200+ (Week 20) Fling Into Spring!

New thread for a new weigh-in! Remember, everyone check in at some point before the end of the weekend.

Hope everyone has had a lovely week. I'll check in later tomorrow with my weight and the rundown of my New Orleans trip. So much fun! I did really miss you all though! It was just go go go (and eat eat eat). I don't want to even think about the scale tomorrow. I'll just hope ahead of time by the NEXT weigh-in I'll be back where I was pre-trip.


  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Just bumping above our old thread, so peeps can find this new one. I wish there was a way to lock old ones.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Bump...good to hear from you aka...can't wait to hear of your travels.....
    off to do the morning things...I'll check in later.
  • mish3131
    mish3131 Posts: 276 Member
    I did it! Finally my weight starts with a 1.

    SW: 237.8
    TWL: 38
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Official check-in (*****drum roll*****) 197.5 !!!!!! Somehow the pounds are melting off. That is down .75 pounds from last week. ****Twirls*****jumps in air and flies******several back flips in air*******lands on lightly on feet****and smiles******* You know the super hero in me had to show off:bigsmile: I hope everyone else has a great weigh-in.

    I just have to love mom. By the way I found out she is now down 17 pounds from 207 to 190... She got to my house last night and announced we were going to work out for an hour:noway: I was too shocked to tell her I ran earlier in the day. So we did 37 min of low impact aerobics and 20 min of pinbotArms. I finally developed an arm program for her to work out all the muscles using weights and theraband. It was brutal - I had jello arms and couldn't lift them when we were done (I almost asked DH to raise the water glass to my lips so I could get a drink)... I hope to keep it up 2 to 3 times a week.

    Kristina - glad you had a great time.

    cd - I am off to study the terms you are talking about. BMR RMR etc...

    lacey - I'll send you the friend request this am.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    cds - I just researched BMR, RMR, and TDEE... Remember for everything the numbers given are estimates.

    BMR and RMR are basically the same thing (one is done in a lab after you spend the night and is more accurate). Most lay people use the two as if they were the same. BMR is your Basal Metabolic Rate and what you would burn if you stayed in bed and did not move for 24 hours. You said yours is 1683. Mine is 1562. Your BMR is affected by weight, height, sex and age. (mine is lower since I am older, shorter and weigh less)... RMR (resting metabolic rate) is done in a lab after spending 12 hours there.

    The number that MFP tell you to eat each day is based on your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure). Since you don't spend all day in bed - you burn more cal all day as you sit to watch TV, chase after your kid, pack boxes, knoodle with DH, cook dinner, etc. This is the number of cal you burn in a day. So when MFP tells you to eat 1600 a day they have calculated that your TDEE at 2100 and taken 500 off. (500 cal a day deficit x 7 days = 3500 cal deficit = 1 pound weight loss),,,

    Losing weight really has nothing to do with your BMR. Now some people on here will get extra picky (I reserve the right to do this later as I get closer to my ideal weight:wink: ) and when they use a HRM will subtract BRM cal/min burned from HRM cal/min burned so that they have an "actual cal burned deficit"... At this stage of the game for us weighing in near 200 pounds - I feel this is over kill and that estimates are fine.

    Again MFP only estimates your TDEE. You may be more active than they predict or less active or your body may burn more cal or burn less with tasks. You may need to tweak the numbers when you start to plateau. A true plateau is no change in size (by measurements) or no change in weight (pounds) for over a month. One week does mean you have reached a plateau.

    I follow one of 2 rules:

    1) I eat ALL of my exercise cal plus 1200 (I have been doing this more often)


    2) I eat 1/2 of my exercise cal plus what MFP tells me to eat with life being sedentary and goals set to 1 pound loss (I started out doing this)

    I hope this clears it up for you.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    oops..edit for double post
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Oh Mish...That's fantastic news!!! Go girl!!!!
    Pinbot, Fantastic job as usual!!!!!!

    Cds, I have so much trouble figuring out the right combo myself.....I would just like to stay consistent every week...but it's just not going to happen..:cry:
    ...I had a duh moment this morning....I jumped on the scale this morning....I had to do it early because I am leaving here in about 1/2 hour...well...it said 208.8...and for some reason I thought that was another 2# loss...I was jumping around all excited...told both of the kids....did a few more things...made them breakfast and shipped them off...then I pulled out my notebook to write my things down....and that was exactly what I weighed in at last Friday morning:ohwell: Not sure what I was thinking...now the fat % was down 1.6%...so I'm trying to stay positive....and I might weigh in again tomorrow and see what it says...I usually weigh in at 10 a.m. I am always holding water when I get up in the mornings...my rings are always really tight, and it usually takes a few hours before they slide around...do any of you retain water overnight? It doesn't really make a difference if I drink lots or not, I'm always swollen.....well Superpals...congrats again, I'll check in later...Hugs
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I did it! Finally my weight starts with a 1.

