Just plain MEAN!



  • louiselebeau
    louiselebeau Posts: 220 Member
    I am the same way. I was fired from several customer service jobs due to my attitude. I even cussed out a pedophile when I was a phone sex operator. (I get paid to cuss out child molesters now. I probably should have handled that differently) I ended up homeless due to lack of a job since that was the only job to be had at the time. I had been fired from my previous 2 jobs for cussing people out as well. My negative attitude makes me tired and angry at myself for being so angry at the world. It holds me back at work. It makes me feel like a terrible parent.

    I recommend talking to a therapist and perhaps if needed seeking medication. I am currently taking 5-htp. It helps take the edge off things a little. I grew up fat and became angry partially due to that and partially due to other things out of my control. You can change your attitude but it is a slow process. It is like getting in shape in your brain but it can be done.

    You are not alone, there are plenty of us mean and angry folks out there. If you want to add someone who is trying to get a better attitude feel free to add me.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I am the same way. I was fired from several customer service jobs due to my attitude. I even cussed out a pedophile when I was a phone sex operator. (I get paid to cuss out child molesters now. I probably should have handled that differently) I ended up homeless due to lack of a job since that was the only job to be had at the time. I had been fired from my previous 2 jobs for cussing people out as well. My negative attitude makes me tired and angry at myself for being so angry at the world. It holds me back at work. It makes me feel like a terrible parent.

    I recommend talking to a therapist and perhaps if needed seeking medication. I am currently taking 5-htp. It helps take the edge off things a little. I grew up fat and became angry partially due to that and partially due to other things out of my control. You can change your attitude but it is a slow process. It is like getting in shape in your brain but it can be done.

    You are not alone, there are plenty of us mean and angry folks out there. If you want to add someone who is trying to get a better attitude feel free to add me.

    Ew! Why would you be fired for cussing out a pedophile? That sounds like grounds for a raise! Phone sex operator sounds like amusing work, actually, and certainly beats being homeless, but no way would I provide this service to a pedophile.

    Might have to get some 5-HTP for the Spring and Summer, I am super cranky when it's hot, who knows, maybe it would help.
  • rgohm
    rgohm Posts: 294 Member
    Slowly backing out of thread.....

  • louiselebeau
    louiselebeau Posts: 220 Member
    I am the same way. I was fired from several customer service jobs due to my attitude. I even cussed out a pedophile when I was a phone sex operator. (I get paid to cuss out child molesters now. I probably should have handled that differently) I ended up homeless due to lack of a job since that was the only job to be had at the time. I had been fired from my previous 2 jobs for cussing people out as well. My negative attitude makes me tired and angry at myself for being so angry at the world. It holds me back at work. It makes me feel like a terrible parent.

    I recommend talking to a therapist and perhaps if needed seeking medication. I am currently taking 5-htp. It helps take the edge off things a little. I grew up fat and became angry partially due to that and partially due to other things out of my control. You can change your attitude but it is a slow process. It is like getting in shape in your brain but it can be done.

    You are not alone, there are plenty of us mean and angry folks out there. If you want to add someone who is trying to get a better attitude feel free to add me.

    Ew! Why would you be fired for cussing out a pedophile? That sounds like grounds for a raise! Phone sex operator sounds like amusing work, actually, and certainly beats being homeless, but no way would I provide this service to a pedophile.

    Might have to get some 5-HTP for the Spring and Summer, I am super cranky when it's hot, who knows, maybe it would help.

    Haha well, I was supposed to me cute and cuddly and nice about it apparently. That job is terrible, you ever want to lose faith in humanity try it out. I hated it, but I had the voice and had to pay my bills.

    5-htp is AWESOME!!!! It takes the edge off. Welbutrin left me not caring about anything at all but the 5-htp is amazing.
  • Troll
    Troll Posts: 922 Member
    Eh, yeah. i get irrationally angry over a lot of things. i handle it reasonably well. just find an outlet :)
  • Razbet
    Razbet Posts: 14 Member
    Try doing something kind for someone when you don't have to. Just little things. Smile at someone who looks lonely. Let someone go ahead of you in line etc. I think you will be amazed at the positive response you will receive. You sound like someone who has put up a lot walls so that you don't get hurt again.
  • Razbet
    Razbet Posts: 14 Member
    Interesting. I recently heard the main reasons people get fired. Foul language was #1. Good luck with getting a handle on it.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I am the same way. I was fired from several customer service jobs due to my attitude. I even cussed out a pedophile when I was a phone sex operator. (I get paid to cuss out child molesters now. I probably should have handled that differently) I ended up homeless due to lack of a job since that was the only job to be had at the time. I had been fired from my previous 2 jobs for cussing people out as well. My negative attitude makes me tired and angry at myself for being so angry at the world. It holds me back at work. It makes me feel like a terrible parent.

