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Hot topic for Wednesday: How would you feel if...



  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    Well I would probably post on my news feed where my friends chould see and give me perspective, because everyone needs someone to talk to. I would NEVER do it on facebook and I would not post about it on a frorum. I would expect the same kind of respect and if I found out they did it I would be hurt.
  • Ras_py
    Ras_py Posts: 129 Member
    I’ve seen some pretty bad damage be done by talking with one’s family/friends abt how sh*tty their SO is. A LOT more damage.. I think its a lot smarter to ask a bunch of random strangers after seeing what it can do to families and friendships.. but that being said the only time my SO is online is to look at porn.. and i highly doubt he’s talking abt our relationship there LOL
  • HealthyBodySickMind
    HealthyBodySickMind Posts: 1,207 Member
    My husband and I don't do that. It's us against the world, baby!

    Eta: If I post anything about him here or other sites. I tell him and usually read the post to him. It's almost always positive, or perhaps poking gentle fun.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I hate when people cry all over their social networking sites about their personal life.

    Exactly. That's what friends are for.
    With me, I try not to say too much to my friends. The people closest in my life are protective of me and the BF and I have had some pretty major problems over the years. If I tell my friends or family too much, then it affects how they view him and that can put a whole separate strain on the relationship.

    I don't know if I'm explaining that in a way that makes sense.

    Anyway, I have NEVER talked to others before talking to him, but he can be very stubborn and doesn't always want to address the problem or even admit there is one, so I need to vent and I need outside opinions. It's easier to get them from strangers (which I take with a grain of salt since they are only hearing my side and don't know us) than from people who really know me and care about me.

    I haven't put anything on this forum, but I've done it in other forums before. Not Facebook, though, because of the friends and family thing.
  • LetsTryThisAgain54
    LetsTryThisAgain54 Posts: 381 Member
    So... I broke up with my boyfriend over the weekend and yesterday his ex girl friend (before me) posted on his fb wall "How does it feel to finally be free?"

    OHHHHHHH it pissed me off. He has the tact to not say anything, but she is an immature b!tch!!!! However... I don't understand why he was talking to HER about US. I did NOT reply to the comment, but I really wanted to be mean...like tell her he cheated on her...

    I'll admit... I posted vague comments on my own wall, but really only so that my closest friends would know without me having to broadcast it. My comments were limited to: "Broken hearts are the worst kind." and changing my status to single with a comment of "nothing spinning class can't make better" (after the post on his page.) And spinning class did make me feel better, FYI.

    So was I immature/inappropriate?

    Why even go on FB? I swear it rules people's lives. Whatever happened to keeping things private rather than broadcasting everything to friends that don't even give a *kitten*? FB is nothing more than an attention seeking network!
  • I agree that people get way too personal on social media sites. If there is a problem it should be between the two people that it concerns. If my SO did that i would for sure be ticked.
  • NordicAlien
    NordicAlien Posts: 110 Member
    It varies. I wouldn't call someone out on bad behaviour in public, and I wouldn't expect someone to do that to me. But I do blog about my personal life. Sometimes that involves other people's personal business too, like when I talk about my dealings with an ex, or my huge love and respect for a friend with abusive parents, or the admiration I have for another friend who's dealing with bulimia and self-harm issues. (Obviously not admiration for him doing those things, but for the way he's managed to survive and (mostly) overcome them.)

    I know that some people wouldn't want their problems mentioned anywhere, even if it's because I'm saying how much respect I have for the way they handle them. It's hard for me to understand this, because I have no barriers and it wouldn't bother me a bit if my friends talked publicly about my life and problems. I'm learning to filter things, but it's a slow process. With most friends, we have an agreement that if they say explicitly, "Don't talk about this to anyone," my mouth will be closed, but if they don't ask for silence, I may talk about it in passing to mom or my twin or anyone else.

    Most people don't have a problem with it, because I generally don't use names when I write, or I use pseudonyms, and because mostly my friends don't know each other, aside from one writers group - and they share just about everything anyway. Also, I don't often have negative things to say about people. :)

    Sorry, my whole response has been a bit OT.

    As far as problems with a partner go - I have no problems with a boyfriend or girlfriend (I don't have either right now) talking to their friends, or an anonymous community. Well, as long as it isn't really malicious things they say, but if they were capable of that kind of spite I'd be gone anyway, regardless of whether they were talking about me or not. I'd prefer it not to be on Facebook, but I am generally of the school of thought that people need to talk about issues that trouble them. It's easy to say that it's okay to talk about your own problems but not other people's, but people aren't islands - sometimes someone else's problem affects you a lot too. And with the growing tendency to make trusted friends online, I don't think it's really practical to say talk to friends in person but not on the Internet.

    Ehh. It's a hard call. Mostly I try to treat people the way I'd want to be treated, except for occasions when I know something bothers them that wouldn't bother me, and then I try to accede to their wishes. Most of the time it works, although mistakes do happen. Best I can do though.
  • OkieinMinny
    OkieinMinny Posts: 834 Member
    Im safe as mine does not embrace any form of social media - however out of respect for him I wouldnt post in a public forum - like Mongoose says I may post on my status for feedback from my friends - BUT I typically air my grievances to my friends -

    Thats what makes me wonder when people post long threads etc talking crap about their SO do they not have anyone else too talk to about it? Do they not have any friends/family they could confide in?
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,292 Member
    I'd be upset.

    Not only that, but - people - we don't want to read about it or hear about it. That stuff should be between the two of you.
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    He wouldn't do that. He doesn't post much on the internet anyways. He reads his emails and facebook, but almost never sends emails or posts on FB.
  • I'm single but I would feel bad if ever I have one especially that I'm not the type who loves to earn sympathy from others by venting out every tiny detail of my relationship to everybody. Neither do I like reading these types of posts. I hate drama.
  • MidwestAngel
    MidwestAngel Posts: 1,897 Member
    I would punch him in the throat, but I don't have an SO, so I just air my own dirty laundry.
  • nbhobbes
    nbhobbes Posts: 284
    Depends on how serious the issue was. If it was something minor I wouldkn't care.. Personally I find it annoying when people cry on FB about their love life and what not..

    If it upset me to the point that it ended the relationship I'd like to say I'm not petty but I might just be tempted to post in the topic/status update something like..

    "Wow you really needed to ask people online about our relationship.. Let me save you the time.. You don't have one anymore."

    I'd then punctuate it by unfriending them..
  • People get way too personal here IMO. I personally wouldn't care for a lot of what gets posted here being said about any relationship I was in.

  • I would be mad if he was putting our biz out there especially if he wasn't talking to me and i i didn't know there was a prob he askin for a disagreement
  • jayche
    jayche Posts: 1,128 Member
    Venting anonymously: Wouldn't care as much
    Venting over Facebook: Would be pretty pissed