

  • mynyddisamrs
    :flowerforyou: Good Afternoon everyone - Hope your weekend has been a great one!
    Just a quick log ...honest! .... :happy: to say the scales stayed the same today at 150lb but I'm not so sure if that will be the case tomorrow.
    :noway: I started off well - usual Sunday breakfast. Early today as Mum was up with the lark! Then I suddenly realised , if my Son &Co. came to visit for Mother's Day that we hadn't anything to offer them. (Running the cupboards down for the holiday)A quick batch of cherry scones were in the oven as the doorbell rang! Cut ,hot from the oven and spread with butter (Light!!) with a cup of tea proved too much for me!! Then ... later for tea we had roast pork etc and this time I succumbed to the extra roastie, onion and garlic stuffing and ...sin of sins...some very crackly crackling! Needless to say ...I am not within my calories. The day has not finished yet...oops!
    :flowerforyou: For mother's day my brother sent mum some lovely flowers. He called from Heathrow airport on his way from Saudi Arabia to Canada to say hello.:flowerforyou: My sister sent the usual card and called from France. Sad to say... later when my son came, she couldn't remember this at all. :heart: I got lots of hugs and kisses from the grandchildren and a lovely bracelet from my son and DIL. Mum got some spotty socks which went down well!:laugh: Although she thinks it's Xmas now! I do count myself extremely lucky to have such a loving family around me and also can't wait to see my other son & Co tomorrow, ready for holiday! Apparently Baby Ewan is growing so fast ...:laugh: sounds as if he'll be ready for university soon!! They're so proud!!
    Anyway ... not quite sure if I'll be logging in for a few weeks as I don't think we'll have internet in the Villa.
    So....:wink: Be good everyone!! ........:drinker: I'll let you know if I maintained while away!

    :heart: Jackie
  • smelliott
    smelliott Posts: 120
    Hi everyone,

    Didn't do so well yesterday and was 100 calories over my goal :cry: Never mind I'm not dwelling on it and am on target today, despite lovely lunch cooked by Hubby, thanks to going out running this morning. Next week might be more difficult as we are going to the Lakes tomorrow with my daughter and her partner. They are keen walkers so will be out with them a couple of times (the easy walks :smile: ) so maybe that will help. We are self catering so will try to make sensible meals, but the wine might be my downfall :blushing:

    Cindy - thanks for the Chocolate pudding recipe

    Madgoth - I usualy buy own brand Malted Milk biscuits (Asda) but the originals are branded Elkes (made by Fox's biscuits), Fox also make Malted Milk creams under their own brand. We can also buy them coated with milk chocolate (yum!) My sister in law and I love them.

    Not sure If I will be able to use MFP/post this week as would have to use the Dongle and mobile signal can be non extistant in the Lakes. I will however write down all my food and exercise and hope that I'm not too far off track.

    Have agood week everyone.
  • doobiedoo
    doobiedoo Posts: 194 Member
    :flowerforyou: Weekends are always different. I don't usually drink as much water or exercise. I can tell it makes a difference. I decided Sat. and Sun. have to be the same as the rest of the week. Exercised and drank my water yesterday and am getting ready to walk on the treadmill now. Staying on track with my calories today!:happy: Greetings to each of the new pals. Keep on keeping on!!!:flowerforyou:
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Hi Everyone
    I am finding it hard to stick within my calorie allowance. I have gone over it again. :grumble: I know it's my own fault, I really will have to cut down on the snacks. At this rate I wll never lose any weight. :frown: So starting tomorrow I am going to write down things as I eat them instead of waiting until evening to list everything and then getting a shock. If I write it down I might think twice about the snacking.
    Sometimes I know I shouldn't be eating the biscuit/chocolate bar but I eat it anyway - what's that all about! Any help or encouragement would be welcome as I feel so demotivated lately.
    On a brighter note my son and his partner came down to see me for Mother's Day :smile: I had a lovely card from them and my daughter bought me Susan Boyles CD which I am listening to now. So not too bad a day.

    Just popped into the kitchen and noticed that our naughty dog has eaten most of the gravy/vegetables I had leftover from today's sunday dinner that I was going to put in the fridge! How he managed to get to it without knocking the dish off the counter I don't know :angry: the little devil no wonder he had a guilty look on his face earlier :laugh: I can't be cross with him for long but I think I will throw the rest of it away - don't really fancy it now he had his tongue in it.