    I recommend talking to a therapist and perhaps if needed seeking medication. I am currently taking 5-htp. It helps take the edge off things a little. I grew up fat and became angry partially due to that and partially due to other things out of my control. You can change your attitude but it is a slow process. It is like getting in shape in your brain but it can be done.

    You are not alone, there are plenty of us mean and angry folks out there. If you want to add someone who is trying to get a better attitude feel free to add me.

    Ew! Why would you be fired for cussing out a pedophile? That sounds like grounds for a raise! Phone sex operator sounds like amusing work, actually, and certainly beats being homeless, but no way would I provide this service to a pedophile.

    Might have to get some 5-HTP for the Spring and Summer, I am super cranky when it's hot, who knows, maybe it would help.

    Haha well, I was supposed to me cute and cuddly and nice about it apparently. That job is terrible, you ever want to lose faith in humanity try it out. I hated it, but I had the voice and had to pay my bills.

    5-htp is AWESOME!!!! It takes the edge off. Welbutrin left me not caring about anything at all but the 5-htp is amazing.

    Already lost faith in humanity, no problems there. I just want to work for myself in a job with no face to face people contact.
  • YoungDoc2B
    YoungDoc2B Posts: 1,593 Member
    Professional help
  • diodelcibo
    diodelcibo Posts: 2,564 Member
    Maybe it was because I grew up so FAT that now I'm a complete semi-psycho *****. I mean, I am demonic sometimes. I'm unapologetic and almost incapable of caring about people I don't know. Does anyone else have an obscene amount of hostility to just little things? I mean you go ******* crazy sometimes, and later wonder WHY you got so ANGRY, and stayed that way for so long? Sometimes I simply don't care about people or their plight. I don't get any pleasure off of it, but I don't care. What makes an entire room cry, has zero effect on me. Am I just mean?

    I feel like this approximately 3-ish days a week, the smallest thing can make me feel like going bat-chit crazy but 9 times out of 10 I don't and just carry on what I was doing.
  • holly1283
    holly1283 Posts: 741 Member
    You may want to talk to a therapist. Not trying to offend, but it may help.
    I agree with this. This is too much anger.
  • lizlkbg
    lizlkbg Posts: 566
    Maybe it was because I grew up so FAT that now I'm a complete semi-psycho *****. I mean, I am demonic sometimes. I'm unapologetic and almost incapable of caring about people I don't know. Does anyone else have an obscene amount of hostility to just little things? I mean you go ******* crazy sometimes, and later wonder WHY you got so ANGRY, and stayed that way for so long? Sometimes I simply don't care about people or their plight. I don't get any pleasure off of it, but I don't care. What makes an entire room cry, has zero effect on me. Am I just mean?

    I am absolutely not qualified in any way to say this, but you sound depressed. Detachment is part of depression. Inability to feel empathy or sympathy. And, seriously, this is a pretty crappy way to go through life, So I agree with those pushing therapy, and I would look into meds too. Be happy and connected. It's more fun that way.
  • lizlkbg
    lizlkbg Posts: 566
    Try doing something kind for someone when you don't have to. Just little things. Smile at someone who looks lonely. Let someone go ahead of you in line etc. I think you will be amazed at the positive response you will receive. You sound like someone who has put up a lot walls so that you don't get hurt again.

    THIS. But do it with an unconditional attitude. I used to get upset when people did not respond to my efforts to be polite and kind, and then I realized that no matter how they responded, *I* was still doing the right thing and striving to be the person I want to be. And the biggest thing ever to keep in mind is that while you generally cannot control someone else's behavior, you can with very little exception control you reaction to it.

    *kitten*'em. Be the person you WANT to be.
  • twill68
    twill68 Posts: 84
    hi wow you sound like you have had a tough go of things in your life! i'm sorry for that", everyone has things they have to deal with. but being overweight doesn't mean that it's everyone Else's fault, so being heartless angry wont make you feel better, you have to move forward, and reach out to others, one's that care about (YOU).. then you can learn to care about yourself!!! try it :wink: