

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Welcome Debbie

    To find this wonderful group go to Community then click on 'My Topics" you will find that you answered and it's listed there..then you just need to go the last or second to last page to read what's been happening with everyone.

    Looking forward to seeing you here with us.

  • mynyddisamrs
    :drinker: :drinker: A Great Diet Tip .......

    :blushing: A great way to lose weight is to eat while you are naked and standing in front of a mirror. Restaurants will almost always throw you out before you can eat too much.

    :bigsmile: When I said I would be serious from now on ....I was joking!!
  • LifeAfter50
    Thanks I have found my topics..... and I'm on my way to walk.....with my water..... this is going to be a new day for me thanks! I look forward to reading the daily posts and I wish everyone luck and success with whatever it is they need ! :flowerforyou:

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Denise (smelliot)--

    You can also try adding some lemon or lime wedges to your water to make it more palatable. I always squeeze the wedge before putting it in the glass, to get some juice in there to increase the flavor.


    Hope the "boogeyman" doesn't visit your dreams again tonight. Maybe you should find a nice light book of poetry or jokes to read before bedtime.:wink:


    Regarding Esther--she is no longer active on MFP. She joined a Weight Watchers group in her area. Barbiecat had contact with her and mentioned this a couple of months back, but you might have missed it. I did get a PM from her in January, as I phoned and suggested in a message that she and Bill (her hubby) try to come up my way and meet Barbiecat and her hubby, Jake, and me when we got together for dinner the weekend they were in my town. She was not able to make it up here, seemed to be doing fine. I think she probably logs in here to check for messages, but I don't know that she is using the log feature regularly anymore.


    Thinking of you. I know it is hard to be happy and sad at the same time--happy for your son, while missing your mom. My birthday has never felt quite the same since a friend died in a rafting accident on my birthday in 1991. The worst part was getting the news over the television news because I was staying up late due to being ill. Hang in there and take care of yourself, and don't beat yourself up if your weightloss goals are put aside for a few days to recoup your mental focus.

    Kathy (pmjsmom)--

    I know it seems like there is too much to do and not enough time to do it in. I have told myself on more than one occasion that I was going to "stop posting so much" but I always seem to end up back here, so I guess you are all stuck with me.


    Sorry to hear about your arm...and your sleep interruptions. After his diagnosis when I was caring for Dreyfus,:heart: my dearly departed little grey Shih tzu, I used to get woke up 2 - 4 times per night, and this was at a time when I had to get up at 4:15a to start work at 5. Sleep deprivation sucks. I well remember the feeling of always being about to fall over. And remembering anything--forget about it!!

    As for the case of the haunted hairdryer--well, if it keeps going after it is unplugged, :laugh: time to call the media and/or have a seance, or maybe toss it in the trash!!:laugh:

    I LOVE your healthful justification for chocolate!!! :drinker: :drinker: Just what I need, more reason to like it!!

    And the diet tip you posted, well if that were combined with the same activity that got the fellow with the IPOD into trouble, weight loss would be assured, because you would get tossed out of that restaurant in record time!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


    To answer your question about the young man at the grocery. I didn't go to the same store later in the day, but to another that is closer to where my parents live, so I didn't see him again.:bigsmile: I will look forward to you ending up in the Portland area someday. Have a safe trip to points south of me.


    Enjoy your playtime in the snow. :drinker: :drinker: May all your landings be pillow soft!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile:


    Welcome to the thread. You will get lots of support from this group. Good luck with your fitness goals.:flowerforyou:

    Another hint I will pass on, now that you have found your my topics is that this website automatically "locks" a thread when it reaches 500 posts. You can see the number of posts when you are viewing it in my topics or in the recent post section. If a thread reaches the maxium, to figure out where the rest of it is continued, you go to the last entry in that thread and you will see a link automatically inserted that you can click on to go to the "part 2"--then once you post on that new section of the thread, it will come up in your my topics (as well as the old one until it drops off due to more recent activity). Another thing to be aware of is that we start a new thread each month, because we are a bunch of chatterboxes. Even so, we will still reach 500 posts before the end of the month and start a part two on the thread.

    I still have more sore throat and almost no voice...still attempting to go to work today, but not sure how it is going to work out.

    See you later.

