*** Supportive Friends -- Looking to Release 50+ Pounds ***



  • cptncanary
    I'm loving the support you get from everyone around here, great stuff :o))
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    Sorry, I've been ultra busy the past few days, including driving for 7 hours on Wednesday when I left my laptop at a client's office and had to go back for it so I haven't posted for a couple of days :grumble: Must be the Alzheimers again......... Plus the visit to the Indian Visa Centre was a complete waste of time, had an arrogant........er......person telling me my photo wasn't correct, etc, etc, so we had an argument about their absolutely CRAP website which is one of the worst I have ever seen and how it tells you nothing unless you read through the whole thing. I had to leave and regroup, will try again soon when I have all the things he said I need to have.

    Still the good news is the weight is still coming off. The travel and staying away did the usual thing and it was a couple of days at home drinking normally before the water came off but I've lost a total of 2.8 lbs over the past week which is very good. I'm less than 2 lbs off a 50 lbs loss which is really great. Had a strange NSV the other day, I was wearing my fat man polo shirt and caught sight of myself in a mirror and thought "That looks big on me" and it did! So I've looked out a couple of not so fat man polo shirts and they fit fine, and pensioned off the really fat man ones :happy:

    Have a great weekend everyone and keep up the good work!
  • Chickyjd
    Chickyjd Posts: 131 Member
    Hi I'm 38 going on 30... I would love some new buddies that actually comment, offer support and advice... I'm all for offering friendship, advice and support but would actually like some feedback occasionally ;-) xx

    I have another 40/50lbs to lose before I'm happy! :)

    Only looking for friends that offer support and comments etc... as I will do
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    Welcome Chickyjd, I'm 64 going on 30 so we have that in common :laugh: Feel free to add me if you wish, and keep going with this thread, support and comments are here in plenty!
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    @ron - sorry to hear about the perils of the Indian visa office. When do you get to go to India? Well done on the continued loss - and both NSV's. I particularly like the one about carrying a weight upstairs - it is sobering to think about what extra weight we lug around that we don't need to.

    @chickyjd - welcome! As Ron says, stick with this thread and you'll find all the support and encouragement you need.

    @jehan - thank you! I think the furniture moving did burn a few calories and we've got the last bedroom to paint this week so I'm thinking that will help as well. Good luck with continuing with C25K.

    So, I've lurched cheerfully through my birthday on Friday then a pub lunch with husband and friends yesterday (Ron: I too am disappointed but the treacle tart was so, so nice. Hadn't had treacle tart for years and it just had to be done!). I openly admit I haven't been good the last two days but going to get back on the horse today. We are going over to see other friends today but I'm going to volunteer to drive home so that will solve the question of whether to have one of those calorie laden glasses of white wine and I will aim to get on the cross trainer when we get home (probably while husband is watching the Canadian Grand Prix!).

    Another whole week off work coming up - more painting and decorating to be done. And the electrician is finally finishing off his work on Tuesday which will be a job well done. And then we have my father in law coming to visit Thursday through Saturday so a busy week ahead.

    Have fun all!
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    @jane - I was sooooo jealous of that treacle tart, I would probably have succumbed as well I have to admit (1 serving of 100g = 369 calories!) treacle tart is special. I don't have dessert as a rule, I look at the menu and have fun calculating the calories mentally, then decide there is no way I can afford it within my allowance! The Indian visit is of course dependent on the visa, but the plan is for July. I'm going with a colleague from the Netherlands and his visa requirements are stricter than mine, so it will largely depend on him.

    For those who missed my post about carrying a weight upstairs, I've put it into my blog -

    The event really had a big impact on me, it so graphically illustrated the effects of excess weight, and when I think I still am carrying around close to another two box loads, it has become a great motivator. One of my MFP friends wrote on my profile that she has introduced the idea to her diet group and they all agreed to take along something equivalent to the weight they had lost to their next meeting.

