Self defense for exercise and a life skill



  • Mhaney
    Mhaney Posts: 467 Member
    I Started at 32, and am still 32 actually. The first two weeks or so left me a little sore but now I'm addicted. We had two weeks off for holidays and I am like an addict in need of a hit. going back tomorrow!!
    hey all
    I am looking at starting up Tae Kwon do ( there is a school barely 5 min walk from home!) and I can go free for a couple of lessons to see how it goes.
    I am 37 - is this too old to learn? I have wanted to do learn something like this for a long time but put it off as I feel pretty weak, uncordinated and not very good at balancing, including a lack of confidence , plus I am a little nervous about getting thrown around everywhere lol

    How was it for you all when you first started? any tips? the people who run it seem very nice & welcoming. I have always wanted to learn a martial art , for improving confidence, fitness etc , not for competitions or anything
  • IzzyBooNZ1
    IzzyBooNZ1 Posts: 1,289 Member
    I Started at 32, and am still 32 actually. The first two weeks or so left me a little sore but now I'm addicted. We had two weeks off for holidays and I am like an addict in need of a hit. going back tomorrow!!
    hey all
    I am looking at starting up Tae Kwon do ( there is a school barely 5 min walk from home!) and I can go free for a couple of lessons to see how it goes.
    I am 37 - is this too old to learn? I have wanted to do learn something like this for a long time but put it off as I feel pretty weak, uncordinated and not very good at balancing, including a lack of confidence , plus I am a little nervous about getting thrown around everywhere lol

    How was it for you all when you first started? any tips? the people who run it seem very nice & welcoming. I have always wanted to learn a martial art , for improving confidence, fitness etc , not for competitions or anything

    thanks ! Does TKD have lots of throwing people around to the floor kind of thing, or is it more kicks/punches?
  • Mhaney
    Mhaney Posts: 467 Member
    Every school teaches differently, but in my experience there isn't a lot of that at all. We do spar, but in full padding. One of our instructors was actually trained in Israel so every so often he throws a Krav Maga lesson in there that does include throwing some one to the ground, but other than that, we really don't do much "hand to hand" stuff other than the sparring. There's A LOT of kicks with a few punches. My 9 and 7 year olds are green stripes, if my Ghandi of a son can handle it, I'm sure anyone can. Both of my kids have done tournaments and won medals.
    I Started at 32, and am still 32 actually. The first two weeks or so left me a little sore but now I'm addicted. We had two weeks off for holidays and I am like an addict in need of a hit. going back tomorrow!!
    hey all
    I am looking at starting up Tae Kwon do ( there is a school barely 5 min walk from home!) and I can go free for a couple of lessons to see how it goes.
    I am 37 - is this too old to learn? I have wanted to do learn something like this for a long time but put it off as I feel pretty weak, uncordinated and not very good at balancing, including a lack of confidence , plus I am a little nervous about getting thrown around everywhere lol

    How was it for you all when you first started? any tips? the people who run it seem very nice & welcoming. I have always wanted to learn a martial art , for improving confidence, fitness etc , not for competitions or anything

    thanks ! Does TKD have lots of throwing people around to the floor kind of thing, or is it more kicks/punches?
  • IzzyBooNZ1
    IzzyBooNZ1 Posts: 1,289 Member
    thanks Mhaney !! ! I am actually now getting excited about it now. the classes start up in a couple of weeks and I was told to come for free for a few sessions. Thanks again !
  • JMPerlin
    JMPerlin Posts: 287 Member
    hey all
    I am looking at starting up Tae Kwon do ( there is a school barely 5 min walk from home!) and I can go free for a couple of lessons to see how it goes.
    I am 37 - is this too old to learn? I have wanted to do learn something like this for a long time but put it off as I feel pretty weak, uncordinated and not very good at balancing, including a lack of confidence , plus I am a little nervous about getting thrown around everywhere lol

    How was it for you all when you first started? any tips? the people who run it seem very nice & welcoming. I have always wanted to learn a martial art , for improving confidence, fitness etc , not for competitions or anything

    You are never too old. There are some arts that are harder on older bodies so pick one you can handle. I am almost 50 and giving the teenagers a run for their money.