*** Supportive Friends -- Looking to Release 50+ Pounds ***



  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    Apologies all, this has been a stupidly busy week due to having a half day course each day from Monday through Thursday and of course I had to do my normal work at the same time while trying to book myself half way across India, a trip to Germany, the first two weeks in July, and another UK one next week. I have another visit to the Indian Visa Centre on Monday, so I'm hoping for better luck this time having now read their...er.....less than excellent....website from end to end. As a colleague said to me, hundreds of people get Indian visas every week so I shouldn't have any more problems as I have complete documentation now. The weight continues to come off and I've left 50 lbs behind and am moving onwards to Onederland which I hope to reach somewhere around my birthday in October but in any event well before Christmas.

    @_tru - glad to hear you're working for your Honorary British Status, and I feel sure you will enjoy the experience!

    @Renae - try to get onto the high cocoa solids dark chocolate, it is not so many calories and you need a lot less of them to get that chocolate hit!

    @Diane - welcome back, if that is the correct terminology :happy: glad you found us again!

    @MartianAngel - it sounds like you've been having a rough time recently, hope things pick up for you, but well done on the weight loss.

    @Steph - Steph you're doing a lot better than you think I'd like to bet. Don't put such high pressure on yourself when you have so many things to juggle at the same time. Just look at your ticker and take comfort from that, 94 lbs is huge, give yourself some credit!

    @Meg - Utah's the Mormon state is it not? My only experience with Mormons was when I was in my late 20's on a solo visit to Florida, I stayed with my Mum's cousin in Ft Lauderdale, and her daughter, of an age with me, was a Mormon so I hung around with her and her Mormon friends, and I have to say, despite the fact I smoked and drank, not one of them criticised me in any way and they were just the nicest bunch and great fun! It's always a consideration being away from your family though (something I have had to live with for many years) particularly when you have young kids. Good luck on that, hope it works out the way you would want it to.

    Hope everyone has a great Friday and a peaceful weekend with lots of strenuous exercise (except me, I have a note from my Mum saying I'm to be let off excercise!) and lots of lovely pounds slipping off into the dark hole of weight loss :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • _tru_
    _tru_ Posts: 96
    @Meg - My cousin and I took a 2-week roadtrip through the 4 corners in October. We had a blast. We only dipped into Utah breifly to see Monument Valley (I believe there is some debate over this being Arizona as Monument Valley is in both states...) Anways, it was breathtaking. We had planned on visiting Zyon, Bryce, and other parks and hiking "the Wave" in Utah, but felt we just couldn't fit it all in, so we are planning a trip to Utah just on its own. If you do get to move there, just take all of the family with you! Problem solved. :)

    @Ron - I can't help but think you must have a bazillion air miles and can travel the entire world many times over. Out of all the places you have been, and continue to go, which one would you most like to visit again and stay for awhile? Is there anywhere you haven't been that you would like to go? I have a huge list of places to see; probably too many for one lifetime. My cousin and I are planning a trip to Iceland next year. Yay!

    Tomorrow will mark Day 1 of 90 for me. I am going to do the Jillian Michael's 90 Day Body Revolution. I am excited and a little scared all at the same time. She is one scary lady, but gets results! Is it wrong that I am almost looking forward to her yelling at me? lol

    I wish you all a wonderful weekend! Take care!!
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    New blog post this morning - http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/ron2e

    @_tru - air miles I tend to use up as my Mum and one of my sisters and her family live in South Africa, in fact I'm planning a trip out there in September for her 90th birthday which will use a stack of air miles, though my sister tells me my Mum is in denial and doesn't want to be 90...........! To be honest I enjoy travel and I would happily go back to most places I have been and stay for a bit. Particularly as most of my trips only give me a very limited view of the country as I am either in airports,offices, hotels, and restaurants, or travelling between so little time for the tourist bit. I'd love to go back to Zambia where I did a lot of adolescent type growing up, and I haven't been there for over 30 years, but would probably be disappointed, going back is not always a good experience. I have learned that it is not just a place that sits in one's affection, but a place and time, and the time cannot be relived! Places I haven't been that I would like to go include Russia, China,Japan and Australia and New Zealand (We have relatives in the final two). Iceland looks very interesting from what I've seen on Top Gear but too cold generally for me, brrrr! I don't know anything about Jillian Michael's 90 day but it sounds painful - good luck with that:wink:

    Enjoy your weekend all!