    Canadian Grand Prix this evening (UK time), let's hope for rain, it always makes it more exciting and interesting and truly separates the men from the boys!
  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    @Ron, isn't it such an interesting revelation of the weight lost when you look at it as not part of your body anymore? It's funny, a friend and I were having a conversation last night, and she was telling me she had been encouraging a friend of hers who has lost 60 lbs, but was feeling defeated in the area of exercise (she apparently has some health issues that make it hard). My friend said to her "go pick up my son". Her son is 8 years old, 60 lbs. The other lady didn't but the point was, look at that kid, realize THAT boy weighs the same as the weight lost. How much harder would it be to exercise with the kid strapped to your back? I guess I was really needing to hear that message, since it came from you and my friend.
    Sounds like the Indian Visa office is "fun" to deal with... Hope it all works out for you!

    @Jane, glad you had a good birthday! And of course, during birthdays, you're allowed to do as you like :bigsmile: Also, I'm a little jealous, two weeks off work! As an independent contractor, I can't afford to take time off :grumble:

    @Chickyjd, feel free to add me, I try to keep up with all my friends, commenting on their successes :smile:

    @CptnCanary, welcome! Yep, we're very supportive around here.

    @Jehan, how did running w5 go? Sorry to hear your little one is sick, it's always so hard for the parents and little ones when they're sick.

    @Steph, hope your little girl adjusts to her own room soon! I hear that can be a tough transition. I don't have any advice to offer though, since my boys slept in their own rooms from birth (I couldn't sleep with them in the room, I woke at every little sound they made!).
    Were you able to find workout time yet? Are you going to continue going to the trainer?

    Well, I survived my son's birthday party, pizza, cake, ice cream and all. It was a fun and very exhausting day. Had 8 kids between the ages of 2 and 9 running around my house and yard for 5 hours yesterday! But since I got my 5 mile run in first thing in the morning, the rest of the day I just didn't need to worry about calories, other than getting enough! I was too busy getting ready to sit down and eat lunch. And Connor was very please with all his gifts, especially his bicycle that my husband's parents got him. We saved that one for last, and he didn't want to have cake after that! In fact he cried when we made him sit by his cake to sing Happy Birthday. LOL!

    My younger sister is getting back on the weight loss bandwagon. She asked me my weight yesterday when I was giving her some clothes I'd shrunk out of, and when I told her, she said I was still about 3 lbs heavier than her! But she's a clothing size up from me. She had been working out with me a lot when I first started, but she's slacked off lately, until her husband decided he wanted to lose weight. When we started, I was a whole lot heavier than her and up one clothing size from her. I guess I've built up a lot of muscle to be smaller than her in clothing sizes and still be heavier.
    Since she's back on the wagon, tomorrow I'm going to be taking a walk with her in the afternoon, I'm glad because I haven't gotten to spend much time with her lately :happy:

    Well, have a good Sunday everyone!
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Ah Sunday Evening.....boo to Mondays!
    Well I've had an alright weekend. I was good at the birthday party yesterday and baby girl was exhausted, so much so that she couldn't sleep. Sigh. I need a night off! Today was boring as just hung out at home. I haven't made it to the gym as hubby's schedule hasn't allowed for it but we will be having a conversation about that when he gets home. I am seeing my trainer again next week. There was a time when I saw her every week but now I've switched to bi-weekly. I want to be able to show a loss and would like to have made some minor improvements physically but that is looking unlikely (the physical part).

    Ron: I don't even think I could lift my loss! And it blows my mind that I used to carry it around. When I originally hit the 100lb mark one of the trainers who did a body boom class (don't ask....he was a former marine) tried a weighted vest with me and I couldn't do it!

    Meg: sounds like the party was a great success and you were a success on the food front. You are a machine and inspire me!

    Jane: happy birthday and i'm with Ron, birthdays don't count!!
  • jehan
    jehan Posts: 155 Member
    HI everyone...

    @ron2 - carrying around 2 loads of boxes equivalent to your weight loss is indeed an eye opener and even great inspiration. I've read posts in MFp where they were showing how much weight they lost in terms if items, such as a sacks of rice, flour, etc.

    @steph - How was your night off? preparing for bday party for the little ones can be both physically and emotionally draining. So rest, because you earned it..

    @janey - sounds like you had a fab time. good luck with the rest of the painting jobs...

    @meg - you actually burned thousands of calories for all the running around. great to hear that the party was a success...

