40+ Club: Hop Into Spring With A Fit Bod



  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Hi folks!

    Another update since I last posted...

    I had another episode of dizziness this morning at work. I called the hospital and they wanted me to come right back to the ER. They ran some more bloodwork and other tests, all negative. My BP is still very high. They sent me home to rest. I have an appointment with my family Dr tomorrow and then an echocardiogram (sp?). I was told to rest and do NOTHING at all. I need to drink Gatorade to get my electrolyte levels up and so I don't get dehydrated.

    I'm very glad that all tests were ok, but this is really starting to bother me! What can be the cause of this? They are running so many tests, I hope they find something soon!

    I'll keep you posted!
  • pepper06
    pepper06 Posts: 89
    well it doesn't seem to be exercise related or lack of food when exercising. I would think w/all the water one drinks when eating healthy and exercising that one would not be dehydrated.

    The scale went down 2lbs this week even w/the happy hour binge::blushing: I seem to stay steady w/ loosing 1-2lbs a wk now and sometimes having a week w/no results. Oh well-I feel so much better, and my old clothes are fitting again.

    TGIF..enjoy the weekend weather everyone!:glasses:
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Sing: Thinking of you praying you get some answers. The dizziness could be a lot of different things but coupled with the high BP it is concerning. I'm guessing all the blood test have been to check potassium levels etc. I'm surprised they didn't do an EKG at the hospital at least for an initial reading. My brother in law had a similar problem and it was just a misfiring in his heart. Sounds much worse than it is they actually did an out patient procedure where they laser the part of the heart that is misfiring(cardiac ablation).

    MK: Hoping your reunion is soon!

    Okay now Friday Check In!

    Scale has dropped 3 lbs this week so I think all this lean muscle that I've gained from CX is starting to pay off. Despite was the mirrors says my waistline really hasn't dropped but is definitely more toned. My lovely daughter even noticed that my stretch marks aren't so obvious :ohwell:
    I have eaten very clean this week. My only treat was a little dark chocolate which is on my okay to eat list. No alcohol at all since Sunday. (I actually joined a group on Sparkpeople whose goal is no weekday alcohol and moderation on weekends) Speaking of sparkpeople it is a free website with lots of healthy living tools. You can track your food there. I'm still adjusting to their system I think initially MFP is much better at logging foods but maybe once I get the hang of it my opinion will change.
    Exercise still going well CX, Hip Hop ABs, and running. Foot was a little sore this morning after my run yesterday but it was fine during run.

    ALF: Sorry to hear your Hip Flexor is still sore. In one of my AB workouts, Shaun says that when you are developing strong abs the hip flexor can become weakened. He does an entire series on strengthening the Hip Flexor. I'm hoping it will help with my speed.

    Have a great weekend all! My daughter and I are having a girls night out tonight with Sushi and the road production of Spring Awakenings!
  • JuliaSoCal
    No weight loss to report this week. I am technically up an 10th of a pound...but who cares!

    I was expecting to see a lower week come along since I have had 3 strong weeks of weight loss.

    I am gonna keep on keepin' on :)

  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Happy Friday All:

    Sing: I hope you are doing OK. I keep thinking positive thoughts!

