*** Supportive Friends -- Looking to Release 50+ Pounds ***



  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    @Kelly, welcome :happy: Are you consistently logging your food? When I have a not great day foodwise, I log anyway. It helps me to see where I'm at, and what I can change. And you don't have to give up all the yummy stuff completely. I still eat all the items you listed! Just in moderation.

    @Penny, glad to know you're still around! And glad you figured out the foot problem could be fixed with shoes. Good luck on the hunt for a new place! I know how crazy that search can be.

    @Jehan, are you trying to go really fast when you do the running segments of c25k? If you are, I would slow down. Work first on the movement of running, speed can be worked on once the c25k program is complete. Also, you might want to look into Chi Running. I think they have a website. My husbands assistant is a runner, and she and I are friends via Facebook, and she told me about this method of running. It basically is good form running. I've been working on using that form and it makes running less tiring, and less stressful for your legs. Also, if you have an iPhone, they have an app. Haven't checked it out yet though.

    Tuesday, means work... :grumble: Get to listen to people complain about the software I support. Yay... anyway, I am riding bikes to school with the kids, and running on my lunch break. I may get out of cooking dinner, since hubby may have a business dinner to attend. Then off to town after dinner for my son's choir practice. And since hubby will be at his rehearsal (The Complete Works of Shakespeare Abridged, put on by our community theater), I get to bring the munchkin with me. So my evening is going to be crazy. Have a good day everyone!
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Meg just reading about your days makes me tired!

    Kelly welcome:-)

    Penny glad you are back at it and that generally things are more positive. Parents are meant to drive you bonkers, that's their job.

    As for me, hubby kept his promise and came straight home tonight so I was able to make it to a spin class. Felt more competent in this one than the last one I did. Good thing I worked out to cause I had an unplanned visit with a spoon and the peanut butter jar. It's one of my weaknesses. Anyways almost half term and week filled with my darling girl and play dates. :-)
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    @penny - welcome back. Agree with Steph - that is the purpose of parents! they make an art form of driving you nutty:smile:

    welcome Kelly!

    @Steph - glad you got to do the spinning class - lots of calories burned there. And your visit to the peanut butter makes me feel less bad about my visit to the lemon meringue pie! Over my calorie limit - but I don't care - it's been a long, hard day at work and it was so worth it!!
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Finally back in the human race again! It's been a tough 14 months with inner ear issues etc. I've started a 21 day cleanse to really kick things off and feel excited to know that I'm well enough to do this. Looking forward to getting to know all of you. There are some familiar faces here that I've missed!! I love the support I had here and it pushed me to drop 70lbs in 2011-12. Getting sick was not my plan but if I could do it once I can do it again. I felt so much better when I was doing this. I'll read up tomorrow. Hope to get to know and support all of you!!!
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    ReNae!!!!!!! So glad you found us and are here. I've kissed you and of course you can do it again :-)
  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    Renae, welcome back! Glad you're feeling better :happy:

    Jane, I'm jealous! Lemon meringue is my favorite!

    Stephanie, so glad your hubby lived up to his word! Let's hope he keeps it up. I have a friend who teaches spin classes at our local YMCA, but I've been too scared to go to one, you're brave!

    Well, after my lunchtime run yesterday, my legs were hating me. So decided today is a rest day, and possibly tomorrow as well. Guess we'll see how I feel in the morning. Planned out my entire days food at breakfast this morning, got it down to 45 calories shy of my daily total. And my protein was higher than it's been in a while. I have a hard time getting it in for some reason. So that's good about today.
    Put on another t-shirt this morning that was a size large. Can't believe I'm that small already. Also had to get rid of a bunch of panties, they were just too big! That is such a good feeling. Might be time for another go through the closet, get rid of more clothes... I seem to be doing that a lot lately! My poor hubby, I hope he gets a raise soon to cover my clothing costs! It's about time to give up my favorite pair of jeans, the ones that I got after I dropped my first size. Starting to do the hitch 'em up shimmy with them.
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    ReNae!!!!!!! So glad you found us and are here. I've kissed you and of course you can do it again :-)