    Night Night all think I'll get an early night - chat again soon (not sure if my signature will work - still getting used to it all)

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    PS The naughty dog is not the litle angel in the photo, she is Tara and is a little sweetie, the "thief" is our Frankie adopted from the RSPCA he has lots of problems, but that's a story for another day.:smile:

    Night (again)

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Debbie (lifeafter50)- Welcome. I hope you find this site as helpful as I have. And congratulations on quitting smoking. That is a huge success!

    CookieRose & Madgoth- Also, belated welcome! Hope you are both doing well

    Laura-What kind of eliptical machine do you have? I used to use one at the gym and liked it a lot. I would like to have one at home but they seem so large...and the smaller ones don't seem "sturdy" enough.

    Exermom/Michele-Your muffins sound delicious. Do you know how many calories are in each?

    Viv-I know we all have times we do not want to exercise. I try to get myself out the door for "just a 10 minute stroll"...it is amazing that 99% of the time, once I have been strolling for 10 minutes, I feel better and end up with a nice, brisk walk. Just a thought...

    SuzyQ- Let us know how you like the new DVD for the stability ball...People who use those often swear by them and I could certainly use some CORE strengthening...same old exercises don't seem to do the trick anymore!

    Things that made me LAUGH ....from the recent posts:

    Barbie's "Yoga with Poodles"...I think that I would buy that DVD!!!

    Susan's Country Song...."I am too young to feel this damn old"....I would buy that CD too!

    On another topic: I could not find a post that I thought I read yesterday regarding whether to travel, retire, enjoy your time or not....everyone has to decide what they can do with their budget and time...but I just know personally that your health is not a gaurantee and if you have something you want to do or somewhere you want to go and you are able to....GO AND DO IT NOW!!! We all have lots of examples with friends and family that are healthy one minute and NOT the next. SO...don't wait!

    I had my red wine last night after I said I was off of it...I do eat more at night with the wine. SO... once again, I will try to forgo it this evening. Since we will be by ourselves it should be easier than with friends.

    A beautiful, sunny day here...I hope that everyone has a nice evening. All best, Kackie
  • DebbieW
    DebbieW Posts: 187
    Hi Everyone
    So starting tomorrow I am going to write down things as I eat them instead of waiting until evening to list everything and then getting a shock. If I write it down I might think twice about the snacking.
    Sometimes I know I shouldn't be eating the biscuit/chocolate bar but I eat it anyway - what's that all about! Any help or encouragement would be welcome as I feel so demotivated lately.


    Viv - I read your post and I am compelled to try to help you out. I have successfully lost 24 of the 25 pounds that I need to lose to get to my goal weight. Here is one trick that I know helped me a lot.

    Every morning, I logged my food for the day (except supper). I made everything I ate "automatic" other than that one meal. I knew at the very start of my day exactly what I was going to eat and how much. I weighed and measured EVERYTHING. When I was at work and there was "SURPRISE!" another birthday party for a collegue, I would pretend to eat the cake forced upon me and would take it home to give to my daughter or toss it when no one was looking. I did not bring any money for the vending machines either, lucky they don't take debit cards.

    By the time supper rolled around, (my hubby who is a self taught gourmet cook makes all the meals), I would see what yummy dish he was preparing (luckily he cooks whole, fresh ingredients in a healthy way), I would log onto mfp and calculate my calories etc. I still knew ahead of time what and how much I could eat.

    Because of logging before eating, it helped me tremendously to stay disciplined and avoid beating myself up with self-guilt later. Good luck Viv.

    Kackie -regarding your post about "your health is not a guarantee", if there is something you want to do or go to, do it now. Well, that really hit home for me. I just learned an hour ago that a friend of mine was just diagnosed with breast cancer. She goes in for surgery tomorrow to find out more. I wish her a positive outcome.

    You are right, time waits for no one. All we can do st try to be as healthy as we can and do the things we really want to do before we can't do it at all. "Food for thought".

    I hope everyone had a nice weekend.

  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I have the MFP iPhone app so I can log even when I'm not at home. I don't always use it but it can be really handy when you are at a party with unfamiliar food.