    Well for those asking how the W5 went. I still haven't done it. I was supposed to run last friday. But it suddenly rained and my hubby decided to watch a local band. I wanted to squeeze in an hour of running last weekend but things got out of hand with family and friends all wanting to spend the weekend with the two kiddos.

    Hopefully, it won't rain tonight. Still excited to see if I could survive W5....

    Happy MOnday everyone..
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    @Ron - carrying around the weight you've lost is a real eye opener! Thanks for the reminder. It will motivate me to drop more.

    @Jane - enjoy your vacation. It's a great time of year to get things done. It puts your mind at rest so you can focus on your health more. I'm thinking about taking a week of soon!!

    @Chickyjd - feel free to add me if you'de like. Welcome!

    @CptnCanary - G lad you are joing us. Add me if you would like more friends/support.

    @Jehan - monday is always a great day to start a new running plan! Hope you get out there and do it. I"m thinking about picking up the pace a little this week too. Maybe we can motivate each other.

    @Steph - Glad to hear you are staying with your trainer. I hope you can get your groove back. I know it's tough. I've been struggling with it for months. Now that summer is here I'm feeling like I can take the time for ME!! We just have to focus on all the benefits of healthy eating and exercise. It does get easier as your kids get older to. Let's make it a succesful week!!

    @Meg - Sounds like the party was a success and you made it through with flying colors. Good for you. It's always fun to throw a party but it's also a huge relief when it's over. We're having a baby shower for my niece this weekend and I'm so glad we decided to have all healthy foods there. Less stressful! Have a great week.

    I'm ready for a positive week. I'm feeling good and plan to get a good work out in each day. My 21 day cleanse is over!! I'm going to stick with the shakes for breakfast and keep off the carbs. I really think that's what was bothering my inner ears. I really missed eating nuts and cheese the most so I'll add those back in slowly. This is the last week of school for the girls so we'll start a new kind of crazy next week. Keeping track of 2 teenage girls schedules can be a full time job. Dance camps, Field Hockey games & camps, boyfriends & the oldest one working now --- it's going to busy. I just hope we can squeeze in a family vacation at the beginning of August.

    Keep it skinny gang!! I can sense a loss for all of us to kick off the summer this week . . . . .
  • _tru_
    _tru_ Posts: 96
    @Ron/@Meg/@Jane – I am currently working on obtaining my “British Status”, a.k.a. watching Dr. Who. I checked on Netflix, but we only have access to a couple of seasons pre-Tom Baker and a couple of season with Tom Baker. The Canadian Netflix has a lot of catching up to do!

    @Ron – I think it's great when people meet goals, mini-goals, NSVs, or even are just feeling better about making positive changes. SO, let's celebrate BIG!!! Congrats on all of your accomplishments thus far and those to come! Great post on “carrying” the extra weight. It's a huge eye opener for sure!

    @Jane – How is JM treating you? Happy belated birthday. The trip sounded wonderful!

    @Meg – Glad to hear the new shoes are treating you well! Sounds like you are outrunning yourself. Great news on signing up for the 8K. Glad to hear the banquet went well. I haven't hung around theatre types for quite some time, but I do remember some very, um, risque parties to say the least. I will keep my fingers crossed that the bookkeeping job comes you way. Yup, muscle is more compact and weighs more. I used to dread putting on more muscle because I wanted to get the weight down, but have since realized that being healthy (even if it means I weigh a little more) is definitely the way to go! Great job!

    @Steph – I did try sending the heat, but not sure where it all went. When I wrote that we were at 42C/108F and then a couple of days later we were down to 17C/63F. Hopefully some it made it out to you. So happy to hear that you will be going home for a few weeks!!! How exciting! In the past I was always surprised by how quickly I lost muscle/strength, but I was equally surprised by how quickly it all came back. You're doing great! I hope your little girl adjusts to her new room soon!

    @Renae – Nevermind painting my toes, I am looking forward to being able to cut my toenails without resorting to crazy acrobatics. Lol Glad to hear the cleanse went well. It sounds like you are definitely back on track! Love your enthusiasm!