    Sorry just realised I mentioned 'Top Gear', another must watch British Program (though there is now an American version though I find that a little anodyne).
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    @ron - hope your second trip to the Indian Visa Office goes better on Monday! Congratulations on your continued loss over the last week - well on your way to Onederland! Reading your thoughts below on countries to visit, I would love to do Japan and Iceland. I have a very old friend who has moved out to Osaka so we do have an option to go and visit - and it's one of those countries that I would like to know someone when visiting. Iceland - yep, probably too cold but would love to go. All I can say about New Zealand is - if you ever have the opportunity to visit, take it! We went there for our honeymoon (yeah, yeah - rose tinted glasses I hear you cry!) but it is just one of the loveliest countries and a serious longer term plan of ours may be to relocate out there. My husband could probably do that with work - and I'd find something to do out there if we moved. Christchurch probably my favourite city in the world (lots admittedly that I haven't yet visited but still) - breaks my heart to see the wreckage from the earthquakes. So if you can, go!

    @tru - I think it is slightly wrong that you are looking forward to JM shouting at you but I do kind of understand. After a couple of weeks of getting exercise simply from day to day activity, I'm planning to load up 30DS this afternoon/evening whilst husband is at church. Good luck with day 1.

    @meg - yep, definitely light at the end of the decorating tunnel. All bedrooms now painted, next room to be done is living room - but that is a bigger room so we will get someone in to do it. We are proud of the decorating that we've done - but we've done our bit now!! Hopefully you've got hubby back now - sounds scary about Utah though! Time for a serious conversation about how that would work - if it comes to anything of course. Or as tru says, you could just take the whole family there:smile: I understand the feeling - we are currently just a few miles down the road from my parents and I wouldn't want to move - particularly not if we have children. My father in law has previously asked if we would move to Bolton if we have kids (Manchester way) and about 260 miles from us - I have a one word, two letter answer to that question:laugh: Call me selfish but if I'm going through that experience I want mum near by!!

    @martialangel - welcome to the board. Sorry you've had such a rough time - hang in there and it should get better for you.

    @steph - well done for signing up to spin classes. And well I'm at it, what are spin classes?? How often do you do them? It's great news if people are starting to comment on your progress though - I sometimes take more encouragement from comments like that than from what the scale says. It feels so good when it stands out enough for someone to say something to you.

    Apologies - been MIA for a couple of days and not logging my food particularly well. Had the visit from my father in law - which went fine and didn't drive me to scream at you guys:happy: As I think I said, it's the first time he's come down here so we took him on a bit of a tour of the local area so that he could get a feel for the place. He's used to bleak northern moorlands so spent a lot of time commenting on how green it is down here!! Cooked for him on Thursday night then took him out to our rather nice local pub yesterday. And he's gone back home this morning. It was a nice couple of days - but it's nice to have the house to ourselves again! Plan for the evening - JM30DS, maybe a session on the cross trainer then lamb curry.

    Have a great Saturday evening all.
  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    @Ron - I'm hoping my husbands comment was just a passing fancy, due to being allergy symptom free for a few days! LOL And yes, Utah is known for it's Mormon population. Don't know any personally, but have had a few door knockers try to convert me (not ever gonna happen BTW). Hope your next visit to the Indian Visa place is more successful! Apparently, we are October birthday buddies :happy: You mentioned the American version of Top Gear, so I thought I'd mention my connection to that show... lol, a girl I grew up with is now living in LA and working on the crew of that show. Can't say I've ever watched it though. American or UK version. And along the line of TV/Movies, when the next Transformers movie comes out, be watching for a part that takes place at a nuclear plant cooling tower(s). Not sure exactly when it's coming out but it's been kind of the gossip around my neck of the woods because that nuclear plant is very close to where I live. I actually used to ride my bike there when I was kid (never actually got used, so it was safe).