    Right now I'm recovering from my bike ride and trying to gird my loins, so to speak, to do my run. I was supposed to do the run yesterday but hubby asked me out on a "date" and I couldn't say no to that!
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I'M BACK!! I have been MIA for a couple of weeks. I was playing in the pit orchestra for a college production of "Beauty and the Beast", and once we got into daily rehearsals, I seemed to lose the ability to budget my time to post in or even read posts in my groups. (I can't imagine why - I was leaving the house at 7:30am to go to work, getting home about 4:00, fixing dinner, trying to get things around for the next day, leaving by 6pm for rehearsal, and getting home about 11:30pm daily. Thank goodness I survived!) I did manage to consistently log my food every day, though, and actually lost a little over a pound. Anyway, did you miss me? I missed you!
    The final performance was last Sunday, and I had a pretty busy week this week, so I'm just getting back in the swing of things today. I am thrilled to be back, and promise to try to pop in every day or two now. My weigh in is tomorrow morning, and after my loss last week, I really think that I might have lost again. It would be awesome to be able to say that I had broken the plateau that I have been on for 3 months! Oh, to see my ticker say 75 pounds lost would be a dream come true after such a long dry spell while I just keep plugging away. I tried to cross my fingers and toes, but decided it would be too uncomfortable to stay that way all night! :wink:
    So anyway, good night to all and: Here's to smart choices!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,991 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Today has been Isagenix cleanse day---a day that I do less exercise and take it easier than the rest of the week because I consume fewer calories....I did laundry, went to the dog park, took care of some business by phone and computer, and did yoga again----two days in a row, that's a trend or a streak or something :laugh: DH wasn't home while I did the poodle yoga so there was no one to take a picture:sad: I finally figured out what was keeping me from the yoga---it was clothing----the people on the DVD are wearing short pants and tank tops and I'm wearing long underwear and wool and couldn't imagine wearing less, so I just took off my shoes and did yoga in winter clothes and it was great.

    :flowerforyou: Life After 50. if you have quit smoking then you know that you have what it takes to tackle to goal of eating and weight loss......when I started I planned three meals and a snack each day and logged the calories ahead of time...only after a few days did I start to modify my food choices to keep the calories low, my first goal was learning to make a plan and stick to it. Just do it one day at a time and you'll surprise yourself with your progress:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Jackie, Happy Mothers' Day......it sounds like you have a great family.

    :flowerforyou: Denise, have a great trip

    :flowerforyou: doobiedoo, I wish you the best in getting your weekend eating and exercise under control......it will make a huge difference.

    :flowerforyou: Viv, Happy Mothers' Day.........I found that what worked for me was to plan all my food for the day and log it on MFP before I ate it so there would be no surprises
    you have enough surprises with a dog that eat off the dishes on the counter, how clever and agile:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Kackie, I retired at age 58 even though my retirement would have given me more money if I had waited two more years.......someone talked to me about "quality of life" and that helped me make my decision. I have not regretted it.

    :flowerforyou: Debbie W. once again you have great advice......one of the most helpful things I ever did for myself was to not eat goodies that were offered to me by others

    :flowerforyou: MacMadame, you are right on to put a "date" with hubby ahead of other stuff.

    :flowerforyou: Mary, I'm glad you're back and glad that you were able to stay focused on healthy eating even with such a busy schedule......I wish you the best on your weigh in tomorrow.

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: I logged another pound lost this week which was a shock......I have been trying to find the right calorie balance to maintain my weight which is trickier than it seems. My eating has been very healthy and I've had a lot of time to exercise lately so the results have been good. I bought three new pairs of size 4 jeans before our trip last weekend and they fit great.

    The dogs and DH are ready for bed so sweet dreams to all.......:heart::heart: :heart: hugs:heart::heart: :heart: Barbie
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I did my run tonight instead! I made DH come with me so it was kind of a second date. Hah.
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    I was very surprised and of course happy:tongue: to see that I had lost a pound at weigh in this morning. I almost didn't weigh because I was expecting the worst!

    Again welcome to all the new faces!

    Mary; Glad you are back with us.

    Daylight savings time. I was just getting used to regular time. Now I'll be off kilter for a couple of weeks. Does anyone else have this problem?

    I hope everyone makes good choices today! Drink your water and make time for exercise. You are worth it!

  • madgoth
    madgoth Posts: 60
    I had a challenging weekend food-wise. I didn't do as well as I might have, and I am not starting the week off well, as I have a sinus headache and don't feel like walking away my many pounds. So I am not going to beat myself up, I am going to just try to get back with it and not wallow in remorse.

    It is nice to read everyone's stories and challenges.

    Thanks girls!
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Look at my ticker, look at my ticker, look at my ticker!!! I finally made it past the 75 hump that I have been fighting since Thanksgiving!

