*** Supportive Friends -- Looking to Release 50+ Pounds ***



  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    So yesterday went well and then I self destructed in the evening because I got very very upset about having to go back to work next week and leave my little one. Ate a lot of crap because I didn't know how to deal with the emotions. I must try to remember that eating will not change the fact that I have to return to work and my little one will go to nursery/be taken care of by SIL. Will be trying to make today better. Best friend is coming to visit so hopefully that will give me a chance to vent and then have a good time. Hope you all have a good day.
  • stbsstephanie
    I just started on MFP so I'm interested to see if this is going to work well for me. I have not had a very healthy lifestyle for years and when I weighed myself this morning it was a bit of a shock to see that I have about 50 pounds to lose. I have committed myself to drinking a liter of green smoothie every day and exercising 6 days a week for at least 30 minutes. I know that it will be hard for me to go from nothing to 6 days a week, so although that is my goal, my minimum is 4 days a week. I already did two P90X workouts on Monday and Tuesday (okay, part of the workout, not the whole thing), but I'm so sore, I'm having a hard time getting myself going on another one today. I'm not sure I'm quite ready to commit to counting calories, but I will record everything I put in my mouth (starting now, since I wasn't paying close attention this morning.)

    I just realized that I've been reading posts on here and trying to figure out how to introduce myself instead of doing my workout. I'm horrible at procrastinating! So I'm going to put in the DVD right now and then try to come back later today or tomorrow to do a proper intro and get to know you all a little.
    AMKLIP Posts: 17
    Thanks Candy102389! I will have to give kickboxing a try :) I have seen a lot of people on here saying that they do kickboxing.
    AMKLIP Posts: 17
    Hey Stephaniezoun, I have Zumba for my Wii and I love it, but I would love to take a class! I will have to look around my area to find one to join. I have wanted to try the spin classes, but am afraid I can't keep up! But it does look like it gives you a real good workout!

    And yes that is a leafs jersey! GO LEAFS :)

    I hope today is a better day for you. While I don't have kids, I couldn't imagine what it is like leaving them after a year of being off. I hope you have a chance to vent with your friend, that always helps me!

  • Ziggie13
    Ziggie13 Posts: 248
    Hey Stephaniezoun, I have Zumba for my Wii and I love it, but I would love to take a class! I will have to look around my area to find one to join. I have wanted to try the spin classes, but am afraid I can't keep up! But it does look like it gives you a real good workout!

    And yes that is a leafs jersey! GO LEAFS :)

    I hope today is a better day for you. While I don't have kids, I couldn't imagine what it is like leaving them after a year of being off. I hope you have a chance to vent with your friend, that always helps me!


    Hi Amanda,

    I do Zumba in the morning at 5am at the YMCA. If you have a YMCA club check there. I only go to Zumba in the moring for my sister. I dont move much in class but I am there.

    Hi my name is Zena,

    I am not new here I was one of the originals skinny chicks. I am having problems with exercise I dont have any motivation and not losing much weight. Can any one help me with this motivation thing, :yawn: I am having so much trouble getting off my butt. :blushing: I see myself doing all different exercises but I just sit there watching TV. What can I do? :sad: :sad: :sad:

  • brookeboule
    brookeboule Posts: 16 Member
    You mostly have to find your motivation from within. Although, maybe you can start off doing something small like walking? Then keep building up, you will eventually get to the point where you will want to do it! Getting a workout buddy might help as well, someone who you can really count on.
    I hope you find something that works for you, good luck!

  • Pansy11
    Pansy11 Posts: 2
    So today went well. I have to set small goals. Well, when I went to the gym today I decided that I was going to kick my own butt. After doing my weights for the lower part of my body and the doing a seated elliptical for 33 minutes, I decided to get on the rowing machine and go for 30 minutes. Well, the most I have ever done before was 13 minutes 2000 meters. Got 20 minutes in with a little struggle then got one of the employees at the gym to talk with me the last 10 minutes. It worked. Rowing 30 minutes, 4630 meter. Kicking my own butt. Then when I left the gymthe employee said another 30 minutes tomorrow. :laugh:
  • uhohkerri
    uhohkerri Posts: 43
    Hello all! =)
    my name is Esther and I'm a sahm of 5 beautiful kids my youngest being 5 weeks old. I started using mfp to try and keep track of what I'm eating as well as how much I'm burning off! I am busy with mommy life so I've lost most of my friends so I could use the motivation and support and I'd be able to offer some in return! =)

