Why aren't YOU watching biggest loser?!



  • MusicInMyHeart
    Because it's completely edited and FAKE.
  • Rompa_87
    Rompa_87 Posts: 291 Member
    Every moment I don't spend watching the biggest loser I can actually work out, go dancing and do other hobbies or read a book. Why WOULD you watch the biggest loser?
  • norcal_yogi
    norcal_yogi Posts: 675 Member
    cause its annoying as hell. plus i don't spend much time watching television.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    stupid reality show. Nuff said.
  • PinkyKiwii
    PinkyKiwii Posts: 512 Member

    Thats why
  • PinkyKiwii
    PinkyKiwii Posts: 512 Member
    Every moment I don't spend watching the biggest loser I can actually work out, go dancing and do other hobbies or read a book. Why WOULD you watch the biggest loser?


    Watching porn :bigsmile:
  • skinnybitchbarbie27
    skinnybitchbarbie27 Posts: 306 Member
    It is unrealistic. Put me on a farm in the middle of nowhere, feed me a special diet, make me workout, yeah I would be succesful. Put them back in the real world and they have no freaking idea what to do. I didn't lose this weight easy. I have dairy queen right down block from my home that I have to pass on a daily basis that I have to tell myself is garbage. I have real world temptations and real world wants to not go and exercise.

    People need to know what it is really like to lose this.
  • jmariscal3
    jmariscal3 Posts: 57 Member
    I have it recording and plan to watch it when I get home. I love Jillian and I have gotten results with her, way more than when I tried things on my own. She is tough because that is what she gets paid for. If you can't hack it, don't train! Annoying or not, she is in shape and knows how to get there. Many people hope to get to that point. I agree, she does not do all of the workout because she explains it to everyone, but that is what she is supposed to do. People like me who have no idea how to do many of these workout circuits need to guiding to make sure we have the proper form. If I ever had the chance I would train with her- probably wanna pull out her hair if she started yelling, but it would be awesome either way!
  • BV1980
    BV1980 Posts: 272 Member
    I cannot stand the constant crying on that show. Plus I am 450 lbs and most likely heavier than any of them on there. they all probably have wives, kids, families, or whatever in life. I am single and need more help than any of them on there. I get pissed seeing them quit and give up or whine about it. And then of course they cry more. Screw that.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    same reason why I don't watch Dr. Oz
    LOL. ^ This.

    Crafted drama, unrealistic situations...and the fact that while I can't stand about 90% of what they show on television, "reality tv" tops my list of things that need to go away.
  • lpamama
    Because Downton Abbey is on, I don't have a DVR and Downton Abbey is WAY better than TBL. TBL is super scripted adn fake, although I do find it helpful in some ways, the fake drama is over the top and nauseating after awhile. It's worth a watch eventually, on fast forward...
  • MusicInMyHeart
    Every moment I don't spend watching the biggest loser I can actually work out, go dancing and do other hobbies or read a book. Why WOULD you watch the biggest loser?


    Watching porn :bigsmile:

  • tvanhooser
    tvanhooser Posts: 326 Member
    Because ALL UN-"REALITY" TV is garbage and I don't watch any of it on general principle. I have better things to do with my time and to fill my brain with than the fake drama (I despise social drama anyway!!) and the way they encourage backstabbing, name calling and generally just being vicious to each other....beyond all bounds of propriety or human decency. They thrive on other people's misery and humiliate them for the sake of ratings. They may sign up for it and know what they are getting into, but that doesn't mean I need to watch them self-destruct and take as many people as they can with them!!
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    No interest in the show... There is nothing less real than "reality television"
  • BiggTim
    BiggTim Posts: 53 Member
    I've only watched that show off and on over the years. I think I've only seen a couple of full episodes...
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    To be honest I don't like the way they are promoting weight loss as the only way to go plus it encourages viewers to aim for unrealistic loss in a short period of time. Now I know obese people can lose as many as double digit lbs. in a week, however regular people are not well aware that it varies in size. It's ridiculous to see that when a person weighs in and he lost like 15 lbs. everyone applaudes but whenver someone lost "only" 6 lbs. everyone will shake their heads in disappointment. Let alone the punishment given for gaining weight via muscle, unhealthy habit of dehydrating themselves before the weigh in and the super intense workout that isn't designed for the out of shape beginners.

    Also the contestants are not given tips on weight maintenance. It's just all about weight loss.
  • stephdeeable
    stephdeeable Posts: 1,407 Member
    It's a horrible show....and this is coming from someone who just watched "The Bad Girls Club" all night so I don't have high standards..
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    Because I'm a higher lifeform and too busy doing things that are WAY more productive with my time.

    Like beatching online. (curse you over-zealous censor!)
  • Shadowknight137
    Shadowknight137 Posts: 1,243 Member
    Because that would mean getting up from.my couch to change the channel.