40+ Club: Hop Into Spring With A Fit Bod



  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Back from my appt. Everything seemed ok, although the tech could not tell me anything. The cardiologist needs to read it. I have a nuclear stress test with him on Thursday at 7 am.

    Maria, I am THRILLED that your husband is finally home!!!! Best to all of you!!!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hello friends!! I am back!!! I had a wonderful trip! I enjoyed my time with my sisters and niece, nephews and their babies. It was a lovely wedding. We also went sightseeing to San Francisco on Sunday and the weather was beautiful!! I caught a bad cold though and I could not get myself to get to work today. I havent had a cold this bad in ages...yuck!!! I did not go to work today. My granddaughter and daughter are still here. I really dont want to cancel the Zumba class tonight. Any suggestions? What could I take? I am very congested. It is more a head cold than a chest cold so I am pretty sure I can workout. I am just planning to take it easy...

    Sing, I am sorry about what you are going through. It must be difficult not knowing what is wrong. Last year I was having dizzy spells, never fainted, thank God, but it was really bothering me. The doctor said it was vertigo, I had some liquid in the inner ear so that was creating the imbalance. I was prescribed medication that would drain it and could cause some dehydration. I was fine after that. Of course that could come back and actually this weekend I got dizzy once...I hope you get better soon.

    MK, I am so happy for you that your husband is back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: You sound very happy!!!!

    Stiring, welcome back! I missed you. I'm glad you had a lovely time.

    Welcome to all the new members. I am sorry I cannot answer to all the posts.

    Have a great day! :flowerforyou:
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,814 Member
    mk, I am so happy to hear you are back together with your husband!! It sounds like you enjoyed a nice vacation, and I bet it will be wonderful to be back in your home all together again. :flowerforyou:

    alf, welcome back! :drinker: I'm glad you had a good trip, but I'm sorry to hear you got sick. I know that by the time you read this, your Zumba class will be long over, but I just wanted to say that if you did do your Zumba class, I think it was fine to do if you cold is isolated above your neck. The rule I've heard is if you are sick above your neck (like with a head cold), it is okay to attempt some moderate (but not intense) exercise. If you are sick below your neck, then it is best to get better before attempting any exercise. I hope you start feeling better soon. I hate taking medication, so I usually suffer through colds until they are done with me.

    singfree, thanks for the update. I hope you get some answers soon. I can't imagine how frustrating and scary this must be for you. Please know I am thinking about you. :flowerforyou:

    I didn't get any sleep last night so have been feeling a tad lethargic today. There is a military exercise on the base where I live this week, so the sirens and alarms have been going off all night long. Last night, they were even flying all night. Our temperatures were in the mid-80s yesterday, so I had all my windows open....and, thus, no sleep. :ohwell: I did manage to get in a good kickboxing workout this morning and a tough upper body workout, but I haven't done much else the rest of the day. I'm hoping this exercise is over soon because I haven't had a full night sleep since getting back from Hawaii. And as I said the other day, I can do little sleep for a few days but after that........I'm no good. :frown:

    Hope you all have a great Wednesday!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    I must say that I am slightly less dizzy today. I hope this thing continues to subside, because it is driving me crazy. I can't exercise per the doctor's orders. I don't really feel like doing anything either. I had blood work done on Monday, all negative. I assume I will get the results from the echocardiogram tomororrow when I do the nuclear stress test, sine the cardiologist who reads the test also administers the stress test. All in all I am cautiously optimistic about our Germany-Austria trip in 3 weeks.

    Stiring, sorry to hear about your lack of sleep. I know the feeling! When I was in the hosptial last week, I got about an hour sleep per night. The hosptial was very busy and noisy. It's funny, I was by far the youngest patient there. My floor had people there who had to be 70+ years old. Stiring, are you doing low carb yet? Since I can't exercise, I better think about more protein and less high GI carbs. I need to get enough cals too.

    Alf, I'm so glad you had a great time in California. Not so great that you caught a cold, though!!!!

    MK, we are all proud of you and your husband!!! Enjoy your reunion!!!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Good morning my friends!!! Well, I did not teach last night after all. I was not feeling good and was afraid I would get worse if I taught so I called the instructor that subs for me and she agreed to teach for me. I am feeling a tad better this morning and will attempt to teach tonight and hopefully tomorrow night. I really hope I get much better by Saturday. We are having our first Zumbathon on base and I want to have my energy back by then. I am not doing any other form of exercise this week except for teaching Zumba.

    Sing, I feel for you. I am sure this is very stressful for you. But hang in there, I pray that everything will turn out ok. I am positive you will be able to go on vacation in 3 wks!! Did you have your ENT appt? Are you taking any meds for your dizziness?

