someone else made you fat?



  • cuterbee
    cuterbee Posts: 545
    I think you're seriously discounting the social factors that impact our weight....culture, relationships, etc. There's been a lot of research backing up the idea that our relationships and our environment impact how much we weigh.

    I agree that we all need to make decisions for ourselves and that it's quite silly to blame your weight on something or someone else as an excuse.

    However, social factors should not be discounted and it's important to be aware of what aspects of your life until this point have impacted your weight. It's important to be aware of the way we lived before if we want to make lifestyle changes instead of dieting.

    Just my 2 cents. But I'm someone who is applying to grad programs dealing with the social determinants of health (focusing on nutrition) and I get angry when people blame individuals when obesity is more complicated than that.

    ^^^ For a couple of years I worked on an NIH study which helped develop a program for children with Type II diabetes and their families (randomized to one medication, two medications, or one med and lifestyle intervention). The lifestyle arm was INTENSE, and even then still not successful for every child and family, and the two meds together turned out to be the superior choice in terms of weight loss and better diabetic control.

    Frankly, however people need to view how they gained their weight when they are in the process of losing it is OK by me. Assignment of blame only becomes a problem if it stops someone from attaining their goal weight.
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    of course someone else made me fat - those that made me fat are as follows

    hostess ding dongs
    toll house cookie dough
    dunkin hines
    little debbie
    burger king

    i blame them ^^^^ it's all their fault!
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    Well I made myself fat, but my husband and mom sure helped me get there. I was a perfect size 6 until I moved back in with my mom and between her belief that dessert is required after dinner, veggies must be seasoned with sugar and using less oil makes chicken less fried the weight came on. It is hard to dictate how someone else runs their house when you are there. And all the will power in the world can't stand up to that environment. Then I started dating my husband and he wined and dined me literally. Now I'm out of her house and the wining and dining is over, but the 50lbs I gained in the process is still there.
  • cuterbee
    cuterbee Posts: 545
    of course someone else made me fat - those that made me fat are as follows

    hostess ding dongs
    toll house cookie dough
    dunkin hines
    little debbie
    burger king

    i blame them ^^^^ it's all their fault!

    Haha! love this!
  • daveypoo
    daveypoo Posts: 4 Member
    I used to eat like a horse when I was in high school. I would eat 3 or 4 dinners a night, then have a HUGE snack before I went to bed. This all started when I was a freshman and I weighed about 90 pounds at about a height of 5' 8". I maintained this, especially when I got a car, throughout high school and into college. When I graduated HS, I weighed about 115 pounds at a height of 6'1". Then I got a full-time job, got married and had a son. I slowed down A LOT, but I didn't change my eating habits. It took time, but I eventually went from about 150 (when I looked healthy and felt good) and ended at about 270 (2 years ago). I'm now down 47 pounds, and I've improved my eating habits, but it was tough to relearn how to eat. And I blame no one but myself for letting it happen and not educating myself as I got bigger.

    Circumstance can influence your decisions, but, as an adult, you still make the decisions in the end.
  • jzebracki
    jzebracki Posts: 112 Member
    My husband claims I made him fat, and all I know is that each one of us is solely responsible for what he/she puts in his/her mouth! It is a cop-out excuse!
  • kdz526
    kdz526 Posts: 210 Member
    Our family puts blame on my Grandma's awesome old style country cooking. Her giving of seconds onto your plate if you even hesitate when she asks if you want more. Tasty yummy deserts after lunch and cream for an evening snack. I lived with them for a significant period of time while growing up, so this is what I was used to. My mom was all processed foods, chips, soda, sweets blah blah blah..junk basically. All of my family is larger, so in perspective I never felt out of place with my size. I was never taught any different, never joined any sports, learned about nutrition blah blah blah. Excessive consumption of Beer in college when my food amts were limited did not help. Now that I am done having kids and want them to grow up healthy and not chunky like i always was, I have looked into all this stuff I should have done before. It just never clicked in my brain till I actually started checking things out and reading up on it online. From this point on, I only have myself to blame. Yes I do take responsibility for my actions in the past, however, no one ever showed me any different, not taught me any better during those informative years.
    Oh and over the years my cooking style has changed from how my grandma cooks, to a modified, lighter and healthier version. It made my husband sad cause he loved it when i made fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, with big ole biscuits and sweet corn. Now i save meals like that for special occasions for him, instead of making it once a week :)
  • shanmackie
    shanmackie Posts: 194 Member
    My mother eats like crap. Won't eat anything that isn't some shade of beige, and won't eat anything that IS green. Won't try anything new. I did not inherit her eating habits, thank goodness. I don't think she taught me anything about health or nutrition.
  • MizSaz
    MizSaz Posts: 445 Member
    Frank made me fat. Over the span of a year. I blame 10-15 pounds on Frank, though he only weighted about 5 when the surgeons removed him.
    He made me nauseous and tired and tricked me into thinking it was my hypoglycemia, so I ate more, then laid around more.

    I am glad to have cut Frank out of my life.
    Good riddens to bad tumors!

    This is AWESOME! That Frank sounds like a real jerk, here's to hoping you never meet him or any of his buddies ever again. ;)