*** Supportive Friends -- Looking to Release 50+ Pounds ***



  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    @meg - agree - where's everybody gone?? We need to keep going strong - we can do this. Is this the 5k that your husband is doing with you?

    @ron - must make a pleasant change to be travelling within the UK for once. And as for your question about a spring or summer in this country - it's just horrible at the moment. Poured with rain and a howling gale all last night - it's not unreasonable to want just a little sun! Not sure it's the weather for the pink shorts either:laugh:

    Lost track of my logging a bit this week. I start really well in the morning but lose focus on it in the evening. Not sure why - work is getting really busy but that shouldn't affect my logging at home in the evening. Going to log everything that I plan to eat today - log it in advance then I just have to tweak it if things change.

    Happy Wednesday all!
  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    @Jane, yes, this is the 5K hubby and I are doing together. Although he's going to beat me! He's so much faster than I am at this point, but that's ok.
    Don't lose track of your logging. Definitely a good idea to pre log. I don't do it every day, but sometimes, and it makes my day go a bit smoother. Actually did it today :happy:

    @Ron, how many dogs do you have? And what kind? My boys (all THREE of them) would love to have a dog, but I'm not sure a puppy would survive well with C. around. He's a bit of a terror when it comes to animals. My SIL visted a few weeks ago from California, and brought her English bulldog Sadie with her. Connor absolutely loved her. He keeps telling me he wants a dog like Sadie.

    Well, ran 1.25 miles today. And a couple miles of bike riding as well. I am going to take two whole days off of exercising. I'm feeling ready and excited for the race Saturday. Even my son Jamie is excited as well. My parents are going to bring the boys to let them watch the race. The forecast is calling for rain on race day, which I'm not too excited about... the days before and after the race are supposed to be sunny, of course.

    On the weight loss front, I'm down another pound! Yay!
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    @meg - well, if he's going to beat you then he'll be there at the end to cheer you on! You must be really excited at the prospect of the race - it's such a brilliant thing to do. Don't worry on the weather too much - rain is a shame but if it were a really nice sunny day it might get too hot which wouldn't be much fun either!

    Would love a dog but right now we just don't have the lifestyle for it and it's not fair on them if there is nobody around with them during the day. We have two unspeakably mad cats - and thinking about it that is plenty enough to be going on with! And the whole 'do we want to try for children' conversation is rearing it's head at the moment so, no - I should stop thinking about dogs!! And remind myself that if the answer to that is yes, which it is although it terrifies me, then this is one of the reasons that I need to get healthier!

    Anyway, enough rambling about that! Working from home today in a desperate attempt to get some peace and quiet and actually get some work done:smile: Electrician came round on Tuesday to finish the work in my husbands office so we need to get all the furniture back in there today then that will be two rooms completely decorated and done - woohoo:drinker:
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    And now the reason why working from home during the summer is so hard for me. First test match (cricket) of the summer and Test Match Special on the radio in the background - such distractions!!
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    Just got home. Whoopee!! No travelling till Tuesday/Wednesday next week, long enough to get rid of the retained water and get a true weight figure. In between trousers (pants) currently so they're either too tight or slipping down. Great fun...........not!!

    @meg - well done on the 5K race, I still know I'd die if I even walked that, but I am improving, I just feel so much better and more healthy by the week. And I'm sleeping a lot better. In between trousers (pants). We have five english cocker spaniels, my wife is a hobby breeder (one litter every two or three years) so they are all home produced. We've now had dogs which have been born, lived to a good age, and died, all in the same house. Our oldest dog is 14 years old and he has just today had a tooth removed under general anaesthetic. We were worried, you always are with dogs this age, but he's apparently in generally good condition so the vet wasn't worried. He's back home now but quite spaced out poor thing! He'll probably sleep till morning now with a brief waking period to eat (nothing puts these dogs off eating!). I would definitely recommend having a dog, I have lived with dog(s) all my life literally, my parents had a dog before I came along, a German Shepherd and I remember playing with her when I was very young, she died when I was four. If you do decide to go down that route, just choose carefully, make sure you see a litter with its mother and avoid 'puppy farms' like the plague.