    SW: 237.8
    TWL: 38

    That is FABULOUS!!!! I can't wait till I can say the same!!!
  • mish3131
    mish3131 Posts: 276 Member
    Blombie - You will get there before you know it. THANK YOU so much!

    Pinbo - Doing great! THANK YOU so much!

    I really think being part of this group has made a huge difference. Thank you everyone.

    I personally try to eat half my exercise calories plus my normal calories. If I end up eating all my exercise calories that is fine, but I try to make it a happy medium. I also eat about 56 times a day. Breakfast, Snack, Lunch, Snack, Dinner, Snack. I also have a cup of tea at night.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Mish - GREAT JOB!!!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Somehow I missed your post earlier in the morning. I think you should get the same offer that the group gave me. Present us (the group) with a challenge of some kind to celebrate getting into the 100 club. Keep doing what ever it is your doing - since it's working so great.
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    decided to check in today, miss the friday fun....lol
    here's my numbers....
    Sw: 230
    Cw: 206.5

    I believe that is down two pounds. guess i'm doing something right. hopefully.

    mish....congrats!!! you must feel great!!

    Pinbot---thanks for doing some research for me. i do appreciate it all, and thanks to everyone for the input!! it is comforting to know that i am not the only one who is confused. i looked over my food diary, and noticed that i pretty much eat no veggies......guess i need to add some in......lol.
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439

    I follow one of 2 rules:

    1) I eat ALL of my exercise cal plus 1200 (I have been doing this more often)


    2) I eat 1/2 of my exercise cal plus what MFP tells me to eat with life being sedentary and goals set to 1 pound loss (I started out doing this)

    I hope this clears it up for you.

    It does, thank you very much. Last question....what determines if you choose to eat the #1 option or #2? how much you've worked out?
    i don't think i've plateaued (but good to know that a month is what constitutes it), it just doesn't seem like my weight loss is consistent. everyone else seems to have their groove on, and i dont. whaa whaa poor me.....i know.....

    Thanks pinbot! your the best!
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    OMG! Can i be anymore annoying this morning?

    in light of my veggie enlightenment, how do you all get your veggies in? do you think i could throw a V8 in the mix to get three servings like the commercial says??
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member

    i don't think i've plateaued (but good to know that a month is what constitutes it), it just doesn't seem like my weight loss is consistent. everyone else seems to have their groove on, and i dont. whaa whaa poor me.....i know.....

    trust me...I have no groove. I've only been loosing half a pound the past 3-4 weeks. I'm waiting till tomorrow to try to weigh in because I was up 1.5 today....I'm hoping its just all the sodium I had yesterday (earned a lot of extra calories with zumba so I didn't go over on cals but they weren't all good cals)

    and yeah, I should probably start drinking V8 to get more veggies in my diet
  • mish3131
    mish3131 Posts: 276 Member
    pinbo & cds - you are both doing great and thank you so much for the support. it has really got me back into my life change.

    I am soooo excited to be in the 1's. It was about 5 years ago when hubby and I first moved to Georgia I was in the 1's.
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    your welcome! i try to be as supportive as i can , to pay all you wonderful ladies back.

    I also second the nomination of choosing a new challenge for us, now that your in the 1's :flowerforyou:
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Mish - WOOOOHOOOO!!! Under 200! Under 200!

    Pinbot! Wooohoooo too!

    Cds - my only concern with V8 is to watch the sodium in it. Not sure if there is any or not, but take a look. Do you make smoothies at all? I've been putting baby spinach in mine and you can't even taste it. I've added at least a whole serving of veggies that way this week just my shoving as many leaves will fit into my magic bullet cup in the morning. Plus we all know how good spinach is for us.

    Blombie - keep going. Stress doesn't help with weight loss and I personally have found that sometimes it is better just to try to eat healthier and not focus on the exercise so much in times of great stress. It's like adding one more thing to an already heavy plate of stuff to deal with and it only makes it worse. That is just me though...but take it easy on yourself and don't get too overwhelmed.

    So what scales do you guys use at home??? I have a crappy one and am thinking about spending the money for a fancier one, but am nervous that it will show more than the gyms plain and simple one. At the gym my weight is 208 and at home it is 216. SO I stopped using the one at home because WTF is that all about? I didn' tknow if the scales that are all fancy with body fat and such are worth it or not? Input please!!
  • mish3131
    mish3131 Posts: 276 Member
    So what scales do you guys use at home??? I have a crappy one and am thinking about spending the money for a fancier one, but am nervous that it will show more than the gyms plain and simple one. At the gym my weight is 208 and at home it is 216. SO I stopped using the one at home because WTF is that all about? I didn' tknow if the scales that are all fancy with body fat and such are worth it or not? Input please!!

    I have a Weight Watchers on that I bought from Costco about 4 years ago. I love it cause it is digital. It seems to be very accurate.
  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member