Any new runners?



  • capnrus789
    capnrus789 Posts: 2,736 Member
    I completed the couch to 5K a little while ago. Going for about 4 tonight. I use the runkeeper app. I've become a running junkie and I love it.
  • CatzMe67
    CatzMe67 Posts: 17 Member
    I'd love to start, but honestly not sure where to find the time! I know that's an excuse, but I work M-F 8am to 5pm, then go to school full time in the evenings. I can't afford a gym membership so I can run inside, and when I get home from work it is still dark and I'm not comfortable running in the dark in my neighborhood (its not exactly Beverly Hills). I tried to start the C25K with my daughter but our schedule just never worked I'm looking for a partner in my area to start running with me! UGH.....I know...excuses, excuses!
  • jessicaaustin2119
    New to running! already love it! I tried starting the C25k but i just run till i get tired then walk ect. It's worked for me so far, i've already noticed a difference in my endurance and I've only gone on 5 runs (1.5k each) lol I'm not stopping anytime soon though! That runners high that everyone talks about got me hooked!

    if anyone wants to add me as a friend feel free too! Im new to My Fitness Pal as well, and could use some people to motivate me haha :smile:
  • Play_outside
    Play_outside Posts: 528 Member
    Yep, excuses, you just need to make the time! Really, what is 20-60/minutes, 3 times a week? Worth the investment in your health for sure! Get a headlamp and work hard to find a running buddy so you can run in the evenings or early in the morning. I started running again when I was in school full time and working part time (and I work 12hr shifts). You can do it! :)
    I'd love to start, but honestly not sure where to find the time! I know that's an excuse, but I work M-F 8am to 5pm, then go to school full time in the evenings. I can't afford a gym membership so I can run inside, and when I get home from work it is still dark and I'm not comfortable running in the dark in my neighborhood (its not exactly Beverly Hills). I tried to start the C25K with my daughter but our schedule just never worked I'm looking for a partner in my area to start running with me! UGH.....I know...excuses, excuses!
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    I am on week 3 of C25K... in serious need of motivation. My legs are KILLING me!!!

    1. Slow your pace down (when my legs get sore I slow to an almost shuffle - hey, it's still running!)
    2. Keep your strides slow. Usain Bolt may stride out but he's had years of practice (not to mention very long legs). This video is really helpful:
    3. Stretch out lots when you get home, or even half way round if your legs feel crampy.
    4. If shin splints are an issue, when you get home walk up and down your living room on your heels for 30 seconds, then on the balls of your feet for 30 seconds. Repeat until the pain eases up. Amazingly this really works.
    5. Put some ice packs on your legs as soon as you get home irrespective of whether they are sore. This was a lifesaver when I first started running.
    6. On days you are not running do plenty of different types of squats to strengthen your quads (Jillian Michaels No More Trouble Zones DVD has some good ones or have a look on You Tube).

    ...and it will get better as you get stronger - I promise! (my legs killed me for the first few weeks of running when I started last year but I barely get a twinge now).
  • nroseberry11
    Im with ya!!! I started on Monday.
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    I am somewhat new. I began running back in the fall but then had to stop due to lung issues. I am asthmatic and whenever I get a cold my lungs can sometimes take a long time to get back to normal.

    I started running again this month. I love it and have a goal of a mini this Spring (knock on wood). I am not expecting to finish with a great time, but as long as I finish I will be excited. :drinker:

    Totally sympathise. I've been out of action for nearly two months thanks to a chest infection setting off my asthma. In cold weather I wear a buff (like a scarf/snood you can wear around your neck and pull up) and pull it up over my mouth to help prevent my asthma being triggered (not to mention using my preventative inhaler before setting off to fend of any problems).
  • telizad
    telizad Posts: 38 Member
    I started C25K back in late September and have been on Week 4 for a while due to work, holidays, but I started back other day in Week 4 with no probs. Would love to have other runners motivate me along the way. Add me as a friend. I log on everyday.
  • ChrissyinATL
    ChrissyinATL Posts: 23 Member
    ME! I have been an on-again/off-again runner for years (I played soccer in college) but my one and only New Years resolution was to walk/run 500 miles this year!
  • painauxraisin
    painauxraisin Posts: 299 Member
    I am somewhat new. I began running back in the fall but then had to stop due to lung issues. I am asthmatic and whenever I get a cold my lungs can sometimes take a long time to get back to normal.

    I started running again this month. I love it and have a goal of a mini this Spring (knock on wood). I am not expecting to finish with a great time, but as long as I finish I will be excited. :drinker:

    Totally sympathise. I've been out of action for nearly two months thanks to a chest infection setting off my asthma. In cold weather I wear a buff (like a scarf/snood you can wear around your neck and pull up) and pull it up over my mouth to help prevent my asthma being triggered (not to mention using my preventative inhaler before setting off to fend of any problems).

    I'm asthmatic too! I have to be really warmed up before I can run or I'm in trouble!
  • hurleycutie142
    hurleycutie142 Posts: 480 Member
    im on week 4 day 4... definitely days r better than others... add me :]
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    I'd love to start, but honestly not sure where to find the time! I know that's an excuse, but I work M-F 8am to 5pm, then go to school full time in the evenings. I can't afford a gym membership so I can run inside, and when I get home from work it is still dark and I'm not comfortable running in the dark in my neighborhood (its not exactly Beverly Hills). I tried to start the C25K with my daughter but our schedule just never worked I'm looking for a partner in my area to start running with me! UGH.....I know...excuses, excuses!

    It's not ideal but why not start running once a week at the weekends? Then, when the days get longer and the evenings are lighter, build up to three time a week by getting up early or squeezing it in between work and school. Difficult, I know, but C25K only takes around 30 minutes a session. I find setting my alarm one hour early is possible (15mins to get ready before setting off and 15 mins to shower when I get back) - and makes you feel great for the rest of the day :)
  • CatzMe67
    CatzMe67 Posts: 17 Member
    I know I need to make the time. I do skate (roller derby) at least twice a week for about 1.5 hrs. each time, and am trying to work in other physical activities into my week. I'm not much of a morning person......hell, I don't even know what mornings are as I go to bed around 1130-midnight and wake up at 6am. BUT, you are right, I just need to make the time...thanks.
  • AsellusReborn
    AsellusReborn Posts: 1,112 Member
    I started with the C25K on 7/31! :) I always love new running friends.
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    I know I need to make the time. I do skate (roller derby) at least twice a week for about 1.5 hrs. each time, and am trying to work in other physical activities into my week. I'm not much of a morning person......hell, I don't even know what mornings are as I go to bed around 1130-midnight and wake up at 6am. BUT, you are right, I just need to make the time...thanks.

    Ah... now that's completely different! Sounds like you are doing a great job with the exercise. Be kind to yourself and when the days get brighter reassess the running - we'll all be here to support you!