladies around my same age and weight going through this journey! I dont know about you guys but I need all the support I can get lol expessially when those chips are sitting on the counter at work calling my name hehe! Things are going to change for me I just know it!
  • stagegoddess
    stagegoddess Posts: 101 Member
    I recently turned 29 and at 5'11 my highest weight was 250. I'm currently down to 215 which is my first goal (it marks the last pound where my BMI will be considered obese) and my ultimate goal is 175, but my doctor wants me down to 150--so we'll see where my body feels comfortable.

    I work 2 jobs constantly, one is mostly sedentary and the other is usually highly physical with tons of steps and staircases throughout my shift. I have a FitBit which REALLY helps me log everything and keep track of it all easily. I have been on MFP since September and love it. The websites work together and I have an open diary, which I log daily (even if I work crazy 18 hour shifts, I try to go back and log everything).

    So if you feel like adding me as a friend please send me an invite and let me know you saw this thread and your height/weight loss goals. I try to keep my friends motivated daily and really like having people with similar goals.
  • nadz6012
    nadz6012 Posts: 126 Member
    Hey Ladies, I'm not 200 now, but I started at 210 in 2009. I now weigh about 155 and trying to get down to 135 ( if that's even possible!) If you like you can see some of my before and after photos on my profile.
  • Hey! I'm Kaitlin and I'm 22. I just started at 200 lbs. and aim to get it down to 120! Good luck to everyone. I've really been trying to make a lifestyle change, but it is hard. I have a friend who is a size zero and tells me all the time that it'll be easy for me to lose weight since I'm "bigger" and have more to lose. It's not easy, but it's nice to share support with people who are fighting the same battle!
  • FunFitFast
    FunFitFast Posts: 35 Member
    Damn! Look at all of these lovely ladies. So happy to see that I am not the only one struggling! I am 5'7" and 216.5 pounds (as of this morning) looking to get healthy and happy at 150 before I get married next summer. Please add me so we can motivate each other =)
  • whalecb
    whalecb Posts: 20 Member
    Love this post, I'm 24 and have gained over the holidays. I need all of the support and motivation that I can get. I'm having a tough time getting fully committed back into it. I woud love to know what people are doing when the rest of the people in their house are not eating the same as you. Do you eat the same food just smaller portions? Do you replace parts of your meal so as to make better choices? I would love the help and friends!!!
  • Tannerb816
    Tannerb816 Posts: 19 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm a little late to the game. I'm 28. I started at 258 and am down to 253. I started January 1st as a resolutioner (lol) but it had become a lifestyle change. My goal weight right now is to be under 200 by my birthday in August and 150-160 by 2014. I'm super excited about my new journey. Please feel free to add me!
  • Emily698
    Emily698 Posts: 9 Member
    My largest was 206 while i was pregnant. I have had a lot of trouble losing the weight since then. I have very recently gone back under 200 but not much and my kid is now over a year old.... encouragement welcome!!!
  • Akdobies
    Akdobies Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone! :)

    My start weight was 258 and I am currently 216. I am in my first year of law school and I am ready for a change! I log everyday and love to have new friends for motivation and support. I will support your journey as well! Add me!

  • MND327
    MND327 Posts: 18 Member
    Hiya! I stared out at 226, was down to 151, started med school and am up to 170ish, looking to get to the high 130s ultimately, but I am most concerned about getting in better shape.

    I know exactly how you feel. I gained about 30 pounds since entering grad school!
  • MND327
    MND327 Posts: 18 Member
    I am 25 and 250+ pounds. It feels good to see that I am not the only young person going through the struggle of losing weight.