    @Tru, my husband was telling me how beautiful it was there, and he showed me some pictures he took. If I could move my whole family there, I think I might go for it!
    As far as JM goes, just yell back at her! That's what I did when doing the 30DS :bigsmile:

    @Jane, glad your FIL's visit wasn't scream inducing :happy: Sounds like it went well really. Lamb curry sounds delicious! And yes, have your mum nearby when it's time for babies it definitely a plus! For my firstborn, my mom was living in Minnesota going to art school (btw check out her art! www.debranortonfineart.com) and she had to fly home to be with me for the first couple weeks after the baby was born. She had finished art school by the time my second was born, and she came over every day to help for at least a week. It was great.

    Well, TOM seems to have left for now, and so instead of remaining at the same weight, I suddenly dropped a pound! Thank goodness! Seems like every time TOM is around, I get stuck in the same spot. Literally. Weighed in every day as usual, and every day the scale said 237.0. And yesterday my food choices were pretty terrible, and I was feeling kind of down about that, and then I hop on the scale this morning and ta da! 236.0 LOL.
    So right now I am waiting for my hubby to come home and then I'm going for a 5 mile run. Yippee! Since he was gone all week, I couldn't go out running by myself, so I didn't run.
    Have a good weekend!
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    @jane - Yes, I'd love to go to New Zealand, but just have never had the excuse and when I travel long haul it tends to be to South Africa to see my relatives, I don't see them that often anyway, maybe once every year or two. My wife's birth mother (she was adopted as a baby) is still alive in NZ (and around 90) and she has three half brothers she has never met, but she is such a bad traveller I don't see her ever getting there although we did talk about it! She also has the excuse of the dogs, we currently have five of them, and she wouldn't want to leave them to someone else's tender mercies! Maybe one day I might get to go there for work. Can't understand what you have against Bolton though, you can get a great curry there! Don't think it has much else going for it though........ just thinking I haven't been in Bolton since the late 70's, I worked for a company that were based in the area and they put me up in a hotel in Bolton. Aye, it's rough oop north.......!! Amazing how time passes!! I don';t think I'd be tempted to change Sussex for Bolton to be honest!

    @Meg - that was the strange thing about the experience I had with the Mormons, no one even attempted to convert me or talk about their religion (just as well really, although brought up a catholic, turned atheist in my teens, I am interested in religions and can argue the issues from the viewpoint of knowledge. Mind you the ravings and imaginings of Joseph Smith are hard to swallow and I would have been polite but dismissive!). You should catch the American version of Top Gear and then perhaps compare it with the UK version which is much better, I feel sure you would enjoy it. It is incredibly popular in UK and throughout the world (I was amazed to find it on TV during a business visit to Kuala Lumpur and found a locally produced 'Top Gear' magazine with contributions from both the UK Top Gear team and local journalists) and the waiting list for the filming of the studio episodes is apparently very long, you have to register first and then they will eventually tell you when you can get tickets! Although nominally about cars, its success is down to the presenters, and the mad things they do, and the guests (again everyone from music, film, TV, etc, is queuing up to appear).

    Right, well must get my bum into gear, I have some final work to do for my end of financial year accounts which I need to get to my accountant before tomorrow, and I have some expenses claims from late April/May I really must get round to doing, the money is better in my account than my client's!! And even more importantly I need to make a trip to the tip, we have a build up of cardboard and newspapers to go to recycling :yawn:

    Have a good Sunday all :happy:
  • _tru_
    _tru_ Posts: 96
    @Ron – What a wonderful use of your air miles. I have all of 3, so I won't be flying anyone or myself anywhere anytime soon. South Africa is also on my list and/or Kenya. There are a couple of interesting photography workshops that are a pipe dream of mine. Unfortunately they are very expensive, so I may have to travel Africa sans photo tours. Happy birthday to your Mom! I think 90 is awesome! I agree with you totally on the time and place theory. I had some amazing times working in remote areas because of the people and the point we were all at in our lives. I can't imagine living in any of those places now on a full-time basis and especially without the amazing company and “carefree-ness” that we had. Australia and New Zealand are also on the list, but those are far, far off – in all respects: location, time, and money. Iceland cold? I guess that's all relative. We're aiming for June, so that should help. If I am not mistaken, I have seen an episode or two of “Top Gear”. Is it a show that reviews cars? In particular, I think I've seen an Aston Martin episode and a Bentley one.

    @Jane – I'm glad there is a light at the end of your decorating tunnel. You must be so excited! Glad to hear that the visit with the FIL did not require any yelling what-so-ever. I feel torn right now towards Ms. Jillian. I mean, I love the workouts and I am actually looking forward to them, but I also kind of feel as though I am getting tortured. Per Meg's suggestion, I did yell back and that seemed to help a little. However, my neighbours may start to wonder what the heck is going on. Lol

    @Meg – Oh, yelling at JM is so therapeutic! I can't wait to visit Utah. Another friend of mine just posted pics of Zion and Bryce parks. Breathtaking!!! Ahhhh, so glad you have a wonderful Mom who could and is there for you. Ooof – TOM does some terrible things to me. Instant gain of 5 pounds, nothing moves for a week of so, and then sudden drop of 5-ish pounds. At least I know not to get discouraged, but still frustrating all the same. I love that you put these two sentences together “I'm going for a 5 mile run. Yippeee!” I hope to one day feel the same way about working out. I hope you had a great run!!

    We made a trip to the garden today to do some weeding. Oh, so much weeding. BUT, most of our veggies are making an appearance now. Except for the beets, they seem to be a shy lot. I am looking forward to seeing the plants progress and to get some produce (it'll be awhile yet). I must admit though, the lettuce does look a little alien poking out ever-so-slightly from the dirt.

    I live in the 'burbs, although you wouldn't know it with all the wildlife around here. As I am typing there is a robin on the fence and a couple of bunnies in the yard. Last night there was a skunk and from what we can determine a fisher. I personally seem to host a sanctuary on my property – ducks in the window well, starlings in the soffits, mud wasps in the stairs, robins/grackles/mourning doves nesting in the trees, bunnies living under the tree, many frogs/toads, a now-removed wasp nest (I'll try to find the pic) and I'm sure there's more I can't recall at the moment. I always joke with my dad that a mongoose will show up anytime now. We definitely don't have them here, but I am sticking to that story.

    The “Man of Steel” finally released here. I have been told it is a must-see! Has anyone seen it? How did you like it?

    Off I go. Have a wonderful evening!

    P.S. Steph – I hope you are well and getting some well deserved rest!
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    @tru - well, having done 30DS yesterday for the second day in a row, I decided that your yelling back option was definitely the way to go! For some reason, it was really making my arms suffer yesterday and today my legs are sore! Will do a third session tomorrow and see how it goes. Well done on all the weeding - I did similar last week (having suddenly realised that one of the flower beds was more weed than flower!). Agree - it is good to see the veggies starting to come up - slowly it has to be said, the weather here is not helping them to flourish right now. Love the sound of all your wildlife - we have robins, finches, sparrows, blue tits - not many animals in the garden but give it time!

    Back to work today - straight into a training course. I tell you - by the end of the day I felt like I'd worked a week! Not used to all this thinking after a couple of days off!

    Have a good rest of the day everyone and keep thinking skinny!
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Oh my - you guys have been busy here. I'll read up when I have a few more minutes.

    I hope everyone is ready for a successful week!
  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    @Ron, I agree with you about Joseph Smith (shudder). And as far as Top Gear goes, I should watch it, I think both US and UK versions are on netflix. At least to see what the hype is about, and the fact that I know someone who works on the US version.
    Glad to see you got a walk in yesterday! I know you're not a fan of exercise, but it's good for ya!

    @Tru, I love hearing about people gardening, I just don't have the patience for it myself! So, big city burbs or small town burbs? I have a similar menagerie in my neighborhood, but I live very close to a river, and the other side of the river is all wilds. And it's small town burbs for me.
    Haven't seen Man of Steel yet, but everything I've heard so far is good! Thinking about taking my 9 year old to see it.