    And - I bet you never heard anyone be excited about this before - I AM OBESE! Yes, after a long time of being classified as "morbidly obese" - a phrase that I really hate - my loss has put me into the obese category! Woo hoo!

    Here's hoping that this signifies the end of my three month plateau, because keeping a good attitude, continuing to log calories and work out, and not whine throughout this has taken everything that I have. Look out world, overweight here I come!!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Look at my ticker, look at my ticker, look at my ticker!!! I finally made it past the 75 hump that I have been fighting since Thanksgiving!

    And - I bet you never heard anyone be excited about this before - I AM OBESE! Yes, after a long time of being classified as "morbidly obese" - a phrase that I really hate - my loss has put me into the obese category! Woo hoo!

    Here's hoping that this signifies the end of my three month plateau, because keeping a good attitude, continuing to log calories and work out, and not whine throughout this has taken everything that I have. Look out world, overweight here I come!!

    That's wonderful, Mary!:flowerforyou: I am so happy for you!

    Welcome to all the newbies!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: You'll love it here!

    I had an iffy weekend--stayed within my calories but didn't make the healthiest choices.:grumble: I'm back on track, again!

    I joined the 'No Late-night Snacking' thread. :smile: I think that will help me stay accountable, as the nightime snacking seems to be my downfall at times.

    Have a wonderful day, everyone!:flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Great job Mary. of course we missed you. 76 pounds lost is awesome. Keep up the good work. Barbie great job on maintaining. That is the hard part. You are such an inspiration to me. Cindy another pound great work. madgoth when I have a sinue headache I dont feel like doing anything. Sinus plays havoc with me at times. hope you feel better. I am doing better. staying on track with food but no real exercise all weekend. beautiful outside but hubby worked all weekend so I did some sewing which is inside. might take the girls out in back yard today and do some cleaning up. even though it is beautiful out still cool and hate to get out and chance allergies acting up. always something lol. have a good day ladies.
    vicki M
  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    I was down today. So happy. Abstaining from alcohol really helped. Now to keep it up

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Good Morning ALL!:flowerforyou:

    Boy ...missing a day can put you behind...:ohwell:

    Michele- What the Nutrition info on this receipe? It sounds really good.:bigsmile:

    Suezzzque- So how has that exercise ball working for you?:huh:

    Barb-Sorry to hear about your friends loss:cry: , it can be such a hard time, but glad she has a friend in you for support.:flowerforyou:

    Susan-Nice Picture!:drinker:

    Jackie & Viv- Glad that both of you had a good Mother's Day. Jackie have a nice Holiday. Viv- I have the Susan Boyle CD, #3 Son got it for me for Christmas...and I love it!:bigsmile:

    Denise- Have a good trip.:drinker:

    Kackie- our Eliptical is a Horizon, it was the most compact as well as sturdy, it weighs over 300 lbs:tongue: so getting it to the basement was a challenge until Gerald suggested we take it down in parts, I dread if we ever have to move it out of there.

    Mary-Welcome Back, Beauty and the Beast is my favorite live play:smile: , what instrument do you play? Congrats on breaking your plateau, that's always such a great feeling.

    The weekend was busy with us getting everything ready for the road trip. We went to the store yesterday and got a "lower" fat snacks:noway: , it's sure to be a challenge to me to keep to my calories while we are gone, but I am so determined not to let this 12 days away put me back to "re-losing" pounds...I CAN DO THIS! I'm taking my scale and the kitchen scale to keep me on track!:noway:

    Was surprised this am to see the scale down again:noway: , only 2.4 to go to the half way point...at the beginning of january it sure seemed a long way off, it's finally starting to look like I can really make it this time.....sure do hope that all my favorite clothes aren't out of style when I get there...which is a strong possibility.

    Well I will probably be spotty on my checking in for the rest of the week, will most likely only have quick check in's as we will be on the road and then at friends houses until we get to Mom's next Monday...already have the carpet cleaner packed in the trunk as well as Gerald's golf clubs...:grumble: can you see the difference in how the two of us are approaching this trip? At least this time I'm not having to make the trip by myself like I have the last three times.:bigsmile:

    Everyone keep fighting off those pounds!:drinker:

  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Mary-Welcome Back, Beauty and the Beast is my favorite live play:smile: , what instrument do you play? Congrats on breaking your plateau, that's always such a great feeling.

    I play the bass clarinet. Or as I call it, the instrument of the gods. :wink:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Just saw this link on another post. All I can say is Oh my goodness!