  • doobiedoo
    doobiedoo Posts: 194 Member
    :flowerforyou: A question: my kids and I are staying within our calories, burning off at least half of those calories with exercise, drinking water like crazy, but aren't really losing much!?! I tell the kids it's probably because we are building muscle. Is that really what's happening here? It can get discouraging, but we are committed to keeping on...any advice out there? For me, after losing 27 pounds last year, it just isn't coming off like it did a year ago. Help us out here.:flowerforyou:
  • anotheryrolder
    I just had to share... I was doing errands today and getting my car serviced. It all took wayyy longer than planned and I was starving by the time I hit Wal Mart. I had a bag of salt and pepper potato chips in my cart :embarassed: and the good news is I took them back out before I got to the checkout. (sorry about that clerk - it was an emergency) That was a close one as dh doesn't do pepper potato chips! I would have eaten the whole thing myself! I got out of there asap and headed for Chick-fil-A and got a grilled plain sandwich on wheat. I haven't looked it up yet for calories, but I know it's less than a bag of chips! So small victory for me today.

    I have to be out of town for 4 days to see a friend from across the country. We're meeting at her sons house for a birthday celebration. I'll get through with as little damage as possible without insulting her daughter-in-law. I am bringing my own breakfast with me. Hopefully she won't think I'm crazy but I just can't do bacon and eggs or sweet rolls for breakfast which is what she usually has for breakfast. Maybe I can keep a stash of food in my car that I can eat and just pick at hers. I haven't had do deal with this problem yet since starting last month. I will NOT regain my few pounds. It's too darn hard to peel them back off again!

    I'll read the scale and weep or grin come Tuesday at the gym. I'll report the results. You are all a lot of support here.

    I didn't measure before I started but I now have some jeans that are too loose! I can't wait until I have to shop my attic where all manner of smaller sizes live. :bigsmile:

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :flowerforyou: A question: my kids and I are staying within our calories, burning off at least half of those calories with exercise, drinking water like crazy, but aren't really losing much!?! I tell the kids it's probably because we are building muscle. Is that really what's happening here? It can get discouraging, but we are committed to keeping on...any advice out there? For me, after losing 27 pounds last year, it just isn't coming off like it did a year ago. Help us out here.:flowerforyou:

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: doobiedoo, Have you done a thorough inventory of what you are eating and drinking? All calories are not created equal. Are all your calories "nutrition dense" or are you including too much "empty" stuff with sugar or white flour? Are you sticking to water and herb tea or do you drink carbonated beverages or diet drinks with artificial sweeteners? Are you drinking beverages with caffeine? all of these things can roadblock weight loss even when you stay within your calories and exercise a lot. And, yes, some of it could be building muscle.........do your clothes fit a little looser?

    Plateaus are very discouraging, just keep doing the right stuff and you'll get results.
    :heart: hugs:heart::heart: Barbie
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member

    I have to be out of town for 4 days to see a friend from across the country. We're meeting at her sons house for a birthday celebration. I'll get through with as little damage as possible without insulting her daughter-in-law. I am bringing my own breakfast with me. Hopefully she won't think I'm crazy but I just can't do bacon and eggs or sweet rolls for breakfast which is what she usually has for breakfast. Maybe I can keep a stash of food in my car that I can eat and just pick at hers. I haven't had do deal with this problem yet since starting last month. I will NOT regain my few pounds. It's too darn hard to peel them back off again!

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Faye, It is possible to bring your own food when you travel and visit others. It takes practice and focus on what you want most, to be able to decline the food that is offered to you and eat what you've brought for yourself. It has worked for me, but the first time I did it I was scared about what people would think, now I don't worry about it. It works, it really does.
    :heart: Barbie
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello again...Kermit here, still croaking like a frog, so didn't go to work after all. There would have been no point. I have resigned myself to the possibility of no trip in April. If I am lucky, I will still take my birthday off, which will give me 3 days off in a row.

    Just stumbling through some other threads, and found some wise words, courtesy of jlb123:
    ...But whatever you decided to do, DO NOT use a little hiccup as an excuse to fall off the wagon. Don't ever say "Well, I blew it earlier so I may as well blow it now." That leads to "Well I blew it yesterday, so" and "Well, I blew it last week" and before you know it, you're right back into old habits.

    Doobie, if you want some additional input to your question about why you are not losing like before, I suggest posting it in a thread under the general diet and weight loss help forum. More will see it and you will get additional ideas. The items Barbiecat mentioned sound like a good place to start. One other thing I am wondering is if you have changed up your exercise or are you doing the same old routine since you started. I understand that can have an effect on how you lose. Suzzyque has mentioned changing up her exercise routine frequently and she has been able to lose pretty steadily (except when placed in those situations where her routine gets tossed out the window, but we have ALL been there!!) Good luck!!


  • anotheryrolder
    Hi Barbiecat -

    I may just do that but I rather hate to as the daughter-in-law is a sweetie but rather insecure. Any of my friends I wouldn't hesitate to take my own food they wouldn't care. It's just that my friends daugher-in-law is so easily hurt. I was thinking of just taking a bunch of veggies that I have in the fridge and tell her that they would spoil if I didn't bring them. That way I'd have what I wanted and a "reason" for bringing them.

