The P90X Fat Man

First off I'll say that I'm just a regular fat guy who needs exercise and have no affiliation with the makers of P90X.

I weight 350 pounds; that's fat. I started doing MFP about 4 months ago. I lost about 20 pounds then nearly put it back on during the holidays. It's frustrating because I'm a computer programmer; a sedentary desk job.

I've heard it over and over, to lose weight you need "Diet and exercise". But it wasn't until a couple of weeks ago that something clicked in my noggin.

They really should be saying "Exercise and diet". I've always minimized the exercise part. And for me in particular, with all my sitting around, I *really* need it.

So, I picked up P90X on a friend's recommendation, and have been going for four days now, and WOW it's amazing. It's HARD but amazing!

I got a heart rate monitor and found for my age and size, my heart rate should be between 145-160, so I keep an eye on that and if I get out of my zone, I stop the exercise and pace around instead until it comes back down. This happens often and currently I'm only finishing about one third of the reps they do on the video.

But at the end, WOW I FEEL GREAT!

Another thing I appreciate is that they have a schedule and rotate you through muscle groups over the week, so when your legs are sore on Tuesday, you're working on your arms and chest.

Currently, I'm a sloppy mess as far as form goes and yesterday Yoga X did me in completely and unfortunately I quit after 20 minutes. I'm not quitting again. Back and Legs was today and it was really tough but I just took pacing breaks until I could get back into it.

Even if I can't do all the exercises right now, I know I'm getting a good heart workout at least.

Well, I plan to post updates about how this goes. And I appreciate any encouragement.

So far it's been a rush!


  • keesha27
    keesha27 Posts: 25 Member
    Congratulations!! One day at a time. Don't expect to be the world's best bodybuilder by tomorrow. You have to start somewhere. If your heart monitor is on point, you are most likely burning a lot of calories each time you exercise. You'll see the outcome on the scale at the end of your first week. That'll be great motivation for you to keep going. Hang in there!!
  • XtyAnn17
    XtyAnn17 Posts: 632 Member
    Keep us updated id love to follow your progress with it! Im gonna add you!
  • darkguardian419
    darkguardian419 Posts: 1,302 Member
    You have to build up to where they are... you won't be there in the first month. You might even have to wait until a second time through the program, but through the whole process you'll be getting better.

    Don't give up.
  • kfeb14
    kfeb14 Posts: 3
    Congratulations on deciding to pick up P90X! I got it a while back and love the workout. When I first started I couldn't even get through the entirety of any of the cardio workouts. Every week I would set a goal for how long i could last and just kept increasing it. If you can't get through it all don't let it get you down! Keep pressing Play as Tony says! Best of luck!
  • Cynduck
    Cynduck Posts: 255 Member
    That is awesome!!! I would love to do that but I just can't seem to get past myself to do it!
  • GenesisandEden
    GenesisandEden Posts: 338 Member
    Good for you! I look forward to your updates.
  • BobSassafrass
    BobSassafrass Posts: 85 Member
    You definitely have the right attitude!

    Don't worry about YogaX, most people hate it. It frustrates me everytime but after the 10th run through or so you will get most of the moves down. Even still I can't do the knees on the elbow thing. But pay attention to the time cause about 45min in it goes to balance and then stretching, so the first 45 min are the hardest.

    Another option that many people do is to replace a day of cardio with a different cardio. So if youre still sore from plyo, you could do Kenpo. If you aren't in the mood for yoga you could do CardioX. I do this often because I have been supplementing P90X with other workouts that are usually leg intensive. I also do this because Yoga has one of the lowest calorie burns and CardioX is much more interesting.
  • MindyLyn315
    AWESOME JOB!! Your making me want to dust off my P90X. I do the Arm work out and thats it. I got frusturated with it because #1 I live in an apartment on the 3rd floor. I dont think my neighbors would appreciate the jumping ( even though they teach you to land softly) Then I dont have a chin up bar but even if I did.. I could not do it.. lol
  • loribenfield
    loribenfield Posts: 120 Member
    I will be watching for your posts. Congrats on finding the thing that makes it click. That is the part that seems to be the mystery to most of us. I am not by any means dead on when it comes to eating right and exercising like I should but I am keeping steady.
  • nevareg
    nevareg Posts: 260 Member
    Congrats on making the step towards a better you!! P90X is no joke, but as Tony says, "Just do your best and forget the rest" If you'd like to be around a bunch of people also doing P90X there is a group on here call "P90X New Year challenge 2013" you should join and we all can motivate and support each other during a challenging 90 days!
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    "do your best, forget the rest"
  • simonkurth
    simonkurth Posts: 395 Member
    Big guy here too lol
    I'm currently on my second round of P90X and I'm hooked. Let me know if you'd like some help/ motivation.
  • swashburn3
    swashburn3 Posts: 172 Member
    Thanks for all the support everyone!

