The P90X Fat Man



  • swashburn3
    swashburn3 Posts: 172 Member
    :( Ab Ripper X did me in... and I'm not sure what I can do. After the pretty heavy shoulders and arms workout I can't do a single sit up. Not that I've ever been able to do many.

    Does anyone have suggestions on how to easy into an Ab routine when you can't do a sit up? I'm thinking I might just try simplified crunches whenever I can't do a particular exercise. I need something that will help me get to the point where I can do one of these Ab Ripper X exercises.

    BUT Shoulders and Arms was fantastic again today! I've got a black band that is really tough, like an inner tube. I pumped really hard and made some great progress there.

    Felt Great!

    Oh! Another NSV that I found. I find that I have more energy during the day. I'm a bit more fidgety when I sit for too long too, which means I want to get up on my feet more.

    Well, tomorrow is YogaX again! YIKES! I think I'll do much better. I'll let you all know.
  • WickedGarden
    WickedGarden Posts: 944 Member
    Congrats! I finished 2 rounds of P90x, and love it! Ok,Plyo I don't love as much, but it's so exciting when you can finally perform a move correctly, for me that was holding the crane position in Yoga.

    One thing I will say is that you don't see results right away. I was getting discoraged, but finally saw results after Phase II, or 60 days. Friends commented that I looked amazing.

    Keep up the hard work!
  • spokes744
    spokes744 Posts: 8 Member
    Keep it up. I have never finished a full 90 days, always some sort of excuse. You are motivating me to blow the dust of my dvd set!

    Thank you!
  • crowunruh
    crowunruh Posts: 246 Member
    Good for you! I agree, in my case exercise came first then the healthy eating just fell into place.
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    That's great! I'm sure it'll get easier as time goes by. Good for you :)
  • swashburn3
    swashburn3 Posts: 172 Member
    Another awesome P90X day! I made it through Yoga X!! I did about 1/3 of the reps and chose the "easier" exercises when offered.

    I also had to totally skip a couple like the plough and crane. I think I'm just too big for those still. I'm looking for ways to ease into them.

    But that's ok, I know I had a good workout. I sure can feel it in a very good way.

    Next up is legs and back and ab ripper x. I'm still not sure I can do ab ripper, but I'm going to try again.

    Wish me luck!
  • swashburn3
    swashburn3 Posts: 172 Member
    Crazy day today! Last night I accidentally knocked water into my laptop! So, off to the repair shop this morning.

    But I got back in time for P90X Legs and Back. I tightened my bands and really went for the extra reps on my arms.

    Still struggling through the leg exercises, because of my weight. But even so, I feel I was able to do half the reps. Well, I say struggling, but I'm still highly motivated! I'm just struggling to perform the exercise.

    Now, on to my second round of Kenpo X!
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Wait till next week when you can do more than you did this week. It is an amazing feeling.
  • jemanji
    Congrats amigo :- ) ... I'm also hooked on P90X ...

    The exercise buzz after a disk is amazing, isn't it? ... and I think what I like best, is the sense that you're headed some place GREAT, not just some place good ... personally I've never enjoyed working hard to be mediocre at something, but working hard to do something special, that is a different matter ... when you're grinding out those extra reps during a lifting disk, the image of a P90X T-shirt seems to make all the difference :- )

    The YogaX for me actually IS a cardio workout; the pulse stays at 125-135 through the first half, especially if you add pushups at every vinjasa ... it's cardio, but a type of cardio that allows you to work on your mental focus ... have you ever Googled Jennifer Kostel on yoga? She does a great job of explaining the "ki extension" involved with each move. It's one thing to hold a lunge, another thing to sink weight and bleed rays of energy down through the heels ... Yoga X was a master stroke on Horton's part if you ask me...

