Gym fail blog



  • hollyk57
    hollyk57 Posts: 520 Member
    This happened Monday. I got off work, went to the gym. Changing out of my work clothes into my jogging pants I thought one of legs felt odd. No biggie it must be bundled up from being in my gym bag. Two minutes later running on the tread mill a pair of my underwear pop out of the bottom of the leg and shoot back onto the floor! ARGH! I’ll never dry gym pants with socks & underwear again.

    Winner! *hugs* lol
  • skydiveD30571
    skydiveD30571 Posts: 281 Member
    I was jogging around the track for a warm up watching the people down below. When I don't pay attention to myself when I run I'm not always graceful. Ever walk next to someone and kick their foot behind the other one as they walk? (No? maybe I'm just an *kitten*) Yep I did that to myself. Lunge and near-faceplant. Nice little tuck and roll and popped back up still in stride. I was the only one up there and no one below happened to notice.
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    I once kicked the squat rack (was idley swinging my leg between sets and forgot it had a bar at the back)...ouch.

    The funniest was the first time I used the assisted pullup machine, forgot about the knee pads,stepped off and they slammed back up and hit me in the face!
  • Seminolegirl97
    Seminolegirl97 Posts: 307 Member
    I once belonged to a small gym associated with a hospital. It was an old converted house (A large house). The treadmill room was just that a room in a house. So there wasn't much space from the back of the treadmill to the wall. Well I of course missed a step and went flying backwards. Well the wall was right there and I ended up *kitten* up, head down, feet over the head, in a pretzel position. Mind you I am 5 feet tall. I was literally stuck between the wall and the treadmill. My neck/head was bent and I just keep saying "help me please". There was only 2 other people in the room THANK GOD. A guy on another treadmill came to get me out (we were at the gym the same time every night so we knew of each other). I had a stiff neck and back but ended up dating him for a while so it was worth the embarrassment. This was 1998 and I'll never ever forget it.
  • dbrightwell1270
    dbrightwell1270 Posts: 1,732 Member
    A friend talked me into doing a yoga class. I get there and it's me and 20 women who are all around my age. I'm thinking this could be a great opportunity. About 30 minutes in we do about the hundredth downward dog and I ripped a fart that seemed loud enough to shake the building. On top of that, it lasted what had to be 5-10 minutes. First and last time I've done yoga.
  • rob1976
    rob1976 Posts: 1,328 Member
    My wife and I went to the Y so she could work out and I could get set up with the FitLinxx system. While waiting for the gym attendant to do his computer thing and get me set up, I was checking out butts in the gym. I fixated on one in the corner on an elliptical machine. Then I realized that I was ogling my own wife.
  • maddogg82
    maddogg82 Posts: 159 Member
    My wife and I went to the Y so she could work out and I could get set up with the FitLinxx system. While waiting for the gym attendant to do his computer thing and get me set up, I was checking out butts in the gym. I fixated on one in the corner oon an elliptical machine. Then I realized that I was ogling my own wife.

    Awww.. so nice .. :laugh:
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    I remember about a year ago I got on an exercise bike and did like 7 minutes of cardio.
  • sara4159
    sara4159 Posts: 40 Member
    My wife and I went to the Y so she could work out and I could get set up with the FitLinxx system. While waiting for the gym attendant to do his computer thing and get me set up, I was checking out butts in the gym. I fixated on one in the corner on an elliptical machine. Then I realized that I was ogling my own wife.

    Awww! That's really sweet.
  • mommy7
    mommy7 Posts: 153
    Been busted checking myself out in the mirrors (and they are not shy about pointing out my doing this nor do I care anymore)

    I've had my behind saved while benching thinking I can do it alone!

    Yesterday, took a 30lbs dumbbell to the jaw while trying to do decline presses. My arms were DONE.

    Once knocked the bar off the safety guides in the squat rack while doing hanging leg raises. Could of sworn the bar was in the little v cradle things. OOps.
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    Couple months ago, has just finished up my 3rd week of SL and was really the first time I've ever tried anything like this. I had a really <sarcasm> awesome moment while lifting.

    Went to do my bench press. I had written down my SL numbers I needed to do that night. Did two warmups with 65# thinking my working set was 85#. Warmups were kinda tough, but I finished and loaded up to 85#. One rep, ok. Second hit my chest and it wasn't moving. I look around and there is one guy in the whole weight area and he is lifting next to me with his ear buds in. I'm sitting here with this thing on my chest I can't move thinking, NOW WHAT? So I proceed to ROLL it over my (enormous) chest, down to my lap. I sit up and look over and the guy is smiling at me, and says "You need some help?" *smdh* He helps me deload and get the bar off my lap. So I'm thinking WTF, shouldn't be THAT hard. Looked again at list. 85 was for squats...bench was 65#. Well no wonder.... :-P
  • maddogg82
    maddogg82 Posts: 159 Member
    A friend talked me into doing a yoga class. I get there and it's me and 20 women who are all around my age. I'm thinking this could be a great opportunity. About 30 minutes in we do about the hundredth downward dog and I ripped a fart that seemed loud enough to shake the building. On top of that, it lasted what had to be 5-10 minutes. First and last time I've done yoga.

