Setting SHORT-TERM goals



  • makeitpermanent
    makeitpermanent Posts: 7 Member
    Such an aspiring read. The more I read the more I realized that I had been doing this since I started myfitnesspal...I've been taking baby steps and focusing on one day at a time...courtesy of latest goal was to stop drinking fruit juice or anything with sugar in it...and guess what...? I've been going three weeks strong...I never thought I could drink 33+ ounces of water a day (I never liked water...even as a baby)...and now, that's all I drink besides milk. Other daily goals are also doing an extra minute or five when I can on my elliptical machine...eating more veggies with one particular meal...and making sure to eat more whole grains daily.

    Thanks for such an encouraging post!!!
  • makeitpermanent
    makeitpermanent Posts: 7 Member
    Wow!!! You've lost 41 lbs!!! What does it feel like? How long has it taken you? Was the first 30 hard? Mine is 60 lbs...any words of wisdom to give?
  • makeitpermanent
    makeitpermanent Posts: 7 Member
    My goals for this week are to pre-plan most of my meals, run 2-3 times, 2 yoga sessions and 3 strength sessions.

    Another shorter term goal is to run a 5k race on St. Patrick's Day - I'm in a 10 week training clinic for that right now. After that I will train for a 10k.

    Wow!!! You've lost 41 lbs!!! What does it feel like? How long has it taken you? Was the first 30 hard? Mine is 60 lbs...any words of wisdom to give?
  • Eileenparsons75
    Great things to think about. Thank you for sharing!
  • caroleannlight
    caroleannlight Posts: 173 Member
    I try to set mini goals in the arenas of eat less /healthier: move more - step goals using fitbit and try to do active stuff with my husband like hiking, exercise - swim 16 k ( total distance ) by march, improve personal bests in swimming..... try new classes at my gym (mix it up) drop a dress size by my birthday end of Jan - am so close to this but inbetween sizes at the moment. I will be having mini rewards too like new perfume/cosmetics/manicure etc. Good luck everyone
  • cherylowen3133
    cherylowen3133 Posts: 7 Member
    I set a goal every 5 pounds, I have been heavy since I was 13 yrs old, I have dieted for 38 years now, lol, with a few breaks in between, but literally have watched what I eat my entire life, so small weight loss goals keep me going, I lost 150 pounds 15 yrs ago, and am working at losing the 25 pounds I have gained back, so as of right now, I have lost 5 and have set my new goal for another 5 pounds!
  • cherylowen3133
    cherylowen3133 Posts: 7 Member
    And for some reason my ticker below doesn't work, lol!!!!
  • DaveHuby
    DaveHuby Posts: 175 Member
    I started here with an aim of losing 52 pounds over a year. I started a spreadsheet with three headings,
    "realistic target" a straight one pound s week loss.
    "Get real! target" a straight two pound a week loss.
    "actual weight" a record of weekly weigh session

    It serves as a weekly (sometimes daily) boost to see that so far in the journey I am skimming along slightly under the "get real" line.

    Short term things include re-inventing everyday meals to keep flavour but reduce calories. Eating more veg, Controlling alcohol intake (hardest thing so far!)

    Biggest motivator is my partner who notices small changes and really encourages me, plus never complains about any of the food experiments!
  • loudgls89
    loudgls89 Posts: 87 Member
    My first short term goal is to be able to do 2km on the elliptical without feeling like I'm about to die! I hate that machine so much, but I will persevere!
  • Jbella27
    Jbella27 Posts: 3 Member
    Good post:)
  • HokieMama4
    HokieMama4 Posts: 112 Member
    These are my current short term goals:

    1) lose 6lbs by February 1
    2) be able to hold plank position for 45 seconds
    3) be more active with my children throughout the day (i.e. walk around the neighborhood, living room dance party, driveway hopscotch)
  • pikachuFL
    pikachuFL Posts: 75 Member
    My short-term goals:

    - Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.
    - I don't have to swear off soft drinks and fast food but I need to avoid having them on a daily basis, limit the portions I have when I do allow myself to have them, and plan for them on my tracker.
    - Get in 30 minutes of exercise at least 5 days a week.
    - Track EVERYTHING I eat. I'm only fooling myself if I eat it and don't write it down because it will show up on the scale.
    - Schedule occasional treats (like mini candy bars) so I don't feel deprived.
    - Get into jeans I bought the last time I lost a lot of weight (40 pounds).
    - Get back to the weight I used to be when I did my internship (about 75 pounds ago).