    @Jane, I know what you mean about using your brain! There are days with my job (and mind you, I only work 15 hours a week!), that I feel like I worked a 20 hour day.

    @Renae, hi!

    Was a busy weekend for me! Father's day prep on Saturday, Father's Day on Sunday, and my 13th wedding anniversary on Monday! Had a great time, and still managed to squeeze in my exercise. It's good I did because of hot dogs for dinner Sunday... Ah, well. I survived it.

    Took my measurements this morning for the end of a challenge that I was part of, and over the past month I have lost 7 inches from the places measured! And I only lost 6.5 lbs during the 30 day challenge... hm. Also went through my closet again, got rid of a bunch of shirts that have started to look like bags on me.

    The next few weeks are going to be a little crazy. My hubby is rehearsing his play every evening until Friday. This means I need make dairy free dinners every day this week (hubbs is lactose intolerant). Tonight I've got a family dinner with a cousin from Wyoming whose on his honeymoon in the area. I've got Young Lives on Thursday night, so have to take kids with me. Grrr... Saturday is a family get together with my mom's side of the family, and it's an hour drive to that one way. Then Sunday I take off for eastern Washington to visit my hubby's grandparents with my MIL. Will be gone through Tuesday. Work the rest of the week, then Saturday the 29th is a fundraising lunch/fashion show, at which I am hosting a table, and have lots of prep work to do. Then it's July! 4th is a Thursday, so will have to adjust schedule for work, spend the 4th out at the in-laws tribal firework stand, the 5th, take off for Mt. Hood in Oregon for an overnight camping trip and hike with a lot of my family. Home, then work for 3 days. Then make a birthday cake for my nephews who are turning 2 & 3. Yes, less than a year apart.

    Anyone less busy than me want to trade lives for a while?
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    @renae - hello! Trying for a successful week but not totally convinced of my success as of now - sigh!

    @meg - not a lot that can be said to that list of activities over the next few weeks!! I thought I had a lot on at work over the next month (and I'm right - I do:grumble: ) but your list just sounds insane! Congratulations on the loss of inches - they are at least as important as the pounds and that is a good number to have lost.

    @ron - well done with the 'workout'. Your vigourous denial on your page made me laugh!!

    So, I've finished my two days training but I have a sinking feeling that they were, in hindsight, the easy days for the week. I've come back from holiday to find that a deadline for a big piece of work that was originally mid July is now the end of next week:noway: So I now have a vast amount to do in a very short space of time and everybody else seems to want a piece of my time and life as well. Anyway, sorry - just a rant! Pasta with salmon, broccoli and a creamy sauce (though not made of cream) for supper tonight - just waiting for my husband to get home as it's a meal that doesn't wait well.

    Have a good evening all!
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Hello all, I'm still here and staggering along. Felt rather busy lately so finding it hard to find time to post! Well the fluctuations and severe chocolate cravings are explained by the early arrival of TOM (sneaky *kitten*, that was about the only good side effect of
    Pregnancy!). Been trying to get more salad into my diet as my weight loss is always good when that happens. Haven't been to the gym nearly enough and seeing my trainer tomorrow night. Jane I think you were asking about spin - it's this crazy cycling class where you alternate between insane sprints and serious hill climbs, sometimes standing sometimes sitting. It's intense. People leave soaked in sweat and puddles on the floor. I love it!! Before falling pregnant I had been contemplating becoming an instructor....someday maybe! We are getting more consecutive hours of sleep finally but early wake ups from little miss - 4a.m this morning. It's getting better but still room for improvement. I'm getting to bed as early as I can which cuts down on time as a couple but otherwise I can't function. Lots going on the next couple of weeks. Sports day on Thursday at school (hate it), INSET day Friday, dinner with some unknown cousin one night, academic tutoring day next week (all day parent / teacher interviews Omg I shudder just thinking of it and my form are year 10 so the conversations are pretty serious). Hoping for some workout time to make me feel better.