    Most people I wouldn't try to tiptoe around but this gal has a lot on her plate with two severely autistic kids and a shy nervous nature.

    Thanks for getting me think this through and coming up with a way for me to get what I want and also not hurt my hosts feelings.

    Change that "I may do that" to "I will do that". :bigsmile:

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Since I can't do much except surf the net today, I thought I would post something for all the other doggie lovers in this thread.

    A few days ago, I posted my discovery that Pepper and Bradley both liked guacmole. I am glad they only got a taste, as it turns out avacados have a substance in them that is hazardous to dogs. I learned some other info I didn't know also, when I viewed this slideshow--located on the WebMD website. Did you know that raw potatoes are potentially harmful to dogs? (Cooked ones are fine, BTW). WebMd has a section devoted to pet health that has a lot of good info in it.

    Here is a link to the show: http://pets.webmd.com/dogs/slideshow-foods-your-dog-should-never-eat

    My feet are getting cold, so it is time to get up and find some warmer socks!!!

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Still finding my way around this site. Haven't quite got the hang of everything yet, but I am finding the food diary helpful. I am sometimes surprised at how the little snacks add up! Had a busy day at work today, short staffed due to holidays and some on a training course. Found myself nibbling on biscuits, I am definitely a comfort eater! I need to watch that.

    Here in England the nights are starting to get lighter. It is stil quite cold first thing on a morning when I walk the dogs with my daughter but today by lunchtime it was warm and sunny. Can't wait for spring that's the best time, not too hot or cold. Hopefully in the next few weeks I will be able to kick start my exercise plan, as at the moment I can't get motivated. I have tried to exercise at home on an evening but I am just too tired. It has been a long cold winter here and we are not used to it. (not a good enough excuse?) lol

    Well I'll say goodnight: yawn:
    Best Wishes
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    :flowerforyou: texaslady, this weight loss journey is the hardest at the beginning.....my first week I spent a lot of time watching the clock waiting for my next meal......the longer I stay away from sugar, white flour, and alcohol, the easier it is for me. It takes time.:bigsmile:

    :heart: Barbie

    Sooooo true. Each healthy food choice I make gets easier and easier. :happy:

    I'm about ready to return this stability ball. :grumble: I can't see that exercising with it is making and real difference in my mid section. Should I give it another week or just chalk it up to experience?
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Yesterday, someone brought the office a 3 lb box of chocolates (Sweenor's Chocolates, they're a local specialty). It didn't bother me, but for some reason I just HAD TO look at them! Now why would someone make a chocolate with coconut!!! OMG:noway: I love coconut. Well, the chocolate is not there today to tempt me!!! :laugh:

    Also, my daughter has some exercise equipment (Infinity III....it's old) in her room. You know ...a huge piece of equipment that has 2 seats where you can lift weights from above, under for your legs and the other seat for crunching the upper body (hanging boobs):laugh: Well I did sets of 10 of each, which may not sound that great but at least it's a start.:bigsmile: I'm really new to this so I want to start slowly. My skin feels so loose and looks so wrinkled since I've lost weight:angry: that I'm hoping weight lifting can do some toning. Also, I did the treadmill for 30 min. So, I'm finally starting to feel strong, but I don't want to overdo it!

    Welcome everyone from home and abroad! What a great tool we have here...to be able to talk to wonderful ladies from all over!!!!

    Have a great day everyone!

  • l_mahloy
    l_mahloy Posts: 118
    Hi All,

    Not feeling to well today but have stayed in my calories a little sore throat and tired.

    Vicki of course you are a little off you are missing your mom mine has been so sick since last year I have spent a lot of time thinking how much I will miss her. I can’t imagine the loss you feel but I know she would want to say I love you so take that as if she said it to you today. Enjoy your sons birthday.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    My skin feels so loose and looks so wrinkled since I've lost weight:angry: that I'm hoping weight lifting can do some toning.


    Birdie--as i was looking (yet again!) at the skin hanging from my upper arms the other day, all of a sudden, I thought, "Wow! That used to be filled with fat!"

    Now I'm seeing the saggy, loose skin as a kind of 'badge of honor'. It's another proof of my progress (and maybe someday I'll be able to afford to hae it removed!):laugh:
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    :drinker: Whew! I just finished walking off those last 200 calories on the treadmill. :angry: You can bet I'll think twice before drinking whole milk again! (Even if it was washing down a high protein high fiber whole wheat waffle.) But I was determined :noway: NOT to go to bed with a calorie deficit. :yawn: Goodnight ladies, I'm off to the shower. :yawn:

    Catch you all tomorrow. :flowerforyou:
  • mynyddisamrs
    :flowerforyou: Good Morning All - up early today! Mum's off to her day centre soon and I'm ready to pack her case for the next 2 weeks while she's out for the day. I'll probably try and get my bags organised too! "2 lots really as we've got 4 days "DownSouth" in the UK and then 7 in Lanzarote.
    :bigsmile: Scales were the same again today ..... seems like slowly slowly catchee monkey...is working!