    i am down a pound this week, considering TOM and that brownie Sundae on Sunday, I think its good progress. I can definitely see a positive improvement in the mirror.
  • Texssippian
    Texssippian Posts: 235
    Swiss: Hang in there! Does exercise lower your stress level? One time, when my daughter was 15 months old, I was going to school at night, working full time, my husband and I were in Mississippi moving my mother-in-law out of the house she had lived in for 45 years to come live with us in Texas. She had a heart attack as we were moving furniture. I remember walking with my husband into the hospital to see her the next day. I told my husband: The kids are being taken care of by my parents, your mom is being taken care of in the hospital, we have three days left of vacation time: let’s just disappear! We did not do it but it was a nice dream for 30 seconds.
    Sing: I hope they find out what is wrong. Electrolyte imbalance can cause dizziness with me.
    MK: So glad your hubby is on the way home but the not knowing where he is can be terrible. I scrub baseboards when my family is traveling and out of touch!
    Tron: have fun with the cleaning. I need to catch that bug.
    Zebras: Yea mirror making you happy! Keep at it!
    Pepper: enjoy the sun in New England Congrats on the weight loss.
    Icurly: Welcome! This group is a great group for support and inspiration.
    Duffy: Congrats on the weight loss and clean eating. I will look at sparkpeople. Thanks for the tip.
    Julie: Congrats to you too!
    Alf: I hope the hip flexor gets better
    Stiring: I hope you are having a great time in Hawaii.
    I was able to make it to water aerobics yesterday. River aerobics is about a month away. A fellow river rat emailed me the other day about a change in the water park’s hours of operation. They had been closing at 9 pm with river aerobics from 8:30 to 9:30. To make the budget work, this year they are closing at 8 pm which means river will be from 7:30 to 8:30 which is much easier on me since I am usually on the road by 6 in the morning. The only problem is that we work out with our trainer from 6:30 to 7:30 on Mondays. She will only do 45 minutes instead of an hour which will make it all work.
    I got a new two piece swimming suit for this summer: running shorts with a built-in panty and a workout tank top with a built-in sports bra. Got them at Target for a lot less than a two piece suit. Tried them out last night with water aerobics and they did great! Now I’ve got to find new water running shoes…
    Happy Friday everyone!
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Today I went hiking up Table Top Mountain. It wasn't a very long hike, about an hour, but it was all up hill.... I hate the hills!!!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,814 Member
    Aloha!! :flowerforyou:

    I have made it safely home from a wonderful trip to Hawaii. I was only on the internet a couple of times in the two weeks, which leaves me far behind in my reading/posting/etc. But I missed you all!!

    I really enjoyed our time away. My eating wasn't great. I made some good choices. I made some not-so-good choices. But I did manage to workout all but a couple of days we were gone, including three long runs which felt so good down there. I've decided to stop weighing myself for the time being, so I have no idea how much weight I gained. But whatever it was, I'm okay with it right now. I have more energy (even given the fact I was on a plane for 11 hours yesterday) than I've had in a long time and feel absolutely terrific. I start my new STS rotation next week, so that should get me back on track quickly.

    Our plane was late getting in last night, so I wasn't home until close to 10:00pm. And I was starving when I got home! :grumble: Airplane food just doesn't do much for me. So I ate dinner at 11:00pm (which I hate doing) and promptly fell asleep. I thought I would wake up feeling really poorly, but I wasn't doing too badly at all. So I managed a 70 minute circuit workout this morning, which felt really good. Now I just need to keep moving the rest of the day so I can sleep tonight again. Jetlag just isn't any fun. :yawn:

    singfree, I am so sorry to hear about the dizziness/lightheadedness. Please keep us posted on how you are doing. I'm very concerned, though I suppose it is a good thing the doctors aren't finding anything. Could it be stress related at all? You've had a tough year which is what has me wondering. Please take care of yourself. :flowerforyou:

    tron, the hiking sounds great to me! Are you planning more hikes in Yosemite this summer?

    TxMs, I'm so happy to hear you are going to be doing the water aerobics again. That sounds like so much fun. I can't imagine a more refreshing and invigorating way to end the day.

    mk, I hope your husband has made his way home to you by now.

    zebras, sorry to hear about your car accident.

    duffy, I really like the sparkpeople website, though I found MFP to be much easier to use when logging in my foods. But I get their daily emails, and really enjoy alot of the info they put out. I contemplated buying the book as well but figured I've probably read most of what is in the book on their website already.

    alf, sorry to hear that your leg is still bothering you. :frown:

    To all those who had good success these past two weeks on your journeys, congratulations! To those (like me) who have wandered off the path a little bit, don't beat yourself up over it. It's just a cycle we all go through from time to time.

    It's good to be back! :smile:
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Welcome back Stiring. You were missed. You look adorable in your new picture!
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Happy Monday All!

    An exhausting schedule for me over this weekend so I am feeling it today. I'm not ashamed to say that I am one of those people who absolutely requires 8 hours of sleep a night. This weekend I averaged closer to 5 so I am really feeling crappy this morning.

    Stiring: Glad to hear you had such a great trip. I agree you probably wouldn't get anything out of the book. It really is for people who haven't yet given up on the idea of yo-yo dieting and made the switch to focusing on a healthy lifestyle. I think most of us in this thread made that switch quite awhile ago.

    I had another good run this weekend. So I will once again up my mileage by 10% this week. I've also been make a more consistent effort to get good stretches in and faithfully do my weekly yoga. I really think that is helping quite a bit. It seems like after a week of CX - my muscles are really tight by the weekend and the yoga seems to work that all out.