    Jane: sorry you've been slapped with the project, at least once the next couple of weeks are done its out of the way ;)
    Meg: that is some seriosi busiyness you have going on. You should be wasting away to nothing!!
    Tru: I miss real wildlife. When I was up in north bay we always saw bears, deer, moose Etc...right in my
    Parents backyard. Sometime a little too close for comfort but still amazing.
    Ron: isn't exercise taxing...haha ... Ooh I need sleep...
  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    Hey friends! Just popping in to say hi. AND, I found season 7 of Dr. Who on amazon prime!!!! LOL, I watched 3 episodes last night :bigsmile: I don't think it's the full season, but something is better than nothing!

    @Steph, I remember how I felt when TOM made it's way back into my life. Was a lovely year and a half of TOM free time with my last kiddo. I know what you mean about the salad too. For me it's green smoothies (liquid salad? lol).

    @Jane, that stinks about the deadline being moved! Hope it all goes well.
  • LisaWixom
    LisaWixom Posts: 30 Member
    Hi guys! My name is Lisa and I have 85lbs to lose to meet my main goal. I am 5'8and 235lbs. I plan on reaching that and seeing where to go from there. I would love a support group :) I just started with a personal trainer Tuesday. I have ten sessions for 5 weeks and I am hoping she really helps with the strength training aspect. One of my biggest fears is to lose the weight and have tons of excess skin. I have had two girls so I especially fear it in my tummy. Anyways. Just wanted to say hi and introduce myself :) Have a great Thursday!
  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    Welcome Lisa! I'm a bit jealous, wish I could afford a personal trainer... Anyway, always happy to have someone new around. This is a very supportive group of people, we'll push you to keep doing well.
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    @steph - hope you got that sleep in. Sounds like you've got a lot going on at school and meetings with mystery family members are always stressful. Hopefully your little one is getting past 4am a bit more now!

    @meg - enjoy season 7!! I've lost track of which series is which number - who is playing the Dr in the ones that you watched last night?

    @lisa - welcome to the thread! Keep coming back to visit and you'll find it a really friendly, supportive place. And like Meg - envious of a personal trainer - I need somebody to kick my butt into gear somedays. We do have a gym around the corner but I figure why pay for that when I have a DVD player and that nasty Jillian Michaels woman DVD's to stick in it:happy: However, that relies on me motivating myself to exercise which is challenging sometimes.

    worked from home today and I've had one of those lightbulb moments where I realise that when I work from home my work life balance is so, so much better! It's something that I've probably known for a while but somehow it hit home today. I get twice as much work done in the day, eat better and still have time (and energy) to work out afterwards. I hate that I have to spend 3 hours a day travelling - my next job will be closer to home!! So anyway, I just have to try and do better with the food at work - and inspire myself to workout when I get home.

    Fish for lunch (sea bass) and a lamb stir fry for supper - yummy! Have a good Thursday all!
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    @Lisa - welcome to the madhouse, plenty of support and awesomeness (from Meg, she is our resident awesome artist) here on this thread :laugh: It's nice to have new people too.

    @meg - if you want a personal trainer, I'd do it for free, but you've already spurned me for your husband, so your loss :wink: Incidentally Dr Who Season 7 is the most recent one, only finished here in the UK last month so you're bang up to date! I have to be honest, I didn't like the writing on Season 7 and found it a bit formulaic and obvious, though I still enjoyed the series.

    @Steph - Spin sounds like something I'd love to do in my dreams with a woman of my choice, but not in real life.............. I sympathise with you on sleep, my Mum always used to say if I didn't get 8 hours as a child I wasn't fit to talk to, and I haven't changed really though that 8 has become about 7 or slightly less. If I get below 6 I'm living on the edge and likely to blow for the smallest provocation! And yes, exercise is taxing, I've managed for most of my life so far without it (though I have played sport fairly regularly from soccer, cricket and rugby at school and after, through water polo, water skiing, badminton, tennis and squash to golf) in its strict sense and have never been to a 'gym' in its current sense. I subscribe to the view that my joints have only so many movements before, mechanically, they wear out, and doing repetitive work in the gym seems like a joint wearing out excercise to me. Which is why I prefer sport, even if golf (infrequently) is my only outlet now.

