Post weight losses. Hold me accountable (Thanks!)



  • barefootbabe
    barefootbabe Posts: 271 Member
    Cheryl, it's good to hear that someone else has been through this too, and they have survived! Every day I just feel like I am going to curl up and die, but if you didn't, maybe I will have a whole heart again someday too! I actually moved from Vancouver, Canada to Aus, though I did live in Arizona for a while when I was younger!

    JOTW, yes, I was referring to you- didn't realize you were shorter than me, I was just looking at the weight stats! But regardless, we have similar goals and that also helps me to know that someone is aiming around the same numbers as me. And happy birthday! What I wouldn't give to be enjoying a lovely crisp fall day- we are heading into extreme heat summer here, so no cold fall days and changing leaves for me! Anyway, keep working till those work pants are around your ankles! :)
  • barefootbabe
    barefootbabe Posts: 271 Member
    Oh, and "jbjovifan" is another user- she posted in this topic on the first page of the thread.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,058 Member
    Started MFP Aug 22, 2007 @ 195 lbs (5’9”)
    (Goal loss 37 lbs)

    Start week 0/ Aug 22 195 lbs
    Week 4 / Sept 22 186.5 = 8.5 loss (in first four weeks)
    Week 5 / Sept 29 183.5 = 3 loss 11.5 total loss
    Week 6 / Oct 7 181 = 2.5 loss 14.0 total loss
    Week 7 / Oct 14 178.5 = 2.5 loss 16.5 total loss
    Week 8 / Oct 21 182 = 3.5 gain 13 total loss
    Week 9 / Oct 27 178.6 = 3.4 loss 16.4 total loss
    I worked really hard this week since I had my first GAIN last week due to injury. I worked out 5 days for an hour and a half instead of 4 days for an hour. Three weights sessions instead of two.

    I even had a "cheat" last night of 600 calories over goal. But only that once this week.......and I knew I had lost maybe a little too much, so I probably needed it.

    YAY for Me!! I am so proud of myself!

    Back on track. Don’t give up when you have a setback. Just buckle down and do what it takes!

  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,058 Member
    This is the "Easy-to-read-version" of the next post. I keep forgetting - formatting doesn't copy to MFP from my Word doc. (Remember now - I have OCD! ) Just ignore the next post .....

    Started MFP Aug 22, 2007 @ 195 lbs (5’9”)
    (Goal loss 37 lbs)
    Start week 0/ Aug 22____ 195.0
    Week 4 / Sept 22_______186.5 = 8.5 loss____ (in first four weeks)
    Week 5 / Sept 29_______ 183.5 = 3.0 loss____ 11.5 total loss
    Week 6 / Oct 7_________ 181.0 = 2.5 loss____ 14.0 total loss
    Week 7 / Oct 14 ________178.5 = 2.5 loss____ 16.5 total loss
    Week 8 / Oct 21 ________182.0 = 3.5 gain____ 13 total loss
    Week 9 / Oct 27 ________178.6 = 3.4 loss____ 16.4 total loss

    I worked really hard this week since I had my first GAIN last week due to injury. I worked out 5 days for an hour and a half instead of 4 days for an hour. Three weights sessions instead of two.

    I even had a "cheat" last night of 600 calories over goal. But only that once this week.......and I knew I had lost maybe a little too much, so I probably needed it.

    YAY for Me!! I am so proud of myself!

    Back on track. Don’t give up when you have a setback. Just buckle down and do what it takes!

  • kjllose
    kjllose Posts: 948 Member
    We're proud of you too Cheryl. I hope when I step on the scale tomorrow I will have lost at least one pound but I haven't been as active this week. But good for you, I know you work hard at it and you are almost always the first person to help someone else out. ~Karen
  • julieofthewolves
    julieofthewolves Posts: 339 Member
    Way to go Cheryl! I knew you would get right back on track.
  • kjllose
    kjllose Posts: 948 Member
    Aug 30 205
    Sept 15 200.2
    Sept 23 197.5
    Oct 1 190.8
    Oct 7 186.2
    Oct 17 185.8
    Oct 25 180.2
    Oct 29 179.4

    Well I have lost quite a bit but as you can see last week wasn't so great as far as losing weight but the inches all around have dropped too. :bigsmile: I have quite a ways to go to get to 150 but seeing is believing and I'm going to keep on working at it. ~karen
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,058 Member
    kjllose ! Great ! You and I are at about the same place - though I started weight loss at 195 - my highest was 207 a couple years ago.

    150, huh? How tall are you - if I may ask - I'm 5'8" and I'm shooting for 158 - I hope I'll be happy with that....but who knows, I have given myself a May 9 deadline.