    Haha just reread this morning. I of course meant I missed you! Silly autocorrect. :-)
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    ReNae!!!!!!! So glad you found us and are here. I've kissed you and of course you can do it again :-)

    Haha just reread this morning. I of course meant I missed you! Silly autocorrect. :-)

    Hmmmm. Sounds like a Freudian slip to me........... :laugh:
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    @Renae - I think I joined after you left, so I haven't kissed.....er I mean missed.....you! Welcome back, I'm the token male around these parts.

    @Meg - I do sympathise with your legs, no wonder they are complaining! Look after them, they're the only legs you have, have a long soak in a very hot bath and then be a couch potato for a day. Who am I kidding.............

    @Steph - I have no idea what Spin class is, but it sounds dizzy making, anyhow glad you made it and enjoyed it

    @Jenny - welcome! This is a great thread and very supportive.

    @Penny - welcome back, glad things are becoming more stable for you. And as a parent of a grown up son, I have a different (and if I might say, more sensible and balanced) viewpoint I don't support the premise that it is parents' job to make life miserable for their offspring, it is much more the other way round. I really despair sometimes and now understand why my parents, in turn, despaired of me!

    Busy week coming up, trying to get some time off while my wife's cousin is staying, no doubt work will be pestering too as I have a lot happening at the moment, not the best time for visitors. I've been accepted as a beta tester for the new Android version of MyFitnessPal app, downloaded it this morning and so far it looks good and an improvement on the current version.
  • jehan
    jehan Posts: 155 Member
    @Renae -welcome back.. great to hear that you're feeling better

    @megblackburn - will look into chi running. And no, Im not running really fast. Just normal by my standards. Since I can't finish W4 without pausing it. I just went back to W3. You really are a force to contend with. I'm just at awe with the bundle of energy you have for all your activities.

    @ron2e - good luck with your week. Everyone seems pretty busy.

    Well as for me, it seems like I'm quite busy with interviews for work. This time, it's for my renewal for my current job. They are not actually aware that I'm jumping ship although I've mentioned that I've submitted my application. So while being interviewed, one of my bosses were unsubtly "whispering" to my other boss, saying when I started at our office, I was really thin. I wasn't really insulted because I knew it was the truth. It just burned my desire to be more fit and slimmer the next I see them again.

    Hope everyone have a great day....
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    @renae - welcome back! Good to hear that you are feeling better and ready to tackle this again.

    @meg - congrats on the t-shirt sizing and general need to clear out clothes and start again. Think of the fun you will have buying fun new stuff for the summer. Not convinced your good husband will agree with us there though:laugh: Lemon meringue is also one of my favourites and I hadn't had any for ages. Wouldn't nornally have done it but we went into the supermarket to pick up milk and it was just sat there calling my name:happy: Although as Ron accurately pointed out, it was really the two fingers of Twix at work that did for me!

    @steph - don't you just hate auto correct and predictive text - it gets us all into trouble so easily!

    @ron - good to hear your positive thoughts about the new app for android phones. I have to say I've always liked the app on my iphone and I found the MFP app before I found the website - hopefully they will be making good changes to it and it will be available to us soon! Re: your view on parents - I sense a split between those of us who are parents and those who are not:laugh: Although I look back and I do wonder how on earth my parents put up with me!!

    @jehan - sounds busy at work for you with all these job interviews. When do you expect to hear about the 'jumping ship' option? And what's with the unsubtle whispering??? Who do they think they are to do that??? Anyways, just use it as motivation to get back to where you want to be:bigsmile:

    Well, I'm having a better day than I did yesterday - not that it would be hard! Working from home so for the first time all week actually get some real work done (other than right now obviously!). And we have two weeks off for the first two weeks of June - which means with Bank Holiday Monday, I only have 5.5 working days left. Which is both a good and a bad thing - great for the holiday but not so good given my workload. Oh well, can only do my best.

