200+ (Week 20) Fling Into Spring!



  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    7 miles pinbot??? someone's a superstar!!
  • mish3131
    mish3131 Posts: 276 Member
    Morning all! So last night was a Scrapbook night with some friends which included a pot luck dinner. This could be dangerous and yes I indulged in some cocktail hotdogs. But, back on track this morning. Sadly I have so much to do and I hope my son will take a nap so I can get it all done, this includes treadmill time. Although once hubby and I drop him off for his weekly sleep over at Nana's house I could get some treadmill time. Another wrench is I bring work home to make extra $$. Needless to say I feel a bit overwhelmed on weekends. Oh and my house is a mess!

    Anywho, enough about the bs in my life. Looks like everyone is doing well. Going to grill tonight and I can't wait. Today starts out at 37 degrees but tops out at 62 and tomorrow a high of 67! Woohoo!!!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    yup...still up at 236.0 today. :frown: :embarassed: I got a lot of chores done yesterday but didn't eat right. Still have a lot of bad food in the house. I made myself a cheese omlette this morning but followed it up with a couple orange rolls. The gym is open 1-5 today so maybe I should go....I doubt I will. I've never been on a Sunday. I still have a lot on my To Do list. Maybe I'll take Lexi for a walk. She's whining at me right now cause she wants to go play outside.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Good afternoon everyone. I feel so lazy today. The sun is shining but I have done nothing but watch a movie and read a book. Work and exercise are calling to me but I just can't get the energy to do anything productive (*sighs*).

    My body is tired from all the walking and jogging yesterday. For some reason I am obsessing over food today. I really want some mac and cheese - it just sounds good.

    Blombie - you could not have eaten enough junk to gain 3 pounds of fat - that would be 10,500 extra calories. Some of it has to be water weight. In a week or so when things have calmed down and your junk food is gone, hopefully things will even out. (*hug*) I just can't imagine the stress you are under. Take Lexi for a long walk and enjoy yourself. The gym will be there tomorrow.

    mish - keep up the great job on the treadmill. I'm jealous of your temp - 62 is like summer here. I was excited to see 45 yesterday and ran in outside in a tank top - my neighbors must think I'm crazy.

    Welcome Erin and any other new people that I haven't yet welcomed :flowerforyou:

    Kristina - I'm not a superstar but super crazy. I had spring fever yesterday and couldn't get enough sunshine.

    Well I think I'll take my own advice and grab my coat and take a walk. Catch you later.
  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
    hey all!!! no weight los this week but i also got a little off track too. my weight this morning was 232.2 no change. im not too upset about it. at least i didnt gain anything. i bought a new wii game yesterday that i cant wait to try. it is called "just dance." has any anyone tried it? i hope it can be a fun way to get me moving and burn some calories. in other random news ( today is random day for me. you will ffind out why) i couldnt sleep last night and was up until 6 am. finally fell asleep and was rudely awaked at 730 am. and while i was awake last night i found week 1 of thisgorup and started reading. got to week five before i went to sleep well superheroe see ya later
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    TOM apparently = eating way too many Trader Joe's Less Guilt Brownies. Who knew that brownie mix + ff vanilla yogurt could create the most moistestest brownies ever. I haven't craved chocolate like this in a long time. Good lord. Anyways, tomorrow is a new day and I will be working my bum off at the gym to make up for the naughty eating this weekend!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    i bought a new wii game yesterday that i cant wait to try. it is called "just dance." has any anyone tried it? i hope it can be a fun way to get me moving and burn some calories.

    My bff has the Just Dance game! Its a lot of fun! We've done it twice together. I had my hrm on both times and I burned 700-800 cals in an hour each time. Most of the fun was coming up with names for the moves and laughing at ourselves.
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    just wanted to do a quick check in . been a busy weekend. up to napa to visit family on saturday, and then down to the ranch to visit my parents all day. i feel like i check out of here on the weekends.
    ate fairly good, but not great.....damn the cadbury cream eggs my dad knows i love!!

    looking forward to working out tomorrow, and catching up on posts.
    I'll write more tomorrow!!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I got downstairs earlier and got sidetracked. I made the mistake of picking my bookclub book up and before I knew it, it was 10:30 and I finished the book. I missed the walk but did read in the hot tub for an hour soaking up the suns rays. I settled for grilled cheese and sweet and sour soup. Well, I should get to bed.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    TOM apparently = eating way too many Trader Joe's Less Guilt Brownies. Who knew that brownie mix + ff vanilla yogurt could create the most moistestest brownies ever. I haven't craved chocolate like this in a long time. Good lord. Anyways, tomorrow is a new day and I will be working my bum off at the gym to make up for the naughty eating this weekend!
    Those brownies are fab! I can see why you gorged yourself on them.

    good eating this weekend for me. 2 recipes made for the week: spinach and quinoa soup and spaghetti squash with roasted tomatoes, chickpeas, and ricotta cheese. The soup's a little bland- I need to work on it, but the squash is yum. It was beautiful outside today... i totally should have been out, and feel like a complete bum this weekend. I need to get back into my workout routine.
  • mrsbojangles
    aka, can you please post or email me the recipes? I have never tried spaghetti squash (have always been afraid of it, I don't know why!) and your recipe sounds good.

    pinbot - I am also on a weird craving cycle. Right now I would kill for about ten reeces peanut butter cups! :love:
  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
    i bought a new wii game yesterday that i cant wait to try. it is called "just dance." has any anyone tried it? i hope it can be a fun way to get me moving and burn some calories.