    See and this is why i wont do Yoga.. ive heard this a lot .. and im scared .. I wont do it... im already gassy :blushing:
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    One time I was wearing a really short skirt and my tampon string was hanging out. A guy came up and asked me about it, because he didn't know what a tampon was.
    BACONJOKESRSOFUNNY Posts: 666 Member
    One time I was wearing a really short skirt and my tampon string was hanging out. A guy came up and asked me about it, because he didn't know what a tampon was.
  • jujulamb
    jujulamb Posts: 195
    Laughing in the fetal position
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    Yea but people definitely saw. I walked up to a group of young women at the squat racks not too long ago. There were about 5 of them and they were taking up both racks and circuit training on top of it. I asked if I could cut in on one of the racks. They immediately moved. Very quickly. There I am thinking "very polite young ladies".

    So I walked up to the bar, looked in the mirror . . . and noticed my fly was all the way down.

  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    I was on the elliptical with moving arms. My phone was sitting on the machine where there is a little groove it fits onto, and I was listening to music with earbuds. The cord caught on the moving arm of the elliptical and flung my phone across the room. Got some distance too. Everyone stopped to look at me like I had purposely thrown it.

    I've forgotten undies and socks before and realize it when I'm changing in the locker room. Luckily I dont think anyone knew I has to do yoga commando!

    I was in a 12 wk weight training program that starts you only with machines and as u progress you are trained in the real weight room with the free weights, etc. most people move up after their 8wk progress check but the computer started giving me things in that room I hadn't been shown and it was before 8wks. My coach wasnt there and I didn't see anyone to ask. The exercise on my sheet said concentration bicep curls and I said out loud to myself "why does it matter how hard I concentrate?" A guy came up and demonstrated and showed me the weight bearing was concentrated all on one particular area. I really wished I hadn't had a ditzy moment out loudbecause I'm pretty sure I looked like an idiot.
  • hnsaunde
    hnsaunde Posts: 757 Member
    Ok I've got two.

    First one happened about 2 years ago. I was running on the treadmill wearing stretchy Lululemon capris that had belt holes on the waist, and they kept sliding down a bit. I didn't want to stop running so I just kept yanking the waist back up by the holes as I ran. Somehow i got my finger hooked in them, took them down to my knees as my arm swung backwards, which then tripped me up so I shot off the back of the treadmill and fell. I also wasn't wearing underwear underneath, so until I could get up properly and pull my pants up, everyone in the gym (women's only luckily) got quite the view.

    Second one happened about 3 weeks ago. I was learning how to do hack squats, where you place the barbell behind your legs and lift from there. I did it without any weight, just the 45 pound barbell and got the technique down. I then tried to add weight, thinking I was grabbing 10 pounds per side, but accidentally grabbed the 25's. I normally use the 25's for back squats, and obviously wasn't paying attention. I went to lift the bar, got it off the floor about an inch, realized my mistake, and as I was setting it down, lost my balance and fell on my *kitten* on the bar. Embarrassing newbie mistake that left a nice bruise.
  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    Ive wiped down a different machine than the one i used. (sadly I've done this a few times. lol)
  • KittyViolet
    KittyViolet Posts: 220 Member
    Hmmm I have a few.

    This was my first visit to the local local kickboxing class. It was also Day 1 of my weight loss resolution, so I wasn't exactly what you call "in shape". Anyway our instructor paired us all up and of course I didn't think to go with a buddy so I was paired with a woman who had at least 5" on me, and she looked like she'd been coming for a while. It comes time to do some push-kick drills back and forth across the room. I do my thing and she's pretty silent the whole way through. 5 minutes later we switch positions, so now she's kicking me... She flung me across the entire room in 4 kicks. O_______O; The instructor had to step in and hold the kicking target for her... And I wasn't paired with an experienced boxer for several weeks after that heehee...

    Next was one of my first return visits to an MRT class. The instructor had set up an obstacle course for our 5 minute warm-up jog. One section consisted of jumping onto boxes using both legs, then stepping down before jumping onto the next one. I hadn't been too comfortable with box jumps before, but I figured I could finally do it. I ran up the stretch to the boxes, determined to perform with gusto. I leaped up, realizing at the peak of my jump that I miscalculated the distance. I had a split second moment of "FML, why me?..." before I whacked both knees on the edge of the box. Ah crap... I was fine, but I didn't attempt any more box jumps that class lol.

    This one happened more recently at my MRT classes. It was a new instructor and our next exercise was a grueling 50 assisted chin-ups. I. Hate. Chin-ups. I don't even like jumping chin-ups. But whatever, boss man says "go". So I strap myself up using an elastic resistance band as my assist. Note that I have NEVER used one for chin-ups before. I start lifting myself up, and I'm feeling pretty confident considering I didn't think I'd manage to do 1 chin-up. All of a sudden, at about rep 11 or 12, TWANG. The elastic slipped off my sneaker and nails me right where the sun don't shine. Oh it didn't hurt, but I'm sure I must have looked pretty stupid with a massive wedgie, dangling from the chin-up bar!