    I'm sure I'll come up with new short-term goals as I accomplish some of these.
  • cyoka13
    cyoka13 Posts: 288 Member
    I do not have a weekly goal. But I have a 5-week goal (by February 16) I will be able to:

    -Up the resistance on my per-programmed elliptical workout by 2 for each level of the program (ie, when the per-programmed resistance level is a 5, I will be able to do that portion of the workout at a 7 resistance level)
    - Complete 2 quality sets of the exercises I do on my stability ball (I currently complete I set of aprox.15 exercises)

    Nice post!
  • Vercell
    Vercell Posts: 437 Member
    My short term goal I set every week is to go longer harder with my workouts.
  • kristatmcbride
    kristatmcbride Posts: 7 Member
    Love this! I have my ultimate goal of getting down to 125, but because I'm starting at nearly 400 lbs, 276 lbs to lose can seem kind of daunting. So I have cut that weight into mini goals for myself. Once I reach that weight, I want to treat myself with something special and non-food related: a mani/pedi, some new clothes, a new pair of shoes, something that will build confidence and make me eager to reach that next 25 lb. mark.

    I love your idea of setting daily goals though. Instead of looking at something as deprivation, it's better to reform that idea into a goal... You're absolutely right. And I'm still learning to set my mind straight and view getting healthy as being a positive experience.

    Try changing your ruler to pounds lost instead of pounds to go. Seems much more motivating to see that you've lost 25 pounds than to realize you still have over 200 pounds to go.
  • kmakar
    kmakar Posts: 103
    I'm doing a "Healthy Challenge" for the next 6 weeks, where I get points for each of the following accomplishments:

    Eat a healthy breakfast
    2 cup of fruit a day
    3 cups of vegetables a day
    1 serving whole grain per day
    brush and floss each day
    7 hours of sleep each night
    4.5 hours of moderate or vigorous exercise per week (1 point per 15 mins, max of 18 points per week)
    Take the stairs (5 floors)
    15 min stress/mental health break per day
    Keep a daily journal

    This is for a workplace team and the team average gets posted every week, with prizes for top scores, etc. My goal this week is to get all my points (something I have never done!).
  • megamay79
    megamay79 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm currently on day 14 of the 30 day shred. I've never done ANYTHING every single day, so I'm on a mission to finish the 30 days without a break!
    In February, I want to increase my workout time to 40 mins.
    March 1st I'm going to start Insanity - it scares the heck out of me right now, but that's my goal
    To be a size 8 by the end of March so I can go spring clothes shopping for size 8 - I'm JUST begininning to fit into size 10, so it's not too unrealistic
    My ultimate goal is to be 140 by July 1st - hubby and I have agreed to a little reward at that time of a shopping spree and spa weekend - just me :) (I have 4 kids, so half the joy in that is being by myself for 48 hours!!)
    Now that I think about it - my ULTIMATE goal is to REMAIN at 140lbs for the rest of my life (give or take) I REALLY don't want to yoyo like I watched my mother do her whole life!!

    I am on day 9 of the 30 day shred and I have never done anything every single day either. I am also determined to make it to 30. I have to say that level 2 scares me though. It's coming up fast and I am afraid I will fail.

    oh and track every day.

    those are my two goals right now.
  • denisek80
    denisek80 Posts: 82 Member
    To complete the 30 day shred (3rd time lucky) so I'm somewhere near to fitting into my wedding dress - long term goal for said Wedding Dress to fit like a glove. I have the measurements of the dress and have been taking my measurements too but my waist doesn't seem to want to join the party!