    Anyway, back to work - determined to get in a proper workout tonight so will see you all later. Unless I don't do the workout in which case I shall hide!!
  • Fraileya19
    Fraileya19 Posts: 42
    Hello everyone! I am new to this thread and just wanted to join in the group.

    I am 28 and need to lose 50+lbs. This thread seems very positive and I am looking forward to losing weight with you all. Please feel free to add me as a friend.
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    Welcome Fraileya! This is a great thread and we're mostly pretty positive. Some of us are manic and run around most of the day but the less said about that the better!! (You know who you are Meg :laugh: )

    @jane - yes becoming a parent changes your life. Forever it would seem. And cost you a fortune. If I had my time over again............... Working from home is great and one of the biggest changes in working practices since the Industrial Revolution. Over the past five years I have been lucky enough to work from home for most of my working time, I love being able to get up in the morning, put the kettle on, switch on the computer, get a cup of tea, then check the overnight email. No commuting, no need to go out in the cold and scrape the frost off the car to get to some freezing station, etc, etc!

    @jehan - yes things are busy right now. On the upside, I am off work tomorrow and Monday. Good luck with the interview(s), hope everything works out for you, there is nothing like a new job to give you a boost!
  • _tru_
    _tru_ Posts: 96
    Hello Friends! I'm sorry I have been MIA. We have been in the process of ripping down and subsequently rebuilding a fence. We are almost finished! YAY! Suffice to say, we've been doing this in our "spare" time, so we are all pretty exhausted. I am looking forward to having a lazy weekend (fingers crossed!) and time to regroup on the MFP front.

    I have caught up on this thread (8-ish pages!). Wow! You all have been doing well! I see a few familiar faces are still active - Missed you! And there are some newbies - Welcome! Glad to see that everyone is still making awesome progress!

    Chat soon! :)
  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    @Ron, "what you talkin bout Willis??" Me, run around like a chicken with it's head cut off? LOL, yeah, that's my life... Even yesterday on my rest day, I had to take a little walk. And do push ups.

    @Fraileya, welcome! We are very positive, and you can share all the ups and downs of the process with us. I'll send an FR.

    @Jane, did you get your workout in? No hiding!

    @Jehan, wow, the bosses said that right in front of you? I'll go kick them in the shins for you. No matter what, that's just not nice. You're right to take it as motivation though. Let us know how the job interviews go!

    @Tru, sounds like you've been getting your exercise! I've torn down and rebuilt fences, not an easy job :happy: Glad you're back with us!

    Interesting day so far today. Rode bikes in the rain to school this morning. Got a text from my sitter that I don't need to pick her up, she has her mom's car today (yay for gas $$ saved!), so I sit down and try to get online. No go. Ugh, internet was down. So I missed my first hour of work due to that. Since the company I work for is in Ann Arbor, MI, and I'm in Washington State, I can't exactly go to the office to work instead. So waited around until the internet came back up, then logged on for work. Have gotten one call. Love slow days! Means I can spend more time messing around on MFP! lol!
    So I'm going to do some zumba this afternoon, and ride my bike to the school again, and that should cover my exercise for the day. Although I might throw some yoga in there too. Then I've got do some more sewing. Don't know why I decided it was a good idea to make a batch of SEVENTY EIGHT jar cozies. Ugh. Oh well. At least it's a couple hundred dollars worth of income. And if I keep busy with it I might have it done by next month.
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    @fraileya - welcome to the thread! We try to be positive - most of the time!

    @tru - good to see you back. Sounds like you've been doing some serious work. Fingers crossed for your lazy weekend!

    @meg - well, I got half my workout in. And I know I can't hide from everyone here! Was planning to do a session on the cross trainer and a Jillian Michaels session - but had an argument with my mum (sorted fairly quickly - very insignificant) that really wound me up (and took up time) so i've only done the cross trainer. But hey, at least I didn't let it derail me completely although I am over my calories for the day again which I'm annoyed about! Parents eh!! And seriously - 78 jar cozies? There is a significant chance that you are slighly mad - I don't know how you find the time and energy for everything! How was the Zumba?

