

  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Barb, I loved your story about the "man-to-man" discussion of flatulance and the gentleman w/the ipod who let one rip. Hysterical!:laugh: Made me laugh out loud and I love to laugh - a great form of exercise. Thanks! (I also just walked 30 minutes outside - that made me feel good too)
  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member
    :heart: Good Tuesday evening to all. Been busy trying to clean house and working a temp job. Had a good weigh in (lost .4 only...but it followed my birthday week so any loss is a good loss!!).

    Hope everyone is doing well today. Had Taste of Home Southwest Chicken for dinner tonight. Can't remember who posted the recipe but thank you whoever it was...it was delicious. Also thanks for putting it in the database!! So convenient.:love::flowerforyou:

    For those who suffer night time snack attacks (which sadly I myself can be prone to) I find that if I eat enough at dinner, especially enough protien, I am much less likely to want to snack later. Also, planning for a dessert or snack, allowing enough calories, can also help if I am craving something sweet.

    Have a good week all. :heart: Terri:heart:
  • texaslady1
    texaslady1 Posts: 7 Member
    I am brand new, two days and not sure how to navigate around this site. Is this auntiebk? If so, I had to laugh at your "no beer"! Beer is not my issue, but a glass or two of white wine is. You are so right on...after even one glass my will power goes out the window. What to do? What to do? except only allow myself maybe one glass only once a week I guess. Also, my other demon. Chocolate. I have to just stay away when I start a health program/diet. Simple carbs are also my achilles hill. Like a drug. If I ahve a little, I have to have more. Just have to say no to all. I have lost and gained, lost and gained, lost and gained my whole life. I know what to do. LIfestyle change. I know what to eat. Why can't I find that balance that keeps me from gaining weight back. It is so hard to lose.....and then I gain it back. I lost 35 pounds on WW two years ago and have gained back at least half of it. The first week is the hardest. My health is my priority. I have to do this.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Welcome dlbaikie--:flowerforyou:

    Besides Aunitiebk there are two others(so far) who share the same first name "Barbara"--"Barbiecat" is one and
    I am the other. We also have two Kathy's....and we seem to have LOTS of doggies between all of us, quite a few cats and there is even a lizard as I recall!:noway: :laugh:

    Texemgirl--and Zaza--

    Gladyou enjoyed the joke I found while "lurking."

    Since that post another has appeared where a guy described being in bed with his wife and when things got a little "windy." Their dog was in bed with them and the wife mistook the telltale sound for the dog growling, so when she asked hubby why the dog was growling, he replied the dog was jealous because the wife was getting the backrub instead of him!!!:laugh:

    Now from the "Would you get up early to watch this?" Department. I am not making this up. Tomorrow on CBS on the Today show, starting at 7am (that's what they said for PT zone, and I think we get it tape-delayed, so it will probably be that same time in ETzone) they are going to show Harry Smith's colonoscopy LIVE on the show. I guess preparations will be discussed tonight on the CBS Evening News.

    The rationale is to make the process less frightening so that those who should get one will. I am skeptical that I will feel anymore enthusiastic about having one if I see someone else going through it. From what I have heard, the procedure isn't that bad, it's the stuff you have to drink beforehand that is so awful.

    Well, I was thinking about making dinner, :noway: but due to the recent subject matter, I may wait awhile.:laugh:

  • l_mahloy
    l_mahloy Posts: 118
    Hello All,:flowerforyou:

    I have had a good day today my feet are a little tender in the tendon area on top. So I played tennis but did not do any other exercise today. I do have boot camp in the morning so I need the tendonitis to leave.:grumble:

    Wow Joann that is a great weight loss. Keep up the good job.:love:

    Hang in there ZaZa I was at a plateau for a long while just broke through this past week. Keep up the faith as they say. I think a face lift may be in my future :yawn: I feel like you I want to age gracefully, but sometimes I just want to look a little younger oh well those days are gone so I try to think well I look good for my age.:bigsmile:

    Spaniel I go by calories not time I use the polar heart rate monitor for women so I am sure of how many calories I actually burn during my exercise.:wink:

    Karen 100 lbs lost amazing :smokin: 120’s haven’t weight that since my 20’s my goal is 140ish I am 5’7” so I think that will be good.

    Terri congrats birthday and weight loss you go girl. :smokin: I agree I have started to take a protein shake to bed with me it has really helped!