    Sing: Hoping for good news from you soon.
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Good Morning Duffyz and all!

    All I can say is the weekend went really quickly. Friday night when I was working out, I just had to stop I couldn't move anymore. I think it was a little post TOM lack of iron or something. I haven't had a day like that in a few months so it was a surprise. So, Saturday I took a break, and was fine and did my full 20,000 steps on Sunday. Have even gotten my husband working out about three times a week which is a huge deal for him. I hate that he can really just decide to cut back on his eating and he easily loses weight, however, adding the walking will increase his health and it has definitely improved his mood.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Hello friends!

    Here's a quick update:

    Not too much improvement over the weekend. I am a bit less dizzy right now. I have ringing in my ears and my vision & balance is a bit weird. Some of the Doctors think it might be an inner ear infection. I have a call in to my ENT and am on the cancellation list. I really think there is something to this line of reasoning.

    Today I had blood work done. Tomorrow is my echocardiogram at the hospital. On Thursday I am having a nuclear stress test.

    I'm going back to work tomorrow to see how it goes.

    Please send your best wishes and prayers my way!

  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    String... Welcome Back!!! You were missed! I'm glad you had a great time on ur vacation. Did you stay on just one island? We did the cruise that took u all over. Yes we are planning more hikes, I dont know if Yosemite will be one of them because my husbands work is planning out hiking trips for fellow co workers that we have never been on so we've been checking out new territory in our own back yard. As soon as I find my disk for my blackberry I will post some pic's of our hikes. We are going back to Zion National Park again in June and my husband wants to hike Angels Landing. I really dont want to do it because it looks kinda scary. We will see though.

    Sing... Have you tried going to a Chiropractor? My mother in law lost kidney function and couldn't figure out why, they were talking transplant and everything. She went to a chiropractor and had instant improvement. Never regained 100 % due to the length of time it was being pinched off but at least her kidneys are functioning again. Also I lost all hearing in my right ear and could barely hear with my left... Same thing, they couldn't figure it out so I went to the Chiropractor and also worked with the specialist and got my hearing back. I just have a sensitivity problem. They dont "hurt" but bother me sometimes especially when I use the phone.

    Duffy... I hear ya, I need sleep too. My husband thinks everyone is like him and can survive on only 4 or 5 hrs of sleep... Not the case for me.

    Today I have to get more laundry done and hang it outside. Then were are going hunting for a hand held GPS. They are so darn expensive...
  • Texssippian
    Texssippian Posts: 235
    Sing: my brother-in-law has inner ear issues. It has to do with his levels of potassium. He has to keep dried apricots with him if he starts to feel dizzy. Potassium levels are related to kidney function which also regulates blood pressure. He is still going to a personal trainer and says it has done wonders for his balance.

    Trivia information learned in graduate school (many years ago... ) The ears and the kidneys develop at the same time in the fetus. It is not unusual for the inner ear function to reflect the function of the kidneys.

    I hope they figure out what is going on with you. Be careful while they are working you up. You don't want to end up hurting yourself. Will keep the prayers going your way.

    I leave for Scottsdale tomorrow through Friday and then to San Francisco for the weekend. I will try to stay in touch. TxMs
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,814 Member
    singfree, thanks for the update. You are definitely in my thoughts and prayers. I hope they can diagnose the situation soon and provide you some relief. I've known a few people who have suffered from bouts of vertigo, and I know enough to know it isn't any fun. Please take care and continue to keep us posted as you can. :flowerforyou:

    duffy, I'm with you on the 8 hours of sleep thing. I can go for a few days on less sleep, but it always catches up to me (and not in a good way). And thanks for confirming what I thought about the Spark book. I'm glad to hear your runs continue to go well. Like you, I find I'm needed to stretch more and more as I get older, and I lose my flexibility much faster. I try to stretch about 15 minutes a day. While we were gone the past two weeks, I didn't get those stretches in (I was just doing the stretching I do with my workouts) and, boy, am I tight. I haven't been doing as much yoga over the past few months as I was last year, and I think I'm going to add that back into my schedule now.

    zebras, good thing you listened to your body when it said 'stop'. I have days like that too, and they always surprise me as well. But when I think back after, I can always figure out why I might have hit a wall, and that helps me prevent it happening too often. Chances are the stress of your week (with your car and such) combined with TOM just made your body want to sit still. Glad to hear you are feeling better now.