    Bring it brotha!
  • veddar79
    veddar79 Posts: 205
    Congrats. I didn't get a chance to read all the replies so u apologize if its been said...I've done 3 rounds of p90x (9 months) it is hands down the best video type program out there. Please find another yoga program. We got one at target for like $10. Yogax has been complained about constantly. It's too long and honestly not good if you've done yoga. Yoga during p90x is a necessity. You need the stretch and releas it gives you. When you find a good one its amazing.
  • mottmadness
    Great Job Brother. Those workouts don't play. I remember the first time I did the Plyo workout. I quit 20 minutes into it. The next time I made it 30 minutes and then I finally completed it. If you can keep this motivation up, you will have your weight loss goal accomplished.
    Look out for my friend request. Let's keep each other motivated toward our goals.
  • skwashua
    I'm right there with you. I'm a developer as well.

    Mainly I'm just trying to stay under my calorie goal. I have P90, but have think P90X may be the way to go.

    I have a hard time with the video ones after more than a couple of weeks. Gets boring.
  • swashburn3
    swashburn3 Posts: 172 Member
    Thanks everyone for the tips and encouragement! And for those of you want to try P90X or to get back into it, YOU TOTALLY SHOULD!! :D

    Today was Kempo X part 2, and I stepped it up a notch. I did ALL of the reps. YEAH! Here's how it happened.

    During the first exercise I noticed that my heart monitor kicked in about 3-5 reps from the end of the 25 reps sets. So I just pushed myself through it. Then I paused the video and paced until my heart was back down to the middle of the zone, then I went on to the next exercise.

    Also, I did half(5) of the star jacks during the breaks!

    Man, I feel great again!

    I believe that over the course of my life, whenever I've been working out, I must have been totally doing it wrong... Usually when I'd work out on one day, I'd really feel it the next, but that doesn't seem to be the case with P90X.

    I mean, I feel a little sore the next day, but not the pain I use to feel that made me think "I'm never doing that again!"

    So, I've nearly finished week 2! Just XStretch tomorrow.
  • swashburn3
    swashburn3 Posts: 172 Member
    I've officially finished 2 weeks of P90X!

    Did the XStretch today and I can tell I'm getting a bit more flexible. There were only two or three that I just couldn't do; shoulder stand, plough, and the pretzel one. Pretty much because my big tummy is in the way still.

    This is the first time doing this since getting my yoga blocks a few days ago. Those make a big difference. I feel like I can ease into the stretch better. A lot more burn, and that's a good thing. :)

    Tomorrow is my weigh in day and I'm looking forward to another excellent week!
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    congrats dude! we've got a huge group of people tackling P90X over here:

    if your interested for more support and a place to ask questions, get tips/advice etc.

  • Tat2dDom0105
    You're doing an excellent job! Keep up the good work, and continue to update us on your progress.
  • swashburn3
    swashburn3 Posts: 172 Member
    Here we go! Week 3 of P90X!!

    I weighed in this morning and was down 3.1lbs from last week, which puts me at 341.7.

    Oh man! Core Synergistics is hard!! BUT so good!!

    It was my third time through today. I know I said last time that yoga was the hardest for me to do, but I'm pretty sure it's Core now, lol.

    I was only able to finish 1/3 to 1/2 of the reps. And there were a good number of them that I had to modify. Mostly because I can't do a real pushup yet. So, when they were doing running pushups and sphinx pushups and reach high and under pushups. Well.. i was just doing my regular sissy on-your-knees pushups, but I was engaging my core the best I could.

    This one really is a challenge for me but I just keep pressing play! :D

    Another bout with CardioX tomorrow.
  • swashburn3
    swashburn3 Posts: 172 Member
    Another awesome day of CardioX!

    I did pause and pacing breaks today and I was able to make it though nearly all of the exercises. I'm doing a lot better at the plyo section, but still struggling with yoga.

    Today I did knee pushups instead of the dreya roll. Someday, Dreya Weber, someday.
  • cleotherio
    cleotherio Posts: 712 Member
    Someday, Dreya Weber, someday.

    Ha! Someday I hope to be able to crank out 15 pull ups like she does. Congrats on your progress!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I've heard it over and over, to lose weight you need "Diet and exercise". But it wasn't until a couple of weeks ago that something clicked in my noggin.

    They really should be saying "Exercise and diet". I've always minimized the exercise part. And for me in particular, with all my sitting around, I *really* need it.

    Awesome!! I too have a desk job (data analyst) and sit all day and I could NOT agree more with the above. For me, exercise is key.