    Stiring, thank you for the suggestion. I too have heard about exercising with a head cold but not a chest cold. That is the reason I was going to teach last night but I was way too congested. I have a little cough but it is mostly from an itchy throat and not that my lungs are congested. I am going to tell my students tonight that I have a cold and that I will be taking it easy. That will be hard because I get carried away but I have to think about the big event this Saturday. I hope you get some rest soon. Oh, and I love your new picture. You hair has gotten long. Did you get the bikini in Hawaii?

    Have a fantastic day!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Alf & Sing, get well soon!
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Just a quick hello - I wanted to to just check in with you all.

    Marla: So happy for you!

    Sing: I'll be waiting for an update after your stress test. My fingers crossed that there is a simple solution.

    ALF: Hope your head cold passes quickly! and Stiring: Hope you get a good nights rest.

    Feliz Cinco De Mayo! 10 days till Mexico for me:drinker:
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Maria... Congratulations on you husband coming home. I am so happy to hear of his safe return.

    Sing & Alf... Hope you both are feeling better soon. Being sick is no fun.

    String... Thats tough having the sirens go off all night like that. Hopefully they dont do that too often.

    As for me, my husband bought the garmin 550t . Expensive little bugger so I hope it works the way we hope. If it does it will be nice to find some more hiking trails that we didnt know about.
    I've been working a lot outside trying to get my yard done. My poor skin doesn't like me because I burn very easily but at least I only have to do it twice a year...
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,814 Member
    Hi everybody!

    I got a full NINE hours of sleep last night, so I feel much better today. It is amazing what some sleep can do for a person. I was able to do a good 90 minute cardio/leg workout this morning and hope to go for a long walk this afternoon.

    singfree, I hope you are on your road to recovery. Please continue to keep us posted. I have all my fingers and toes crossed for you to be able to go to Germany in a few weeks. Regarding my diet, no I'm not doing low carbs right now. I decided after finishing my last STS rotation to give my body a break from the more restricted diet. I really felt like I needed to re-set my metabolism a bit after the yo-yo stuff I've been doing this winter. I'm in my third week of that and, to be honest, it seems to be working. I gained weight immediately, but since then, it has tapered off, and I feel like I have more energy and am metabolizing my food more appropriately now. I've taken the time to develop a maintenance diet for myself, which I plan on implementing when I start back up with STS again this coming Sunday. I've really thought long and hard about what I think I can live with long term and such, and my goal is to spend the next seven months (that is how long this rotation is going to last) really working on my fitness, eating well BUT making sure I can live with both my fitness AND nutrition plans for the long term. I'm definitely going to monitor the bad carbs more than I have been doing the past few months, but, at the same time, I'm going to reintroduce some other foods (like more fruit) that seem to help me in fighting the carb/sweet cravings. We'll see how it goes.

    alf, I hope you get to feeling better before the weekend. Thanks for the compliment on my photo. No, I didn't get a bikini in Hawaii. I had one that I bought ten years ago, and my husband convinced me to wear that one. Only when I got on the beach in Hawaii did I realize how truly dated that swimsuit is. :noway: I looked like I had crawled right out of the 1950s or something. :laugh: So no photos of me in my swimsuit will be posted on the internet this time! :tongue: And that will teach me to not take fashion tips from my husband again. :ohwell:

    tron, my husband has a Garmin, though I'm not sure of the model he has. But he loves the way it works. Hopefully you'll enjoy yours as well. Our military exercise is over, which is good. But they do them once every three/four months. :grumble: I shouldn't complain because we do have a very real enemy less than 100 miles away, but I must admit.....as much as I like to think of the bigger picture at times, one of those times isn't when I'm trying to sleep. :laugh: Oh, well.

    I hope everybody has a great day!
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Stiring: Glad you got a good night's rest. Too funny about the bikini - I am headed out this weekend to buy my first bikini in about 20 years. I have finally decided that I look darn good and I'm not going to be embarrassed of my stretch marks anymore. I've decided to view them as God given body art or the original "MOM" tattoo. If only the 40 something version of ourselves could go back and time and share our wisdom with our younger selves.:ohwell:

    Sing: Praying for you this morning:flowerforyou: My Aunt and Uncle are on a plane to Germany this morning and I know you will be following in 3 weeks.
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Stiring: You probably looked like a pin-up girl in your old school bikini, you shouldn't be embarrassed! But yes, most husbands don't really have a good fashion sense. I haven't worn a bikini since I was 12. Its not even a goal to ever get back in one.