    My bff has the Just Dance game! Its a lot of fun! We've done it twice together. I had my hrm on both times and I burned 700-800 cals in an hour each time. Most of the fun was coming up with names for the moves and laughing at ourselves.

    how do you log the game?
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Hey SuperPals....I'm back, the weekends are just so quick and jammed packed, I miss getting on here and catching up on how everyone is doing.....I guess I'll just have to stay with Fridays weigh-in, which was the same as last week...because I forgot both days to try again....I think because we were up early and out the door on Saturday and then Saturday night we got a surprise visit from the grandkids and both of them were sick in the middle of the night.... I got out for a run Sunday and then a power walk with my daughter, but my chest has been hurting every since I did that, I'm wishing I just would of did my regualar stretch routine...I was trying to get some extra cardio, since I did just a tiny amount Saturday....but all day yesterday my chest hurt and now this morning I feel a sore throat...and overall crappy:sick: I think I am paying for Doctoring myself and taking myself off the pill....I haven't gotten a migraine (which is why I decided to go off my current meds)...but I have been STARVING all weekend and on top of my chest hurting, I have been sick to my stomach all weekend and at times lightheaded....it must be my cycle....:sad: :sad: :sad: , just wish now it would come and go quickly!
    Very dense fog here this morning, kids are on a 2 hour delay...so I'll be behind until I can get them off to school and then I'm back to my routine, not sure what I will do today.....
    Pinbot...do you care if I come sit in your hot-tub a bit this morning?:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    Have a great week!
  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member
    Its Monday; I'm up 3lbs! BooHoo, but whatev, gotta work my *kitten* off this week!!! I'll catch up on posts later!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Mrs. Bojangles, and anyone else interested- here's a link to the spaghetti squash recipe I made:


    vegetariantimes is fabulous, and their website has an archive of the recipes from their magazine. y'all should give them a once over. as I said, the soup was quite bland, but this was pretty great. I'd had spaghetti squash many a time, but had never cooked it myself, but it turned out just fine. the one suggestion if you all make- roasted the veggies in a pan as well and not on a baking sheet, as there are a lot of juices that I imagine would fall off the sheet.

    And I agree with Deb- can I hot tub as well, pinbot?

    Let the new week begin!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I will leave the cover off the hot tub all day... Just come over for a virtual splash. I love the tub and am thankful that my husband lost his job 3 years ago. He'd been with the company 10 years and his severance package was great - hence the hot tub. I probably wouldn't be so happy about it but it only took him 4 months to find a better job that makes him happier. We thought about a pool but figured we would only get to use it 2 months of the year here in snowyville. The weekend weather was so nice, I can see 1/4 of my yard. I think I'd forgotten what grass looked like. Not too much longer and the crocus will bloom.

    If you like a good mystery and want to know what living in a small MI town is like, I would suggest reading Starvation Lake by Bryan Gruley. It's his first book and he writes well. I can't wait to see how the rest of my bookclub liked it.

    Well I better go get ready for work. Glad to hear everyone had a nice weekend.

    ***HUG**** to Deb so that you feel better.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    i bought a new wii game yesterday that i cant wait to try. it is called "just dance." has any anyone tried it? i hope it can be a fun way to get me moving and burn some calories.

    My bff has the Just Dance game! Its a lot of fun! We've done it twice together. I had my hrm on both times and I burned 700-800 cals in an hour each time. Most of the fun was coming up with names for the moves and laughing at ourselves.

    how do you log the game?

    I think I just logged it as "dancing"
  • mish3131
    mish3131 Posts: 276 Member
    Morning everyone.

    Well, the treadmill didn't happen. After working 3 files for work then dropping my son at Nana's it was 11 at night and I couldn't keep my eyes open. Ugh...


    Ok, today is a new day. :)
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I've got the Monday Morning Blahs. Couldn't fall asleep last night, then couldn't get comfortable, then my daughter was up and down in the night. I woke up with a sinus headache which is a byproduct of four days of sunshine and warmer dryer weather followed by rain and dampness today. Gotta love Oregon grrrr...for the next three months I will suffer through it.

    I just want to sit at my desk and not do anything today but have a ton of stuff to get done before my boss gets back tomorrow.

    Brownies are gone, Thank God (and how sad is that that they are gone already??)...won't be buying those again. I do that with sweets every once in a while. Yeesh. It will make this week all the more harder to lose weight, but I will run tonight and get back into it.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Happy Monday everyone. This morning has been super hectic, as I was gone mostly all of last week, so I was behind on several things. I'm off to the other clinic location shortly, and I think I might be able to skip off a bit early and head over to the rec center. Mondays usually aren't a day I go, but since my fat a*s didn't go yesterday, I feel the need to do something- be it running, ellipticaling, or biking. Especially as tonight is pub trivia. I watched the Oscars last night (*snore*), and I'm pretty sure there will be several questions on it, so my presence should be known. But ugly eating is part of the evening, so I need to burn off some calories before wolfing them down later. Hope everyone has a great day!