    So, yep that's my day - a busy and productive day working from home, somewhat spoilt by me and my mum both being equally stubborn and refusing to back down over something really, really unimportant!! Sorry fraileya - so much for me talking about us being positive:smile: But tomorrow is Friday and the beginning of another 3 day weekend here in the UK - going to see Star Trek Man of Steel on Sunday but beyond that just want to get back on track with exercise and eating over the weekend. Could really do with some sunshine - we had a short hailstorm this morning and I ended up putting the heating back on!

    have a good Friday all.
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    @Steph – You can kiss me anytime. That was a great autocorrect. So glad your husband is onboard with you. Just keep reminding him that ‘happy wife means happy life’. I’m really glad to be back and I love that this group is so active on here. I don’t always have time to post as much as I’d like but I really love being part of the momentum. It’s what kept me going before.

    @Meg – From the post I’ve read you remind me of myself when I’d drop a fair amount and started cleaning closets. That is the best reward. So much fun. I bet you smile at yourself in the mirror now to. Way to go. There’s nothing better than pulling jeans over your hips without unbuttoning them when they used to be tight on you.

    @Ron – You seem like the glue around here. I love that there is a guy is in the group. It really lends a different perspective. You have done great on your weight loss. What type of exercise do you do? I was running when I was at my lightest last year. I got to like it enough to run some races and really miss that world. Sounds like you live in the UK? What type of changes are there to the Android version of MFP? I use it quite often for for food diary. Love the bar code scanner!

    @Penny – Nice to see you here again. I’m with you on the crazy schedule thing. Some days I’d like to pull the plug with all the technology but I guess wireless has made that virtually impossible. I find taking time during the day to do some deep breathing helps. Check in when you can. We’re all in it to win it. Good luck training for that 10K!!

    @Kaavery – Welcome to the thread. With your exercise routine I’m sure you will find that logging your food everyday will make a huge difference for you. It’s not hard once you find your way around. It will discourage you from reaching for the ice cream and pizza because those are not fun to log in. I’m doing a 21 day cleanse right now but when I begin migrating foods back into my diet I’ll try to log my meals for the day before I eat them. PLAN PLAN PLAN! You can do this. Sounds like you enjoy a good challenge.

    @Jehan – Thanks for the welcome back greetings. It’s good that the ‘slim’ comment didn’t upset you during your interview but I think I would have throttled the guy. How rude can you be!? At least you’re using it as a motivator. You are a smart girl!

    @Jane – I hope you have a good workout! We know you’ll do it! Looking forward to the long weekend myself. We’re heading to Northern Maine to do some camping with our girls. Hope to get a little hiking in also.

    Welcome to Fraileya and tru- So nice to be in an active group here. I had a terrific Thursday (or should I say Thirsty Thursday – everyone should drink an extra 16 oz of water today – old MFP tradition). Setting some goals for the weekend. Plan to do at least one small hike and several long walks with my husband. Maybe even a good mt. bike ride. Keep it skinny everyone!

    Sorry for the long post - it's just great to be here. Friend me if you would like.
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    BLERG!!!!!!!!!! Been one of those days. Will check back properly when in a better mood.
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    quote from Megblackburn Gump about starting MFP "Now you wouldn't believe me if I told you, but I could run like the wind blows. From that day on, if I was ever going somewhere, I was running!!"
    @meg - you're just amazing!

    @Steph - I don't think there's any call to use language like that, there may be children reading! I know you have your wild colonial frontier ways and you're not fully civilised yet, but we're rather more cultured in this part of the world and a "Cor Blimey" or "Stone the crows" would have done just as well and been perfect for the occasion. :laugh: Hope you're feeling better today, tell us your woes, sharing them is halving them!

    @_tru - Welcome back, we thought you'd got lost because of the switch to the new thread. It was getting kinda lonely around here with just Meg, myself and Jane at one point!

