Post weight losses. Hold me accountable (Thanks!)



  • Najah5150
    Najah5150 Posts: 170
    I just started on Monday:

    10/22: 198 lbs
    Goal: 150 lbs
    Height: 5' 3"

    I am really looking forward to reaching my goal...I hope this helps.
  • alice
    alice Posts: 25 Member
    Hi Cheryl,
    I just started about 2-3 weeks ago - weighing in at 168.8
    I'm averaging about 1 pound per week
    Down 3.3 pounds since my last weigh-in
    My darn scale seems stuck at 160. No matter what my weight change is my scale always says that I'm 160, so I have to weigh myself at work and I never seem to remember to weigh myself until the end of the day - which would just totally depress me. I like to weigh myself in the early morning, before I chow down any foods.

    I am really enjoying this site and I am very encouraged that I will reach my goal at 120.

    Thanks for the post Cheryl, Good luck to you and everyone else on the site.
  • aslavich
    aslavich Posts: 250 Member
    Hi There!
    I started last Monday, Oct 15th: 165

    October 22: 163
    October 24: 158.5

    I can't believe it... I'm pretty excited. Haven't been below 160 since I HAD to go on a practically fat free diet when I had gallstones 5 years ago.

    It feels pretty good...
  • Healthier_Me
    Healthier_Me Posts: 5,600 Member
    still @ 128
  • julieofthewolves
    julieofthewolves Posts: 339 Member
    Yeah, I haven't moved the scale much in the past two weeks. That's not very rewarding. Finally today I went down about 1/2 a pound. So I hope I am off the slump. Hang in there Healthier - you'll make it!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,696 Member
    Started Oct. 3 - 158
    Oct. 24 - 153

    Not coming off as fast as I want, and my clothes don't feel any looser, but I know this HAS GOT to be working!
  • kjllose
    kjllose Posts: 948 Member
    End of Aug 205 lb
    Oct 25 180 lb
  • spoon1
    spoon1 Posts: 7
    Started Aug 28 -358
    THIS MORNING Oct. 25 -302.4
  • JulieB21
    JulieB21 Posts: 492
    10/22 215
    10/26 212
  • JulieB21
    JulieB21 Posts: 492
    10/22 215
    10/26 212
  • julieofthewolves
    julieofthewolves Posts: 339 Member
    Started 9/20 - 158
    10/26 - 148
  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    Aug. 280
    Oct. 26 I am at 254.

    I gained a pound this week but I did lose between a half and inch on all measurements. So I am plenty happy with that.
  • barefootbabe
    barefootbabe Posts: 271 Member
    Julie, it sounds like we are in about the same situation weight and goal wise. . .

    I'm 5'9'' and started on this site last week at 161 pounds. Would like to get down to my previous weight of 137, which I got to with a LOT of determination a few years ago, then got cocky like jovifan and thought that because I was skinny I could eat whatever I wanted and it wouldn't do anything!

    I don't have a scale so have to make special trips to friends houses to weigh myself, so I don't have my current weight yet! But I will get it soon . . . hopefully there is a difference after this first week of hard work!

    Everyone, you have inspired me and encouraged me so much- keep up the amazing amazing work!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,057 Member
    erinkoop -

    Welcome. I moved for the boy and the boy and I broke up too. Water under bridge, though, that was 20 years ago. Boy gone for 17 years. But I love where I live and as they say "You can't go home again." Home is where I am. I also have no (blood) relatives - but a few good - no - GREAT friends.

    What is jovifan ???

    Stay with us. Did you move from the States to Down Under?

  • julieofthewolves
    julieofthewolves Posts: 339 Member
    HI - Erinkoop, there's a couple of Julies here, were you referring to me having the same situation and goal? You are 4 inches taller than me! But I look funny if I get lower than about 135. I have curves and just look weird - out of proportion - if I am 'skinny, skinny'.

    Today is my 42nd Birthday! Yeah, my big birthday present was losing another pound today. I do have a scale and I weigh myself everyday in the morning - nekkid. I never had a scale before and now with that and this daily log I feel like i am doing this the right way. The scale helps because I can catch myself before I notice it in my clothes and how they fit - which is what I used to do.

    December 27th is my 10th anniversary and my goal is to get back down to my 135 weight that I was on my wedding day, but my anniversary. Only 12 more to go!!!!
  • aslavich
    aslavich Posts: 250 Member
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY julieofthewolves!!!

    Enjoy your day!!!
  • julieofthewolves
    julieofthewolves Posts: 339 Member
    Thank you! So far, it's a great day in central Minnesota. Sunny and cool. Picking the last of our apples and cleaning up the yard for winter. A perfect day for me. My husband bought crab legs for dinner and I can't wait to enjoy them - without the butter of course!
  • julieofthewolves
    julieofthewolves Posts: 339 Member
    Oh, it is also great because my yard work pants are nearly falling off! Yeah!
  • Healthier_Me
    Healthier_Me Posts: 5,600 Member
    Happy 24th birthday JOTW!!!

    You can always use I Can't Believe It's Not Butter spray.

    Enjoy your crab legs!! =)
  • time2wrk
    time2wrk Posts: 773 Member
    Happy Birthday! Enjoy the day!