    @jane - yes, nice to be in the UK for a change, the weather is nice this afternoon, I had a lovely drive back, traffic quite light, and I got to wear my sunglasses! You're right, you need to have the right lifestyle for a dog and any reputable breeder will want to know the puppy is not going to be abandoned while all in the house go off to work! As for children/dogs, I've had both and would definitely recommend dogs, they're much easier than children :happy:
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Hi All,

    I'm hoping you will take me back after vanishing for a few weeks. I have struggled with the return to work and often had the thought process 'I deserve this, look at everything I'm doing in my day' which was then followed by 'F&%* it, I'm tired'. Now I had a great long weekend where I ate perfectly and dropped a load of weight and hit my first target (never did buy my reward) and then promptly fell off my wagon. Weight is about 2lbs up (nothing in the grand scheme of things). I have decided that this week is about getting me back. My husband always promises to be home in time to allow me to get some gym or me time and it doesn't happen. This week I am going to hold him to it. It is not fair (I know that sounds petulant) that I never get any me time and it is making me unhappy and that leads to eating and that whole vicious cycle. So this week I am holding him to the promises. On the food front, I need to take baby steps. Goals this weekend: 12 glasses of water each day at least and as much fruit and veg as I can. I love them but don't often eat as much as I could.

    I hope you'll accept me back in. I know if I can become regularly active on the board (and send friend requests) I do better. I
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    Yay!! Another two pounds gone since Sunday morning!! The usual travel syndrome, I was away Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, Friday morning I was actually 1.6 lbs UP on last Sunday (high salt, water retention) spent most of yesterday at home drinking normally and making numerous visits to the toilet and this morning I am 2 lbs down (or 3.6 since yesterday morning's weighing! Just goes to show the weight value of water). And people are beginning to notice, a few people commented this week or asked if I had lost weight.

    This was going to be a lot longer, but I decided to put it in my blog instead as it became reflective about my journey so far. You can read it at http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/ron2e
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    @Steph - you're welcome back any time hon! Sorry to hear about the relationship hiccups, but you are right to have expectations of your other half or what's the point in having an other half, particularly at this time when you have been through a lot of physical and mental changes and stresses and could be liable to suffer post natal depression (my wife did, so I'm quite an expert on how difficult it can make things, I don't believe we have ever fully recovered, not even after 30+ years, my son was 31 yesterday.) For goodness sake sit down and talk to him about it and be firm about what you need, he has to understand how important this is to you and your joint relationship.

    You have achieved a tremendous weight loss so far, you can, and will continue to lose despite the blips if you build on your achievements to date, good grief girl you're not a kick in the *kitten* off being halfway to your goal! That is really something to hold onto and be proud of. And if you need a couple of heavy people to come round and sit on your other half until he realises the error of his ways and agrees to give you time for you, just say the word :laugh:
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    @steph - welcome back! Of course we are pleased to see you back. So sorry to hear things have been hard - you've taken a lot on with your little girl and going back to work and you are perfectly reasonable to want and indeed need some you time. Agree totally with Ron - sit down and talk to your other half, let him know how you feel and hard this is for you. I can't relate as I don't have children (yet!) but I've known plenty of new mums who struggle like this to get time for themselves. So, talk to your other half and keep coming back here - there is great support on this thread (as you know better than me - I'm a relative newbie to it:smile: ). Sent you a friend request - we are all here to look out for each other.

    @ron - congrats with the further loss. You clearly know very well what works for you and what doesn't and you know the routine of travel and home time. And a few more days off before you travel again which is good. Hope all went ok with your dog and his tooth removal and that he's back to his happy self!

    Having a quiet weekend - been a busy week! Not exercised as much as I should this week and feeling really stiff (whether that is a result of lack of exercise, I'm not sure!) Either way, have done my session on the cross trainer this morning in a quest to get started again.

