Spring Couch to 5K



  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Day 2 of Week 2 in the bag! Woot!! :drinker:

    You go girl! I haven't even gotten to day one yet. (day 1 is tonight after work)
    How was it, am I going to die?

    Day 1 was tough for me, but day 2 was loads easier. It's a little bit of a jump to go from 60 seconds to 90 seconds that first time. Go slow. It's not too bad in the sceme of things. Like, for instance, my visit to the dentist's office today!
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Day 2 of Week 2 in the bag! Woot!! :drinker:

    Woohoo!! W2D2 is tonight for me. Hopefully it's better than Tuesday's run! :ohwell:

    Day 2 is better. You can do it!! :drinker: :drinker:
  • BrandyLiz
    BrandyLiz Posts: 14
    W2D2 done!!! :bigsmile:

    Not stretching before running and lengthening my strides worked wonders! D3 on Saturday!
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    W2D2 done this morning. I am having a hard time trying to slow myself down. I walk at a 3.0 mph and I am trying to run at 4.0 mph. I think my problem in the past is that I have tried to go to fast to soon, so now I am trying to slow myself down. What incline is everyone running at? I have been told to run at a 1.0 to mimic running outside. (the floor in my house is uneven so I have it at 1.5 to keep the treadmill steady.)

    I did and Insanity workout before I ran this morning, my legs felt good during the run. In the past I have had problems with my calf muscles cramping up, but no problems today. I think, for me, I have to have a good warm up. While doing Insanity I do have a problem with my calf muscles tighting up during the warm up. But once I am past the warm up I am fine.

    The "science" behind not streching before a run is, at least from what I remember reading, so don't quote me on this, When you strech you release the "fast-twitch" muscle fibers. So when you run after streching you are not able to use the "fast-twitch" muscles

    hope everyone had a good run to day.
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    Just want to wish you guys the best. I finished C25K 2 weeks ago. You can all do it. Just stay with it and don't feel like you have to pressure yourself. If you miss a day or two, just pick up where you left off.

    I didn't see anyone mention running with the C25K podcast. I used Robert Ullrey's Couch to 5k from iTunes.(it's free) You kind of feel like you're not running alone. Each week is a different podcast. It feels good when you're running and his voice comes on and says "you're halfway through your run, how do you feel?" and I say to myself "I'm tired and I have to pee" and his calm, reassuring voice comes back and says "thaattt's gggrreaattt!!!"

    Good luck.

    I started off using Robert's podcasts and I liked them but really wanted to use my own music. I got an ipod touch and was able to download the C25K app. It's pretty awesome and totally work the $2.99. It plays your own music and keeps track of your progress. I looooooove it!

    Week 6 day 1 today! Today is some shorter 8 minute runs so I'm pumped about that. The next big run is 25 minutes! AHHH!

    I'm so glad that I have stuck with this! It's gonna be such a great accomplishment when I get to week 9!!!
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    W2D2 done this morning. I am having a hard time trying to slow myself down. I walk at a 3.0 mph and I am trying to run at 4.0 mph. I think my problem in the past is that I have tried to go to fast to soon, so now I am trying to slow myself down. What incline is everyone running at? I have been told to run at a 1.0 to mimic running outside. (the floor in my house is uneven so I have it at 1.5 to keep the treadmill steady.)

    I did and Insanity workout before I ran this morning, my legs felt good during the run. In the past I have had problems with my calf muscles cramping up, but no problems today. I think, for me, I have to have a good warm up. While doing Insanity I do have a problem with my calf muscles tighting up during the warm up. But once I am past the warm up I am fine.

    The "science" behind not streching before a run is, at least from what I remember reading, so don't quote me on this, When you strech you release the "fast-twitch" muscle fibers. So when you run after streching you are not able to use the "fast-twitch" muscles

    hope everyone had a good run to day.

    Actually the science behind not stretching before is that you aren't warmed up at that time. There's a lot of debate and tons of scientific journals that say it's better to do it before AND after. I think it doesn't really matter as long as you get it in there somewhere.

    Be carefull with doing 2 a days with C25K and insanity. I messed up my foot and had to lay off exercising for 2 weeks because I was doing both at the same time. :sad:
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    How did I not see this thread beforehand?!

    I just finished up Week 3 today. I actually skipped Week 1, which may or not have been a mistake because of time constraints. The race I'm running is April 24th, so I wanted an extra week at the end, rather than a walk/run interval week at the beginning. So far, so good. I've been having issues with my shins and calf muscles though so I'm going to get fitted for new sneakers tonight!

    For those of you running inside, if you're actually running a 5K race I would suggest getting outside and running ASAP. I'm not a treadmill runner (I despise it) and have been running outside. It can be a big adjustment and it can be considerably harder to transition from treadmill to roads the longer you wait. Just food for thought :)
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    How did I not see this thread beforehand?!

    I just finished up Week 3 today. I actually skipped Week 1, which may or not have been a mistake because of time constraints. The race I'm running is April 24th, so I wanted an extra week at the end, rather than a walk/run interval week at the beginning. So far, so good. I've been having issues with my shins and calf muscles though so I'm going to get fitted for new sneakers tonight!