    Good luck !
  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    You are doing so well kjllose. Congrats!
    I think you and I began this journey near the same time.

    I weigh in every day nearly because it helps me stay on track and motivated. I don't ever check in unless I have weighed 3 or more days in a row at the same weight. So today is the 3rd day in a row I have weighed 250. My beginning weight was 280.

    30lbs in three months. I am very excited. I am eating about 1400 calories a day and I walk.
  • Healthier_Me
    Healthier_Me Posts: 5,600 Member
    Well..... I weighed myself this morning and I'm @ 126 pounds.... 1 more pound to goooo!!! :bigsmile:
  • julieofthewolves
    julieofthewolves Posts: 339 Member
    OMG - I can't wait!!!!

    I'm totally jazzed for you!:wink:
  • julieofthewolves
    julieofthewolves Posts: 339 Member
    By the way Joanne - please don't leave me after you lose that last pound!!! I would be so sad. :sad: if I didn't see your great posts anymore.
  • Najah5150
    Najah5150 Posts: 170
    I just started on Monday:

    10/22: 198 lbs
    Goal: 150 lbs
    Height: 5' 3"

    I am really looking forward to reaching my goal...I hope this helps.

    As of 10/30 I'm 6 lbs lighter! Yay!! I lost 6 lbs.:happy:
  • amandagreen1980
    amandagreen1980 Posts: 286 Member
    Hi i'm glad i found this bit! It makes me work harder knowing i am posting my progress somewhere!
    And its great to see all the success stories of yuo guys who have been here longer!!

    I joined 27th October weighing 231lbs!!!

    My goal is 147lbs

    I weighed myself yesterday and was absolutely GOBSMACKED!

    After just 4 days i weighed 220lbs!!! :noway:

    It must just be a fluke because its my first week and my body has been shocked into action!
    I have eaten really well and exercised every day!! I'm well chuffed!!:happy:

    I have been reading all your posts all week and am SURE that is what has made me stay focused!
    So thanks everyone!!
  • denmother46
    denmother46 Posts: 272 Member
    9/15 - 170 lbs

    10/18 159lbs

    10/31 157 lbs.

    Bad week for exercising due to wildfires here, but at least I didn't gain!!
  • katiechakos
    katiechakos Posts: 348 Member
    Wednesday 10/31... DRUM ROLL... down a little over one pound! 129.8!!!!!!!!!!!! I was 131 last Wednesday, so I'm so happy!

    You guys are the best. I swear, this morning when I was so tired at the gym I wanted to quit and the thing that kept me going was knowing I was going to weigh myself today and report in! :love:
  • Healthier_Me
    Healthier_Me Posts: 5,600 Member
    Hi i'm glad i found this bit! It makes me work harder knowing i am posting my progress somewhere!
    And its great to see all the success stories of yuo guys who have been here longer!!

    I joined 27th October weighing 231lbs!!!

    My goal is 147lbs

    I weighed myself yesterday and was absolutely GOBSMACKED!

    After just 4 days i weighed 220lbs!!! :noway:

    It must just be a fluke because its my first week and my body has been shocked into action!
    I have eaten really well and exercised every day!! I'm well chuffed!!:happy:

    I have been reading all your posts all week and am SURE that is what has made me stay focused!
    So thanks everyone!!

    Way to go Amanda!! That's awesome!!!
    Keep it up and you'll be crossing that finish line in no time!

    I'm not going anywhere JOTW!!
    I'm staying right here :smile:

    Keep up the excellent job ladies & gents:drinker:
  • katiechakos
    katiechakos Posts: 348 Member
    Jo, GREAT JOB!!! Can you believe it??? One pound... that is only 4 sticks of butter! I have this friend who used to always compare pounds to items of food, so it's a habit of mine. You are such an inspiration. :happy:
  • alexbrin3
    alexbrin3 Posts: 3 Member
    I think that this is a perfect way to be accountable. I just joined recently and have not weighed again since. I am wanting to get back to my pre baby(s) weight. Right now I am at 150. Goal is 120.
  • Healthier_Me
    Healthier_Me Posts: 5,600 Member
    Jo, GREAT JOB!!! Can you believe it??? One pound... that is only 4 sticks of butter! I have this friend who used to always compare pounds to items of food, so it's a habit of mine. You are such an inspiration. :happy:

    You are too funny!:laugh:
    Ok... so I have 4 sticks of butter to melt... gotcha:bigsmile:

    I hope my journey inspires some people.
    You have to stick to it in order to see results.

    I may gain a pound back today though... it's that time of month and I need chocolate.
    But it's OK... IT IS OK.