    Will check back later - have a good day folks.
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    @Steph - thanks for the friend invitation, I should have thought of that before :happy:

    @jane - Yes, the old dog recovered pretty quick, amazing constitution he has. I guess I do know what works for me now, I'm certainly comfortable with it. Had to laugh the other day, one of the ladies (a plumpish lady also losing weight) where I was visiting asked if I'd lost weight. When I told her 40 lbs she said "Bloody hell! You must have had very fat knees?" :laugh:
  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    @Steph, welcome back! I'll send a friend request :happy: I know life can be incredibly busy with little ones around, but you definitely need make sure you get your "me" time. Like Ron & Jane said, talk to your husband. I wish I had done that when my oldest was little (he's 9 now), I ended up a couple times out of pure frustration locking myself in the bathroom (and having a huge emotional crying fit) just to get away from it all. Not the best way to handle things. These days I usually just tell my husband where I will be and when he might expect me back. No choice on his part... and he's ok with that.
    You've come so far with your weight loss already, don't give up now!

    @Ron, tried to read your blog, but it's marked as private. Congrats on this weeks loss! I bet it's nice having people notice and say something now. I'm getting that some too these days. In fact, last Sunday at church I got a lot of comments, between my cute new dress and how I managed to fit in my new cute dress. :bigsmile:

    @Jane, glad your weekend is quiet at least! I had a busy week as well.

    I've started reading a book on fitness, something I NEVER anticipated I would do. It's the New Rules of Lifting for Women. Seriously considering taking up weight lifting, as it burns much more fat apparently. But it would be in addition to running, I could never give up that.
    Well, in about 20 minutes, I'm going to head out to run the 5K, I'll report back in with a pic and my results later today! Have a good weekend everyone!
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    @meg - sorry about that, I didn't realise, made my blog, such as it is, public now. Pleeeeeeeeze don't take up weights, you make me ashamed enough as it is :wink:
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    @meg - I've got the New Rules for Lifting book as well and it's one of the reasons I've got into the Jillian Michaels DVD's as she uses weights (admittedly I am only using the 1kg weights but will build up in time). Everything I've heard is that weights build muscle tone and help with fat loss and general better all round health so I would go for it (sorry Ron!!). Hope the run went well today and that the weather wasn't too bad for you.

    @ron - the knees comment made me laugh. People do pick out the strangest things to focus on! I read your blog post - very inspiring. I think the fact that it is such a complete lifestyle change is the point that so many people struggle with (me included sometimes). I absolutely recognise that I'm not on 'a diet' but sometimes changing my thinking and attitude is hard. I liked your chocolate reference as that is something that I've been noticing a lot recently - things that I have previously loved the taste of suddenly seem over sweet and leave me feeling lethargic and heavy. So anyway, enough rambling - liked the blog and made me think again about how I view this whole journey.

    Now that (hopefully) the temperature in the UK has climbed a bit I've managed to get into the garden today - planted out some tomato plants, lettuces, herbs and broccolli - that along with the strawberries, raspberries and blackberries that were already here when we moved in should provide some good food later in the year. We are a million miles away from being self sufficient but there is something so satisfying about eating something that you grew yourself - and knowing that it is free from all the nasty stuff.

    Baking sea bass fillets with lemon juice, rosemary and couscous for supper tonight - getting hungry just thinking about it:smile:
  • Borrowed_time
    Borrowed_time Posts: 23 Member
    Can anyone join your group guys? you all seem very supportive and positive. :smile:
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    @wlhepburn - course you can - welcome! We try to be positive - life is too short to be anything else:happy:
  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    Well here's my report on the 5K: I came in dead last. Of the runners that is, people who chose to walk were behind me thank God! lol! My husband came in 19th, or as he said, first in class of men with ponytails. Silly guy. Anyway, I don't really care that I was last because I did it, and ran the whole way, and lapped everybody on the couch :bigsmile: And now for the pics...

    Selfie shortly before the race:
    Untitled by aguppymama, on Flickr

    Me finishing up. Took 40 minutes exactly. Hubby was done in 28 minutes so he had time to go grab his phone and take the pic.
    a runner by aguppymama, on Flickr

    And us in front of a cop car, photo taken by a cop who is our former brother in law :)
    Untitled by aguppymama, on Flickr
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    @wlhepburn - anyone is welcome who pays the entrance fee :happy: And that is the resolve for mutual support. :wink:

    As Jane says, life is too short........ and she knows a thing or two! Positive is the key word. We can, and WILL, lose weight.