    For those of you running inside, if you're actually running a 5K race I would suggest getting outside and running ASAP. I'm not a treadmill runner (I despise it) and have been running outside. It can be a big adjustment and it can be considerably harder to transition from treadmill to roads the longer you wait. Just food for thought :)

    Welcome! Glad you found us :) It is waaayyy different running outside than on a treadmill or even on the indoor track at the Y I go to. I try to get a mix in every week now that the weather is getting a little warmer. Some weeks I won't be able to, but do the best I can! Even running inside is better than no running at all. Good luck on your race the 24th! Keep us posted on your progress and how you do. I won't run an actual 5K until June. Have to look it up and register :tongue:
  • AlisonLS
    AlisonLS Posts: 25 Member
    Hi, I just started the C25K, starting week two on Sunday. I am using the podcasts by Suzie, the same format but with hip hop music ( in case anyone is interested).
  • JennSchn
    JennSchn Posts: 65
    Hi, I just started the C25K, starting week two on Sunday. I am using the podcasts by Suzie, the same format but with hip hop music ( in case anyone is interested).

    Where do you find that one?
  • AlisonLS
    AlisonLS Posts: 25 Member
    Here is the website for hip hop version.
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member

    Actually the science behind not stretching before is that you aren't warmed up at that time. There's a lot of debate and tons of scientific journals that say it's better to do it before AND after. I think it doesn't really matter as long as you get it in there somewhere.

    Be carefull with doing 2 a days with C25K and insanity. I messed up my foot and had to lay off exercising for 2 weeks because I was doing both at the same time. :sad:

    I have modified the Insanity workout plan to fit my life better. I do MAX workouts 3x a week with my so-to-be husband. (I push myself harder when I work out with him.) On the days I run I do the shorter workouts first than run after, I don't push myself as hard during insanity on those days.
    :ohwell: I have learned to listen to what my body is telling me. Especaily with the insanity, if it doesn't feel right I modify. I have even bought new shoes for Insanity. I had to go to crosstrainers, over the running because of ankle issues, now I feel like a shoe fanatic...

    AlisonL S thanks for the info. I will definatly look into it. I need motivational music when I run.
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    Hey shoes are SUPER important so don't feel bad about being a shoe fanatic at all! :laugh: Just look at it like you're taking care of yourself!
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    I know they are important I just think I might have gone overboard: indoor running shoes, outdoor running shoes, and crosstrainers??? (I need to buy a higher quality crosstrainer but I can't bring myself at the moment.)
  • BrandyLiz
    BrandyLiz Posts: 14
    Week 2 is in the books!! :drinker:
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Wrapped up week 2 on Friday. Yay!! W3, D1 tomorrow. :noway: Wow. Start the "Getting Ready" sessions for the Montana Women's Run tomorrow. I should be nice enough to be outside, so I'll do my "run" then. Can't believe it is that time again already! The run is May 8. I signed up for the 2 miler - and plan to run it this year. I'll be done with the C25K or really close to done by then so I should be able to do 2 miles :tongue: If not, I'll take a walking break. But with the adreneline that comes from being in a race, I bet I run it!

    Way to go everyone. We can conquer this!! :glasses:
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Started Week 4 on Saturday. Seriously not fun at all! My left calf and shin have been bothering me so so much lately. Saturday was pretty much hell. Need to get new running sneakers ASAP, most likely this weekend.

    Had my dance class last night and had so much trouble with my left calf, I'm so mad. Couldn't bear much weight on it or land the jumps very well. Considering only working out 5 days this week, instead of my usual 6 days. Thankfully Mondays are my day off, so I can rest tonight, hopefully stretch and ice tonight and get into the gym tomorrow morning and evening. I don't have to run until Wednesday, and then again on Friday. Thursday might be my other rest day...probably will do upper body weights, maybe lower body too.
  • gatorkdr1
    gatorkdr1 Posts: 16
    Hey everyone. I started C5k three weeks ago. I am now on w3d2. I did day 1 yesterday with the baby in the jogger and I about died. I hope that today is better sans that baby in the jogger. :)

    I have a few local friends that I just found out are also doing the C5k program and we are all on different weeks. One is on week 4, me week 3, the other week 2 and the last on week 1. I may do week 3 for two weeks only because I will be going out of town and not sure if I will have time to fit in a run (but will if I can).

    Good luck everyone! My first 5k is not until Sept. so I will be repeating weeks and just running for the fun of running until then. Leaving in Fl I got worried about running a 5k in the dead of summer.
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    Started Week 4 on Saturday. Seriously not fun at all! My left calf and shin have been bothering me so so much lately. Saturday was pretty much hell. Need to get new running sneakers ASAP, most likely this weekend.

    Had my dance class last night and had so much trouble with my left calf, I'm so mad. Couldn't bear much weight on it or land the jumps very well. Considering only working out 5 days this week, instead of my usual 6 days. Thankfully Mondays are my day off, so I can rest tonight, hopefully stretch and ice tonight and get into the gym tomorrow morning and evening. I don't have to run until Wednesday, and then again on Friday. Thursday might be my other rest day...probably will do upper body weights, maybe lower body too.

    Becareful not to overtrain. You might need to give your body a week of no-impact exersies for recovery. (I know I cringed when I wrote that, just listen to your body.)
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    Ugh I have been such a slacker this past week. I only ran one day. I need to get back on track ASAP. I'm soooo close to finishing and I didn't do all this work to slack so much. BOOOOO ME!!!!!!!