    @Penny – I hope you find a suitable place to live soon! Also, hope that you are feeling better now!

    @Lachesis – Waving hello!

    @Jehan – That is AWESOME!!!! Way to go! I hope your little one is doing better! Fingers crossed you don't have rain tonight!

    @Cptncanary – Welcome!

    @chickjd – Welcome! I think we're all going on 30. lol Feel free to add me, if you'd like!

    @ron/@jane – Okay, I'll bite (pun intended!). What exactly is a treacle tart?

    I am officially back on track today. I was more on hold than off the tracks, but either way, it's go time! I have a new mini-goal and lots of motivation, so here's to going full-steam ahead!

    I don't think I've mentioned it, but we have community gardens and a few of my friends and myself decided to rent a plot. None of us are gardeners and by some miracle so far it is all going well. I do expect some comedy of errors at some point, but for now we forge on. The plot is 20 feet (6.1m) by 25 feet (7.6 m). We had first considered the 20 feet by 50 feet, but are now very thankful we started small. Lots o' weeds with this never-ending rain. I will keep everyone apprised of any crazy antics.

    I am curious, does everyone have access to a movie rental place/machine? We used to have Rogers Video and Blockbuster Video. Rogers closed down their video rentals about 5-ish years ago and now offers limited rentals through their cable service only. And, Blockbuster lasted about 2 years here after going under in the U.S. We no longer have any means to rent movies. I never gave it much thought until my friend from Australia was visiting and asked if we could rent a movie and I was at a loss of what to do. I have recently signed up for Netflix, but even that is limited. Netflix Canada only have about 3000 active titles, whereas Netfilx U.S. Has over 30000. (Or at least I am told; I do not have access to the U.S. Site...) Anyways, I was just curious.

    I hope you all have a wonderful evening!! Keep up the great work!!
  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    @Tru - Have you heard of Redbox? They're like movie rental vending machines. Usually found in convenient locations like grocery stores, Walmart, gas stations. No idea if they're in Canada or not, but they've been popping up all over the place lately in the U.S. Also, if you have access to Amazon Prime, you can stream movies and shows online like Netflix does. And I hear that has some of the earlier seasons of the new Dr. Who to help you in your quest for honorary British status.
    Good luck with your garden, you are braver than I am! All I know how to grow is weeds.

    @Renae, wow, good job sticking with the cleanse! Sounds like an bit of a crazy job keeping up with your girls.

    @Jehan, bummer that you weren't able to do your running. Hopefully it will happen this week. But at least you got some time to spend with friends.

    @Steph, hope you were able to get some sleep! I know how it is when the littles get so wound up that they can't sleep, makes for a rough night and following day for everyone! Except husbands, who must use invisible soundproof barriers when they're sleeping... lol

    My day was nice, had to help count money again at my church, so rode my bike there & back, and then had lunch with my sister and we walked two miles while my 4 year old rode his new bike (half the time he spent looking backwards!), and then had a nice chat. Then I rode another 5ish miles before heading to the school to get my 9 year old. In total, between walking and riding I did 15 miles today. Got a bit sun burnt on my back though, not enough to notice until I was in the shower getting pelted by water.

    Yesterday I had the entire afternoon to myself. I did some shopping, then went for a 5K run, and then laid out in my back yard and did some sunbathing! I was hoping to help my legs catch up with the tan on my arms and shoulders.

    Have a great week everyone!
  • jehan
    jehan Posts: 155 Member
    @renae - congratulations on finishing your juice fast. Yup, I could use all the motivation I need. my scale went up a pound or two. So I'm planning to trying to keep my calories under control and to burn more calories this week. Last week was just plain blah.

    @meg - if only my little ones could start riding a bike..I'll be burning calories and entertaining them all at the same time. My first born who is 18 months now, is starting to like riding on bikes. We went to the mall yesterday and I let him sit on a kiddie bike, very bad move for me. When I picked him up, he was crying to the roof and wants to get on it again. He's starting show his tantrums. Good thing he stopped crying when we carried him out of the store. Kids!

    Nothing much to report today. Will check in again tomorrow.