    TxMs, thanks for the info on potassium and kidney function. That's really interesting to know. I hope you have a great trip.

    tron, the hiking sounds great!! I think it would be fun to be able to find good hiking places where you are living since the drive up to Yosemite can't always be fun. I'll have to look up Angel's Landing and see what that is all about. I love Zion and would love to go back there some day to do some hiking. But I don't like scary hikes either.

    I didn't get a great night sleep last night with my husband calling in the middle of the night (he's in Alabama) and jet lag and such. But I feel really good today, so I got in a good cardio AND a good leg workout. My eating isn't back on track yet, but I'm not worried about that. As I get back into my normal routine, I'm sure my diet will fall into line.

    Hope everybody has a great Tuesday!
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Happy Tuesday!

    Sing: Definitely still have you in my thoughts and prayers - I hope you get this all figured out. You were having allergy issues so it could have moved into a sinus/ear infection. My cousin had a sinus infection that was only diagnosed because she thought she was having a stroke and was taken to the ER and the determined it was just a severe sinus infection.

    Texas: Wow interesting trivia - I have had major kidney issues (stones, blockage etc) and battle vertigo especially after cruises (I'm shockingly fine on the boat but for the week or so after I'm very dizzy etc.)

    Stiring: Me too on getting back to Yoga right now I'm only doing it once a week but I would like to start adding more early morning yoga even if it is just a few mornings a week.

    Great weather her this morning and I'm going out for another terrific tempo run.:drinker:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Thanks all for your kind words of support. Some of my doctors are suspecting that this could be an infection. I have an appt with my ENT on Monday, sooner if there is a cancellation. Today at 10 am is my echocardiogram. Please pray for a successful outcome!
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600

    We are thinking good thoughts for you for a speedy recovery!
  • mkwood10
    mkwood10 Posts: 428
    Good morning everyone!!!

    I am very happy to report that my husband got into Dulles airport late Friday afternoon! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Too late to outprocess at the Corps of Engineers facility in Winchester, VA (about 70 miles northwest), so was going to stay there until Tuesday because the facility doesn't outprocess returning personnel on Mondays (go figure:huh: ). So...................... after he called me at midnight Friday morning from Amsterdam to tell me what time his flight would be arriving at Dulles, I got on the internet and booked a flight for myself to Dulles so I could spend the long weekend with him. :heart: :heart: :heart: Arrived safely in Dulles, took the train to the baggage claim area and found a VERY SHAGGY looking guy there.........he hadn't shaved OR gotten a haircut for the whole 6 months he'd been deployed!!!!!!!:noway: He's out processing right now and we have a 3:45 flight back to Kansas City. Youngest daughter is picking us up..........she doesn't want to wait one minute more than she has to to see her dad!!! Oldest will meet us at a restaurant in KC for dinner before we drive the 2 hours home. Life is good :happy: :happy: :happy:

    Didn't do much of anything on Saturday; jet lag caught up with him; the poor guy nearly fell asleep leaning against the wall in the hotel lobby waiting for the elevator at 6:00pm!:laugh: :laugh: Sunday we drove to Union Station in Washington DC and took one of the double decker bus tours of the monuments, etc. Great way to see the famous sights of the city without fighting the traffic! I highly recommend it - $30 for a one-day pass; you could get off at any of the monument stops, wander around as long as you wanted and get back on another bus at a another location. Walked the Mall from Lincoln Memorial to the World War II Memorial by the Washington Monument so we could see the Vietnam Wall, the 3 Soldiers statue and the Women Soldiers statue also. Very moving.........

    Monday we had nothing to do, and I'd never been to West VIriginia, so we looked up Harley dealerships; found one near Cumberland, MD and programmed the GPS........... BEAUTIFUL drive thru the mountains of extreme northwestern Virginia, West Virginia and Maryland. No cell reception, no radio reception...........it was like stepping back in time 200 years! I learned a lot this weekend about VA history; I never knew that Winchester was George Washington's first military headquarters or that this regions was so critical during the Civil War!!

    Well, gotta finish packing............
    Hope all is well with everyone!
  • mkwood10
    mkwood10 Posts: 428
    I hope you get some answers today at your appointment!!!
