The P90X Fat Man



  • spamantha57
    spamantha57 Posts: 674 Member
    I love this thread!
  • pyrowill
    pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member
    I've given up P90x about 4 times, never getting past week 5. :( Like a previous poster said, always find some excuse.
  • swashburn3
    swashburn3 Posts: 172 Member
    I got a double in yesterday! I couldn't sleep last night. I was just laying in bed with all this energy and after a few minutes I thought, "I should just get up and do some P90X!" So I popped in CardioX. That sure burned the energy, and I slept pretty well!

    Today starts my first recovery week. I had a great YogaX workout today. I really am getting better at this. I still struggle with some of the ones near that 45 minute mark, but I'm doing a LOT better on the earlier ones. I'm almost able to do a real vinyasa, the only part I struggle with is getting my knees off the ground during upward dog. I also struggle with kicking my leg up to runner's pose because my belly is in the way.

    One thing that's great about YogaX is how relaxed I feel at the end of it. It really is a calming experience.

    Core Synergistics tomorrow! Yikes! Hopefully I'll have improved there too.
  • swashburn3
    swashburn3 Posts: 172 Member
    Something fantastic yet scary happened today... I just finished Core Synergistics and I only paused ONCE because of my heart monitor!

    I'm doing the exercises, looking down at my HRM watch, hoping, praying that I'd be out of the zone so I could stop because my muscles are on fire. NO SUCH LUCK! HA!

    I really felt the burn in my muscles today and there were a couple times when I had to stop early because I was completely out of energy. Oh! And there were times when I had to jog to get my heart rate UP! WOW!!

    I skipped the Dreya Roll and bonus round as usual, but today it was because my muscles were totally spent.


    And even though my form is still very sloppy at times, I know I'm getting better each day! IT'S AWESOME!!
  • simonkurth
    simonkurth Posts: 395 Member
    Sloppy form-no problems. Moving = progress and success. Way to go man! Keep up the great work. Your enthusiasm is infectious! Thanks for the added motivation.
  • tiffanyheth
    tiffanyheth Posts: 510 Member
    I'm doing P90X, too, and every day it gets a little easier (although I skipped Yoga and did Plyometrics again because I didn't want to run on the treadmill. LOL.

    Awesome job!
  • So happy for you it takes real commitment. Keep up the hard work.
  • cpaman87
    cpaman87 Posts: 193 Member
    This is a fantastic thread. You are an amazing motivation for all of us doing P90X. Congratulations on your success so far. I was in pretty good shape when I started it and it still kicked my but. On day 18 now.
  • beebee0925
    beebee0925 Posts: 441 Member
    Congrats on starting P90x. I like how your are so motivated to do your workouts even if your form isn't perfect. We are close to the same size so I know about doing workouts when you're our size. Keep it up.
  • simonkurth
    simonkurth Posts: 395 Member
    Big boys rock too!!! Lol
  • simonkurth
    simonkurth Posts: 395 Member
    I'm doing P90X, too, and every day it gets a little easier (although I skipped Yoga and did Plyometrics again because I didn't want to run on the treadmill. LOL.

    Awesome job!

    I know yoga is tough, but try not to skip it. It's really an important component of P90X. Keep up the good work
  • First off, congrats on your progress with the program. Slow progress is better than no progress. You are an inspiration to many, including myself.

    Now I hope I don't sound like a Debbie downer, but something bugged me about your first post. Diet IS the key to any weightloss journey. A diet isn't necessarily eating less and starving yourself. In fact, it's quite the opposite. Anyway, I'll get off my soapbox as I don't want to derail the thread from your awesome progress.

    Keep up your great work!
  • BrotherBill913
    BrotherBill913 Posts: 662 Member
    You should video your workouts and who knows? Might become a big hit later on!! good Luck to you!!
  • Revmikfrankie
    Revmikfrankie Posts: 8 Member
    Love the positive attitude, that's half the battle I think. I'm new to this site, as of today, and am also begining the P90X workout. I'm trying to lose 45-50 pounds biggest hurdle is I love food. Hopefully this site will help keep that under control. I wish you all the best with your workout. Seeing how I'm new here I have no idea how to add someone as a friend so if you can feel free to add me.
  • swashburn3
    swashburn3 Posts: 172 Member
    Diet IS the key to any weightloss journey. A diet isn't necessarily eating less and starving yourself. In fact, it's quite the opposite. Anyway, I'll get off my soapbox as I don't want to derail the thread from your awesome progress.

    Hey, thanks for your input. Something else I realized when starting P90X is that my primary focus is FITNESS now, not just weight loss. I know that these concepts are probably second nature for people who are reasonably fit, but for someone like me, I used to avoid exercise like it was the plague. To me it was all just unnecessary pain and suffering. Why waste time on exercise if diet is the key to weight loss?

    What I do know from personal experience is that exercise has given me insane amounts of energy. I just feel more alive! And I have a more positive view on life. I can do things I haven't been able to do before and I've only lost about 8 pounds so far with P90X.

    Now I do keep my diet in check. I'm still logging calories, trying to keep my macros in line, and making better food choices. But, my primary focus is exercise. It might change in the future, but that's where I'm at right now.

    I talk about it more over here:
  • lumox1212
    lumox1212 Posts: 152
    proud of you. eat well and drink your water
  • swashburn3
    swashburn3 Posts: 172 Member
    First a crazy NSV. Last night I'm laying in bed and the blankets at my feet are all screwy and it's bugging me, so I sit up and straighten them. And I realized... I just did a SIT-UP! I didn't roll on my side and push myself up like I would have done. I just, well, sat straight up. Crazy. I'm definitely diving back into ARX next week.

    So, I woke up kind of sore and stiff this morning, but after a light morning snack I popped in KempoX. The stretches were really tough today and I was wondering how I was going to do. But I warmed up pretty well.

    I am now making it through all of the exercises before my heart monitor kicks in and there were a couple of times when I was able to go through two exercises without stopping!

    Another awesome P90X day!! Tomorrow is XStretch since I'm in recovery week. Looking forward to that!
  • _SASX_
    _SASX_ Posts: 255 Member
    Awesome NSV! It's so nice to do something like that and surprise yourself :) congrats!
  • It is things like that that keep you going back for more. Great job :)
  • macmac1212
    macmac1212 Posts: 20 Member
    I love this thread...keep it up!!! You've got this!! :)

    I hope to be as brave as you and try P90X sometime in the future...I'm currently doing Jillian Michael's Body Revolution and it is kicking my butt!! It feels awesome to workout and accomplish something though!