    Hope you all have a great day/night....
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    @tru - try this link for treacle tart - http://britishfood.about.com/od/cakesandbakin1/r/treacletart.htm It is true indulgence and did nothing for my totals for the day but it just had to be done!! JM is not really treating me at the moment - I keep losing my work out room to the decorating and I'm doing so much lifting and carrying and general running round the house that I'm not feeling the need (or having the time!) for her at the moment. All it means is that when I get the room back later this week, every bit of me will hurt twice as much when I get back to her!! Love the idea of the community gardens - you'll have to keep us updated with progress. I'm trying to grow some fruit and veg at the moment - self sufficiency it won't be but every little helps!

    @renae - sounds like you have a busy period coming up. Just goes to show that it doesn't get less busy as kids grow up - they just do different things!

    @steph - hope you've managed to get the little one to sleep - and in her own room. Hope the next session with the trainer goes ok and don't sweat the lack of loss - you've only just got back to it and you are doing well to acheive the sessions with the trainer with everything else you have on.

    @meg - good news about your sister getting back on the wagon! It is one of the things I wish I had - a workout buddy who lives nearby to work with - as it is, I rely on the community here (and all the good people on this thread) to keep me going right now:smile:

    @ron - with you on the lack of rain at the Grand Prix. Motor racing (such as it is racing these days) doesn't really do it for me despite my car loving husband so I was hoping for a bit of interest with the weather. Todays weather at home would have made it more interesting - I think summer has gone!

    We are painting the last bedroom this week - the last room that we decorate before we move on to planning what we will do to the downstairs (we have bought a house which is 16 years old and has never had any improvement made to it). So whilst it is structurally sound, it needs quite a bit of cosmetic work. It's fun but I'm a little tired of painting!! We've also had new carpet put in the bedroom - which has necessitated an awful lot of moving furniture - and the bed is currently in pieces in our sitting room. The cats don't know whether they are coming or going:laugh:

    Father in law coming to visit on Thursday and staying till Saturday morning. It will be the first time he has come to the house which will be good - I'm slightly concerned as to how we will keep him entertained though! He lives nearly 260 miles away so it's nice that we don't have to travel for once - but I suspect that I will be over it by Saturday morning. If it all gets too much I shall come on here and post many lines of screams!!!

    Have a good day everyone - going to make myself a cup of tea whilst the paint drys!
  • _tru_
    _tru_ Posts: 96
    @Meg – We do not have any red boxes or similar, but I have heard of them. I just looked up Amazon Prime, which we now have in Canada, but it doesn't include streaming videos/television shows and a few other things... I'll have to check at the library. It is doubtful they will have the older series, but hopefully the newer ones. Sounds like you are having some very pleasant days! Hopefully you have better luck evening out your tan than I ever have.

    @Jane – Treacle Tarts sound amazing! At first thought I was going to run out and get the ingredients for the recipe, but then thought better of it. I would eat the whole thing for sure! Maybe I'll try them one day when I have better control. Lol As for JM, she'll be waiting for you when you have the time. You'll have to keep us apprised of your garden as well! Remember to take pics of your house before and after! It's always great to go back and see how different a little paint (or otherwise) can change the look and feel of a room. How exciting! Here's to hoping there is no screaming with/for/or at the father-in-law; fingers crossed!

    Another rainy day here, but I have it good authority that the sun will be back sometime next week. I shall keep happy, dry thoughts until then. Hope everyone had an excellent day!
  • didifournierblais
    didifournierblais Posts: 18 Member
    Hello to all of you!

    finally back on this tread after losing sight of it because it was full and... since I just noticed tonight there was a ''search topic'' on the message boards page then... I'm back!!!!

    Doing good since I still lose weight, not as fast as I would like but still losing so that's what important.

    Lost track a month ago and it shows.... So I'll consider myself an ''old newbie'' and I will try to come here more often to see what's going on...

    So, enough said for tonight, it's late here and I'm tired so good night (or good morning - as you wish...) everyone... I'm looking forward to keep up with you all!