    @jane - sea bass fillets sound delicious, I love sea bass. Tonight I died and went to heaven for a short visit - about a dozen Scottish Langoustine tails (they were whole but I pulled the heads off being that sort of a person!), cut down the middle and grilled for a couple of minutes along with some queen scallops and a pile of garlic butter and lemon. I had nothing with them, they didn't need anything more. I actually went slightly over tonight, first time EVER, but you know what, I don't care! That extra 31 cals was worth every penny :drinker: Plus I had some delicious Sussex raspberries from Waitrose. Not as good as the Scottish ones, but I would say that wouldn't I (being of the Scottish persuasion), but delicious none the less and well worth the 41 calories which pushed me over the cliff. I used to be very much a meat person but I am becoming more and more fishy the older I get and could eat seafood ad nauseam. Anyhow, glad you liked the blog and if you gained any value from it, I'm more than happy.
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    Meg! Congratulations on your victory over the couch potatoes!! Seriously, really well done. The only thing that confuses me, but I'm not going to ask is how you both can have a cop as a former Bro in law.............oh wait, a sister.......... OK I get it. But a cop?? And your hubby has a PONYTAIL?? OMG!! No wonder you run so much :laugh: And I bet he's really proud of you! Good grief, I'm proud of you!! Doll you are a real inspiration. If you ever get bored with pony tail man, give me a call :love:
  • rdcphone572
    rdcphone572 Posts: 75 Member
    Hello everyone!

    Well, it was a good week. Work was fine and home remains good. My waist is definitely down nearly 2 inches which feels interesting. I really didn't realize the belly was that full of jolly jelly!

    NSV: I broke the 15 min mile barrier in my before work exercise session this week. I was so shocked because I didn't know I had it down until I stopped...Lol! I set it to 6 and just went for it at the beginning until I had to take it down to 2. This seems to have set the pace which got the mile in at 14:49. That was so cool! I think if I stay on track, I should make goal weight in under a year. I'm not rushing anymore and that's a relief. I'm including the vacation and holiday bounces that may happen.

    @jane - you are right...there isn't too much better than a home grown tomato. You can eat those standing in the sun in your garden just like an apple! Or at least I can. Many store tomatoes taste like nothing. I hope you have a huge bounty!

    @meg - my,my you are that girl! Yes, the one who has the handsome guy and can run 3 miles without stopping in 40 minutes no less! I bet you love being that girl...and you deserve it! Hard work is paying off. Keep going!

    @ron - the fat knees comment was very very funny! People are weird in a strange yet strange way...Lol! 40 lbs on the gone forever pile is something to be happy about.

    @wlhepburn - welcome back to this island of sanity!

    Well, the weekend has been lazy. Our weather continues to be unusual in NC. It's been much cooler and wet than I can remember in years.

    New cool things that I like: Arctic Zero, Nike Training Club app, and almond meal cookies. Please share any cool fitness things you encounter.

    Have a good week!
  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    Of course my hubby has a ponytail. He's Native American, it's to be expected. :tongue: Have to say, I think I got pretty darn lucky when I snagged him! He's my one and only, in so many ways. Been together since we were 18, married since 20. Our 13th anniversary is coming up next month.

    @rdcphone, you're in NC? I have a cousin who lives over there, she's claiming the weather got switched with WA State, which is where I am, and where she grew up. What is Arctic Zero? Besides MFP, my favorite fitness thing is MapMyRun, an app and website I use to track my workouts.

    @Jane, I'm only a couple chapters in, and pretty much convinced that weights are the way to go. I've only ever done 30DS, does Jillian do more weights in other videos? I'm thinking about going the kettle bell route. I've watched some workout videos of those on youtube.
    Sounds like you had a nice day in the garden with a yummy dinner to top it off!

    @wlhepburn, yes, anyone is welcome! We are happy to have new people.

    @Ron, I think it would take a heck of a lot to tear me away from my man! But thanks for the offer.... :blushing: And, by the way, the former brother in law was married to my hubby's older sister. And I don't know why he wanted to be a cop... he got shot recently! Eek! At least it was very minor. Not even an overnight stay at the hospital.
    ETA: Read the blog! Seeing results is definitely fuel for motivation :bigsmile:

    Hope you all have a wonderful Sunday! I get to go play with the babies at church (nursery volunteer, gotta get my baby fix), then taking my almost 4 year old baby out for a portrait session. And then maybe a nice long bike ride if the weather cooperates.