Lost the weight, but get criticized for what I eat.



  • kali31337
    kali31337 Posts: 1,048 Member
    jealous much? ignore them, they are feeling insecure about their own bodies
  • itstimetoeat
    itstimetoeat Posts: 63 Member
    Frig what other people say, seriously, if you want the cake then eat the damn cake. I get this from my older sister and my dad. Even though they're the obese ones chugging as much coke and chocolate down their necks. It's a bloody joke!

    Just show them that you can still keep the weight off and eat cakes. What a bloody liberty...

    LOL this cracked me up!
  • jeffreyjording
    jeffreyjording Posts: 67 Member
    Haters gonna hate. I lost my weight by staying under my calorie limits and exercising. I do try to eat healthy, but you cannot be a saint everyday. So i eat what I like, portion control is the key. Pay no attention to these people
  • ChristinaR720
    You should ask them if they want some toast with that "jelly".

    It's ridiculous how jealous people can be! Rather than being supportive, too many people resort to trying to break others down due to their own insecurities. Ignore the creeps and keep doing what you're doing, because it's obviously working!
  • msbunnie68
    msbunnie68 Posts: 1,894 Member
    You could always try this as a response next time they say you can't have that..

    "Why? Did you spit in it?" and look for the spit. When they say no...you'll ruin your diet etc etc. Say "maybe you are right"...start putting it down and say "so you won't be having any either then...?"

    When they say 'but I don't need to, I don't need to lose weight" you answer "Neither do I."
  • vmekash
    vmekash Posts: 422 Member
    I have said, without anger, that I appreciate their support and encouragement, but do not want to be policed. Followed by, Don't worry, I really do know what I'm doing.
  • ubermensch13
    ubermensch13 Posts: 824 Member
    It might not be about "haters" or being "rude", it is about most peoples total misunderstanding on what it takes to lose weight and maintain that loss. We have been so conditioned to think to lose weight you have to deprive yourself of anything that could be "unhealthy" and have to do that forever. This is why most people NEVER lose weight and keep it off. That type of weight loss outlook isn't sustainable. To be honest, if I were you, I'd take this as an opportunity to educate those co-workers on the proper way to lose and maintain a loss.
  • MzMiller1215
    MzMiller1215 Posts: 633 Member
    It's only because they don't understand a healthy lifestyle. Being healthy is not about restricting yourself from certain foods. A cheat meal every now and then is fine. No one can maintain a strict diet 100% of the time. A lof of people are ignorant and feel it is okay to offer unsolicited advice and share their opinions. I too get annoyed by comments about, "Oh, you're eating healthy again today" like it's a bad thing. Miss me with that foolishness!
  • Jillian2128
    Jillian2128 Posts: 71 Member
    People have said the same to me, "Are you gong to eat that?? Do you wanna undo all of your work?" like really people?? I also have the people that think I starve myself if I skip out on eating something bad, one friend actually told another person I starve myself and that person came to me saying that I shouldn't starve myself and its really unhealthy lol trust me I EAT. :drinker:
  • Hazel2005
    Hazel2005 Posts: 175 Member
    I find most people like that are usually insecure about their own weight. The don't like seeing other succeed where they have failed.

    This!!! Perhaps they never thought of you much as competition and now, well look out! :bigsmile:
  • ladyark
    ladyark Posts: 1,101 Member
    I have had this same thing happen to me and if they dont say anything i get the look. It really pisses me off because i didnt lose 63lbs by starving myself or avoiding everything. I never say i cant have something....i just say i choose not to at this time. But, when i want the damn cake or whatever, i want to have it in peace. Tell them thank you for your concern but, ive got this. Its like your damned if you do and damned if you dont.

    Congrats on your weight loss!!
  • nomorefear
    I eat what I want and when I want and I have people who think that I'm lying about how much I've lost. "What I can't have ice cream or pizza and still lose weight" It get's to the point where you just stop listening to what they say and just know that what your doing is working for you.
  • Kaathmandu
    I think its just jealousy ...

    This! Best response would be to look them up and down, check yourself out and say, "I think I've got it sorted, thanks"

    Well done, go girl!
  • Nhh2012
    Nhh2012 Posts: 21 Member
    Jealous! They feel less than b/c u r bettering yourself...
  • kiykiy79
    kiykiy79 Posts: 177
    Keep your head up! You look awesome! Similar things have happened to me... My sister recently asked what I was eating for dinner and I told her pork chops... She said - you can eat that as if pork chops was some forbidden food... It kind of pisses me off but I chunk up to ignorance. Also, I get alot of "what do you eat on your diet?" And people find it so hard to believe that I actually eat normally and reached my weight loss goals... It drives me but they don't know any better... I enjoy the educating process and hopefully they will adopt some of the changes I made.
  • kiykiy79
    kiykiy79 Posts: 177
  • kiykiy79
    kiykiy79 Posts: 177
    It might not be about "haters" or being "rude", it is about most peoples total misunderstanding on what it takes to lose weight and maintain that loss. We have been so conditioned to think to lose weight you have to deprive yourself of anything that could be "unhealthy" and have to do that forever. This is why most people NEVER lose weight and keep it off. That type of weight loss outlook isn't sustainable. To be honest, if I were you, I'd take this as an opportunity to educate those co-workers on the proper way to lose and maintain a loss.

  • edryer123
    edryer123 Posts: 502 Member
    Tell them to mind their own business and worry about what they eat because you know what you are doing and they clearly don't.
  • Nerdybreisawesome
    Nerdybreisawesome Posts: 359 Member
    Why do other people even give a rats *kitten* what other people choose to eat? Everyone needs to look at themselves before they can even judge someone else.
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    just tell them u track all your food and the calories to make sure u are okay and they should butt out! I bet the ones making comments are fat also!