Keeping it to yourself??



  • flying_inside
    flying_inside Posts: 67 Member
    Whatever works for you!

    I'm not making a huge deal and also prefer the support of folks on here. It is human nature to want to bring up topical things in conversation and to not always know if it's OK to. I even found myself wanting to follow up w/a co-worker who mentioned starting Atkins, but stopped myself realizing she may not want to discuss it due to maybe not having started it yet, etc. I'm also someone who is overly into privacy though, so it all depends on perspective.
  • edessad
    edessad Posts: 91 Member
    I didn't tell anyone at first but they kinda guessed when my clothes starting looking like a potato sack and my usual burger and chips turned into soup and salad. I am lucky as all my friends and co-workers are giving me loads of support and no one has been judgmental. They spur me on to succeed.
  • marthathebear
    I told everyone. I wanted support from everybody everywhere.
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    Trying to keep your goals to yourself from the people closest to you will never work. Support is a MAJOR factor in weight-loss, and to be frankly honest MFP isnt full of the "best" supporters.

    disagree. I kept it to myself for two years.

    lost 50 lbs.
  • Erin_goBrahScience
    Erin_goBrahScience Posts: 1,215 Member
    I can understand your desire to keep this goal to yourself. I mean, while I agree with others that it is important to have a supportive environment of people...I, personally, do not always enjoy when those around me attempt to "help" me with my diet by analyzing how I go about losing weight/getting fit. We each have our own way of accomplishing our goals and sometimes people try to impose their methods onto a person they care about because they have had their own successes with their method. I welcome suggestions but sometimes get frustrated if a person does not respect my own choice of method.

    Ultimately, I think it would be a good idea to have even a small group of supporters--let in those who you feel would not hinder your progress/journey :). I have the right people rooting me on and for those who don't entirely know my fitness plans--they will eventually see the results for themselves!

    Best of luck to you!!


    My husband knows, and one of my friends knows and thats it. My co-workers commented that I keep bringing my gym bag to work, but they also know I have a race this Sat. Everthing else, I keep private.
  • VorJoshigan
    VorJoshigan Posts: 1,106 Member
    I've lost 112 lbs, and I've managed to keep it a secret from my Facebook peeps in other states. I'm looking forward to seeing them in person.

    Other than that I share it all the time. I'm lovin' it!
  • bramley1911
    bramley1911 Posts: 40 Member
    To an extent I've kept it private. My boyfriend knows, and he's very supportive of me. And my best friend knows. Apart from that I haven't told anyone else. If anyone asked, I would tell them but I'd rather do it on my own, find it easier that way.
  • gailmelanie
    gailmelanie Posts: 210 Member
    I only partially keep it to myself. I have told some freinds, coworkers and my doctors about MFP, but what I find is that folks look more critically at your behavior and point out inconsistencies and failures more than try to be supportive when they know what you're trying to do and how you're trying to do it. My husband won't talk about it and doesn't want to go on this journey with me. He wants to do everything in the say of self-improvement his own way by himself, especially weight loss. And, I feel scruitinized for progress and pressured to show results when others know. I suppose that could be called being held accountable, but that's too uncomfortable for me. It's bad enough struggling with the support of all MFPs.
  • larsmac83
    It really depends on your personal preference. If you're avoiding pressure, then just keep it secret. When you're successful, people will notice, but you'll be proud of your personal accomplishments. If you have maybe one or two people to help support you, then confide in them so that when you get frustrated or hit a wall, you'll have someone who understands/knows what you're going through. I get it completely, though. I've told people, and when I decide to eat anything that is outside of their idea of what I should be eating to lose weight, I get comments on it. They're trying to be helpful, but sometimes it's just annoying. Do what you do, stay strong, and you'll be great!
  • d_Mode
    d_Mode Posts: 880 Member
    I've only told a couple of friends...but then they told two friends..and then they told two friends...and so on, and so there's like 7 of us...just kidding...there's 64!
  • KodAkuraMacKyen
    KodAkuraMacKyen Posts: 737 Member
    Trying to keep your goals to yourself from the people closest to you will never work. Support is a MAJOR factor in weight-loss, and to be frankly honest MFP isnt full of the "best" supporters.