    @rennae - Exercise? Girl go and wash your mouth out with soap! What is all this cussing going on around here about? If I ever get the urge to exercise I go and lie down in a darkened room, and it passes.......... Seriously, walking is the only exercise I get at the minute, I'm taking it relatively easy because of my weight and age coupled with a cartilage problem in my right knee (need to have surgery probably at some point, but can't afford being unable to work for 6 weeks or so), so the bulk of my weight loss has come from calorie watching. Yes I am in the UK, there are places in the world I'd rather live but I couldn't budge my wife even with a crowbar! The new MFP Android app is in my opinion quite an improvement on the old one, which was a bit basic, and the functionality more in line with the web app. There are a few bugs to be ironed out still, we seem to have lost the 'frequent' list from the food selections, and stuff like that. There is now a menu accessed by tapping the top left corner so you can get to anything with two taps.

    @jane - have a relaxing weekend and give yourself time to get back on track. It doesn't look like your wish for sun will come true, we actually had sleet at one point yesterday would you believe. Glad to hear your Mum is not letting you get away with anything :noway: sounds like you are too alike.

    Another 1.4 lbs down this morning (yesterday morning having been away a couple of days I was, in theory, the same as last Monday), and I expect to lose a little more tomorrow morning, the usual water retention while I'm away sorting itself out. That gives me a UK type victory of going over 3 stones (I don't think in stones having lived abroad for many years, pounds is my thing, but people in the UK relate more easily to stones). Coming up to 4 months on MFP in another week or so, and I'm thrilled with the results My waist measurement seems to be on the move at last now, presumably, I've got rid of the internal vascular fat, it's gone down an inch in the last two weeks. My belt which I haven't worn for about four years is now getting very close to fitting, only another inch to go and I'll be able to reach the first hole, which will be a great relief as I'm fed up with my trousers slipping down and doing what Meg refers to as " the hitch 'em up shimmy"!

    Have a nice weekend all :happy:
  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    @Ron, funny thing, I posted the pic of me running at the 5K on facebook, and my best friend commented on it "run, Forrest, run!" :bigsmile: So thank you for thinking I'm amazing!

    @Stephanie, hope your day is better today! And that you get enough coffee :wink:

    @Renae, yes, I'm just a neat and organized person by nature, so clearing out my closet is actually fun for me. Especially since it's clothing that is too big! I'm also thankful I kept clothes from when I was smaller, right now I'm especially thankful for the underwear! LOL!
    Have a good weekend getting all that activity in!

    @Jane, you're right, I am slightly mad. As far as the jar cozies go, I think it's just that they sell out so quickly when I send a small batch, that I didn't want to do that, needed to give myself some time to create more! Apparently all those "hipster" folks think drinking out of mason jars with a sippy cup lid is the coolest thing ever, and it's even cooler with a cozy. So that's cool with me, because I get some of their money! lol. And Zumba was good, did an hour, wore my HRM while I did it, and it was crazy the difference the MFP stated and the amount the HRM stated! HRM was at 400, and MFP at over 900! I think my crazy calorie burns are going to be less now that I have an HRM.
    Glad you got your workout in, at least part of it. Better than being derailed completely!

    So this weekend is Memorial Day Weekend here in the U.S., and tradition used to be in my family, we would go camping. But it's kind of sad, my grandparents used to own a lot at a private campground, and this is where we would go. But my grandma passed away in 2009, and last year we decided as a family that it was too much to keep up the camp dues, and my grandpa didn't have the finances for it, so the lot got sold. So there will be no camping this year. Camping in the rain is miserable anyway. So we're just staying home all weekend, no big plans. Sorry for rambling about that, feeling a bit nostalgic about Grammy. Miss that woman like crazy!
    Today... gotta pay bills, grocery shop, sew more cozies, give the boys haircuts, run 4 miles, feed my family, sew more cozies, do some yoga, do some pushups, sew more cozies... yep, that's my day. Have a good weekend everyone!