Need "marital" advice ASAP!



  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    I'm not trying to condone cheating by any stretch, but a healthy love life should be something that both people work to foster throughout a marriage. Life obviously gets in the way, but if one half doesn't feel like it for months or years at a stretch that's a problem.

    Stop looking at sex as something where everything has to be right and you need to have matching underwear and candles and Marvin Gaye coming back from the dead to serenade just the two of you and the galaxy has to be aligned perfectly so that the stars look like Dr. Ruth cheering you on and the clouds are JUST so in the sky illuminating a path direct to the mythical g-spot.

    It's sex. Have a quickie. Make time for it. Prioritize it (and I know this next part sounds unromantic, but it's better than no sex) like you prioritize the other things you have to do.

    The schedule me and my wife keep is pretty insane. We spend easily 70 to 75 hours between Monday and Friday either at work or commuting, and most of our weekend is taken up doing chores and things we should've done during the week. We REALLY struggle to get even 7 hours of sleep on a good night (and if we do it means we did NOTHING else that day). We often don't have time for all the things we might like to do leading up to the mattress mambo, but we make time for it anyway.

    That being said, some of the best sex I've ever had with my lady were times when she looked at me and said 'alright we've only got 10 minutes, get your a** over here and lets do this'.
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    1. Blow him.
    2. Make him a sandwich.
    3. Hand him the television remote.


    2. Make him a sandwich
    3. Hand him the television remote
    1. Blow him

    Sorry, got them out of order!

    As long as you blow him....the order won't be important. I suggest doing it to wake him up in the morning.

    Remember, "Nothing says 'I love you' like a *kitten* in the morning."

  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    I'm not trying to condone cheating by any stretch, but a healthy love life should be something that both people work to foster throughout a marriage. Life obviously gets in the way, but if one half doesn't feel like it for months or years at a stretch that's a problem.

    Stop looking at sex as something where everything has to be right and you need to have matching underwear and candles and Marvin Gaye coming back from the dead to serenade just the two of you and the galaxy has to be aligned perfectly so that the stars look like Dr. Ruth cheering you on and the clouds are JUST so in the sky illuminating a path direct to the mythical g-spot.

    It's sex. Have a quickie. Make time for it. Prioritize it (and I know this next part sounds unromantic, but it's better than no sex) like you prioritize the other things you have to do.

    The schedule me and my wife keep is pretty insane. We spend easily 70 to 75 hours between Monday and Friday either at work or commuting, and most of our weekend is taken up doing chores and things we should've done during the week. We REALLY struggle to get even 7 hours of sleep on a good night (and if we do it means we did NOTHING else that day). We often don't have time for all the things we might like to do leading up to the mattress mambo, but we make time for it anyway.

    That being said, some of the best sex I've ever had with my lady were times when she looked at me and said 'alright we've only got 10 minutes, get your a** over here and lets do this'.

    This is really awesome advice, and very much what sex is like in real life.
  • Fat2FitQueen
    Fat2FitQueen Posts: 79 Member
    Girl stop playing & ride that new boyfriend is mexican & he's a scorpio & 9 yrs. younger then me so yea we never tell eachother no...its just not healthy
  • JingleMuffin
    JingleMuffin Posts: 543 Member
    If hes a good man you need to make his needs a priority. of course everything in your life is important. but this is your husband its your number one rule to take care of him. he gave you your kids. :) do it up.
  • JingleMuffin
    JingleMuffin Posts: 543 Member
    one time i suprised him in a mall elevator. :) that was worth it. he talked about it for like a month after that.
  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 10,149 MFP Staff
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