    You can do it dlbkakie hang in there I also have to say no to alcohol my vice is wine and margaritas:sad: love them both. With margaritas you must have chips and cheese dip so I am staying away for a while.:sad: :sad:

    Have a great evening everyone,

    Lynn:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Came home from a weekend with my brother. First time I've seen him since he finished chemo in December. PTL his dr says he is "virtually cancer free". His hair and beard are coming back now, although they are white now. He lost 22 pounds the hard way! We ate out for all but one meal while we were gone. Knowing the exact number of calories is so much easier when you prepare things yourself!

    Weighed and measured and haven't lost any weight since March 1st, but inches in my abdomen and belly. Was hoping I'd see more results since I added the stability ball to my work outs. So I'm chalking it up to travel related water weight and keeping on keeping on. Gonna try to ride my bike some in the mornings while hubby is sleeping as my other methods of exercise are too naisy to do while he is sleeping..

    Hubby started nights today, so I'm exercising evenings instead of mornings now. I just always seem to do better if I do it as soon as he leaves, whether it be morning or afternoon.
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :bigsmile: Going for a ``Skinny Wednesday`` tomorrow! I can do this. :bigsmile:
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,983 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Going away is great but there's so much to do when you get home:sad:
    An example of how far behind we are, we just finished watching the closing ceremonies of the Olympics:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: I picked up the cats today and they were excited to see me or so I thought until they got into the house and ran to the back door and asked to go out.........they didn't miss me, they missed going out in their back yard:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Not too many steps today but over and hour on the stationery bike so I burned a bunch of calories. The dogs were happy to be at the dog park again and weren't too naughty.:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: It was a relief to not eat in a restaurant.......I hope the sodium water weight will be gone soon. and I can't wait to get back to line dance tomorrow.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Welcome to all the newbies........someday my life will slow down enough for me to respond to each of you individually.....the women on this site changed my life and I can't imagine my day without reading about how all of you are doing.
    :smooched: :heart: :smooched: :heart: hugs:heart::heart: Barbie
  • smelliott
    smelliott Posts: 120
    Good morning everyone,
    Success! managed to stay within my calories yesterday despite Pizza Express. It was a bit of a sacrifice though as it meant I had to go without the glass of wine (or two :smile: ) that I'd usually have. We also went to the pub for a drink after the concert and I still managed to refrain, just having a diet Sprite. .Walking 30 mins helped too. Just started training to do the Great South Run in October (10 miles), just taking it gently but will be out later today.
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Lost another LB! Can't believe it as I haven't exercised lately. I'll take it though! Been drinking TONS of water!

    Speaking of drinking, just to clarify about the alcohol/ wine thing. According to the news clip that I saw, it was the ALCOHOL in the drink that made the difference. It would also work with other drinks like light beer or a shot of any alcohol once or twice a day. It is common knowledge, though, that red wine is the best choice, but they clearly said it was the alcohol, not just the wine, that made the difference.

    Have a great day!!!!
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Morning ladies!

    I'll pop in quickly before I get started for the day.

    My daughter and I enjoyed the "Alice in Wonderland" movie. For those of you who haven't seen a trailer, it really is a "return" to Wonderland so it is different from the original but very good.

    We also went out to lunch. Pizza which I hadn't had in a long time. It was a restaurant where you go up and place your order and then they call it out. I felt like I was being yelled at the whole time we were there so I wouldn't choose to eat there again. Since I don't eat out that often when I do I like to be served.

    Jackie: You really do have to keep up the attitude of laughing at your circumstances and telling people about them. That's how we have gotten through so many years of taking care of Granny. My son is the best at making us laugh at the situation. Do you know what sweet gum balls are? They are the pods that fall off Sweet Gum Trees. Anyway they are really spiky. Granny used to love to work in the yard. She would pick those things up by the dozens and stuff them in her pockets, front and back. You should have seen her face the day she sat down with all those things in her back pocket! Yeow! But it was funny:happy:

    Better get going!

  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Quick post before I workout. Its much too windy for a bike ride and I loaned my walking DVD to my SiL, so guess I'll do a bit of weight training and then the stability ball. Hopefully I can be VERY quiet while hubby naps.
  • mynyddisamrs
    Good Afternoon Everyone ... Old and New!! Well ..not "Old" as such but you know what I mean!!!
    :bigsmile: Today, I type from within a slight Red wine haze!! :drinker: The credit crunch was shelved for this lunch time and while Mum's at her day centre, we went to lunch at our favourite local pub. I have logged it all down and at the moment i'm still in my calories. That leaves me 125 for the rest of the evening! I don't really fancy doing any dancing to ease the calorie crunch!!etc ...just going to bed for a few hours. Sleep seems a great idea ...but there again!!?? :blushing: How many calories does "That kind of exercise burn??