    @Jane - I sympathise with the deadline, mine seem to be going the other way which is good in two senses, gives me more time to do the work and means I am employed longer! It's a bummer though when things are moved up on you, still pasta, salmon and broccoli sounds like a little bit of compensation!

    Well, to my surprise, my Indian visa was approved quicker than expected and I have my passport back today resplendent with shiny new Indian visa. Pity the photograph,taken in their photo booth (they insisted my photo wasn't good enough) at a cost of £8 or $12.50 make me look a) totally evil and b) like a totally evil indian, leaves a lot to be desired :laugh: Oh well, next week working from home, then off to the Fatherland (Germany) for most of the folowing week, then off to India for a week. If I'm honest, I'm looking forward to it, it's somewhere I haven't been before and therefore there is an element of excitement. Tomorrow I have to go and be punctured for Typhoid, Hep A, Hep B, cholera, etc, etc, etc, etc,.............. and get stocked up with anti nausea and gum up the *kitten* works pills, just in case, though I think it's more for when it happens than just in case! Even the Indian manager we are visiting suggest we make sure to drink only bottled water :sick: I will, of course, keep you posted!
  • LisaWixom
    LisaWixom Posts: 30 Member
    I wish I could afford the personal trainer too lol! Fortunately, through our gym, it worked out to like $12 per session which isnt too bad. I am committed this time whereas I feel in the past I haven't been. I wanted to add in strength training but wasn't sure how so I figured the sessions could help teach me and I could go from there. I am thankful for a supportive husband :p. But honestly we really cant afford it and had to put off the internet bill to do it lol. Hopefully I dont disappear!!!! Thanks for the support guys and I hope to stay active.

    I went to a movie last night and had my first splurge in 2 weeks. A small coke and small popcorn. I was up 2lbs this morning and am so upset! So much hard work to lose it in one snack. How unfair that I can never take one little bite of something forbidden *pouts*
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    I wish I could afford the personal trainer too lol! Fortunately, through our gym, it worked out to like $12 per session which isnt too bad. I am committed this time whereas I feel in the past I haven't been. I wanted to add in strength training but wasn't sure how so I figured the sessions could help teach me and I could go from there. I am thankful for a supportive husband :p. But honestly we really cant afford it and had to put off the internet bill to do it lol. Hopefully I dont disappear!!!! Thanks for the support guys and I hope to stay active.

    I went to a movie last night and had my first splurge in 2 weeks. A small coke and small popcorn. I was up 2lbs this morning and am so upset! So much hard work to lose it in one snack. How unfair that I can never take one little bite of something forbidden *pouts*

    Lisa a coke and a small popcorn wouldn't put 2 lbs on you, I forget the figures but I think it's something like 3500 calories per lb so you would have had to eat at least 7000 calories over your maintenenance figure (not over your MFP calculated allowance! 20% higher than that) to do that. More likely is the salt on the popcorn has caused you to retain water. If you want to know how it works, check out my blog, I've made a bit of a study of water retention as it happens to me every time I go away - http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/ron2e?month=201304

    Drink plenty over the next couple of days and weigh yourself each morning and that extra will have disappeared!!
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    @lisa - $12 per session sounds really good value - if I could get a personal trainer for that I would seriously consider it. And Ron is right - 1 lb = 3500 calories so I would doubt your cinema snacks will have added the two pounds. Stay in track, drink lots of water and you'll go down again. What movie did you see?

    @ron - congrats on getting the visa so fast. Sounds like a busy couple of weeks. Be good to hear how you survive calorie wise in India!!

    So glad it's the end of the week - been horribly busy at work and its not going to change in the near future. On the plus side, my workout today has cancelled out both the Krispy Kreme doughnut( which I always wish I hadn't eaten) and the glass of wine (no regrets there;-). Got a quietish weekend planned - some gardening if the weather holds and, if we can summon the will, clearing the garage. Not holding my breath on that one!!

    Have a good weekend all!