    Sing; I hope you are doing OK today.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    I just got back to work after my nuclear stress test. Everything went very well!! The cardiologist told me that everything was "perfect" as far as the treadmill part goes. He still needs to check the "after" scan, but is very pleased thus far. They had a hard time getting my HR into the test range because I am so fit (ha-ha). He agress that this could be and inner ear thing, for which I am most grateful.
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: WOO HOO !!!!!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    Sing: so glad to hear the good news.
  • mkwood10
    mkwood10 Posts: 428
    Stiring: Glad you got a good night's rest. Too funny about the bikini - I am headed out this weekend to buy my first bikini in about 20 years. I have finally decided that I look darn good and I'm not going to be embarrassed of my stretch marks anymore. I've decided to view them as God given body art or the original "MOM" tattoo. If only the 40 something version of ourselves could go back and time and share our wisdom with our younger selves.:ohwell:

    I feel the same way about stretch marks - every one of them was created while I was creating a child.....so yes, they're my battle scars and I'm not afraid to show them! Now if I could only get the belly to tighten up more:frown: :frown:
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,814 Member
    Hi all. :flowerforyou:

    Time for Friday check-in.....I'm not weighing or measuring myself, so nothing really to report on that end. I feel good, and I've had a good week of exercise. I'm starting a new STS rotation on Sunday, and I'm looking forward to that. I'm also going on my 'maintenance diet' on Sunday as well. My goal is to get as fit as possible AND find a healthy eating plan I can live with for the long term. This rotation will last for seven months, so I think that gives me ample time to do both. At least I hope!

    I was happy today, though, because I went shopping at Whole Foods while we were in Hawaii...and my stuff arrived home today. :drinker: Now I have some agave nectar AND almond butter to put into my oatmeal in the morning. I can't wait! Who knew that I'd miss Whole Foods so much.

    singfree, good news from the doctor! It is sounding more and more like you do have an inner ear infection. I hope they can fix it soon so you are ready to get on the airplane in a couple of weeks!

    duffy, I so wish I had the confidence in myself at 20 that I have at [nearly] 45. I would like to knock some sense into that younger me. I totally agree with both you and mk....be proud of those stretch marks!

    I hope everybody has a great Friday and a wonderful weekend! For the mothers on the board, Happy Mother's Day!! :flowerforyou:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Where did my post go?
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    OOHHH! Missing posts huh? Let's see how my Friday update goes.

    I'm trying to only weigh myself weekly. Down just about a 1.5 lbs this week. I've had another great food and exercise week and I even incorporated 2 Coronas for my Cinco de Mayo dinner. (Well Corona Lights but still). Made soft tacos with 99% fat free ground turkey and corn tortillas and a really healthy brown rice/black bean side. This week I'm most proud of my fruit/veggie consumption. My goal is to have at least 1 fruit or veggie with each meal/snack. So far so good. I'm getting at least 3 servings of fruit and 3-4 veggie servings each day. I still want to work at getting 1 serving of nuts and 1 serving of beans each day but since I'm keeping my calorie count lower 1400 or so - I'm only able to work in .5 serving of nuts right now.

    My foot is doing really well and this weekend I'm going to attempt a 5 mile long run. Somewhere between 4.5 and 5 is where I was having problems before so this will be my first run over that and I thought my walk/run of a long run would be the best one to get it a try.

    My mother is visiting for the holiday and I've been very good as far as not emotionally eating or drinking. Big accomplishment for me as she really knows how to push all my body image buttons.

    Have a great weekend and Happy Mother's Day to all the mother's and those who take on the mother role for others in their lives.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Let's try this one again!!!

    Good morning!

    Friday check in day. I can't really report anything, since I've been out of commission for the past 2 weeks. I hope I can get some relief when I see the ENT doctor on Monday morning. I need to control my diet until we go to Europe on the 27th, since I don't know how much exercise I'll be getting until then.

    Have a great weekend and a happy Mother's Day!
  • JuliaSoCal
    JuliaSoCal Posts: 87
    Hi all. :flowerforyou:

    duffy, I so wish I had the confidence in myself at 20 that I have at [nearly] 45. I would like to knock some sense into that younger me. I totally agree with both you and mk....be proud of those stretch marks!

    I saw a comic strip once that read " I wish I was as skinny as I was when I *thought* I was fat"...Isn't that the truth!

  • JuliaSoCal
    JuliaSoCal Posts: 87
    Down 2.7 lbs...I am starting to think that wii fit board is playing tricks with me...there is NO way I lost nothing last week...and then almost 3 lbs this week. I will take it....as an average weight lost :)

    I think I am now officially the smallest I have been since the birth of my daughter 8 years ago..... WOW!

    toot toot toot <<<
    ( me tooting my own horn ):tongue:

    Have a great Mother's Day weekend!
