thoughts about piercings? (other than ears)



  • diodelcibo
    diodelcibo Posts: 2,564 Member
    I have a friend with a piercing on her vj and it looks pretty good.
  • JimieLou
    JimieLou Posts: 273 Member
    I have 6 piercings in my ears and a tattoo on my shoulder. The tattoo is an original work that symbolizes the memory of my late grandmother. My boyfriend has a piercing below the belt and I love it! He has zero tattoos though. I am a veteran teacher and he runs his own respectable trucking company. Piercings and tattoos (when done right) do NOT define a person.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    just got home from tattoo number 5.
  • Wynterbourne
    Wynterbourne Posts: 2,222 Member
    Non-ear piercings and tattoos are ugly and look trashy. That's just my opinion.

    I have three tattoos and for the moment just the normal ear lobe piercings. I also have two friends who have six figure incomes and IQs that qualify them for Mensa who have many many tattoos and a few non-ear piercings. I have yet to met anyone that agrees with your opinion of them look ugly and trashy. I'm a college graduate with an art degree who designed all three of my tattoos and describing my tattoos as ugly makes me twitch. I don't have some black line, misspelled ex-boyfriends name written across my forehead. Just because tattoos and piercings may not be for you doesn't not by default make them ugly or trashy. This isn't the 1950's.
  • JerseyGirl081
    JerseyGirl081 Posts: 98 Member
    Yes, Yes and Yes! Something on the body doesnt mean they are horrible at their jobs. My OBGYN has sleeves, a nice tattoo on her neck, she's told me she has many others, a few facial piercings, a total goth look and I trust her completely.:) Best doctor I've ever had.

    Quoting this

    Would you elect a president of the US with sleeves? Give him your retirement savings to invest? Trust him to deliver your baby? If you honestly say yes, you are truly an open-minded individual - more so than 95% or more of our country.
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    When I was younger, I had pretty much everything pierced at one time or another. Now as an adult, I have only my tongue pierced (my 2nd piercing), my earlobes stretched and a few random ear piercings (tragus-my very first piercing, industrial). The thought of getting a piercing now kind of freaks me out. The needle-puncturing-skin scares me. However, I have quite a few tattoos, including a half sleeve and I plan to get a few more someday.
  • isabele123
    isabele123 Posts: 159 Member
    I love tattoos and piercings I have a labret piercing and I have a lot of tattoos a sleeve on one arm and I have started on the other arm!:bigsmile:
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    One of the businesses that didn't sink during the recent recessions were tattoo removal services. It is still an exploding business. That should be enough said. But.... having grown up in San Diego with all the navy personnel, old tattoos are frankly ugly and some are outdated and will date you. In addition, my husband won't hire anyone with a visible tattoo. He has had many moms say, "You are the person, I am telling my kids about".

    To each their own right? But I do know telling someone they aren't qualified for a job based on apperance is kind of... petty.

    I mean I was told that i would never find a job and I have found 2 (one I was at for 8 years) and the one I am currently at. I have had piercings and tattoos for at least that long and my employers have all seen me as an added value to their staff. But then again some people look at the resume and skills and not the outwards apperance.

    Would you elect a president of the US with sleeves? Give him your retirement savings to invest? Trust him to deliver your baby? If you honestly say yes, you are truly an open-minded individual - more so than 95% or more of our country.

    I would. What he or she has on their body doesn't affect me at all. As long as they don't have anything offenseive, I don't have a problem with it. For all you know, that banker sitting across from you rocking the suit could have sleeves, but you'd have no idea because of the dress code.

    Absolutely...although being Canadian I am sure my vote wouldn't count. If the person is able to do his or her job what business is it of mine? I know many professionals who are tattooed, pierced, modified in someway and not one has ever had a problem. It's a matter of action, maturity, and the ability to do a competent job in their field that got them there, not how they look.

    I would put money on the fact that you deal with a tattooed person in a professional position and you don't know it, and never will because they take the time to adhere to the dress code of their company. To look at me on the street in work clothes you would have no idea I have tattoos, piercings well only my lip and that is easily removed when required.
  • CandaceHoweth91
    Everyone talking about their nipples, makes my nipples hurt! :laugh:
  • piggydog
    piggydog Posts: 322
    What you wanna do on your personal time is your thing...

    I had my monroe done and I took it out... It was a spell I went through as a teenager and now I have the scar for the rest of my life.

    Allot of piercings look trashy....jmo

    You should never get a tattoo somewhere it can't be covered. There is no reason to go to work with all your things hanging out. I don't want to go to Mcdonalds and be trying to eat looking at your tatted up knuckles and ten rings hanging out of your face....Nor do I want to go to a law firm or anywhere else and see the same thing.

    I spend my money places that are professional and i don't think having a wild apperance at work is very professional.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    Personal preference I think some tattoos and piercings are really cute/badass then I think some just look like *kitten*. Depends on the person, the tattoo and the piercing for me.

    I will admit, my one and only tattoo looks like ****. That's because of two reasons. One, my ex did it and two, because I was moving during, it's a bit off-center.

    Totally regret it and hope to one day make enough money to have it covered with something way better.....
  • seresha
    seresha Posts: 65
    Id like to thank everyone that commented wether it be pro or con. I asked because I wanted to see if the world is becoming more accepting of them or not and left my bias aside:) I have my nipples and ears pierced and currently have 4 tattoos:)
  • pudadough
    pudadough Posts: 1,271 Member
    I like certain piercings better for long term. I had my navel pierced at 18 instead of getting a tattoo like my dumb friends. They all regret their tattoos, I can take my piercing out whenever. It reminds me of that moment, being 18, like a tattoo might. Will likely leave a scar, but a scar's better than a dated-looking fairy or tribal crap.

    That said, some other body mods quite literally gross me out. I was behind a girl in the checkout line the other day that had clearly been working on her ear gauges and had gotten them up to about the size of a nickel. She didn't have them in so her lobes were just flapping around. It looked nastier than I would have expected. Honestly don't get the appeal.