    Today was KempoX. YOW! I ended up missing out on most of the yells at the end of the exercises because my heart monitor told me to cool it. So I started to do them all the time, heh.

    So, yeah, for those who don't know Kempo is a karate form with a lot of punches and kicks. I have a long way to go, but I believe now if I'm ever attacked by an army of midgets I'll be able to take them out with my "high kick".

    But here's a great NSV! During the cool down you spread your legs and reach down and touch the floor. And this time... I actually touched the floor! I've *never* been able to do that.

    I was able to do about 50% of the punch exercises and about 30% of the kick ones, and like before, I take a pacing break when my heart monitor kicks in.

    I started last Monday, so tomorrow will be ONE WEEK OF P90X!! I can't wait for the next one!
  • lumox1212
    lumox1212 Posts: 152
    great job, keep pressing play.
  • swashburn3
    swashburn3 Posts: 172 Member
    In response to the comment about pull-ups and jumping, here's what I do.

    I bought an over the door resistance band set and use that for chin-ups. There's not much hope for me doing real ones right now, but at some point I'll probably switch to regular pull-ups.

    I also use bands instead of weights for the other exercises. I got a medium strength one and an extra heavy strength one.

    I have a problem with jumping as well. I'm heavy enough that it hurts my knees even when I land "softly" (which means only things in the living room shake). I also have a problem with my belly flopping all over the place when I jump.

    So, I modify things, like Jumping Jacks for instance, where I'll kick one leg out to the side while extending my arms. I'll do that about 10 times and then switch sides. It works for me since I'm heavy enough, I guess. It still keeps my heart rate up.

    Also Tony often offers non-jump versions of the exercises, which I do.

    I should also say, that I'm currently going through the "lite" version of the program which, needless to say, is difficult enough for me. It's nice though because I feel like I have room to grow.

    I hope this info can help some of the heavier exercisers make it work like I have.
  • swashburn3
    swashburn3 Posts: 172 Member
    First time doing XStretch today. I did a fair number of them, albeit poorly. A few I couldn't do simply because I could reach the part he said I needed to grab, like the pretzel one. And I also couldn't do any of the ones where you tuck both legs up close to your chest, because my big belly was in the way.

    Overall it was a relaxing experience and I think I'm getting a hang of the vinyasas, although I still cheat on parts like on my knees during plank and upward dog.

    But it's progress! And I felt great afterwards!

    Here's to a new week of P90X!
  • Project_Jodie
    Well done! I havejust ordered my P90x and can't wait for it to arrive!

    One workout at at time! - I also have a really sedentary job but love the buzz from exercise - food is where I fall down

    Good luck!
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    Wow, just looked it up. That looks pretty hard core! You're one step better than me. I'm scared just looking at it!
    Keep it up and let us know how you get on! :happy:
  • swashburn3
    swashburn3 Posts: 172 Member
    Yeah, it looks a bit daunting, but like I said, I modify and make it work. Keep my heart rate in the zone. I like how I can expand into it. Get better and still have a challenge to reach towards.

    So, I weighed in today and was down 2.2lbs! Woohoo!

    Then I did my second attempt at Core Synergistics. I feel I like I progress a bit in the exercises. Maybe doing 40% now? It felt like I was take a pacing break for a little less than half of the reps for most, and there were still a few that I just couldn't do, like the Dreya Roll. I also skipped the bonus round and fast forwarded to the cool down. My goal is to some day make it through that bonus round.

    At the end, I was sure glad it was done, but I felt great! So I had myself some chocolate milk, lol.

    Next up is CardioX!
  • swashburn3
    swashburn3 Posts: 172 Member
    I did some more CardioX today. I feel like I'm getting better at this! On most of the exercises I'm able to get to part where Tony says, "Only 10 more left". Maybe next time I can push through them all.

    There are still a couple that I don't do the advanced version, and I'm still too scared to try the Dreya Roll.

    I noticed that I do much better on upper body exercises than on lower. I suppose that's because of my weight.

    I just want to say again how wonderfully balanced this workout is. Even though I wake up kind of sore and stiff each morning, the workout for the day is just the right thing to get me feeling great!

    Tomorrow is Shoulders and Arms and I'm going to try Ab Ripper X for the first time.

    I think I'm getting addicted to this stuff! LOL