    I am a sahm as well and know exactly how it feels to be secluded from people. I tend to be kinda shy so its hard for me the fact that I take so long to warm up to people doesn't mix well with my husband being military. So I spend most of my time cowering at home I really don't like people in a up close personal setting. I am the anti-social butterfly. Online I tend to be the exact opposite of what I am in real life, so it is kinda funny. I have four kids that are mine and three weekend and holiday kids. I am now 31 yrs old and am struggling to lose weight. I had a walking partner for all of a month but I guess it was better left that just our kids stay friends cause she seems to always come up with some excuse as to why she can't workout or come to cookouts or other events.
    so it is left up to me to go at it alone so I usually take the baby and the dog for a walk or I will walk to pick the kids up from school. I started this do to someone else's advice but I find now that I am keeping track of it all I am gaining weight which is very discouraging and makes me want to say f it and go back to what I was doing before because at least before I was maintaining my weight. its been a big struggle for me this time around I lost all my weight with my first three kids and stayed at 150 up till I had my son now I feel like a blimp on legs lol. now I guess my age is not helping cause the older you get the harder it is to lose., good luck to your journey. Oh and I don't know anyone in this thread but I am slowly reading it and I will try to keep up. it is a little bit hard to keep up with all the new post on these things especially if they have a lot of responses
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Morning all!
    Welcome to all the new faces! This thread can be great as long as people come back and share and support. As it says in the introduction this is not just a dumping ground...you need to give too :smile:

    I'm trying to be a bit easier on myself. As some of you know I go back to work on Monday after 9 months of maternity leave (1 month prior to having Kenzie). My cal allowance is 2010 (set at 1lb a week....sigh, hate being big enough to have an allowance that high). I try to keep it below 1500 but have realised I have been really struggling the last couple of weeks and maybe its time to lighten up on myself and eat closer to my allowance. I know if I lose the allowance comes down and once I am back to work and to working out the whole thing will be easier.

    Its Thirsty Thursday so get those water bottles and drink up!!:flowerforyou:
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member

    Hi my name is Zena,

    I am not new here I was one of the originals skinny chicks. I am having problems with exercise I dont have any motivation and not losing much weight. Can any one help me with this motivation thing, :yawn: I am having so much trouble getting off my butt. :blushing: I see myself doing all different exercises but I just sit there watching TV. What can I do? :sad: :sad: :sad:


    Zena!! How are you :D I've been really struggling with motivation as well. You know you can do this!! I know you can do this. Set a small goal. Perhaps by Sunday night you will have exercised twice? You are here you are asking for help which means you want to do it. Maybe when the telly is on, on commercial/ad breaks you get up. Jumping jacks, sit ups, push ups, squats, leg lifts, plank, running on the spot, lift soup cans or water bottles in bicep and tricep curls. I'm expect to see you back here and will be asking how things are going!! :flowerforyou:
  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member
    Hi guys, I'm not around much as I'm finding things really tough (not diet-wise), and frankly dragging myself out of bed in the morning and into work is hard enough. I want to either go back 2 weeks to before all the stupidity started, or fast forward 2 weeks so I know what the final outcome is, I'm exhausted of the stress and the indecision, and it's affecting me in every single way. Health, eating, mindset, everything.
    For those that don't know, my bf who currently lives 150miles away (I was closer before I finished university), started looking for jobs as he *had* to move out (self imposed). 2 weeks later he's astonished everyone by having already had 5 interviews, and getting 2 AMAZING job offers. 1 is very close to me, and would mean we could move in together (in the fullness of time, his salary could support him without me until I could move in). The other would move him an extra 200miles away, to where he is originally from. He doesn't know what he wants, and it's not like I can input into this decision, except listen and wait on a decision. Until he got the offer he didn't even want the one 350miles away, so it feels very out of the blue. it's awful feeling so helpless and dependent on someone else's choices, when realistically I have zero say in this. The fact he's finding it so difficult to make a decision is also telling and makes me want to throw in the towel completely whatever he decides. But that's a whole other issue.
    The only bonus is I *know* my parents are both solidly behind me, and even if this doesn't work out for me and my bf, I know they'll start looking at ways for me to move out on my own steam, even if they have to help out a little bit at the start.

    I am NOT looking forward to this weekend, infact I'd f'ing love for my boss to ask me to work the weekend (completely impossible, but a lovely dream). If anyone wants extra weekend they can have mine...

    So in summary
    Eating: horrible, despite having little to no appetite, but I've not eaten an entire tub of ben&jerry's or anything so I guess it could be worse.
    Exercise: compulsory to get to work so at least that's ok
    Water: at least fretting is making me drink lots
    Sleep: completely mucked up
    Health: not great
    Mindset: completely gone!