    :sick: Hope all of you ....you'll know who you are ....with those sore throats, aches and pains... are being good to yourself. Remember "Me" has to come first sometimes.
    :drinker: Those of you ... who have to work out what to do with "flabby Bits" caused by amazing weight loss ... what a great problem to have!
    :happy: For those of you with all those lovely dogs ... not quite sure you could do it with cats...here is a great exercise programme....

    :glasses: Fitness Program For Dog Owners

    You've seen those ads on TV promising amazing results from all sorts of contraptions. Well, there's no need to invest in fancy equipment. If you have (or can borrow) a dog, you have everything you need to get in shape now!!! The following exercises can be done anywhere, anytime.

    Inner Thighs: Place the dog's favourite toy between thighs. Press tighter than the dog can pull. Do not attempt bare legged - dogs who favour shortcuts to success will just dig the toy out. You could be damaged.

    Upper Body Strength: Lift the dog - off the couch, off the bed, out of the flowerbed. Repeat, repeat, repeat. As the dog ages, this exercise is reversed - onto the couch, onto the bed, into the car and so on.

    Balance and Coordination, Exercise 1: Remove your puppy from unsuitable tight places. If they're too small for him, they're certainly too small for you. Do it anyway!

    Balance and Coordination, Exercise 2: Practice not falling when your dog bounds across the full length of the room, sails through the air, and slams both front paws into the back of your knees.

    Balance and Coordination, Exercise 3: (for use with multiple dogs) Remove all dogs from lap and answer the phone before it stops ringing.

    Balance and Coordination, Exercise 4: (alternate) For older dogs, attempt to cross a room without tripping over the dog. Get off your couch without crushing any part of a sleeping elderly dog.

    Upper Arms: Throw the ball. Throw the squeaky toy. Throw the Frisbee. Repeat until nauseous.

    Upper Arms: (alternate) Tug the rope. Tug the pull toy. Tug the sock. Repeat until your shoulder is dislocated or the dog gives up (we all know which comes first).

    Hand Coordination: Remove foreign object from dog's locked jaw. This exercise is especially popular with puppy owners. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Remember, this is a timed exercise. Movements must be quick and precise (think concert pianist) to prevent trips to the vet, which only offer the minimal exercise benefit of jaw firming clenches.

    Calves: After the dog has worn out the rest of your body, hang a circular toy on your ankle and let the dog tug while you tug back. WARNING: This is feasible only for those with strong bones and small dogs. Have you taken your calcium supplement today?

    Calves: (alternate) Run after dog - pick any reason, there are plenty. Dogs of any size can be used for this exercise. Greyhounds are inadvisable.

    Neck Muscles: Attempt to outmanoeuvre the canine tongue headed for your ear, mouth, or eyeball. This is a lifelong fitness program. A dog is never too old or too feeble to "French Kiss" you when you least expect it.

    :love: Enjoy your day everyone
  • smelliott
    smelliott Posts: 120
    Hi everyone,

    Had another good day yesterday and managed to stick to my calorie target. Didn't exercise though:blushing: I am planning to do some today, hope the weather improves before then as it is cold and raining here. Hurry up Spring!

    Cindy - thanks for the tip. I will buy some carbonated water when I go to the supermarket.

    Barb - didn't have any lemons but did have some juice so I added a few drops to my water and it was much better thanks. I managed to drink all my water yesterday. Hope your throat gets better soon.

    Faye - good luck with your trip - stay strong.

    Jackie - loved your fitness programme for dog owners :smile: Have a great holiday and enjoy the sunshine in Lanzarote.

    Hope everyone has a good day :heart:
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Morning everyone,

    I didn't do well last night. I bought some ginger snaps. A friend said she made a sweet potato pie with a gingersnap crust and that's what I bought them for but I've got to remember that I just cannot do Gingersnap anything:noway:

    I went to the hair salon yesterday and now I am a new & improved me. :wink:

    Jackie: I can so relate to being kept awake by Granny making noise! :explode: She grinds her teeth (what's left of them) constantly! My husband says it sounds like "Crickets on Steroids"! At one time I had to put those Baby door knob guards on the outside doors (we found her outside in her pjs going up the neighbors driveway) and I put one on the inside of her bedroom so she couldn't get out at night. I knew she was safe in there and it sure helped me sleep better. So if Mum ever starts the roaming stage you know what to do.

    Grocery store for me today. Better get busy, it's time to get Granny going.

    And a happy welcome to those of you who are new :flowerforyou:
