Do you log your binges?



  • red_road
    red_road Posts: 761 Member
    i try to but sometimes i just cant remember everything i stuffed in my face so if i cant remember i just round it off to 3000 cals using quick tools
  • sarahmonsta
    sarahmonsta Posts: 185 Member
    Its become a habit to log EVERYTHING I eat. It has been my learning tool through this journey, by logging it I have come to accept that sometimes *kitten* happens and I get back on track stronger then before. =]
  • mrslorrijackson
    mrslorrijackson Posts: 4 Member
    I log my binged but don't click day complete. that way it is still my secret but as I am the only one accountable it is only for my information. I think you should try to each time. if you miss a few items on their way down the gullet so be it but keeping a record of what you go for and when could hep you avoid it next time. I discovered I was binging mostly on Thursday afternoons...and then realized I had a weekly meeting with my manager on Thursday I don't binge on that day anymore...I write down word for word what I can remember about the meeting good or bad and then accept it is over and there will be more meetings and that has been empowering. Eating issues are never just because. Discover your reason and you can overcome.
    I think with a little self realization you can discover your need for the binge and learn something else about yourself and then you won't feel the need to binge quite so much.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Yes, but I plan my binges ahead of time and call it "free day".
    Last Friday was one such day...I ate almost 6000 calories over...LOVED IT :drinker:

    How do you pull that off?
    You must either have pretty good deficits the rest of the time, or be on a bulk or somesuch ?
  • I discovered I was binging mostly on Thursday afternoons...and then realized I had a weekly meeting with my manager on Thursday I don't binge on that day anymore...I write down word for word what I can remember about the meeting good or bad and then accept it is over and there will be more meetings and that has been empowering. Eating issues are never just because. Discover your reason and you can overcome.

    So true. I've been living alone for only a year now, and the other day I was on the phone with my mom.....I think we talked for like two or 3 hours. Some of it was pretty stressing, and I wanted to hang up.....halfway through the phone call, I realized I had found myself in the kitchen, stuffing myself....I'm pretty sure I wasn't even hungry before my mom I'm wondering how many times before I'd done the same thing without even realizing it.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Yes. I own it then I move on. No sense in hiding it or beating myself up over it.

    ^ This.
  • sylviatx
    sylviatx Posts: 156 Member
    I didn't when I first joined MFP, then I had a bad patch and realized it was my dishonesty with myself that was causing it.

    So now I do log them, I log everything. Look at my Christmas Day for example LOL.

    It keeps me accountable to myself, and more aware of my tendencies.
  • cjsacto
    cjsacto Posts: 1,421 Member
    A couple of times I have put late night, unplanned meals (I don't know if I'd go so far as to call them binges) on the next day's diary when I can't face logging the day of. That makes me very accountable the next day and put me back on the wagon.

    As some others have said, if MFP is triggering binges for you, somehow the program is failing you. Are you giving yourself eating rules that are too strict? I log everything (minus maybe a bite or two), but I have not cut out foods I like and my late night unplanned meals are much less frequent than they were before I joined MFP. (I also save some calories for evening so I can have late night planned meals and stay on goal.) Maybe you are craving more food because your goal is too low? Is the perfectionism of weighing and measuring wearing on you? You can tweak how you use MFP to make it what you need it to be to really support you and make you feel better; it shouldn't make you feel worse about food or make your relationship with food LESS healthy.

    Years ago I attended some OA meetings, even though I didn't think I was really a compulsive eater. After going a few times, I started eating MORE with the thought process, "Hey, what can I say, I'm AM compulsive eater, I can't help it." It kind of made me think it was OK to binge because it was my "disease" and "I was powerless against it." I know I missed the point of the program (which has really helped a lot of people), but it just didn't work for my mindset at the time.

    As they say in 12 steps, when it comes to the rules of MFP, take what helps you and leave the rest.
  • Bobby__Clerici
    Bobby__Clerici Posts: 741 Member
    Yes, but I plan my binges ahead of time and call it "free day".
    Last Friday was one such day...I ate almost 6000 calories over...LOVED IT :drinker:

    How do you pull that off?
    You must either have pretty good deficits the rest of the time, or be on a bulk or somesuch ?
    I do not know.
    I lose a pound per week, and then binge like a government mule.
    I was told it was shocking my body...resetting my metabolism....who knows?
    I just know I eat well during the week and binge every Friday or Saturday.
    My results have been great.
  • I used to not do it, but I'm trying to be better. Over the weekend I didn't log, but it was because we were out of town and eating on the go at relatives homes. I ate reasonable sized portions, and chose the healthiest options. Now, when I eat a piece of candy or a bowl of ice cream, I log it and move on. Like someone else said, I can try to make it up in my calories for the week or work a little harder in the gym.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    perhaps some people MIGHT try and log them afterwards, but a true binge while it is happening is happens too fast

    unless we have different definitions of binging

    if you are a binge eater, until you get a handle on it, you HAVE to keep junk out of the house

    it is the only way I know
  • jacque1129
    jacque1129 Posts: 113 Member
    i try to, to the best of my ability. it sucks seeing what you did but helps you think about it next time.
  • aross001
    aross001 Posts: 237
    yeah, I log my binges. I attempt to eat a little less the next day and exercise more to make up for it. Today I ate my calories by lunch time. I think I'm going to get in some cardio and have a super light dinner.

    I'm a bit ashamed of it when it happens, I just try minimize the impact and forget about it. Shame makes me eat more so I try to keep from staying in that "space" for very long.
  • tameejean
    tameejean Posts: 197 Member
    I agree with everyone that has said if the binges only started after you joined MFP you might have re-evaluate your goals.

    This for sure! Make sure you are eating enough and trying motto lose too much too soon. All that will do is backfire in the end anyway. You got this!
  • tameejean
    tameejean Posts: 197 Member
    This for sure! Make sure you are eating enough and trying motto lose too much too soon. All that will do is backfire in the end anyway. You got this!

    *Not to, not motto! lol!
  • Kara52217
    Kara52217 Posts: 353 Member
    Yes. I own it then I move on. No sense in hiding it or beating myself up over it.

    ^^^^^^ this. ^^^^^^^
  • I log my binges because otherwise they would be too easy to forget. Unless I think about my food, I don't remember it (unless it was something really outstanding, like a fantastic steak at a restaurant).

    So far, in the two days I've been using MFP again, I've actually prevented myself from binging because I didn't want to have to log it. That alone makes it worth logging my binges, but having the reality of my food consumption shoved in my face is also a huge plus.
  • AniyahsMommy324
    AniyahsMommy324 Posts: 104 Member
    No because I too eat too much, too fast if I'm binging. Today was a bad day though, and I actually did log everything. I made tacos for dinner, and my total calories came to ~625 for dinner, and almost 2000 for the whole day (before my exercise was added in). It disgusted me to see it in black and white and makes me want to push even harder tomorrow.
  • SwimFan1981
    SwimFan1981 Posts: 1,430 Member
    Yes, I had a large pizza hut cheese pizza the other day to myself, it was logged :bigsmile:
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Yes, I had a large pizza hut cheese pizza the other day to myself, it was logged :bigsmile:

    1 pizza does not make for a binge does it? That's a dinner.. little bigger than usual but dinner.