    Hope everyone else is a little better, i will resume my more positive outlook and back-on-trackness in due course, and I'm sorry I'm not being more supportive right now. x
  • _tru_
    _tru_ Posts: 96
    @AMKLIP – Leafs?! Pfft!! lol Welcome! If you have a YMCA/YWCA in your area or a community centre, check them out. Or check online for community boards. There's likely a walking club, yoga class, learn-to-dance, etc. going on. I find I stick to things that are easily accessible and it's always a bonus to make friends in your area! ... I used to spin once-upon-a-time and it was the BEST workout ever! I haven't been back since my back injury, but definitely give it a try if you can! :)

    @stephaniezoun – I think we all struggle with that – eating our emotions. It's a very hard thing to recognize and harder to change. It seems that you have already come to terms with it, which is very commendable! Happy venting!

    @stbsstephanie – Welcome. While I commend your enthusiasm, you may want to start out more slowly. You've gone from 0 to 1000000!!! This journey is not a race. I'm worried that you may burn out if you keep up this pace. Obviously the decision is your, but please listen to your body!

    @Zena – Agreed. If you can find a workout Buddy, that would help greatly! Also, assuming you already haven't, why not write out some small weekly goals. Then, say, start every Monday and see if you can meet that goal by the following Sunday. Then each week build on that. For example, this week I want to do 10 lunges on 4 days. Then the following week you can increase this to 15 lunges on 4 days. Or similar. It doesn't need to be anything too hard... just something attainable that will get you up and moving. The motivation will come back! Hang in there!

    @Pansy11 – AWESOME!!! Thanks for posting!

    @uhohkerri – I'm sorry you are struggling. I know you say you are shy, but it does sound like you could benefit from a like-minded health buddy. Is there anywhere to meet new people or partake in classes around where you are?

    ... scrolling down further and I see stephaniezoun has beat me to the punch! Steph, you are a Rock Star!

    @penny_eclipse – I am sorry you are going through such a rough time. My best advice would be to focus on how strong and healthy you want to be. This should not be dependent on anyone, boyfriend or otherwise. You need to take care of yourself first. I know it's not easy, your mind will go where it wants to go, but you CAN do this! All the best to you!

    As for me, I saw my family doctor yesterday and all is well. EXCEPT, my other doctor had prescribed my medication incorrectly – way too high dosages, way too fast. It has all been straightened now and I am on the mend. I hope to be able to workout on the weekend. Yay!

    Have a great day everyone!!
    AMKLIP Posts: 17
    HAHAHA _tru_ I really hope you are not a habs fan! lol I really wish we had a YMCA here. An LA fitness just opened, so I might check that out, hopefully it's not too expensive!

    @Zena! Thanks for mentioning YMCA as well, I hope we get one in my town, it would be so nice to have one! I struggle with motivation as well, I just keep in mind what the end result will be. I am thinking about getting up a little earlier in the morning and exercising then, so at least when I get home from work I can relax! :)

  • xxjolandexx
    OMG somebody help me!!
    Work on a day off is never cool but to top it off it involves going to a black tie event to network after a three course meal!!! What do I do?!
    Do I sit there and say I've already eaten, do I chose a vegetarian option and hope there are less calories or do I push food around my plate to make it look as if I'm eating with anyone.
    I know for a fact I can't count the calories in this meal and that scares me!!

    P.s. How have all of your days been?
  • uhohkerri
    uhohkerri Posts: 43
    good afternoon all I came back yay for me. I am getting ready to put my son down for a nap and send my older kids who are on spring break outside for 2 hrs to allow my son enough time not to be moody. Taking a new Bipolar med and it is so far making it hard for me to get motivated. i know that with the craziness in my brain i need meds but i really hate them so much especially when they make me tired.

    @xxjolandexx if i go to a banquet type meal i always eat a small snack that fits in my diet and cut anything i get down into fourths keep track of everything you eat if anyone says anything just tell them i am trying to get in shape and this doesn't fit my plan. if they don't understand thats on them be strong don't let anyone bully you into eating what you can't

    @_tru_ i have tried it is hard having a 15 m old son and no money for childcare. a lot of the people who are here and also military wife's don't understand my budget limitations. i am in a mixed family my hubby has 3 boys that he pays $800 a month for and then my three girls and our son together creates a financial deficit if you catch my drift and almost all the woman and like minded people don't get that i can't pay for classes or drop my son off some where. it makes it really hard to get out.