    Anyway ..... Mum will be back soon .... In her mind I seem to be running a guest house!!:noway: She was asking all last night when the next people will be coming and then this morning, Did the others catch a train to get here! I actually asked her how old she thought she was the other day ( she'd said she should be going to school) and the answer was 17!! As to who she thought I was ? ... :heart: wasn't quite sure!! As to who dropped the jig saw puzzle on the floor? that must have been someone else!!
    I agree ,Cindy, It does you good to pop it all down ..:explode: .let off steam etc!! It's good to see the funny side to this awful disease!

    I'll try and individualise the posting another time if I may. :drinker: Keep up the great service you are all doing ... Everyone, keeping everyone on the straight and narrow!! If we stray a little, at least we know that others have been there, done that and had the T shirt already but have been able to get back in line.:smile:

    So ..
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good Morning All~

    I popped in yesterday to read, but was too busy to post...so here from my readings of Monday night thru this am

    Cindy= I know how frustrating it can be not seeing the scale move:grumble: even though inches are going way...they should be working together!:wink:

    Michele - Yeah You drinking all that water, it seems I struggle with that some days. :drinker: Good Luck on your Y decision, but maybe it will be better to move on to another one. You know those crock pots are life savers when you take the time to pre think what's for dinner.

    Smwert- Sorry you had a bad weekend.:cry:

    BirdieM - I too heard that same alcohol report, I just have a hard time giving in to those calories for a glass of wine:sad:

    Barbie - Welcome Back:flowerforyou:

    Denise - How was your concert...Pizza Express..don't know if I could handle the smells they would make me fall off the calorie counting wagon:cry:

    JoAnn - WOW 25# You Rock:noway:

    Jackie - I love reading about your Mum, you give me LOL moments and smiles for my day.:bigsmile: I just wish that the things that I was dealing with my Mom I could find some amusement in...but alas not right yet.

    Barb - Your "man to man" I Pod story ...what a hoot:laugh: Colonoscopy being shown on TV...you know the proceedure it's self wasn't so bad...it was all that yucky:sick: stuff you have to take before hand...I slept thru the proceedure itself:wink: The movie Avatar, saw it in 3-D, I enjoyed it...you really do root for the good guys and can't wait for the bad guys to get what's coming to them.

    We are starting to get our plans together to make the trip to Oregon next week. There was a hugh rock slide :grumble: on I-70 the east west root over the rocky mountains (boulders the size of cars) and now it's closed both ways...:cry: So we are in the process of trying to figure out what root to take...it's going to add 2-4 hrs on to the already long drive. Gerald is looking at this as a vacation:grumble: I wish for me it was, but I've lined up appointments with Mom's health care people, her tax lady, also have to got to the county court to get some paper for an insurance policy from 1952 of Dad's so they will pay it out to Mom, make arrangements to sell her car and the truck...needless to say I'm not seeing vacation in there:sad:

    So Peanut (my dashound) comes to work with me everyday and yesterday he was really bad:angry: When we got here he went into my bosses office, where he had his skiing duffel bag on the floor, and Peanut found a sandwich and girl scout peanut butter cookies....there was only a small corner of the bread left when he was done:ohwell: ...you know I couldn't figure out where he was hiding or why is was hiding from my boss when he came in....but when the boss was looking for his cookies that's when we found out:blushing: boy was I embarressed.

    Diet? What diet...can't seem to shake those 2 lbs that jumped back on after the Sunday night "it's okay one dinner won't hurt you" attack:sad:

    Everyone have a good day....yesterday my #1 son was 33...that's what makes me feel old:cry:

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello All,

    I will read posts later, just quickly glanced at Laura's.


    Peanut must be "Bradley the Terror's" cousin.:laugh: :laugh: I hope your boss forgave him. Maybe you can find a girl scout with another box of peanut butter cookies and make it up to him??:bigsmile:

    If I remember correctly, in a PM or on a post, I think you said your mom is in southern Oregon, but if your route takes you through Portland, let me know and maybe we can meet for a cup of coffee or a quick (healthy) bite on your way through.

