Kimberly Snyder - Beauty Detox - Glowing Green Smoothie



  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    How is any type of cleanse or "detox" going to translate into a lifelong change in nutrition and fitness?

    Sometimes you got to do a short detox regiment to clean out junk and give your body chance to heal itself. Like pulling out a bad tooth or fixing a cavity does not become a lifelong thing you do every day, but rather when you need it. Our bodies were never created to process all the artificial junk we eat these times & days. Most of gluten, dairy... and other allergies are due to eating fortified, modified and over-processed food.


    You're sending the spider in to catch the fly and the fly doesn't even exist.
    (super sophisticated literary reference FTW

    Kim Snyder's theory on "detox" is different than most. She views detoxing as a verb, not a noun - a constant activity by the foods we chose to put in our bodies - not as a quick-fix something you do for a week to drop lots of weight quickly. The body is always cleansing itself, naturally, that's what it does. If you've eaten processed crap and chemicals for a long time, your body has to work harder to rid itself of that crap. While if you eat natural, whole, clean foods (and in Kim's opinion, plant based foods), it's easier for your body to process and therefore your body can focus more of its energy on other things than just digestion - such as replinishing your skin's natural glow, whitening your eyes, strengthening your hair and nails, or ridding the body of excess fat.

    After reading her book, I don't see it as a quick-fix solution. It's a way of eating that she encourages for life. I personally don't think I'll follow all her suggestions because I don't really want to be a vegetarian, but I think the principles are good, and if you read it, you will surely take something away from the book that you can incorporate into your life-long fitness goals. For me, that was her Glowing Green Smoothie. It consists of: romaine lettuce, spinach, celery, lemon juice, banana, pear, and apple. Nothing fake or gimicky there. I personally try to drink it daily as a snack/mini-meal. In my opinion, the more fruits and vegetables you eat, the better! Something that could do us all some good -- for life! :flowerforyou:
  • Routerninja
    There are lots of scientists/dieticians/doctors who perscribe the same diet (and have science that proves animal protien causes cancer). Check out the China Study, PCRM: Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine Engine 2 Diet... etc.

    The documentary Forks Over Knives is also really great.

    PCRM is a shill for PETA. I wouldnt trust anything they release to line my cat's litter box.
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    There are lots of scientists/dieticians/doctors who perscribe the same diet (and have science that proves animal protien causes cancer). Check out the China Study, PCRM: Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine Engine 2 Diet... etc.

    The documentary Forks Over Knives is also really great.

    Thank you. :flowerforyou:
  • lasmit4477
    lasmit4477 Posts: 308 Member
    How is any type of cleanse or "detox" going to translate into a lifelong change in nutrition and fitness?

    Sometimes you got to do a short detox regiment to clean out junk and give your body chance to heal itself. Like pulling out a bad tooth or fixing a cavity does not become a lifelong thing you do every day, but rather when you need it. Our bodies were never created to process all the artificial junk we eat these times & days.

    Yah, you have organs for that. Detoxes and cleanses are completely unnecessary.

    No kidding. The only thing I'm gonna drink with that many names might be some off-the-wall rare beer... and it better not be green.

    OP, it's hype. You can buy into it and follow blindly (blinded), or you can choose not to. There isn't going to be much support of the "sure, detox shakes are fab" route here. Not because we're bullies, we just love science.

  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    I actually read through some of her stuff. Its not bad. I think her use of the word detox will put off people like me. You can't really 'detox'. Its not a choice but a fuction of the human body. But there is certainly nothing wrong with adding more veggies and healthy oils in your diet. I would rather eat mine than drink them though :)
  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    Hmm I'm intrigued I may have to check out this book. I looked at the GGS receipe - is there a way to blend it in smaller portions you think? I don't have a big blender - just a personal blender. I may have to play around with it and see what I can do. Or I guess I can just go out and purchase a big blender :)
  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    Lol - not the one (blender) through her site - it was 600 dollars! What do you all use to blend with?
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Lol - not the one (blender) through her site - it was 600 dollars! What do you all use to blend with?

    Yeah, she recommends the Vitamix blender which is quite expensive. I've heard it's good, but mine does the job just fine. I have a Kitchen Aid that holds about 40-50 ounces or so.
  • Finme
    Finme Posts: 3 Member
    Actually, you can detox with the help of diet and herbs. I have proven this to myself. True we have organs to do this, but that is the point. If we don't eat right, our organs don't work right. That means constipation, and if the bowels are sluggish then the liver can't empty it's wastes (and yes toxins like pesticides and drugs and food additvies, etc) into the bowels efficiently. Things get backed up. And so the liver gets overloaded. But it can get overloaded even if the bowels are moving on a regular basis. When the liver gets overloaded, then the wastes can't be eliminated from the blood stream efficiently. Instead they get stored in the body's tissues somewhere, usually the fat cells. Kimberly taught me something new about that too. She said that until we start to clean the body, the fat won't easily let go of the toxins because body is using the fat cells to protect the body from more toxins. So a toxic body with overloaded eliminative organs can actually hinder weight loss.

    Anyway, I just wanted to say that I love the book. I'm reading it now, and have just started the diet. I sure wish there was a forum of support for followers of this diet. Would anyone be interested in starting on, perhaps a facebook group or yahoo group?
  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    Interesting. I also believe that while yes the organs job is to detox - what we eat and put in our bodies makes a big difference. I think I'm going to buy the book it sounds like an interesting read. I really want to make that smoothie and may venture out to walmart to buy a blender this weekend.
  • trtmom
    trtmom Posts: 76 Member
    O.k. of you who have been drinking this GGS have you had any digestive or intestinal discomfort??

    none at all!
  • nkraft
    nkraft Posts: 11 Member
    I am interested in hearing how you are doing with K Snyder's detox plan. I have started drinking the GGSmoothies and am enjoying them....have you stayed on this since your post in January?
  • md523083
    md523083 Posts: 37 Member
    There are lots of scientists/dieticians/doctors who perscribe the same diet (and have science that proves animal protien causes cancer). Check out the China Study, PCRM: Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine Engine 2 Diet... etc.

    The documentary Forks Over Knives is also really great.

    PCRM is a shill for PETA. I wouldnt trust anything they release to line my cat's litter box.
