Spring Couch to 5K



  • BrandyLiz
    BrandyLiz Posts: 14
    How was W3D1?? I start tonight and am nervous!
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    How was W3D1?? I start tonight and am nervous!

    It's in the bag! It actually wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. The second set of 3 minutes seemed long, but I did it. GO SLOW! I felt like I was barely jogging. We can work on speed once we have endurance - but if you take it nice and slow, it's not bad. Just wait, wait, and wait to check the time on the 3 minute sections :laugh: I tend to look at my stopwatch every 10 - 15 seconds, and that makes it seem like forever. :drinker: However, I may do 2 of week 3 before moving on to week 4 :noway:
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    Alright alright.....I actually went and ran after my night class because I was feeling like such a slacker. Week 6 Day 1 COMPLETED. It was a little harder than I thought it was going to be because I think I let too many days go by in between this run and my last one.

    Day 2 of this week is 2 10 min runs with a break in the middle and then day 3 is 25 minutes straight!!!!!!!:sad:
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Alright alright.....I actually went and ran after my night class because I was feeling like such a slacker. Week 6 Day 1 COMPLETED. It was a little harder than I thought it was going to be because I think I let too many days go by in between this run and my last one.

    Day 2 of this week is 2 10 min runs with a break in the middle and then day 3 is 25 minutes straight!!!!!!!:sad:

    Yipes! But that means that you already did the 20 minute run, right?? So 25 minutes is nothin', I tell you, nothin'. (You can do it :drinker: ) Week 5 and on still scare me!! Of course, I can barely run 3 minutes right now, so they should :laugh:
  • gatorkdr1
    gatorkdr1 Posts: 16
    Alright alright.....I actually went and ran after my night class because I was feeling like such a slacker. Week 6 Day 1 COMPLETED. It was a little harder than I thought it was going to be because I think I let too many days go by in between this run and my last one.

    Day 2 of this week is 2 10 min runs with a break in the middle and then day 3 is 25 minutes straight!!!!!!!:sad:

    You go girl! Great job getting back out there. You are amazong and an inspiration to me and many others that we can push ourselves past those 90sec runs, 3 min. runs, and beyond. Thanks!
  • BrandyLiz
    BrandyLiz Posts: 14
    W3D1 done!! Yay! It was not as bad as I thought it would be. It went by a lot faster since there is more running and less intervals. That 90 second run felt like nothing after the 3 minute run!! Keep it up ladies! :wink:
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    Yeah know.....the 3 min runs used to TOTALLY scare me but now they are like CAKE to me so it will be the same for alllllll of you for sure. The 20 min mark will seem daunting but you WILL get through it. I refused to let myself walk or slow down the time that I was running it because I REALLY wanted to it.

    I love the 5 min runs now because they seem so easy to me and I DEFINTELY remember being in those shoes where I thought that they were IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!

    Trust me....if you guys keep up with the plan you WILL make it there. It is SOOOOO do-able!!!! I promise. This is coming from someone who used to walk the mile in high school EVERY year.

    PS...thanks for all the motivation! It really helps!
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    I have been totaly slacking on my workouts. the wedding stuff seems to be taking over my life this week!!!!! Good thing the wedding is Saterday, I can get back on track after that. I just don't feel like I have time to stop and workout, I have been good with what I have been eating, so that helps.

    Good job to everyone your making great progress.
  • gatorkdr1
    gatorkdr1 Posts: 16
    Today is W3D3. I had to walk during my first 3min run, not much but a bit. I think I am going to do week 3 again. I want to be able to finish all three days of the 3min runs without slowing to a walk.

    I am down to 144. I had a baby back in April 09 and for the life of me I could not get over the last 5lbs I gain while pregnant with her. It literally melted off with this running program. I am finally below what I was when I first found out I was pregnant. I am thrilled!

    I have been totaly slacking on my workouts. the wedding stuff seems to be taking over my life this week!!!!! Good thing the wedding is Saterday, I can get back on track after that. I just don't feel like I have time to stop and workout, I have been good with what I have been eating, so that helps.

    Good job to everyone your making great progress.