    I came on here just long enough to say --Hip hip hooray, I am back to 2.5 lbs. of my lowest weight in January. I got rid of 5 of those that showed up in February in a week's time. Now if I can maintain my momentum, maybe I will make 60 lbs. by my birthday in April.

    More later, I have thrown in the towel on my illness and have a doctor's appointment this morning. My throat is no better today and I still have no voice, so there goes another day off work. It doesn't hurt much, so I doubt it is strep, but I am hoping they can do something to speed the healing process.

    See you later.

  • mynyddisamrs
    :drinker: For all of you that like to Dine Out and who especially like Seafood..............

    A guy goes into a seafood restaurant and asks to see the dishes of the day. The waiter wheels over a trolley and the man examines the dishes.
    "I'll have the little green squid with the hairy lip, please" says the man. "O.K." replies the waiter and calls out "Gervais!"
    A little French chef appears with a large knife, the waiter instructs the chef to kill the little green squid with the hairy lip.
    Gervais is just about to slice at the poor squid when....:cry: he notices a tear running down its face. Gervais is touched, and admits that he hasn't the heart to kill the squid.
    "Not to worry" says the waiter, and calls out "Hans!!" at which an enormous German bloke comes out of the kitchen. "Sir", says the waiter, "this is Hans, the dishwasher. Hans, kill that squid!"
    The dishwasher wields a huge rolling pin and is just about to bludgeon the little green squid with the hairy lip when ...:noway: it cringes back and gives a little cry.
    "I am sorry sir, I just cannot kill the squid" Hans admits, his lower lip trembling.
    "Well sir," says the waiter, "it just goes to show........
    :heart: That Hans that do dishes, can be soft as Gervais. With mild green, hairy lip squid!":heart:

    ...................... I'm banking on the fact that you all have the same products/TV ads that we have in the UK. !!! So sorry if you don't get it! Let me know if not!:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Have a good evening.....
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    :drinker: For all of you that like to Dine Out and who especially like Seafood..............

    A guy goes into a seafood restaurant and asks to see the dishes of the day. The waiter wheels over a trolley and the man examines the dishes.
    "I'll have the little green squid with the hairy lip, please" says the man. "O.K." replies the waiter and calls out "Gervais!"
    A little French chef appears with a large knife, the waiter instructs the chef to kill the little green squid with the hairy lip.
    Gervais is just about to slice at the poor squid when....:cry: he notices a tear running down its face. Gervais is touched, and admits that he hasn't the heart to kill the squid.
    "Not to worry" says the waiter, and calls out "Hans!!" at which an enormous German bloke comes out of the kitchen. "Sir", says the waiter, "this is Hans, the dishwasher. Hans, kill that squid!"
    The dishwasher wields a huge rolling pin and is just about to bludgeon the little green squid with the hairy lip when ...:noway: it cringes back and gives a little cry.
    "I am sorry sir, I just cannot kill the squid" Hans admits, his lower lip trembling.
    "Well sir," says the waiter, "it just goes to show........
    :heart: That Hans that do dishes, can be soft as Gervais. With mild green, hairy lip squid!":heart:

    ...................... I'm banking on the fact that you all have the same products/TV ads that we have in the UK. !!! So sorry if you don't get it! Let me know if not!:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Have a good evening.....


    Sorry, that is obviously a funny based on a play on words. I am not sure what the tag line is that it is supposed to be playing off of, but I assume the product might be dishwashing liquid. I can't speak for the rest of the US, but it isn't something we have on the west coast. Since you posted it, I am sure it is hilarious--as will be apparent once you provide the needed background. :bigsmile:

    I will continue posting later--have to read first and relocate Pepper, who is sleepin on my left arm, so I am typing one- handed:noway: :laugh:

  • mynyddisamrs
    :ohwell: Sorry about that Barb!! .... I wondered if it would fall a bit flat!!
    Yep! We have a washing up liquid called Fairy Liquid and the ad ...I'm singing it to you now..... goes... 123...

    "Hands that do dishes stay as soft as your face with ...mild green Fairy Liquid"

    I think I'll give the jokes a miss for a while and stay with the serious stuff!!:sad:
    ...do I hear a sigh of relief from the back?
    Night All
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Hi everyone, I am new to this site, started 3 days ago. Haven't lost any weight yet. I am quite good at work, but then come home and eat chocolate after my tea! My name is Viv, I have gradually put weight on over the years - I never had a problem with it when I was younger, but now I can't seem to shift it!
    Loved the fairy liquid joke it made me smile. :laugh:

    Best wishes