    @Penny_eclispe i know what it is like to have a long distance relationship, i dated my now husband for three months before he was stationed in korea for 18 months. I had doubts it could work because everything i had heard about military men and women was bad, they cheat, lie, are extremely unfaithful, and can not be trusted, i put myself out there and we talked on the phone and online everyday and we discussed a lot with fears, and anxieties over the fact that both he and myself were screwed over by our ex's by the time he came home we realized we wanted to be together so we got married. i knew it meant that with his career choice i would have to give up my life and fallow him but i decided my love for him was strong enough to survive it. you need to be honest with him about how you feel and let him know without yelling at him that you are hurt that he hasn't included you in this choice and how it really makes you feel.
  • xxjolandexx
    good afternoon all I came back yay for me. I am getting ready to put my son down for a nap and send my older kids who are on spring break outside for 2 hrs to allow my son enough time not to be moody. Taking a new Bipolar med and it is so far making it hard for me to get motivated. i know that with the craziness in my brain i need meds but i really hate them so much especially when they make me tired.

    @xxjolandexx if i go to a banquet type meal i always eat a small snack that fits in my diet and cut anything i get down into fourths keep track of everything you eat if anyone says anything just tell them i am trying to get in shape and this doesn't fit my plan. if they don't understand thats on them be strong don't let anyone bully you into eating what you can't

    @_tru_ i have tried it is hard having a 15 m old son and no money for childcare. a lot of the people who are here and also military wife's don't understand my budget limitations. i am in a mixed family my hubby has 3 boys that he pays $800 a month for and then my three girls and our son together creates a financial deficit if you catch my drift and almost all the woman and like minded people don't get that i can't pay for classes or drop my son off some where. it makes it really hard to get out.

    @Penny_eclispe i know what it is like to have a long distance relationship, i dated my now husband for three months before he was stationed in korea for 18 months. I had doubts it could work because everything i had heard about military men and women was bad, they cheat, lie, are extremely unfaithful, and can not be trusted, i put myself out there and we talked on the phone and online everyday and we discussed a lot with fears, and anxieties over the fact that both he and myself were screwed over by our ex's by the time he came home we realized we wanted to be together so we got married. i knew it meant that with his career choice i would have to give up my life and fallow him but i decided my love for him was strong enough to survive it. you need to be honest with him about how you feel and let him know without yelling at him that you are hurt that he hasn't included you in this choice and how it really makes you feel.

    Thank you for the advice kerri! I'm going to be strong and stick to my plan!! Fingers crossed people don't start having a go at me!
  • cacklingcat
    cacklingcat Posts: 150 Member
    So yesterday had a horabell day at work got so mad that i worked thru lunch, than preceded to eat a small bag of fry's on my way home and 2 pic of cheese cake and beer after dinner, was about 200 cal over lol i need to stop stress eating. All well today will hopheley be better
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    Hello... this is just a quick check-in as I need to head to work. But, I'm at least here and doing a small piece. I've been having some pretty big struggles and things are just not where they need to be. I'm typically always finding the silver lining - so when times like this show up - it's hard.... because it's simply not "normal" for me... so, well, yeah...

    Anyway - I was actually starting to feel more like myself again - when - WHAM - I'm sick. UGH! I work in a hospital/health system and there has been some super strong bug going around that no one can seem to quite rid themselves of. So, you have all these good days and think - hey, I've almost beat this thing... and then it laughs in your face! Ha! ... there were about 6 of us with the same recurrence of symptoms just in my department yesterday so I know that it's the same thing but ugh... I don't wanna go to work today and any other week, I'd have called in last night or this morning. However, we have the Community Health Fair tomorrow and I have a booth so I need to run/man that. I'm pretty sure work would be a bit upset if I was manning that after being sick, especially since I'm not helping with the work booth.

    Outside of that... things are just things. Will try to get back in here later if I can to respond back to some of you. I've been utterly exhausted - sleep pretty much 14 hours and work the other 9-10 hrs. Over the weekend I was sleeping a good 16-18 hours a day. Can't seem to get past that... so, I'll try to get back on here, but not promising as I'm already tired and sick and unless they send me home from work (which, the way I sound is a real possibility) I have at least 10 hrs of work ahead of me today. I"m tired just thinking about it...

    Take Care
  • uhohkerri
    uhohkerri Posts: 43
    So yesterday had a horabell day at work got so mad that i worked thru lunch, than preceded to eat a small bag of fry's on my way home and 2 pic of cheese cake and beer after dinner, was about 200 cal over lol i need to stop stress eating. All well today will hopheley be better
    I have had at least one of those days since I started on here, my biggest issue is getting motivated to work out.

    I cut my new sphyc meds in half last night feel a lot better this morning up and ready to charge the day. now if only I can find a workout partner. meet some new people last night here so we will see if she is up to it or not. later
  • pennsciteach

    I'm still here - just incredibly busy. I'm still keeping up on all you though!