    Congrats on the wedding! You are going to look amazing. In your siggy you are beautiful and on Saturday you are going to take your soon to be hubby's breath away. Getting married is stressful. After the wedding and honeymoon just jump right back into training. Good for you for eating well.
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    I have been totaly slacking on my workouts. the wedding stuff seems to be taking over my life this week!!!!! Good thing the wedding is Saterday, I can get back on track after that. I just don't feel like I have time to stop and workout, I have been good with what I have been eating, so that helps.

    Good job to everyone your making great progress.

    Robynrae - relax this week! Get through your wedding - what an amazing time! You can start back up when all that is over. Congratulations - hope your day is absolutely wonderful :heart: :heart:
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Started Week 4 on Saturday. Seriously not fun at all! My left calf and shin have been bothering me so so much lately. Saturday was pretty much hell. Need to get new running sneakers ASAP, most likely this weekend.

    Had my dance class last night and had so much trouble with my left calf, I'm so mad. Couldn't bear much weight on it or land the jumps very well. Considering only working out 5 days this week, instead of my usual 6 days. Thankfully Mondays are my day off, so I can rest tonight, hopefully stretch and ice tonight and get into the gym tomorrow morning and evening. I don't have to run until Wednesday, and then again on Friday. Thursday might be my other rest day...probably will do upper body weights, maybe lower body too.

    Becareful not to overtrain. You might need to give your body a week of no-impact exersies for recovery. (I know I cringed when I wrote that, just listen to your body.)

    I'm pretty sure it's me not stretching and icing, I've always been terrible at both! Eeek. Trying to do better, calves feel tight while running, but the walking intervals (especially my 5 minute cool down) are the worst.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Starting week 2 tomorrow. I should finish the program 3 days before my run.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    If you guys are having muscle soreness, I found something that helps a lot. I did 20 minutes of Yoga after my run yesterday and felt absolutely wonderful. I think the stretching is the thing we need so badly and probably don't do enough of.
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Robynrae, I agree with the others...relax and enjoy! Congratulations!

    Iceprincess, way to go! Running is so mental sometimes, it kills me!

    Week 4, Day 2 was last night for me. Right now, I'm running Saturday, Wednesday and Fridays....its nice to have the 3 day rest at the beginning, but Friday/Saturday kind of suck. Might switch it up, but it would mean either not taking Zumba or not taking Monday as my day off from working out. Calves are still tight during running intervals, but they hurt during the walking intervals. No pain, no gain...more stretching and icing for me!
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Finished Week 3, Day 2. Yay - my only problem is because of my schedule, I will be doing day 2 and day 3 back to back.

    I'm thinking about doing a week 3b. :laugh: It's such a big leap from week 3 to week 4. You go from running 9 minutes total, to running 16 minutes total. I'd like a mid range I think - last year the first time I bailed out it was after week 4 and the second time i quit before I even got to week 4! So I was thinking about doing a mid range week - run 3, walk 90 seconds, X 4. That would be 12 minutes total running and a little bit of a ease in to week 4. Any thoughts??
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Week 3, Day 3 done! On to week 4 or week 3b. I'll see how I feel during that first 5 minute run and if I can't hack it yet, no shame. I'll do 3 minutes and walk 90 until I'm done. Yay for spring!
  • BrandyLiz
    BrandyLiz Posts: 14
    I start week 4 tonight. I know it will be hard, but I also know that the 3 minute run that kicked my butt last week will be looking a lot easier pretty soon!! Breaking in some new shoes tonight, so fingers crossed for a good run!
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    I've ben sick since Thursday so it has put my running to a complete HALT! I see some of you guys catching up to my week 6! :laugh:

    Today is the first day that I've started to feel a little better so hopefully I will be running by the end of this week!
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    I so did it!!! *squeal* I can't believe it!! I really didn't think I could. I was just sure I would fizzle out on the 5 minute run. But I decided to try. Really try. I did it. And I did the 2nd one. Wooohooo!!!

    (I'm only a little excited - if you couldn't tell :laugh: )
  • BrandyLiz
    BrandyLiz Posts: 14
    Good for you MTGirl!!! I did W4D1 last night and I think I'll have to do day 2 tonight since it looks like thunderstorms on the Wednesday. It was really, really hard! I never thought I'd be thankful for a 3 minute run!