  • MartialAngel
    MartialAngel Posts: 64 Member
    Been having it rough lately, and fell completely off the wagon. Dad had a heart attack again, ended up having to have open heart quadruple bypass surgery. He's recovering well now. After that, my husband's great grandmother passed away. Trying to figure out what we are going to do when our lease is up, if this new job my husband is supposed to get (that comes with a free apartment) falls through or isn't ready in time. But! I finally got my head out of my @$$ (excuse the language) and decided to get busy again. Especially since I started my online summer classes this week. School is now going well, and in the past week and a half, I've lost 2.6 lbs and gotten back down to 190 even again. Let's hope things continue to look up for us. Still waiting to hear about that job...
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Martialangel: sorry to here you are having such a stressful time but well done on gaining focus and losing this week!
    Jane: good luck with the visit!! My family is having dinner with a mystery relative next week - a cousin I've never met who is visiting the UK... Don't know what we are going to talk about!
    Tru: keep that sunshine, I'm home in 7 weeks

    Well done as always to everyone

    I've been MIA from the board for a bit. Just running in circles and feeling exhausted. Scales aren't agreeing with me. I'm a daily weigher and the fluctuations have been crazy - 2 or 3 lbs difference a day and I'm not believing them when I'm being good. I'd try to drink more water but I already drink 10 - 12 glasses a day plus a couple of tea, may float away if have more! On the upside some of my colleagues asked if I was losing weight again so I must be doing something right. Forced myself to the gym tonight an signed up for spin so I would be forced to work hard. So glad I did as I got a killer workout in. Have a good one!
  • _tru_
    _tru_ Posts: 96
    @Didifournierb – Welcome back Old-Newbie!

    @MartialAngel – Hang in there Hun!

    @Steph – Holding on to as much sunshine as I can! Are you getting enough sleep? I find sometimes when I am super busy my sleep is sacrificed and it shows on the scales with bouncing numbers. I know you are super busy, but hopefully it will even out soon. Either way, so glad you are spinning!!

    Great news – they have Dr. Who (2005) at the library. Seasons 1 through 6. No-So-Great news – I am number 148 on 18 copies for season 1 and who knows what position for the rest. It may take awhile before I achieve Honorary British Status. But, I am working on it!

    I wish everyone an excellent evening! Hug a loved one!!
  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    @Tru, wow, sounds like it may be a while before you get see the awesomeness that is Dr. Who. I couldn't resist, and have started watching it for the third time on Netflix.

    @Steph, good job getting into the gym, even though you didn't feel like it! Somehow those workouts when you just bite the bullet and do seem more rewarding don't they? That's great that your co-workers are noticing a loss again! Means you're doing something right :bigsmile:

    @Martialangel, good job getting back on the wagon! 2.6 lbs is great! Sorry things have been so rough for you lately though.

    @Diane, welcome back, you must have been here before my time :happy: Glad to hear things are going all right for you.

    @Jane, so there's light at the end of the decorating tunnel? lol, I know the feeling! The first house I owned was about 90 years old, but had been through a remodel right before we bought it (ever heard of house flipping? I think that's what it was). So it was builder basic with none of the charm a 90 year old house should have. And since white walls are mostly a no go for me, I had to paint the entire house!
    Hope you have a good visit with your FIL, and don't have to work too hard to entertain him :wink:

    @Jehan, won't be too long and your littles will riding all over the place! Were you able to get your running in yet?

    This week has been a little stressful for me. Although I'm glad that our evening extracurricular stuff is over, my husband has been in Utah for a training all week, and I'm missing him like crazy. SOOOO glad he's going to be home this evening.
    So haven't been eating the best this week, although always under on my calories at least... But between hubby being gone and TOM being here, I've given in to a few cravings.
    Funny thing about hubby being in Utah, he almost got to meet Robert Redford in person! His training was very near where they hold the Sundance Film Festival, and that is run by Robert Redford. And he also told me that if he could find a job in Utah that we'd be moving there. I'm not quite sure what I think of that... Not really fond of the idea of having two states between me and the rest of my family. I've only been in Utah once, and it was just the Salt Lake City airport for half an hour on the way home from my honeymoon! I've got no real idea what that state is like... Sorry for rambling, kind of just needed to put some of my thoughts out there.

    Have a good day everyone, keep up the good work!