    I disagree with this as well. I kept it quiet from my friends and family for a long time and got the best support from MFP who were trying to do the same thing. There are some asshats on MFP but if you come across them, block them and spend some time finding the really good people here. I have a rocking friends list who I get the motivation from rather than friends and family. Best of luck to you!
  • Kitkat_58
    Kitkat_58 Posts: 35 Member
    I tried keeping it to myself, but the second day at work a co-worker looked at me and said "Water??? Where is your Pepsi?" So I told her what I was doing. 41 lbs later others are noticing, so no more hiding. My husband is also losing weight, between us we have lost 87 lbs. We have had nothing but encouragement from those around us.
  • timic2013
    timic2013 Posts: 4 Member
    Only my husband and two daughters know. I am also trying to keep it private from friends and work. I feel the same that it creates too much pressure and I would rather do it for myself and when I succeed, it will be a big surprise to everyone else who didn't know about it. My husband is the best supporter a woman could ever have and that has motivated me and my two daughters have been supportive as well! I am only 5 days into it and am very new to My fitness pal, but I am loving it so far! Good luck to you!
  • clareBrewster80
    clareBrewster80 Posts: 42 Member
    I'm using this site instead of facebook as I find it far more supportive. My family at home know what I'm up to, but how could they not, with me going around scannng all the barcodes of everything I eat and drink lol. However, at work, if I am offered naughty food then I just sat, 'no thanks, I'm trying to cut down' No more no less. If some one was to ask me directly, I would talk about it, but I'm a teacher and get very little time to sit in the staff room if I want to leave work b4 6pm and be amum, a wife and a gym bunny. x
  • Wargamergal
    Wargamergal Posts: 58 Member
    Do whatever works for you - i haven't shouted it from the rooftops but i guess if anyone asks i will tell them. My family and Boyfriend know, but that is about it :)
  • Kirakira127
    I keep it to myself, it works out better that way for me. I don't need "support" cramping my style. My rocky winding road to my goal is just hampered by one-track minds. I've lost a lot of weight, but over A LOT of time.
  • amili045
    I kept my goals a secret back when I initially dropped 40lbs. I think support is a good thing but I didnt want to tell anyone because I was very determined and I wanted people to notice on there own OR not lol. When you drop 20 lbs people take notice and it feels really good when someone who hasnt seen you in a while gives a compliment. I was quietly determined. Support is a very big thing tho so I told my best friend, someone I trusted. But it was my own private thing and I wanted to do it for myself and not because I told a bunch of people and then had to make good on what I'd said I wanted to accomplish. I can relate with you about feeling the pressure.
  • lkplibra
    lkplibra Posts: 147 Member
    I keep it to myself, but I tend to be a private person anyway.

    I didn't tell my husband. He noticed I was losing weight after the first 8 lbs and said I looked good but then forgot about it. (It took me 3 months to do that much.) Then after I lost another 8 lbs, he finally stopped and noticed again (16 lbs total and 3 more months). He said I looked good and asked if I was on a diet. I said, yes and have been for the last 6 months. His response was, "no wonder you have been so moody." So needless to say I don't have the best support system. Over Christmas he kept saying, have some cake, have some candy, its Christmas, you've earned it... I did enjoy the holidays; had some wine, some cake, but managed to keep my weight steady and am back on track. I've lost another 2 lbs, but he does tend to try to sabotage my efforts which is why I generally do not announce what I am doing.

    My friends and family know I've lost weight (at 18 lbs) they can see it, but I don't say much about it, so they don't comment. That is the way I like it. They didn't say anything when I ate the food to get fat, I would prefer they not say anything while I work to get proportionate.
  • goochinator
    goochinator Posts: 383 Member
    This is a hard call....and completely an individual decision. It truly depends on how open of a person you are, how comfortable in sharing you are, how much you want to share, ( i/e general 'healthy eating' or specific numbers to lose, etc) and the people around you. My only advice would be to tread very very gently.
    I've swung both ways myself. People who were seemingly just like me, I thought I'd get their support. Instead? Not at all....judgmental, sabotaging efforts, mean snarky comments, put downs, etc. it was really awful.
    I've share with other weight loss warriors and that too can blow up in my face- it can turn competitive, comparing, etc. and get downright ugly.

    Some people, honest to God want to support and encourage you, but have no clue what to say/do. They might say/do the wrong thing, thinking they are being helpful, when it makes you want to shove their ( or your) face in a cream pie. My dad was like that. He meant well, meant from the heart, but my God, the blows he'd harsh.

    Some people will go overboard on what they think is supportive, and become food nazi's...also not helpful.

    So it depends on what you are needing, wanting and the people in your life, basically. I've done it alone, and I kind of enjoyed the 'secret' I had. I've done it semi-publicly and learned to live with the comments, and learned who I could trust, depend on. Also very publicly and that was really amazing, because people came out of the woodwork to support me and say amazing things to me that really helped me out.
  • lfane
    lfane Posts: 5 Member
    For me, I'm keeping it to myself as much as I can. My family knows and only 2 friends. I just don't want to go around talking about it to others all the time.