Things That Really Annoy You!

Marvi120 Posts: 24 Member
Something that really drives me nuts is when you use a public bathroom and there is pee on the seat. Women don't want to touch the toilet seat so they pee on the seat as they hover. Gross!!


  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    Being ignored at the bar....pisses me off big time.
  • Marvi120
    Marvi120 Posts: 24 Member
    That bugs me too. I hate it when a really young (20) girl walks in and all of the men's heads turn to look, most of them old enough to be her father or even grandfather. I used to be that girl, that's probably why it bugs me so much. Lol.
  • trancenhouse
    trancenhouse Posts: 76 Member
    Slow drivers in the left hand lane.
  • thnksfrthmmrs
    thnksfrthmmrs Posts: 152 Member
    Drivers who dont use their indicators
    Drivers who don't give way when they are supposed to
    Drivers who assume they can just pull into the lane you are in without giving warning (See indicator note.)
    Being ignored when you've made an effort
    Traffic lights turning red on purpose when they damn well know you're late

    (Lots of things annoy me so im sure ill be back with more)
  • stepherzzzzz
    stepherzzzzz Posts: 469 Member
    Slow walkers who take up the whole sidewalk. The main reason I prefer to go running late at night.
  • RotterdamNL
    RotterdamNL Posts: 509 Member
    Slim people that workout for 2 weeks and keep *****in that they haven't lost weight
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    Slow drivers in the left hand lane.

    Slow drivers... period!
    If you ever see my black 'Stang in your review, you're already going too slow :wink:

    But the pee on the seat thing gets me, too. Especially when the public places provide seat covers! I use 3 of those at the gym & thats AFTER I've wiped the seat down (and the underside - I don't know what the hell they're doing under there!!)

    (PS - I am a courteous driver, always use signals with plenty of notice & avoid tail-gaiting unless you're the one in the left lane going under the speed limit talking or texting on your cell phone - GET OFF THE BLOODY PHONE & DRIVE!!! Driving is a PRIVILEGE NOT A RIGHT!)
  • People who don't follow through with what they say they're gonna do...

    ...and people who text while driving and drunk drivers. We've had 3 fatalities the past 6 months in the community where I live because of that.
  • oldernotwiser
    oldernotwiser Posts: 175 Member
    People who park their carts in the middle of the aisle at the supermarket and then stare vacantly at the shelves forever.
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    People that bring their family of 20 to Sam's Club on the weekends. Stopping at every free sample and taking up the whole aisle.
  • toddis
    toddis Posts: 941 Member
    Creative nutrition labels that hide the bad stuff by adjusting the serving size or inventing a new word to describe an unhealthy ingredient =/
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    - Most people
    - Excuses
    - Complaining about things you can change
    - People who can't handle their pets/kids
    - Bad drivers
    - Drivers on mobiles/with kids loose bouncing around in the car
    - Every health and fitness magazine, ever
    - Rain
    - Wind
    - Wasps

    I could go on...
  • KittyCannibal
    When people smack their lips. Feel like cutting my ears off
  • kayduro
    kayduro Posts: 249 Member
    When the men I live with "spray" their poop all over the inside of the toilet bowl and then LEAVE IT for me when the toilet brush sits next to the toilet! Why such explosive bowels? Oh, and when they don't put the new roll of TP ON the holder.
  • Busymomshantell
    Busymomshantell Posts: 126 Member
    Things already listed are annoying as well, but I think my biggest pet peeve of all time is being lied to. Slow, ignorant drivers are annoying too. Dirty bathrooms. People that let their kids run around all over with no supervision. People that wear a whole bottle of perfume/cologne - that kills me! Especially when at a restaurant or movie theatre when I have to sit there and smell it the whole time - ugh.
  • 4x4play
    4x4play Posts: 200 Member
    People that don't know a thing about you but find a reason to talk about you.

    So I guess you can say.... Drama annoys the *kitten* out of me!
  • lovelyMYlovely
    lovelyMYlovely Posts: 1,066 Member
    * people who like mayonaisse.... ALOT
    * people who like mustard... ALOT
    * people who dont take showers and smell really bad
    * people who look at me and say... SMILE!
    * people who lick cups/plates/ lids with sauce still on it and anything when there eating that annoys me alot like ewwww...
    * people who sneeze or cough without covering there mouth
    * people who let there kids chase me around at grocery stores
    * people who wont leave the store when their kids are crying bloody murder. (i have 2 kids and i still wouldnt do this)
    * celebrities who try to make people worship the devil (not all celebrities do this ONLY some)
    * guys on here always friend requesting me and then i deny them and everytime i change my profile picture they add me again because they dont remember its still me.. this has happened already 6 times already with 2 different men.....

    idk alot of things annoy me but i cant write it all..... lol...
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    People who net 800 calories and think it's a good idea

    People who net 800 calories and don't heed the advice of others in RE to that being a very bad thing

    People who don't understand that there is a deficit built into the calorie goal on MFP but consistently try to stay well under a reasonable goal.

    People who don't understand that there is a deficit built into their calorie goal on MFP and insist on doing a gagillion hours of cardio and then cry because there's no way they could net to the 2K plus calories that MFP wants them to eat because they've burned all of their fuel droning away on an elliptical for hours followed by a session of insanity followed by another several hours on the elliptical.
  • breajohnson
    breajohnson Posts: 109 Member
    lazy people annoy me
    but i guess since im wanting to lose 100 pounds you could probably consider me lazy.
    oh well i guess that means that i annoy myself.
  • sarah_gwen
    sarah_gwen Posts: 22 Member
    Girls that always compare themselves to other girls and guys just to show how short they are.

    When people can't tell the difference between "their", "there", and "they're".

    Lastly, girls on MFP that constantly make long, depressing statuses about their lives that take up your news feed. Unfriend.